Theory of vitality 2 (C) J. Plamínek Theory of Vitality Theory of Vitality describes a strategy of building a vital company! ¥The order of the pyramid is ¥Logical ¥Not possible to accomplish to 100% ¥None of the vital signs can be developed to 100% ¥We improve it until it has any limitations ¥That leads to sequence of “currative” interventions Usefulness? Usefulness! yes no Effectivity? Effectivity! Stability? Dynamics? Stability! Dynamics! no no yes yes yes no consultation 5 Company culture ¥It is necessary to “decompose” the ideas ¥Motivation is the basement for listening ideas ¥Different people are willing to wait different time ¥Motivation must be designed for concrete position Strategy Long term goals Middle term goals Short term goals Actual tasks The company departements groups employees ¥Fight for the ¥Power ¥Influence ¥Money ¥Support of the high management is the key to vitality ¥All processes must be done for OUTPUT ¥Output is giving the money and profit ¥Limit the power of OPE and Controlling ¥Administration ¥Forms filling ¥Other non productive tasks ¥But it is need to have feed back!!! ¥Needs to be separated from the sources ¥Only one owner of the problem (project manager) ¥At last one more level of the sub-process ¥More levels adds more problems ¥More levels needs more owners ¥The space for non-profit tasks ¥ ¥As many levels as necessary ¥Each manager should have at last 5 subordinates ¥Manager is the keeper of the human resources ¥Coach ¥Trainer ¥Consultant ¥ ¥Three types of HR ¥Quality ¥What we are ¥Can not be changed, only accepted ¥Attitude ¥What we believe in and what we want ¥Abilities ¥What we know and what we have learned ¥ shared Differ. Attitudes Favorable Unfavorable This is the most dangerous ¥The target is not to exhaust the sources ¥The management of HR must be ¥Efficient ¥Effective ¥The potential and the performance need to be in a harmony ¥The goose can produce the golden eggs till it lives > definition > orientation > motivation > habilitation > synergizing > integration Loyalty to company’s ideas Harmony between requested and real abilities of the people Integration under company’s ideas We need to apply the theory of limitations