Digital Signal Processing Frequency Analysis of Signals (1) Moslem Amiri, V´aclav Pˇrenosil Embedded Systems Laboratory Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University Brno, Czech Republic April, 2012 Frequency Analysis of Continuous-Time Signals Frequency analysis of a signal is resolution of signal into its frequency (sinusoidal) components For class of periodic signals, such a decomposition is called a Fourier series For class of finite energy signals, the decomposition is called Fourier transform The term spectrum is used when referring to frequency content of a signal Different signal waveforms have different spectra Thus spectrum provides an identity or a signature for a signal (no other signal has the same spectrum) Process of obtaining spectrum of a signal using basic mathematical tools is frequency or spectral analysis In contrast, process of determining spectrum of a signal in practice, based on actual measurements of signal, is called spectrum estimation In a practical problem, the signal is some information-bearing signal which does not lend itself to an exact mathematical description Recombination of sinusoidal components to reconstruct original signal is a Fourier synthesis problem 2 / 52 The Fourier Series for Continuous-Time Periodic Signals Examples of periodic signals are square waves, rectangular waves, triangular waves, sinusoids and complex exponentials Basic mathematical representation of periodic signals is Fourier series Fourier series is a linear weighted sum of harmonically related sinusoids or complex exponentials A linear combination of harmonically related complex exponentials of form x(t) = ∞ k=−∞ ckej2πkF0t (1) is a periodic signal with fundamental period Tp = 1/F0 This is called a Fourier series 3 / 52 The Fourier Series for Continuous-Time Periodic Signals Given a periodic signal x(t) with period Tp, it can be represented by Fourier series Fundamental frequency F0 is reciprocal of given period Tp To determine expression for {ck }, first multiply both sides of (1) by e−j2πF0lt (l is an integer) and then integrate both sides of resulting equation from t0 to t0 + Tp t0+Tp t0 x(t)e−j2πlF0t dt = t0+Tp t0 e−j2πlF0t ∞ k=−∞ ck ej2πkF0t dt = ∞ k=−∞ ck t0+Tp t0 ej2πF0(k−l)t dt (2) = ∞ k=−∞ ck ej2πF0(k−l)t j2πF0(k − l) t0+Tp t0 (3) For k = l, (3) yields zero 4 / 52 The Fourier Series for Continuous-Time Periodic Signals If k = l, from equation (2) t0+Tp t0 dt = t t0+Tp t0 = Tp Consequently t0+Tp t0 x(t)e−j2πlF0t dt = cl Tp cl = 1 Tp t0+Tp t0 x(t)e−j2πlF0t dt = 1 Tp Tp x(t)e−j2πlF0t dt Table 1: Frequency analysis of continuous-time periodic signals Synthesis equation x(t) = ∞ k=−∞ ckej2πkF0t Analysis equation ck = 1 Tp Tp x(t)e−j2πkF0tdt 5 / 52 The Fourier Series for Continuous-Time Periodic Signals Fourier coefficients ck are complex valued If periodic signal is real, ck and c−k are complex conjugates ck = |ck |ejθk −→ c−k = |ck |e−jθk Consequently, Fourier series may also be represented as x(t) = c0 + 2 ∞ k=1 |ck | cos(2πkF0t + θk ) where c0 is real when x(t) is real Expanding cosine function in equation above cos(2πkF0t + θk ) = cos 2πkF0t cos θk − sin 2πkF0t sin θk x(t) = a0 + ∞ k=1 (ak cos 2πkF0t − bk sin 2πkF0t) where a0 = c0 ak = 2|ck | cos θk bk = 2|ck | sin θk 6 / 52 Power Density Spectrum of Periodic Signals A periodic signal has infinite energy and a finite average power, given as Px = 1 Tp Tp |x(t)|2 dt x(t) = ∞ k=−∞ ckej2πkF0t −→ Px = 1 Tp Tp x(t) ∞ k=−∞ c∗ k e−j2πkF0t dt = ∞ k=−∞ c∗ k 1 Tp Tp x(t)e−j2πkF0t dt = ∞ k=−∞ |ck|2 The established relation is called Parseval’s relation for power signals Px = 1 Tp Tp |x(t)|2 d(t) = ∞ k=−∞ |ck|2 7 / 52 Power Density Spectrum of Periodic Signals Example Suppose x(t) consists of a single complex exponential x(t) = ckej2πkF0t In this case, all Fourier series coefficients except ck are zero Px = ∞ k=−∞ |ck|2 −→ Px = |ck|2 |ck |2 represents power in kth harmonic component of signal Hence total average power in periodic signal is simply sum of average powers in all harmonics 8 / 52 Power Density Spectrum of Periodic Signals Plotting |ck|2 as a function of frequencies kF0, k = 0, ±1, ±2, . . ., obtained diagram is called power density spectrum or power spectrum of periodic signal x(t) Figure 1: Power density spectrum of a continuous-time periodic signal. Since power in a periodic signal exists only at discrete values of frequencies, the signal is said to have a line spectrum 9 / 52 Power Density Spectrum of Periodic Signals Since Fourier series coefficients {ck} are complex valued, i.e., ck = |ck|ejθk where θk = ck instead of plotting power density spectrum, we can plot magnitude spectrum {|ck|} and phase spectrum {θk} as a function of frequency If periodic signal is real valued, then c−k = c∗ k −→ |c−k|2 = |c∗ k |2 = |ck|2 Power spectrum is an even function Magnitude spectrum is an even function Phase spectrum is an odd function Hence it is sufficient to specify spectrum for positive frequencies only Total average power Px = c2 0 + 2 ∞ k=1 |ck |2 = a2 0 + 1 2 ∞ k=1 (a2 k + b2 k ) a0 = c0 ak = 2|ck | cos θk bk = 2|ck | sin θk 10 / 52 Power Density Spectrum of Periodic Signals Example Determine Fourier series and power density spectrum of following rectangular pulse train signal Figure 2: Continuous-time periodic train of rectangular pulses. Since x(t) is an even signal, it is convenient to select integration interval from −Tp/2 to Tp/2 ck = 1 Tp Tp x(t)e−j2πkF0t dt → c0 = 1 Tp Tp/2 −Tp/2 x(t)dt = 1 Tp τ/2 −τ/2 Adt = Aτ Tp 11 / 52 Power Density Spectrum of Periodic Signals Example (continued) c0 represents average value (dc component) of x(t) For k = 0 ck = 1 Tp τ/2 −τ/2 Ae−j2πkF0t dt = A Tp e−j2πF0kt −j2πkF0 τ/2 −τ/2 = A πF0kTp ejπkF0τ − e−jπkF0τ j2 = Aτ Tp sin πkF0τ πkF0τ , k = ±1, ±2, . . . (4) (4) has the from (sin φ)/φ, where φ = πkF0τ φ takes on discrete values since F0 and τ are fixed and k varies However, plot of (sin φ)/φ with φ as a continuous parameter is shown in Fig. 3 12 / 52 Power Density Spectrum of Periodic Signals Example (continued) Figure 3: The function (sin φ)/φ. Since x(t) is even, Fourier coefficients {ck} are real Phase spectrum is either zero, when ck is positive, or π when ck is negative Instead of plotting magnitude and phase spectra separately, we may plot {ck } on a single graph 13 / 52 Power Density Spectrum of Periodic Signals Example (continued) When Tp is fixed and pulse width τ is allowed to vary Tp = 0.25 seconds −→ F0 = 1/Tp = 4 Hz Spacing between adjacent spectral lines is F0 = 4 Hz, independent of τ Figure 4: Fourier coefficients of the rectangular pulse train when Tp is fixed and the pulse width τ varies. 