Security of Biometric Authentication Systems Vashek Matyas, joint work with Zdenek Riha Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University Brno {matyas, zriha} at Authentication at the time of war • And the Gileadites took the passages of Jordan before the Ephraimites: and it was so, that when those Ephraimites which were escaped said, Let me go over; that the men of Gilead said unto him, Art thou an Ephraimite? If he said, Nay; Then said they unto him, Say now Shibboleth: and he said Sibboleth: for he could not frame to pronounce it right. Then they took him, and slew him at the passages of Jordan: and there fell at that time of the Ephraimites forty and two thousand. (Judges 12:5-6) • Identify-Friend-or-Foe more critical than ever before – Systems watch and shoot at distances where visual target identification is impossible – Rise of “friendly fire” casualties from historical 10-15% to 25% in the First Gulf War (R Anderson, Security Engineering) Means of authentication Access to a service • something you know (password, PIN) • something you have (key, smartcard) • something you are - biometrics • or combination of the above • Access by a person (process) that knows a secret. • Access by a person possessing a “key”. • Access by a person with this characteristic. Biometric techniques • Biometrics – biological characteristics measurable by automated methods • Physiological characteristics (hand, eye, face, etc.) • Behavioral characteristics (signature dynamics, voice, etc.) Biometric techniques Biometrics – authentication • Biometrics almost never match at 100%!!! • Threshold-based decision introduces the rates of false acceptance and rejection – Zero-effort or active bypassing? • User group size vs. accuracy – Verification vs. identification? Verification steps 1) First measurement/acquisition(s) 2) Creation of master characteristics 3) Storage of master in a database 4) Subsequent acquisition(s) 5) Creation of new characteristics 6) Comparison: new - master 7) Threshold-based decision DNA as a biometric? 9310-10 , 8 markers 1 fully autom. 19010-18 , 16 markers 90 fully autom. 83010-18 , 16 markers 90 semi-autom. 45010-18 , 16 markers 10 34510-18 , 16 markers 1 Time (minutes) Random match probability # of samples 10-5 60 minutes3rd marker … 10-3 60 minutes2nd marker 10-2 60 minutes1st marker 10-10 60 minutesnext 3… 10-7 60 minutesnext 3… 10-5 60 minutes3 markers Serial marker analysis (soon) Multiplexing (in few years) Real-world use of biometrics • UK Passport Service: Biometrics Enrolment trial 2005, success of registration & verification (registration) – Face • General population: 69% (99.85%) • Disabled: 47% (97.7%) – Iris • General population: 85.8% (87.7%) • Disabled: 55.6% (61%) – Fingerprint (10-print) • General population: 80.8% (99.3%) • Disabled: 77.4% (96.1%) • US-VISIT program (2 index fingers) with 6,000,000 “notwanted” entries in 2004 had official 0.31% false match rate and 4% missed match rate Advantages of biometrics • Actually authenticate the user – Provided they work correctly • Not transferable – Yet characteristics can be copied/stolen • Easy to use and usually fast • Some allow for continuous authentication Practical problems I. • Trustworthy input device (liveness) – Is this from a living person? – Is this from the person presenting it? • Performance – security vs. usability & cost • Users with damaged, missing or “not usable” organs – Fail To Enroll (FTE) rate Practical problems II. • Inflexibility of characteristics – one characteristic can be used in more systems! – compromising should not be critical to security • Privacy and user acceptance issues • Legislation and regulation Commercial versus Forensic • Fully automated, computer peripherals • Lower accuracy • Enrolment can be repeated • Typically only characteristics stored • Automated assistance with human experts • Higher accuracy • Enrolment often cannot be repeated • Characteristics usually with original samples Commercial versus Forensic II. • Results in seconds • Support needed at lowmoderate level • Size as small as possible • Low cost, important factor • Results even in days • Expert maintenance and support required • Size is relatively unimportant • High cost, considerable but not important factor Show me the magic… • Biometrics are not secrets – Covert vs. overt acquisition – Many systems rely on secrecy of biometrics • Many systems use the same biometrics • Yet have different security policies • Their owners are not aware of the extent • Does this resemble a password problem…??? Part of a bigger puzzle • Not only the error rates and liveness check matter… – Storage and transfer of samples – Place of comparison Biometrics – major lessons • Same person never shows same results • Biometric systems often terribly erroneous • Biometrics are not secrets • Input device is crucial (often physical protection) • Liveness should be checked • User authentication, not for machines or data • New attack countermeasures => newer attacks Key generation attempts • User provides her/his biometric sample and her/his key can be generated from this sample • Attractive benefits – Key re-generated “on the fly” – Key is used only with owner present – Can be used and then destroyed Biometrics and key derivation • Hash of a biometric measurement often suggested to be used – will not work as a simple password replacement – Such approaches useless – other ways to explore… – Biometric hash (representing characteristics “that are most likely” invariable) is effectively a sample creating algorithm • Worth investigating anyway (yet for different reasons) Major problems • Key-space – Limited by measurable characteristics • Entropy low for crypto keys – Probability of different values? • Secret key protection – Biometrics are not secret – Can secret be added? • Where do we store that secret? • What are the chances of exhaustive search? Minor problems • Compromised key – key change? • Organ damaged – key loss? • Dependence on the reader What can we generate? • Key? – Most probably not – open for future research – Do we need random input? • This is the key then, more than anything else • Non-trivial userID? Key locking • Biometrics applied to a random key • “Locked” key leaks no data – neither about the key nor about biometric data • Only the correct biometric data can “unlock” the key • Key can be changed, yet biometric data compromise is still a problem Digital signature & authentication User — Computer — Data Digital signature in theory Secret Key + Document = Signature Public Key + Signature + Document = Yes / No Digital signature in real-life • Public Key – critical for verification, use of certificates (PKI) • Secret Key – must be kept secret otherwise others can create „your“ signatures Protection of the secret key • Stored on a computer, smartcard… • Usually encrypted / locked – To use, one must provide a PIN/password and/or the smartcard – Is unencrypted during use – a Trojan horse or administrator can get hold of the secret key!!! No reliable signature without a secret! • Digital signature is based on limited access to the secret key • It is not you (human), but the computer that signs!!! Biometric signatures • Biometrics are not secrets !!! • Biometrics authenticate users, not computers nor messages... The role of biometrics • Biometrics can protect access to the secret key • Signature chip + biometric sensor + biometric matching = … bright future?    • Authentication/identification of the user • Biometrics are not secrets • Copying is neither trivial nor hard • Biometric information can be very sensitive • Assure liveness+ (often by a human guard) and take advantage of the accuracy & speed Conclusions Iris Prospects for biometrics • Device logon (standard workplace) • Excellent additional authentication method • Token/smartcard & PIN & biometrics • AFIS & rough known-person search • Consideration: user-friendliness & cost vs. security Research ideas • Text-prompted speaker (voice) recognition and challenge-response auth. – Enhancement with lip movement check • Research into issues related to publicity of biometric data • Challenge – liveness check with low FRR Course reading – week 5 • Security of Biometric Authentication Systems, V. Matyáš, Z. Říha, International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications, Volume 3 (2011) pp. 174- 184 • PDF in the IS Term project presentations!!! April 18: Po přednášce... • Konečný • Mareček • Hnízdil • Tvrdý May 2: • Miklošovič • Mokoš • Sedlář • Kompan • Janáček • Rodrigues • Adam Reminders: the presentation is worth (up to) 5 points from your course score; it should last at most 10 minutes (time for questions & discussion will be provided); laptop with AcroRead and PowerPoint will be available. Rehearse!!!!! May 9: • Petruchová • Prišťák • Jurnečka • Balážia • Kretek • Buda • Iakym May 16: • Čermák • Poul • Chovanec • Ošťádal • Velan • Víteček • Güttner