OPEN 0 ACCESS Freely available online PIPS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY Education Advanced Genomic Data Mining Xosé M. Fernández-Suárez*, Ewan Birney European Bioinformatics Institute, EnsembI Group, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambrid , United Kingdom Introduction As data banks increase their size, one of the current challenges in bioinformatics is to be able to query them in a sensible way. Information is contained in different databases, with various data representations or formats, making it very difficult to use a single query tool to search more than a single data source. Data mining is vital to bioinformatics as it allows users to go beyond simple browsing of genome browsers, such as EnsembI [1,2] or the UCSC Genome Browser [3], to address questions; for example, the biological meaning of the results obtained with a microarray platform, or how to identify a short motif upstream of a gene, amongst others. There are a number of integrated approaches available, some of which are described below (Figure 1). The Table Browser at UCSC [4] supports text-based batch queries to the UCSC Genome Browser, limiting the output to entries meeting the selected criteria. A disadvantage of this tool is that users need to be familiar with the underlying database schema in order to know where their data is stored. Similarly, performing complex queries might require multiple steps that can be burdensome with this tool. Galaxy [5] provides a set of tools that can retrieve data from the Table Browser (Table Browser and BioMart will be explained below), facilitating complex queries that require multiple joins (Figure 2). BioMart provides a query-oriented data management system to interact with different datasets (EnsembI [2], RGD [6,7], and WormBase [8], among many others). This data "warehouse" was originally developed for EnsembI, creating EnsMart [9,10]. From there, it was first deployed across the European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI), and now it has become a joint project between EBI and Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL). The generic query system has shifted toward a federated approach that has been deployed for several biological databases, and has become a component of the Generic Model Organism Database (GMOD) project. In this contribution, we provide some solutions for data mining; we focus on advanced ways of interacting with BioMart using other applications to re- trieve information through different platforms such as Galaxy [5] and the biomaRt package of BioConductor [11,12]. Many of these tools also interact with the UCSC Table Browser and have similar approaches using the UCSC system. We also address programmatic access using Bio-Mart's own implementation of Web services (MartService). For local deployment of BioMart, see Table 1. BioMart Web Interface First we will focus on BioMart's Web interface ( to illustrate how to join two different datasets: Reactome [13], a database of metabolic pathways, and UniProt [14], a catalogue of protein information. In this example, we need to obtain a catalogue of enzymes involved in carbohydrate metabolism in humans, as we are interested in a congenic disorder in this pathway. To ask this question without an integrated data mining tool, one would have to start with Reactome to find enzymes involved in reaction pathways in human and then compare those enzymes to a list of entries in UniProt. However, BioMart allows us to join the two databases. We can start our query by clicking on 'MartView' from the Web interface at, and selecting the Reactome database. Now, select the reaction dataset. Filters applied will be simply 'Limit to Species' Homo sapiens. Attributes can be selected as "Reaction name" and "Gene ENSEMBL ID". At this stage, 2,432 entries meet our criteria (i.e. we have asked for all human reaction pathways in the Reactome database). Click on the 'count' button at the top to obtain this number. Next, we can enrich our