14 / 52 Power Density Spectrum of Periodic Signals Example (continued) If τ is fixed and Tp varies when Tp > τ Spacing between adjacent spectral lines decreases as Tp increases Figure 5: Fourier coefficients of a rectangular pulse train with fixed pulse width τ and varying period Tp. 15 / 52 Power Density Spectrum of Periodic Signals Example (continued) ck = Aτ Tp sin πkF0τ πkF0τ , k = ±1, ±2, . . . If k = 0 and sin(πkF0τ) = 0, then ck = 0 Harmonics with zero power occur at frequencies kF0 such that π(kF0)τ = mπ, m = ±1, ±2, . . . Power density spectrum for rectangular pulse train |ck|2 =    Aτ Tp 2 , k = 0 Aτ Tp 2 sin πkF0τ πkF0τ 2 , k = ±1, ±2, . . . 16 / 52 Fourier Transform for Continuous-Time Aperiodic Signals Periodic signals possess line spectra with equidistant lines Line spacing is equal to fundamental frequency Fundamental period provides number of lines per unit of frequency (line density), as shown in Fig. 5 Allowing period to increase without limit, line spacing tends toward zero When period becomes infinite, signal becomes aperiodic and its spectrum becomes continuous Spectrum of an aperiodic signal is envelope of line spectrum in corresponding periodic signal obtained by repeating the aperiodic signal with some period Tp 17 / 52 Fourier Transform for Continuous-Time Aperiodic Signals Consider an aperiodic signal x(t) with finite duration We can create a periodic signal xp(t) with period Tp x(t) = lim Tp→∞ xp(t) Figure 6: (a) Aperiodic signal x(t) and (b) periodic signal xp(t) constructed by repeating x(t) with a period Tp. 18 / 52 Fourier Transform for Continuous-Time Aperiodic Signals Fourier series representation of xp(t) xp(t) = ∞ k=−∞ ck ej2πkF0t , F0 = 1 Tp where ck = 1 Tp Tp/2 −Tp/2 xp(t)e−j2πkF0t dt Since xp(t) = x(t) for −Tp/2 ≤ t ≤ Tp/2 and x(t) = 0 for |t| > Tp/2 ck = 1 Tp ∞ −∞ x(t)e−j2πkF0t dt Defining a function X(F), called Fourier transform of x(t) X(F) = ∞ −∞ x(t)e−j2πFt dt ck = 1 Tp X(kF0) or Tpck = X(kF0) = X k Tp Fourier coefficients are samples of X(F) taken at multiples of F0 and scaled by F0 (multiplied by 1/Tp) 19 / 52 Fourier Transform for Continuous-Time Aperiodic Signals If we substitute for ck in Fourier series representation of xp(t) xp(t) = ∞ k=−∞ ck ej2πkF0t , F0 = 1 Tp Tpck = X(kF0) = X k Tp we obtain xp(t) = 1 Tp ∞ k=−∞ X k Tp ej2πkF0t Defining ∆F = 1 Tp xp(t) = ∞ k=−∞ X(k∆F)ej2πk∆Ft ∆F lim Tp→∞ xp(t) = x(t) = lim ∆F→0 ∞ k=−∞ X(k∆F)ej2πk∆Ft ∆F ∆F→dF −−−−−→ k∆F→F x(t) = ∞ −∞ X(F)ej2πFt dF (inverse Fourier transform) 20 / 52 Fourier Transform for Continuous-Time Aperiodic Signals Table 2: Frequency analysis of continuous-time aperiodic signals Synthesis equation (inverse transform) x(t) = ∞ −∞ X(F)ej2πFtdF Analysis equation (direct transform) X(F) = ∞ −∞ x(t)e−j2πFtdt Above Fourier transform pair can be expressed in terms of Ω = 2πF Since dF = dΩ/2π x(t) = 1 2π ∞ −∞ X(Ω)ejΩt dΩ X(Ω) = ∞ −∞ x(t)e−jΩt dt 21 / 52 Energy Density Spectrum of Aperiodic Signals Let x(t) be any finite energy signal with Fourier transform X(F) Ex = ∞ −∞ |x(t)|2 dt = ∞ −∞ x(t)x∗ (t)dt = ∞ −∞ x(t)dt ∞ −∞ X∗ (F)e−j2πFt dF = ∞ −∞ X∗ (F)dF ∞ −∞ x(t)e−j2πFt dt = ∞ −∞ |X(F)|2 dF Parseval’s relation for aperiodic, finite energy signals Ex = ∞ −∞ |x(t)|2 dt = ∞ −∞ |X(F)|2 dF 22 / 52 Energy Density Spectrum of Aperiodic Signals Spectrum X(F) of a signal is complex valued X(F) = |X(F)|ejΘ(F) where |X(F)| is magnitude spectrum and Θ(F) is phase spectrum Θ(F) = X(F) Energy density spectrum of x(t) Sxx (F) = |X(F)|2 Sxx (F) is real and nonnegative, and does not contain any phase information It is impossible to reconstruct signal given Sxx (F) If signal x(t) is real, then |X(−F)| = |X(F)| X(−F) = − X(F) Energy density spectrum of a real signal has even symmetry Sxx (−F) = Sxx (F) 