Experience intermezzo II 1PV215 - 10 Experience Intermezzo I was focused on development of usefulness in Mycroft Mind Since then we have progressed through variety of further developing concepts PV215 - 10 2 Goals Ways Results Feedback Integr ation Synerge tization Habilitation Motivation Orientation Definition Person Qualities AttitudesAbilities OSI FDSI SDSI TDSI Leaders defined defined defined resource s Managers defined defined resourc es Workers realized resourc es - - SF BH M VS V&R SQ T   Nature of Processes in Mycroft Mind ◦  Processes classification ◦  Sustainable Development   Paraprocesses ◦  HRM Processes   Metaprocesses   Organization Structure   Management Tools PV215 - 10 3 Mycroft Mind is project-driven organization, i.e. • its primary business is made up from projects • its orto-processes are projects • orto-processes include • CEP-based applications and solutions development Mycroft Mind executes Project Program to achieve its business goals! • projects within program are differentiated by several categories PV215 - 10 4Nature of Processes in MM • research & development • 1 projectTechnology • application and solution development • 3 projectsApplication • sales support by illustration what CEP technology application may bring to the prospectProof-of-Concept • methodology development • 9 projectsFlow • market research, marketing and sales • 1 projectBusiness • leadership and management • 2 projectsOrganization PV215 - 10 5 Ortoprocesses Paraprocesses Metaprocesses PV215 - 10 6 Performance Management Leadership strategic frame monitoring external resources external suppliers goals ways tasks evaluation internal resources internal products payments external products clients/ customers market environment global environment company border border of company influence Nature of Processes in MM PV215 - 10 7 In the spring of 2007, Mycroft Mind, a technology start-up, was launched There was lack of time and resources to set up all meta-processes All we wanted was to only ensure sustainability of management process development Nature of Processes in MM ManagementProcess Adapts to satisfy the needs Management Process Development Methodology Execution Generates new needs 8PV215 - 10Nature of Processes in MM Management Process Execution Methodology Defines • Introspection • Evaluation • Revision Performs • Introspection • Evaluation • Revision M E of M E of 9PV215 - 10Nature of Processes in MM • project activity categorization focusing activities from the point of their primary aim by following categories: • R – Research • S – Specification • I – Implementation • T - Testing • P – Production • O – Organization • B – Business • E - Education Flow Nature of Processes in MM 10PV215 - 10   Sequence of activities focused by certain categories in times represents flow Nature of Processes in MM 11PV215 - 10 Activity Categories Research Specification Implementation Testing Production Organization Business Education Flow Projects R-FLOW S-FLOW I-FLOW T-FLOW P-FLOW O-FLOW B-FLOW E-FLOW Provide methodological and environmental support for tasks of respective kind Consequently, evaluate and improve the effectiveness of entire program 12PV215 - 10Nature of Processes in MM   Are executed in accordance with the methodology   Change the methodology in accordance with the needs and requirements emerging in the execution of all projects   Distributively and regularly perform introspection, evaluations and revision, i.e. feedbacks and feedforwards   Pay attention to flow of activities in systematic and proactive way! ◦  the attention is universally measured by attention function 13PV215 - 10Nature of Processes in MM   uniform way of valuation of all activities, events and situations is required in respect of attention which is demanded to accomplish or solve the valuated entities   attention ◦  is mental energy, which single person is able to expend within certain time interval for certain purpose labor input on project activity ◦  is measured as amount of attention, which is required to be expended to accomplish the given activity PV215 - 10 14Nature of Processes in MM   attention is not strictly bound to the working hours and thus to the capacity of working days   character of many activities being undertaken is also hard to bound to the working hours   when the attention is measured, the mental effort is taken into account rather then only time which can be effectively wasted PV215 - 10 15Nature of Processes in MM   Valuation of an activity A by attention is structured by: ◦  people, whose attention have been or will be expended to accomplish the