search for enzymes in the UniProt database. This will require the 'linked' or secondary dataset. Follow this description, or view the tutorials for use of the linked database at Workshops_Online?id =117. Click on the second 'Dataset' option at the left of the page. Select 'UniProt proteomes' as the database. In this instance, we will add as a filter the Gene Ontology (GO) [15] term 'GO:0005975' (associated with carbohydrate metabolic processes); this will be under 'EXTERNAL IDENTIFIERS', 'Limit to proteins... GO ID(s)' in the secondary data-set. Also select, under 'External references': 'Entries with EC ID(s)', to limit our query to enzymes only, and 'eukaryota' along with 'Homo sapiens' under 'SPECIES' (Species and Proteome Name, respectively). This will give a count of 257 in the secondary dataset. The genome location can be displayed in the output by choosing the following Attributes: "Genome component name" for the chromosome, "Start Position" and "End Position" for the coordinates. Click 'Results' for the table in Figure 2. Now you have a list of enzymes in UniProt involved in carbohydrate metabolism in humans. BioConductor BioConductor is open source software for the analysis of genomic data. It is based Citation: Fernández-Suárez XM, Birney E (2008) Advanced Genomic Data Mining. PLoS Comput Biol 4(9): e1000121. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1000121 Editor: Fran Lewitter, Whitehead Institute, United States of America Published September 26, 2008 Copyright: © 2008 Fernández-Suárez, Birney. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Funding: The EnsembI project receives primary funding from the Wellcome Trust. Additional funding is provided by EMBL, NHGRI, NIH-NIAID, BBSRC, MRC, and the European Union. BioMart receives additional funding from the EMBRACE project (FP6 Programme, European Commission, contract number LHSG-CT-2004-512092). EnsembI supports BIOMART. Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist. * E-mail: )_. PLoS Computational Biology | 1 September 2008 | Volume 4 | Issue 9 | e1000121 UCSC Browser Website íl API MarlService • • Table Browser .^_ -»-MySQL database Galaxy BioMart •••• URL-based query ÍI MartSenrlce ^f EnsembI •*'• Website ÍI API + MySQL database CONDUCTOR Data mining tools Figure 1. Diagram depicting the way different applications interact with data mining tools. The boxed area shows the topics discussed in this paper. BioMarťs Central Server coordinates access to different databases: on the left-hand side, Galaxy interacts with BioMart by means of URL-based queries, allowing interaction with the UCSC Genome Browser and its Table Browser; while on the right interaction with EnsembI and its API is shown. Other platforms such as BioConductor rely on Web services (MartService) to retrieve information from the BioMart system. Additionally, BioMart is compliant with the DAS protocol [34] and can be queried by means of a Perl API, biomart-perl, as well as a Java API, mart]. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1000121 .g001 on the R language [16] (which is an implementation of the S language, a statistical programming language originally developed at Bell Laboratories to support research and data analysis of large statistical projects [17]). R is an integrated software environment for data manipulation, which can be used as a statistics system (throughout many different packages). There are a large number of biologically relevant modules in BioConductor, some of which are described in [12] and at packages/release/Software.html. The bio-maRt package provides an API (Application Programming Interface) in the scripting language R, allowing interaction with bi/tmaRt databases. These include EnsembI, which produces and maintains automatic annotation on selected eukaryotic genomes; VEGA [18], the manually annotated Vertebrate Genome Annotation database; dbSNP [19], the Single Nucleotide Polymorphism database of NCBI; Gramene [20], a resource for comparative grass genomics; WormBase [9], the canonical database for Caenorhabditis ßkgans and related nematodes RGD [6,7]; and Reactome [13], a curated knowledgebase of biological pathways, amongst others. R can be installed on different platforms; there are binaries available for Unix, Windows, and Macintosh. For a list of the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN), go to mirrors.html. Once obtained, the source should be unpacked and installed following the instructions provided. There is a built-in help facility invoked with help, bio:::: mart MOW New Count |[l)(Muhi| Dataset 2432; 17542 Entries reaction Filter* Limit lo Species . Homo sapiens Attributes Gene ENSEMBL ID Reaction name Dataset 257 I960763 Proteins Uniprot proteomes Filter* Entries wim EC ID(s): Only Species. eukaryola Pfoteome Name: Homo sapiens GOID(s) po-ti st specified] Attributes Um Prot AC EC ID{s) Genome Componert Name Slair Position End Position Expol all results to Email nolificati onto File "3 | TSV 2I r Unique results only View 110 Jrow5as|HT)JL zi □ Unique results only Gens ENSEMBI 10 Kťaction name Um i Pro! AC EC 104s) Geuome Com ponořit Sunt Name Pošili on End PosWon ENSGOOOMOBSWZ Reduction of i30caoroa£dchyde lo 4-methylpent an- 1 -ol F15121 EC 1 1 12! 7 133584362 133601143 EMSGGtttiDOaSEGZ Reduction of lEacaproaklBhyda ta 4 motriylpenton-lůl P15121 EC 1.- .-.- 7 133684362 133601143 ENSC(K1O00DE5662 Reduction of isocaproaklchyde to 4-irietiiyJpent an-1 -ol PH121 EC11-- 133584362 133601143 ENSGOiOO 30*5662 Reduclron of isocaproaUehydv to 4-riiethylpenran-1 ol P1S121 EC 1.1.1.- 133584362 133601143 Reduction of isocaproaldehyde ta 4-methyipentan-t -ol •--.■_• EC 11.121 133584362 133G01143 Reduction of isocaproatdehyda to J - rn e:"Tr Ipent an-1 -ol P1S121 EC 1 ■ ■■ 133664367 133601143 Reduction of isocaproaldehyde to J.rnetlylpirHan-l.ol P1S121 ECU-- 133584362 133601143 Reduction of isocapoatdphyde to J-Tiei^iylpenran-l-ol P1512I EC 11 1 - 133584362 133601143 Reductron of isocaproaldehyde to 4 fneihyipenon-l ol PJS12J EC 11 1.21 133684362 133601143 Reduction of Jsocaproattehyde to J--ft-vl3?nt3rt-'-ol P IS 121 EC1-- 133584362 133601143 Figure 2. BioMart can join different datasets, in this case Reactome and UniProt to identify enzymes involved in carbohydrate metabolism. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1000121 .g002 )_. PLoS Computational Biology | 2 September 2008 | Volume 4 | Issue 9 | e1000121 Table 1. URLs for additional information. BioMart documentation BioMart tutorials BioMart Central Server BioConductor R Installing R R Archive Network biomaRt documentation http://www.bioconductor.0rg/packages/l.8/bioc/vignettes/biomaRt/inst/doc/biomaRt.pdf Galaxy doi:10.1371 /journal.pcbi.1000121 .t001 for instance 'help(debug)' will provide documentation about the debug function. Furthermore, following the installation of a package, a pre-built help search index is created. To know what commands are available in biomaRt use 'help. search( ' 'bi omaRt' ')'. Once R is installed and compiled, the default set of BioConductor packages is easily installed using the biocLite.R installation script as follows: >source(''http://bioconduc te.R'') >bi ocLi te( ' 'bi omaRt' ') With biomaRt installed, load the relevant library with the 1 i bra ry (bi oma Rt) command, and then connect to any public BioMart database. The 1 i stMa rts function will show which BioMart services are available. BioMart is structured in tables with attributes (the information you want to know) ana filters (the information you know). You need to select a dataset (e.g., rnorvegi -cus_gene_ensembl), if you are interested in rat gene annotation from Ensembl. Issuing the following command: rat = useMart (' 'ensembl'', dataset= '' rnorvegi cus_ gene_ensembl''), would set the dataset queried to be the Ensembl rat genes. Below are two commands to query the library to see the currently available marts and datasets on the central server (Figure 3). >1 i brary (bi omaRt) >1istMarts() Additionally, the useMart function allows