Homework assignment: Smart Mobility Application Description of the assignment Goal of the assignment is to propose innovative smart mobility solution and a way how to use it in the practical world. Smart mobility there means smart phones and tables (devices which users can easily use outside the home or office). Proposed solution should be original and unique. Don’t describe already existing solutions which are already on the marketplace. Goal is to propose completely new and innovative solution that uses new or existing technologies to increase productivity for already existing processes with help of smart mobility. Important is that solution is original and useful for existing users. Example what should NOT be suggested solution: Applications for smart phones or tablets which allow using bank account. Although popularity of this solution will grow in the near future such solution already exists on the market so it is not very innovative. Conditions to pass the homework assignment You must describe you suggested solution in the document with at least 3 pages (A4 format). Language is English. Document must contain following items: * Description of reason for the solution * Identification and description of the business field in which solution will be used * Description of the target users using suggested solution * Explanation what is the original and innovative idea of the solution * Description and explanation of the usefulness for end users. Usefulness should be converted to some measurable values (e.g. how much time users save with the solution, how many EURs they save etc.) Document must contain: * Name and UČO of the solver * Name of the assignment * Task execution itself * All your assumptions and ideas related to the assignment Deadline for homework assignment: June 3rd, 2012 (inclusive).