On ontology-based indoor navigation for the visually impaired Fedor Tiršel My study – the field of interest lAssoc. Prof. Kopecek lsocial informatics ldialogue systems l 2 Motivation leasy to implement solution for owners of buildings lfinding accurate and reliable user location lavoid the trial and error process lupgrade user’s familiarity with an unknown environment lunique requirements on a navigation system for blind or visually impaired users l 3 Requirements I lroute planning and management (save, edit, share) ladaptive start to end route following laccurate relative and absolute progress feedback lup to date hazard warning and avoidance guidance lgeneral environment information l 4 Requirements II lnon-blocking of other senses (headphones) lvoice navigation on demand lgraduated levels of functionality (novice → expert) lemergency request for assistance l 5 Concept 6 Ideas ladoption of smart phones as “the device” labsence of assistive tools for navigation (e.g. the long cane, guide dogs) lQR codes for fully sighted, “wireless” for blind lrouting in ontology-based maps ladvanced interaction based on dialogue lwhat-where where-what language l l 7 Ontology I lDef: a logical theory which gives explicit, partial account of a conceptualization l lDef: an intensional semantic structure which encodes the implicit rules constraining the structure of a piece of reality l 8 Ontology II lcombine different kinds of ontological knowledge l 9 Special canes – Ven ze tmy ldetection based on stereo and 3D cameras lacoustics signals overlays natural sound of the surroundings linformation is primary send l to the body skin linformation about locale obstacles in front of whole user body lrepresentation of depth map 10 Special canes – RF Guide lconcept of intelligent buildings lroutes are marked by RFID and magnetic beacons lcheap and available solution l“You are at the second floor. There is door number 210 three meters behind you. Watch: on both sides of the corridor are benches.” 11 Summary lto provide assistance on demand lup to date hazards identification and level based warnings lsharing of knowledge lindependency of visually impaired user lto build ontology-based maps 12