23 / 52 Energy Density Spectrum of Aperiodic Signals Example Determine Fourier transform and energy density spectrum of x(t) = A, |t| ≤ τ/2 0, |t| > τ/2 Figure 7: Rectangular pulse. This signal is aperiodic X(F) = ∞ −∞ x(t)e−j2πFt dt → X(F) = τ/2 −τ/2 Ae−j2πFt dt = Aτ sin πFτ πFτ 24 / 52 Energy Density Spectrum of Aperiodic Signals Example (continued) X(F) is real and hence can be depicted using only one diagram Figure 8: Fourier transform of rectangular pulse. Zero crossings of X(F) occur at multiples of 1/τ Width of main lobe, which contains most of signal energy, is 2/τ As τ decreases (increases), main lobe becomes broader (narrower) and more energy is moved to higher (lower) frequencies 25 / 52 Energy Density Spectrum of Aperiodic Signals Example (continued) Figure 9: Fourier transform of a rectangular pulse for various width values. 26 / 52 Energy Density Spectrum of Aperiodic Signals Example (continued) As shown in Fig. 9, as signal pulse is expanded (compressed) in time, its transform is compressed (expanded) in frequency Energy density spectrum of rectangular pulse Sxx (F) = (Aτ)2 sin πFτ πFτ 2 27 / 52 Frequency Analysis of Discrete-Time Signals Fourier series representation of a continuous-time periodic signal can consist of an infinite number of frequency components Frequency spacing between two successive harmonically related frequencies is 1/Tp (Tp is fundamental period) Since frequency range for continuous-time signals extends from −∞ to ∞, it is possible to have signals that contain an infinite number of frequency components In contrast, frequency range for discrete-time signals is unique over interval (−π, π) or (0, 2π) A discrete-time signal of fundamental period N can consist of frequency components separated by 2π/N radians or f = 1/N cycles Consequently, Fourier series representation of discrete-time periodic signal contains at most N frequency components 28 / 52 The Fourier Series for Discrete-Time Periodic Signals Given a periodic sequence x(n) with period N (i.e., x(n) = x(n + N) for all n), Fourier series representation for x(n) consists of N harmonically related exponential functions ej2πkn/N, k = 0, 1, . . . , N − 1 and is expressed as x(n) = N−1 k=0 ckej2πkn/N (5) where {ck} are coefficients in series representation 29 / 52 The Fourier Series for Discrete-Time Periodic Signals Multiplying both sides of (5) by e−j2πln/N and summing from n = 0 to n = N − 1 N−1 n=0 x(n)e−j2πln/N = N−1 n=0 N−1 k=0 ckej2π(k−l)n/N (6) N−1 n=0 ej2π(k−l)n/N = N, k − l = 0, ±N, ±2N, . . . 0, otherwise Right-hand side of (6) reduces to Ncl and hence cl = 1 N N−1 n=0 x(n)e−j2πln/N , l = 0, 1, . . . , N − 1 30 / 52 The Fourier Series for Discrete-Time Periodic Signals Table 3: Frequency analysis of discrete-time periodic signals Synthesis equation x(n) = N−1 k=0 ckej2πkn/N Analysis equation ck = 1 N N−1 n=0 x(n)e−j2πkn/N The synthesis equation above is often called discrete-time Fourier series (DTFS) From Analysis equation above, which holds for every value of k, we have ck+N = 1 N N−1 n=0 x(n)e−j2π(k+N)n/N = 1 N N−1 n=0 x(n)e−j2πkn/N = ck Spectrum of a signal x(n), which is periodic with period N, is a periodic sequence with period N Any N consecutive samples of signal or its spectrum provide a complete description of signal in time or frequency domains 31 / 52 The Fourier Series for Discrete-Time Periodic Signals Example Determine spectrum of signal x(n) = cos √ 2πn Since ω0 = √ 2π −→ f0 = 1/ √ 2 f0 is not