Tomáš Obšívač DTEDI 3/2011 Measuring Social Networks and Services The web is more a social creation than a technical one. The ultimate goal of the Web is to support and improve our web-like existence in the world. – Sir Tim Berners-Lee Big Picture Big Picture | Semantic Web | Social Web | My work  Intl. Information Infrastructure → World Wide Web → Giant Global Graph  Sir Tim Berners-Lee (2007)   GGG  ~ Semantic Web • W3C  And Social Web/Network? • Sociological term: Social Media  Methods and technologies to allow machines to understand the meaning of information on the Web.  Questionable feasibility of W3C approach (addresed by microformats)  Common framework that allows data to be shared and reused across applications.  Documents such as HTML page are readable by humans. Data are readable by machines.  Autonomous agents, metadata, relations  smarter than common web browsers or thermostat ;-)  RDF, ontologies, SPARQL, reasoning, …  Where are the people? And social interaction & dynamics? Semantic Web Big Picture | Semantic Web | Social Web | My work  DBpedia  A community effort to extract structured information from Wikipedia.  One of Linked Open Data's datasets  Friend of a Friend  FooF describe persons, their activities and their relations to other people and objects. Real World Examples Big Picture | Semantic Web | Social Web | My work  Media = channel or tool to deliver data ~ interaction.  One-to-one, one-to-many (mass media), many-to-many  User-generated content  Consumer generated media  Prosumer (A. Toffler, 1980, M. McLuhan 1972) • E.g. player generated content (common in RPG)  Value given by not so many to many • Participation inequality (aka 90–9–1 rule), e.g. Wikipedia: 99.8–0.2–0.003 J. Nielsen:  Social Networks (online community)  Membership Lifecycle (Amy Jo Kim, 2000) Web as a Kind of Social Media Big Picture | Semantic Web | Social Web | My work  Information Retrieval: Access Rights in Enterprise Full-text Search  Kasprzak, J. - Brandejs, M. - Čuhel, M. - Obšívač, T. In ICEIS 2010: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, Volume 1: Databases and Information Systems Integration. 2010. vyd. Funchal, Portugal : INSTICC – Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication, 2010. od s. 32-39, 8 s. ISBN 978-989-8425-04-1.  → So-called virtual tokens are suitable for social metadata  Data mining & e-learning  ECEL 2010, Porto: Towards text mining in technology-enhanced learning  CELDA 2009, Rome: Advantages of Versatile E-learning Tools  Absolventská síť MU (software)  Wikinomics Forum 2010 conference organizer Papers & Notable Contributions Big Picture | Semantic Web | Social Web | My Work  Social software and user attributes/metrics identification  Identity, Reputation, Presence, Relationships, Groups, Conversations, Sharing, …  Engagement (Participation Inequality), Retention, …  Critical Mass (Tipping Point), Network Effect and other sociodynamics terms • Roots of Net'sm Web's ad GGG's success (!?)  Described by informatics terms  Mainly from graph theory: node centrality, topology, bridge, reach, …  Data Warehouse and framework for Data Mining & Social Network Analysis  How to store and evaluate metrics we are in need for aforementioned?  (?) Reporting and Visualization (simmilar to Google Analytics)  Data which hlep us to understand what is happening “at the bottom” of MU. Thesis proposal Big Picture | Semantic Web | Social Web | My Work TODO  Let's network. :-)     …  Wikinomics Forum 2011, UISK FF UK (?) • T. O. Big Picture | Semantic Web | Social Web | My Work  Knowledge sharing  Crowdsourcing (J. Howe, Wired Mag, 2006)  Outsourcing tasks to community  The Wisdom of Crowds (J. Surowiecki, 2004)  Network society (M. Castells, since 1996)  Step further from information (aka postindustrial) society  Attention Economy, Economy of Free, Link Economy, Wikinomics How web influenced society? Big Picture | Semantic Web | Social Web | My work