you to select the relevant BioMart dataset, using the name provided by 1 istMarts. >ensembl =useMart( ' 'ensembl '') >1istDatasets(ensembl ) dataset version > liscMarcs() 1 ensembl 2 compara_marc_horaology_4 9 3 compara_marc_pairwise_ga_4 9 4 corapara_marc_mulciple_ga_4 9 5 snp 6 genomic_feacures 7 vega S msd 9 uniproc 10 hcgc 11 ENSEM3L_MART_ENSEMBL 12 REACT OME 13 wormbase_currenc 14 dicey 15 rgd marc 16 ipi rac marc 17 SSLP marc 18 pride 19 ensembl_expressionmarc_48 20 pepseekerG0LD_raarc06 21 Pancreacic Expression versior ENSEMBL 49 GENES (SANGER) ENSEMBL 49 HOMOLOGY (SANGER) ENSEMBL 49 PAIRWISE ALIGNMENTS (SANGER) ENSEMBL 49 MULTIPLE ALIGNMENTS (SANGER) ENSEMBL 49 VARIATION (SANGER) ENSEMBL 49 GENOMIC FEATURES (SANGER) VEGA 30 (SANGER) MSD PROTOTYPE (EBI) UNIPROT PROTOTYPE (EBI) HIGH THROUGHPUT GENE TARGETING AND TRAPPING (SANGER) GRAMENE (CSHL) REACTOME (CSHL) W0RM3ASE (CSHL) DICTYBASE (NORTHWESTERN) RGD GENES (MCW) RGD IPI MART (MCW) RGD MICROSATELLITE MARKERS (MCW) PRIDE (E3I) EURATMART (EBI) PEPSEEKER (UNIVERSITY OF MANCHESTER) PANCREATIC EXPRESSION DATABASE (INSTITUTE OF CANCER) Figure 3. BioMart libraries available in the Central Server. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1000121 .g003 PLoS Computational Biology | September 2008 | Volume 4 | Issue 9 | e1000121 1 oanatinus_gene_ensembl 0ANA5 2 gaculeatus_gene_ensembl BR0ADS1 Once you know which databases are available, select your dataset, which can be queried with getBM(bi omaRt). To finish the session, use martDi sconnect (bi omaRt). Functions available allow extraction of identifiers from different sources including Ensembl IDs, several microarray platforms, UniProt, RefSeq [21], and EntrezGene [22]. Genome sequences can be retrieved by specific chromosomal coordinates for a given species, allowing a user to mine regions they define. For example, a user could view all annotations upstream of a differentially expressed gene in order to investigate putative regulatory elements. Similarly, com-para_mart_homolog)i_47 supports queries across different species in order to identify homologous genes. To illustrate how to use this tool, we provide an example: if you were interested in all mouse protein coding genes on Chromosome 10 along with their Ensembl and MGI identifiers, the following series of commands would carry out this query: >1 i bra ry(bi omaRt) >1istMarts() >ensembl =useMart(' 'ensembl ' ') >listDatasets(ensembl ) >mouse=useMart( ' 'ensembl '', dataset= ' 'mmuscul us_gene_en-sembl ' ') >getBM( c( ' ' ensembl_gene_i d' ' , ''ensembl_transcri pt_i d' ' , ''mgi_symbol''), filters='' chromosome_name'',values=10, mart=mouse) The output could be saved to a file gene.ids, which can be invoked by simply typing ' ' - >gene. ids ''. Researchers use DNA microarrays to establish the expression profiles of thousands of genes in a single experiment. Microarrays in their different incarnations have been used in a wide range of applications, e.g., disease characterization [23,24] and identification of novel genes or gene regulatory networks [25]. A more specific use of biomaRt involving the recently developed CodeLink Rat Whole Genome Bioarrays (a platform from Applied Microarrays which features approximately 34,000 transcript and EST targets) will show how to further analyse data obtained from these bioarrays. The Codelink [26] R package can be installed (bi ocLi te( ' ' codel ink'')). To obtain plotting functionality in the R statistical computing environment (e.g., plotMA, pi otCorrel ati ons, pi otDensi ti es, etc.), CodeLink bioarrays have been successfully applied to the identification of molecular signatures in colon cancer development [27]. In this paper, we will use some of the up-regulated probes from this study to illustrate how annotation could be retrieved using biomaRt, focusing on Ensembl genes associated to the probes. Data was obtained from the matrix plot of gene expression values (the authors provide supplementary data online at http://dnguyen.ucda >1 i bra ry (bi