activity A → work group ◦  for every member of work group M is determined the following:   time that M spent or will spend by paying attention to activity A   role in which M participate on activity A   Roles and its credit valuation for an activity A: ◦  author - 6 points/day spent on the activity A ◦  coworker - 4 point/day spent on the activity A ◦  onlooker - 0 points/day spent on the activity A ◦  opponent – 1/4 of sum of all point valuation of author and all coworkers assigned to the activity A PV215 - 10 16Nature of Processes in MM   Motivating aspects   Aspect of team self-regulation   Project valuation PV215 - 10 17Nature of Processes in MM Project Categories Technology Application Proof-of-Concept Business Organization Flow Activity Categories Research Specification Implementation Testing Production Organization Business Education Attention Function Evaluates each task and assigned team member by defined amount of credit Universal measure to every undertaken activity Attention Flows Long term focus of attention on domains derived from task categories Implemented as a project of flow category Flow Nature of Processes in MM 18PV215 - 10   Administrative processes ◦  see examples in an extra mind map   Development, Grow & Educational paraprocesses are realized through flow projects   Special flow project HFLOW dealing with Human Resources Management PV215 - 10 19Paraprocesses in MM   Coordinates other flow projects ◦  alignment with the current strategy ◦  reflection of forthcoming requirements ◦  discussion   Performs short-term evaluations ◦  discussion on written evaluations by managers ◦  produces suggestion for promotion, extraordinary incentives, ...   Coordinates long-term evaluations ◦  personal interviews   Collects all information related to acquisition PV215 - 10 20   Principles ◦  Two-level management principle utilization ◦  Mills principle application   Metaprocesses ◦  Steering Committee Project (SC) ◦  Management In Large Extension (MILE)   Forming In Large Extension (FILE) PV215 - 10 21Metaprocesses in MM PV215 - 10 22 Steering Committee Project (SC) Management In Large Extension Project (MILE) Technological Projects Application Projects Business Projects PoC Projects Flow Projects Metaprocesses in MM PV215 - 10 23 Steering Committee & Management In Large Projects Technology Projects Application Projects Business Projects Flow Projects Operative submissions of WHAT to do, priorities issues solving Strategic submissions of WHAT to do Factual submissions of WHAT to do Submissions of HOW the things are to be done Metaprocesses in MM PV215 - 10 24  Project Mill   daily management  MILE Mill   interprojects influences  SC Mill   Strategic Frame for projects Metaprocesses in MM   Each project runs its own project mill   Deals with project management   progress of the project   quality of outputs   project risks   changes of all aforementioned   All to satisfy the triple-constraint of the project! Metaprocesses in MM 25PV215 - 10 Technological Projects Application Projects Business Projects PoC Projects Flow Projects Focuses on interactions of projects. Deals with management of ◦  allocation and re-allocation of shared resources   human, material and financial ◦  products   factual project relations ◦  time/attention   attention distribution among projects in time All to make project program execution as effective as possible! Metaprocesses in MM Management In Large Extension Project (MILE) 26PV215 - 10 Defines strategic frame, i.e. frame for other projects. Deals with management of: ◦  alignment of project objectives with the current strategy ◦  project priorities in respect of the current strategy All to achieve strategic goals of organization! Metaprocesses in MM Steering Committee Project (SC) 27PV215 - 10   Iterations ~ Quarters   Phases ~ Two weeks   Forming seminars, weeks and days ◦  forming in large extent (FILE) PV215 - 10 28Metaprocesses in MM Principle we have applied • Principle of work with unknown: ICT support of business has to be done in a way it can easily support also such requirements that business owners are not aware of today Tools we have used • Mind Manager – flexible mind mapping editor • Project Explorer – flexible tool for reporting and analysis • Excel – flexible tool for spreadsheet based analysis and overviews 29PV215 - 10Management Tools Mind Maps (Mind Manager) 30PV215 - 10Management Tools PV215 - 10 31 AMTA_7 ~ project context completeness indicator flow category activity duration role-person-workload assignment Management Tools Project Explorer (proprietary tool) 32PV215 - 10Management Tools