a rational number −→ signal is not periodic −→ signal cannot be expanded in a Fourier series Nevertheless, signal possesses a spectrum consisting of single frequency component at ω = ω0 = √ 2π 32 / 52 The Fourier Series for Discrete-Time Periodic Signals Example Determine spectrum of signal x(n) = cos πn/3 f0 = 1 6 −→ x(n) is periodic with fundamental period N = 6 ck = 1 N N−1 n=0 x(n)e−j2πkn/N → ck = 1 6 5 n=0 x(n)e−j2πkn/6 , k = 0, 1, . . . , 5 x(n) = cos πn 3 = cos 2πn 6 = 1 2 ej2πn/6 + 1 2 e−j2πn/6 Comparing x(n) with synthesis equation, x(n) = N−1 k=0 ckej2πkn/N ej2πn/6 → k = 1 → c1 = 1 2 e−j2πn/6 (k = −1) → e−j2πn/6 = ej2π(5−6)n/6 = ej2π(5n)/6 → k = 5 → c5 = 1 2 c0 = c2 = c3 = c4 = 0, c1 = 1 2, c5 = 1 2 33 / 52 The Fourier Series for Discrete-Time Periodic Signals Example (continued) Figure 10: Spectrum of the periodic signal discussed in Example. 34 / 52 The Fourier Series for Discrete-Time Periodic Signals Example Determine spectrum of signal x(n) = {1 ↑ , 1, 0, 0} where x(n) is periodic with period N = 4 From analysis equation ck = 1 N N−1 n=0 x(n)e−j2πkn/N → ck = 1 4 3 n=0 x(n)e−j2πkn/4 , k = 0, 1, 2, 3 ck = 1 4(1 + e−jπk/2), k = 0, 1, 2, 3 c0 = 1 2, c1 = 1 4(1 − j), c2 = 0, c3 = 1 4(1 + j) Magnitude and phase spectra are |c0| = 1 2, |c1| = √ 2 4 , |c2| = 0, |c3| = √ 2 4 c0 = 0, c1 = −π 4 , c2 = undefined, c3 = π 4 35 / 52 The Fourier Series for Discrete-Time Periodic Signals Example (continued) Figure 11: Spectra of the periodic signal discussed in Example. 36 / 52 Power Density Spectrum of Periodic Signals Average power of a discrete-time periodic signal with period N Px = 1 N N−1 n=0 |x(n)|2 = 1 N N−1 n=0 x(n)x∗ (n) x(n) = N−1 k=0 ck ej2πkn/N → Px = 1 N N−1 n=0 x(n) N−1 k=0 c∗ k e−j2πkn/N = N−1 k=0 c∗ k 1 N N−1 n=0 x(n)e−j2πkn/N ck = 1 N N−1 n=0 x(n)e−j2πkn/N → Px = N−1 k=0 |ck |2 Average power in signal is sum of powers of individual frequency components |ck |2 for k = 0, 1, . . . , N − 1 is called power density spectrum 37 / 52 Power Density Spectrum of Periodic Signals If x(n) is real (x∗(n) = x(n)), then c∗ k = c−k or |c−k| = |ck| and − c−k = ck Because ck+N = ck then |ck | = |cN−k | and ck = − cN−k Thus, for a real signal, the spectrum ck , k = 0, 1, . . . , N/2 for N even, or ck , k = 0, 1, . . . , (N − 1)/2 for N odd completely specifies signal in frequency domain This is consistent with the fact that the highest relative frequency that can be represented by a discrete-time signal is π 0 ≤ ωk = 2πk/N ≤ π −→ 0 ≤ k ≤ N/2 38 / 52 Power Density Spectrum of Periodic Signals Example Determine Fourier series coefficients and power density spectrum of periodic signal shown in Fig. 12 Figure 12: Discrete-time periodic square-wave signal. Applying analysis equation ck = 1 N N−1 n=0 x(n)e−j2πkn/N = 1 N L−1 n=0 Ae−j2πkn/N , k = 0, 1, . . . , N − 1 ck = A N L−1 n=0 (e−j2πk/N )n = AL N , k = 0 A N 1−e−j2πkL/N 1−e−j2πk/N , k = 1, 2, . . . , N − 1 39 / 52 Power Density Spectrum of Periodic Signals Example (continued) Simplifying last expression further 1 − e−j2πkL/N 1 − e−j2πk/N = e−jπkL/N e−jπk/N ejπkL/N − e−jπkL/N ejπk/N − e−jπk/N = e−jπk(L−1)/N sin(πkL/N) sin(πk/N) Therefore ck = AL N , k = 0, ±N, ±2N, . . . A N e−jπk(L−1)/N sin(πkL/N) sin(πk/N) , otherwise Power density spectrum |ck |2 =    AL N 2 , k = 0, ±N, ±2N, . . . A N 2 sin(πkL/N) sin(πk/N) 2 , otherwise 40 / 52 Power Density Spectrum of Periodic Signals Figure 13: Power density spectrum |ck |2 for L = 2, N = 10 and 40, and A = 1. 