omaRt) Loading required package: XML Loading required package: RCurl > > rat = useMart(' 'ensembl " , data-set= '' rnorvegi cus_gene_ensembl '') Checking attributes and filters ... ok Character strings are inserted using double (") or single (') quotes, while the c( ) function is used to concatenate arrays. >upregul ated=c(' 'AF003944'', 'U67136", J04597", "AFZ81635" 'BC090354", " AFZ81635", "E 5C090354" 'U1Z309", 'M14105", 'M14104" 'BC088159", ' 'D84450", "E 5C061719" 'D90404", 'MZ6855", 'MZ6854" 'L003Z0", 'L00313", 'L00314" 'L00315", 'L00316", 'L00317" 'L00318", 'L00319", 'M11Z51" 'J00719", 'M37134", 'MZ6855" 'MZ6854", 'J007Z8", 'J007Z0" 'J007Z1", 'J007ZZ", 'J007Z3" 'J007Z4", 'J007Z5", 'J007Z6" 'M3445Z", 'K00996", 'K016Z6" * K01721-', 'D00Z50", 'M13Z34" 'M13650", 'MZ6853", 'M1997Z" 'X63545", 'X12355", 'D63378" 'BC06Z393") Given a list of expected 'up-regulated' mRNAs (EMBL or GenBank IDs), we can retrieve Ensembl Transcript IDs and the associated probes from CodeLink bioarrays, with their chromosome coordinates as shown in Table 2. getBM(attributes = c(' 'codelink'',' 'en-sembl_transcript_id", "embl", "chro-mosomejiame'',' 'start_position ", ''end_ position'') ,fil ter= ' 'embl'' ,val ues = upregulated, mart = rat) With this association between up-regulated probes and Ensembl annotation (Ensembl gene IDs could also be added), along with their location, additional annotation such as Gene Ontology terms could be included to obtain additional information about the putative function of the genes involved. In this particular example, we can see that BioMart does not associate any probes to ENSRNOG00000033680 (EN-SRNOT00000034845), number 40 in Table 2. Using the Ensembl Browser, we see this gene ID corresponds to Cyp2bl5; if we have a closer look at this region (from Ensembl's ContigView or Gene View pages), we can see that this gene is very close to a gap in the current assembly (RGSC 3.4), and therefore Ensembl's independent mapping strategy failed to associate any CodeLink Bioarrays 30-mer oligonucleotide probes [28]. This demonstrates how the Ensembl graphical interface can enhance the understanding of the information obtained using BioMart. Other Data Mining Tools The number of applications available to perform analyses is rapidly growing, making it very difficult for users to know which tools would be suitable for them. Galaxy [5] provides a framework that integrates a variety of applications and data sources within an integrated workspace. Galaxy is available both through the Web (no installation required) and as a self-contained downloadable application that is easily customized [29]. Users can submit data to numerous computational tools (including 48 programs from the EMBOSS [30] suite, alongside tools for working with genomic sequences, alignments, and functional annotations). The results of analyses in Galaxy are stored remotely in 'datasets', which are accessible through the history panel on the right (collapsed in Figure 4). The history provides a complete record of an analysis, including all intermediate data, and can easily be shared with others. Galaxy also provides integration with the UCSC Table Browser tool in a similar way to its integration with the BioMart tool. We can use Galaxy to search for a runt domain Runx2 motif (TGTGGTA) upstream of ENSG00000100985 (the human gene orthologous to ENSMUSG0000 0017737 where this transcription factor mediates induction of MMP9 [31]). Begin at the Galaxy interface (http://main.g2.bx. From the tools menu (left panel), )_. PLoS Computational Biology | 4 September 2008 | Volume 4 | Issue 9 | e1000121 Table 2. R output (using biomaRt library) providing CodeLink bioarray IDs and their mappings to EnsembI transcripts (ch r: startend position), as explained in the text. codelink ensembl transcript id embl chromosome name start position end position GE13154 ENSRNOT00000014152 AF003944 1 125280974 125293051 GE13549 ENSRNOT00000018050 AF281635 4 152975181 152979366 GE20053 ENSRNOT00000015476 BC061719 8 101405877 