Spring 2012 IA165 Combinatory Logic for Computational Semantics by Juyeon Kang Classwork N°7 due to 13th April 2012 Exercise: “Application of combinators to natural language analysis: Reflexivization” 1. To apply successfully the combinators to natural language analysis, we need to handle adequately the introduction and elimination rules by beta-reduction defined for each combinator. Please remind these rules and apply them to the following sentences. Wfx  →β  fxx  (a) John sent himself a letter Hypothesis [John=C*John’][himself=SELF] [P3 SELF=SELF P2] [SELF= W] 1/C*John sent SELF a letter 2/B(C*John) sent SELF a letter 3/(B(C*John) SELF) sent a letter 4/(B(B(C*John) SELF) sent) a letter 5/(B(C*John) SELF) (sent (a letter)) 6/(C*John) (SELF (sent (a letter))) 7/(SELF (sent (a letter)))(John) 8/(W (sent (a letter)))(John) 9/(sent (a letter))(John)(John) (b) The fixed-point theorem proved itself Spring 2012 IA165 Combinatory Logic for Computational Semantics by Juyeon Kang Hypothesis [P2 SELF=SELF P1] [the-fixed-point-theorem=C*the-fixed-point-theorem’][itself=SELF] [SELF= W] d) He found himself qualified Hypothesis [he=C*he’][himself=SELF] [SELF= W] [P2 SELF=SELF P1] 1/C*he’ found SELF qualified 2/C*he’ SELF found’ qualified 2/B(C*he’ SELF) found’ qualified 3/B(B(C*he’ SELF)found’) qualified 4/B(C*he’ SELF) (found’ qualified) 5/(C*he’) (SELF (found’ qualified)) 6/(SELF (found’ qualified))(he) 7/(W (found’ qualified))(he) 8/(found’ qualified)(he)(he) (d) Mary heard herself speaking (in a radio) Hypothesis [Mary=C*Mary’][herself=SELF] [SELF= W] [P2 SELF=SELF P1] 1/C*Mary’ heard SELF speaking 2/C*Mary’ SELF heard’ speaking 2/B(C*Mary’ SELF) heard’ speaking 3/B(B(C*Mary’ SELF)heard’) speaking 4/B(C*Mary’ SELF) (heard’ speaking) 5/(C*Mary’) (SELF (heard’ speaking)) 6/(SELF (heard’ speaking))(Mary) Spring 2012 IA165 Combinatory Logic for Computational Semantics by Juyeon Kang 7/(W (heard’ speaking))(Mary) 8/(heard’ speaking)(Mary)(Mary) 2. Formal semantic analysis of Reflexives using combinators: “Multilingual examples” (e) a. Marie se viděla tančit (v zrcadle) (Mary saw herself dance (in a mirror)) Hypothesis [Marie=C*Marie’][se=REF] [REF= W] 1/C*Marie’ REF viděla tančit 2/B(C*Marie’ REF) viděla tančit 3/B(B(C*Marie’ REF) viděla) tančit 4/B(C*Marie’ REF) (viděla tančit) 5/C*Marie’ (REF (viděla tančit)) 6/C*Marie’ (W (viděla tančit)) 7/(W(viděla tančit))(Marie) 8/(viděla tančit)(Marie)(Marie) =Mary saw that Mary dance b. Marie viděla Petra tančit (Mary saw Peter dance) Hypothesis [Marie=C*Marie’] 1/C*Marie’ viděla Petra tančit 2/B(C*Marie’ viděla) Petra tančit 3/B(B(C*Marie’ viděla) Petra )tančit 4/B(C*Marie’ viděla) (Petra tančit) 5/C*Marie’ (viděla (Petra tančit)) 6/ (viděla (Petra tančit))Marie =Mary saw that Peter dance (f) a. Soudce se shledal vinným (The judge found himself guilty) Hypothesis Spring 2012 IA165 Combinatory Logic for Computational Semantics by Juyeon Kang [Soudce=C*Soudce’][se=REF] [REF= W] 1/C*Soudce’ REF shledal vinným 2/B(C*Soudce’ REF) shledal vinným 3/B(B(C*Soudce’ REF) shledal) vinným 4/B(C*Soudce’ REF) ( shledal vinným) 5/C*Soudce’ (REF ( shledal vinným)) 6/C*Soudce’ (W ( shledal vinným)) 7/(W( shledal vinným))(Soudce) 8/( shledal vinným)(Soudce)(Soudce) = the judge found that he is guilty b. Soudce shledal Petra vinným. (The judge found Peter guilty) Hypothesis [Soudce=C*Soudce’] 1/C*Soudce’ shledal Petra vinným 2/B(C*Soudce’ shledal) Petra vinným 3/B(B(C*Soudce’ shledal) Petra ) vinným 4/B(C*Soudce’ shledal) (Petra vinným) 5/C*Soudce’ ( shledal (Petra vinným)) 6/ ( shledal (Petra vinným)) Soudce =the judge found that Peter is guilty (g) a. Jean se lave (Jean washes himself) Hypothesis [Jean=C*Jean’][se=REF] [REF= W] 1/C*Jean’ REF lave 2/B(C*Jean’ REF) lave 3/C*Jean’ (REF lave) 4/(REF lave)Jean 5/ (lave)Jean Jean Spring 2012 IA165 Combinatory Logic for Computational Semantics by Juyeon Kang b. Jean lave son assiette (Jean washes his dish) Hypothesis [Jean=C*Jean’] 1/C*Jean’ lave son assiette 2/B(C*Jean’lave) son assiette 3/B(B(C*Jean’lave) son) assiette 4/B(C*Jean’lave) (son assiette) 5/C*Jean’(lave (son assiette)) 6/(lave (son assiette))Jean