PV215: seminar 0 - kick off 23.2 : 23.2 objective to agree on and set up cooperation within seminars deliverables the intention of seminars are introduced the organizational matters are agreed intention and focus of seminars seminars are intended to provide practical experience in chosen areas related to enterprise organization and management by competences we will focus on practical training of theory being introduced in lectures there will be two main topics during semester 1) new business projection ca 1st half of seminars business model creation based on work of Alexander Osterwalder book Business Model Generation disertation thesis 2) human side of the management ca 2nd half of seminars communication self-management organizational matters 40 people in one seminar group is too much therefore you will split up yourselves into two seminar groups I have prepared in IS group MbC_A group MbC_B these two groups will alternate every wednesday from next week seminar schedule seminar - group MbC_A 2.3 : 2.3 seminar - group MbC_B 9.3 : 9.3 seminar - group MbC_A 16.3 : 16.3 seminar - group MbC_B 23.3 : 23.3 seminar - group MbC_A 30.3 : 30.3 seminar - group MbC_B 6.4 : 6.4 seminar - group MbC_A 13.4 : 13.4 seminar - group MbC_B 20.4 : 20.4 seminar - group MbC_A 27.4 : 27.4 seminar - group MbC_B 4.5 : 4.5 seminar - group MbC_A 11.5 : 11.5 seminar - group MbC_B 18.5 : 18.5 note sometimes may be the lecture shorter to extend length of the seminar homework information the time you won't have seminar is to be reserved for work on tasks you will be assigned every two weeks however, it does not necessarily mean that one hour per week is enough for the work to be accomplished on the other hand, you won't be alone to accomplish the task you will work in teams of three or four people there won't be any semestral project to be presented at the end of semester, just seminar-to-seminar assignments team forming what kind of teams are told to be most efficient? those which are internally heterogenous in respect of personality types the mental diversity in teams can result in great outcomes, but also in conflicts and disaster do you know what the personality type is? if so, which type theories or typologies do you know? personality type it is a psychological classification emphasizing qualitative differences between people like extraversion or introversion there is a lot of type theories - typologies common known typologies Four Temperaments by Galen Four Humours by Hippocrates sanguine choleric melancholic phlegmatic more on next seminar it will be useful when you know your own type before the introduction how we will use personality types? you may learn something new about yourselves I would like to use it as a key for dividing you into teams why? to gain an experience of cooperation on something new with people you ideally don't or barely know, you did not choose for cooperation and which are ideally different this situation is typical in practice and thus this is the part of the training you may learn more about yourself you may get know new people homework no. 1 A) undergo typical MBTI personality test in language you understand best sources there is czech version in XLS in IS learning_materials/personality_types/CZ_osobnostni_dotaznik_MBTI.xls after answering 54 questions, the result can be found in the sheet 'vyhodnocení' for english test please visit http://similarminds.com/jung.html any other MBTI test in any language may apply results the result of the test is represented by 4 letters abcd, where a is in {I, E, X} b is in {N, S, X} c is in {T, F, X} d is in {P, J, X} X stands for borderline value between the two others B) study characteristics of your personality, does it fit to you? the characteristics of your type may be found on the Internet if the example is INTJ just google these four letters and read the most useful overview of your type can be found http://www.keirsey.com/4temps/overview_temperaments.asp to find your temperament use the mapping in the MBTI_Keirsey_mapping.pdf file stored in learning_materials/personality_types C) send me just your result (not answers) and findings TODO checklist put this map and lecture slides to IS and let all students know, especially those who were not here today ___ : 23.2 R: teacher enroll in one of the seminar groups via IS ___ : 27.2 R: students go through the MBTI personality types questionary in your native language ___ : 27.2 R: students questionary there is czech version in XLS in IS learning_materials/personality_types/CZ_osobnostni_dotaznik_MBTI.xls after answering 54 questions, the result can be found in the sheet 'vyhodnocení' macros have to be turned on for english test please visit http://similarminds.com/jung.html any other MBTI test in any language may apply mail subject PV215: MBTI result study characteristics of your type ___ : 27.2 R: students send the result and findings of the personality test to osky@mail.muni.cz ___ : 27.2 R: students if you undergo any other test than recommended, please let me know (attach link or file) process the emails with MBTI results and prepare division into teams and presentation to next seminar ___ : 2.3 R: teacher