101437760 GE20496 ENSRNOT00000020478 BC062393 3 108216369 108240138 GE19851 ENSRNOT00000015723 BC088159 16 17591820 17597859 GE13549 ENSRNOT00000018050 BC090354 4 152975181 152979366 GE1195465 ENSRNOT00000028196 D00250 1 81345425 81359415 GE20496 ENSRNOT00000020478 D63378 3 108216369 108240138 GE20053 ENSRNOT00000015476 D84450 8 101405877 101437760 GE20338 ENSRNOT00000022342 D90404 1 144629802 144661183 GE21631 ENSRNOT00000022342 D90404 1 144629802 144661183 ENSRNOT00000047540 J00719 1 81266845 81290470 GE1195465 ENSRNOT00000028196 J00720 1 81345425 81359415 GE1195465 ENSRNOT00000028196 J00721 1 81345425 81359415 GE1195465 ENSRNOT00000028196 J00722 1 81345425 81359415 GE1195465 ENSRNOT00000028196 J00723 1 81345425 81359415 GE1195465 ENSRNOT00000028196 J00724 1 81345425 81359415 GE1195465 ENSRNOT00000028196 J00725 1 81345425 81359415 GE1195465 ENSRNOT00000028196 J00726 1 81345425 81359415 GE1195465 ENSRNOT00000028196 J00728 1 81345425 81359415 GE21002 ENSRNOT00000008416 J04597 6 98923111 98928505 GE1195465 ENSRNOT00000028196 K00996 1 81345425 81359415 GE1195465 ENSRNOT00000028196 K01626 1 81345425 81359415 GE1195465 ENSRNOT00000028196 K01721 1 81345425 81359415 ENSRNOT00000047540 L00313 1 81266845 81290470 ENSRNOT00000047540 L00314 1 81266845 81290470 ENSRNOT00000047540 L00315 1 81266845 81290470 ENSRNOT00000047540 L00316 1 81266845 81290470 ENSRNOT00000047540 L00317 1 81266845 81290470 ENSRNOT00000047540 L00318 1 81266845 81290470 ENSRNOT00000047540 L00319 1 81266845 81290470 ENSRNOT00000047540 L00320 1 81266845 81290470 ENSRNOT00000047540 Ml 1251 1 81266845 81290470 GE1195465 ENSRNOT00000028196 M13234 81345425 81359415 GE1195465 ENSRNOT00000028196 M13650 81345425 81359415 GE19851 ENSRNOT00000015723 M14104 16 17591820 17597859 GE19851 ENSRNOT00000015723 M14105 16 17591820 17597859 GE1195465 ENSRNOT00000028196 M19972 81345425 81359415 GE1195465 ENSRNOT00000028196 M26853 81345425 81359415 ENSRNOT00000034845 M26854 1 81266845 81290470 ENSRNOT00000047540 M26854 1 81266845 81290470 ENSRNOT00000034845 M26855 1 81266845 81290470 ENSRNOT00000047540 M26855 1 81266845 81290470 GE1195465 ENSRNOT00000028196 M34452 1 81345425 81359415 ENSRNOT00000047540 M37134 1 81266845 81290470 GE20281 ENSRNOT00000014785 U12309 19 58601188 58628500 GE21915 ENSRNOT00000014785 U12309 19 58601188 58628500 GE21002 ENSRNOT00000008416 U67136 6 98923111 98928505 GE20496 ENSRNOT00000020478 X12355 3 108216369 108240138 GE20381 ENSRNOT00000041580 X63545 1 81780088 81853249 GE22156 ENSRNOT00000041580 X63545 1 81780088 81853249 doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1000121 .t002 g. PLoS Computational Biology | September 2008 | Volume 4 | Issue 9 | e1000121 Galaxy Wo: report Du« I ads j «ft«*«» I fclflfl itcoait: itfcUs ) ISlflO Tools • tJotoad Frts from voir compute? • UCSC Mam taote biMiw • dtst arrnaea table browser • 6« unrobe Qjta ■ BinAnrt Central server » FrKotffrPF- at NI+GRI Gfl EHCODi oata UtEOMJtooJs Tfxt H« nimi Mio» Filtft unit son »pin, Snhtrnrt nod ť;roim Convert formats ŕ *lr,i. I i t'rtturi-> frith Smurnci-t fetch AlkinimtiK GeLGeitORltc scores operate on Genomic Interval StJitMlc-i firaoh/iHwitflv fínln fvnlirllncr Hyphv tKBOSS bo::::m3rt Datastt Homo sapiens genes (NCH30) Filter* Ensembl Gene ID(s) [ID-lis! specitied| Attributes ErtsemtilGenelD Biotype Upstream (lank (300J Ftank (Gene) DataseS [None Setecled] Eiport alrestrts to E nidi I notilicalion to |Gaiaiy ^J |tsvJ r Unique tesuls only r View 110 ^J rows as | TSV jj r Unique results only >ENSGrjnrj001C09fl5|pr-otffin_codniř; CTW^wiTTCcrrrccwGTCnKOTrcTrrc OAOAfJAOaA00A«nií3OTOTAAQCCCTITCICAT0r^^ ACACACACfcCACACACACACACACACACACACCCTI^CTCCTCArjrCAWACTreCCr^ CMGaÄW«jr Bi oMa rt (Central Server) to query the 'Ensembl genes' database and retrieve 300 bp upstream (Attributes> Sequences > Fl ank-coding region) to ENSG00000100985. Following this, we can run f uzznuc (from EMBOSS) to find out if the Runx2 motif is upstream of the human gene. Such short motifs (length <10) cannot be identified by BLAST, SSAHA, or