41 / 52 The Fourier Transform of Discrete-Time Aperiodic Signals Fourier transform of a finite-energy discrete-time signal x(n) X(ω) = ∞ n=−∞ x(n)e−jωn (7) X(ω) is a decomposition of x(n) into its frequency components Frequency range for a discrete-time signal is unique over frequency interval of (−π, π) or, equivalently, (0, 2π) X(ω + 2πk) = ∞ n=−∞ x(n)e−j(ω+2πk)n = ∞ n=−∞ x(n)e−jωn e−j2πkn = ∞ n=−∞ x(n)e−jωn = X(ω) Hence X(ω) is periodic with period 2π 42 / 52 The Fourier Transform of Discrete-Time Aperiodic Signals Multiplying both sides of (7) by ejωm and integrating over (−π, π) π −π X(ω)ejωm dω = π −π ∞ n=−∞ x(n)e−jωn ejωm dω On right-hand side, order interchange of and can be made if XN(ω) = N n=−N x(n)e−jωn converges uniformly to X(ω) as N → ∞ I.e., for every ω, XN (ω) → X(ω), as N → ∞ ∞ n=−∞ x(n) π −π ejω(m−n) dω = 2πx(m), m = n 0, m = n x(n) = 1 2π π −π X(ω)ejωn dω 43 / 52 The Fourier Transform of Discrete-Time Aperiodic Signals Table 4: Frequency analysis of discrete-time aperiodic signals Synthesis equation (inverse transform) x(n) = 1 2π 2π X(ω)ejωndω Analysis equation (direct transform) X(ω) = ∞ n=−∞ x(n)e−jωn 44 / 52 Energy Density Spectrum of Aperiodic Signals Energy of a discrete-time signal x(n) is Ex = ∞ n=−∞ |x(n)|2 = ∞ n=−∞ x(n)x∗ (n) = ∞ n=−∞ x(n) 1 2π π −π X∗ (ω)e−jωn dω = 1 2π π −π X∗ (ω) ∞ n=−∞ x(n)e−jωn dω = 1 2π π −π |X(ω)|2 dω Parseval’s relation for discrete-time aperiodic signals with finite energy Ex = ∞ n=−∞ |x(n)|2 = 1 2π π −π |X(ω)|2 dω 45 / 52 Energy Density Spectrum of Aperiodic Signals X(ω) is a complex-valued function X(ω) = |X(ω)|ejΘ(ω) where Θ(ω) = X(ω) is phase spectrum and |X(ω)| is magnitude spectrum Energy density spectrum of x(n) Sxx (ω) = |X(ω)|2 if x(n) is real, then X∗(ω) = X(−ω) |X(−ω)| = |X(ω)| X(−ω) = − X(ω) Sxx (−ω) = Sxx (ω) Similar to real discrete-time periodic signals, frequency range of real discrete-time aperiodic signals can also be limited further to one-half of period 0 ≤ ω ≤ π 46 / 52 Energy Density Spectrum of Aperiodic Signals Example Determine and sketch energy density spectrum Sxx (ω) of signal x(n) = anu(n), −1 < a < 1 Applying Fourier transform X(ω) = ∞ n=−∞ x(n)e−jωn = ∞ n=0 an e−jωn = ∞ n=0 (ae−jω )n Since |ae−jω| = |a| < 1, using geometric series X(ω) = 1 1 − ae−jω Sxx (ω) = |X(ω)|2 = X(ω)X∗ (ω) = 1 (1 − ae−jω)(1 − aejω) = 1 1 − 2a cos ω + a2 47 / 52 Energy Density Spectrum of Aperiodic Signals Figure 14: (a) Sequence x(n) = (1 2 )n u(n) and x(n) = (−1 2 )n u(n); (b) their energy spectra. For a = −0.5 the signal has more rapid variations and as a result its spectrum has stronger high frequencies. 48 / 52 Energy Density Spectrum of Aperiodic Signals Example Determine Fourier transform and energy density spectrum of sequence x(n) = A, 0 ≤ n ≤ L − 1 0, otherwise Figure 15: Discrete-time rectangular pulse. Fourier transform of this signal is X(ω) = ∞ n=−∞ x(n)e−jωn = L−1 n=0 Ae−jωn = A 1 − e−jωL 1 − e−jω 49 / 52 Energy Density Spectrum of Aperiodic Signals Example (continued) X(ω) = Ae−j(ω/2)(L−1) sin(ωL/2) sin(ω/2) |X(ω)| = |A|L, ω = 0 |A| sin(ωL/2) sin(ω/2) , otherwise X(ω) = A − ω 2 (L − 1) + sin(ωL/2) sin(ω/2) 50 / 52 Energy Density Spectrum of Aperiodic Signals Figure 16: Magnitude and phase of Fourier transform of the discrete-time rectangular pulse in Fig. 15, for the case A = 1 and L = 5. 51 / 52 References John G. Proakis, Dimitris G. Manolakis, Digital Signal Processing: Principles, Algorithms, and Applications, Prentice Hall, 2006. 52 / 52