BLAT; that's why we will use EMBOSS. ################## -################# -##### # Program: fuzznuc # Commandli ne : fuzznuc # -pattern TGTGGTT # -pmi smatch 1 # -complement no ################# -################# -###### #Sequence: protein_coding -from: 1 to: 300 # HitCount: 1 # Pattern_name Mismatch Pattern # patternl 1 TGTGGTT # # Complement: No Start End Pattern_name Mismatch Sequence 62 68 patternl 1 TGCGGTT This example shows how Galaxy adds a layer of analysis to the genomic sequences retrieved from the UCSC Table Browser, or BioMart in this case (Figure 4). From the output of f uzznuc, we could expect a similar regulation for human MMP9, as we can find the Runx2 binding motif upstream of the human gene. Galaxy offers users without large compute capacity the possibility of undertaking the analysis of multiple alignments (whole genome alignments are stored locally at the Galaxy site, compressed and indexed). One of Galaxy's strengths is the ease with which new tools can be integrated—new suites of tools for massively parallel sequence data, metagenomics, and statistical genetics are growing rapidly. Web services provide an alternative way of integrating databases and tools (e.g., Taverna [32] and the bi/tmaRt package of BioConductor), but users require some programming awareness. Galaxy removes this requirement; it relies on Web services to interact with external data sources such as BioMart and the UCSC Table Browser, providing a structured Web interface. Behind the scenes, when dealing with user data, jobs are wrapped and run in an abstract interface, to ensure reproducibility and avoid any problems associated with changes in the underlying Web services. For a more detailed description of Web services, see [33]. Conclusions We have seen how to go beyond simple browsing of data with data mining tools leveraging the BioMart system from different platforms, e.g., BioConductor (biomaRt), to find the association between microarray probe and Ensembl gene sets. Galaxy allowed us to use BioMart to extract information from Ensembl to identify some short motifs (beyond the threshold of BLAST detection) in the promoter region of a gene (MMP9). The Web interface of BioMart supports complex queries joining different datasets. Accession Numbers Used in the Text GO IDs: GO:0005975 EMBL: AF003944, U67136, J04597, AF281635, BC090354, AF281635, BC090354, U12309, M14105, M14104, BC088159, D84450, BC061719, D90404, M26855, M26854, L00320, L00313, L00314, L00315, L00316, L00317, L00318, L00319, Ml 1251, J00719, M37134, M26855, M26854, J00728, J00720, J00721, J00722, J00723, J00724, J00725, J00726, M34452, K00996, K01626, K01721, D00250, M13234, M13650, M26853, M19972, X63545, X12355, D63378, BC062393. Ensembl Transcript IDs: ENSRNOT 00000014152, ENSRNOT00000018050, ENSRNOT00000015476, ENSRNOT000 00020478, ENSRNOT00000015723, EN-SRNOT00000028196, ENSRNOT000000 22342, ENSRNOT00000047540, ENSRN OT00000008416, ENSRNOT000000348 45, ENSRNOT00000014785, ENSRNOT 00000041580 )_. PLoS Computational Biology | 6 September 2008 | Volume 4 | Issue 9 | e1000121 Ensembl gene IDs: ENSRNOGOOOOOO 33680, ENSMUSG00000017737, ENSGOO 000100985 Codelink IDs: GE13154, GE13549, GE20053, GE20496, GE19851, GE119 5465, GE20338, GE21631, GE21002, GE20281, GE21915, GE22156 Acknowledgments We gratefully acknowledge Arek Kasprzyk, Damian Smedley, and Giulietta Spudich for their useful comments on the manuscript, as well as James Taylor (Galaxy) and Steffen Durinck (BioConductor) for their help. We also want to thank the Ensembl and BioMart teams. References 1. Birney E, Andrews TD, Bevan P, Caccamo M, Chen Y, et al. (2004) An overview of Ensembl. Genome Research 14: 925-928. 2. Hubbard TJ, Aken BL, Beal K, Ballester B, Caccamo M, et al. (2007) Ensembl 2007. Nucleic Acids Res 35: D610-D617. 3. Kuhn RM, Karolchik D, Zweig AS, Trumbower H, Thomas DJ, et al. (2007) The UGSG Genome Browser database: Update 2007. Nucleic Acids Res 35: D668-D673. 4. 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