What do lecturers think is a good lesson? Clearly expressed instructional goals/objectives Well planned, paced and organized Clearly communicates to the students the desired outcomes Utilizes appropriate teaching and learning strategies Accommodates for different student learning styles Utilizes technology in a meaningful and competent manner Motivates and actively engages students to learn Periodically checks for student understanding Monitors and evaluates student performance Provides timely feedback to students Provides a summary of the lesson What do students think is a good lesson? Knows what the lecturer is trying to accomplish in the lesson Understands what criteria the lecturer will use to assess them Knows how they are doing throughout the course Lecturers express their ideas clearly Content is easy to understand, or appropriate guidance is provided for complex and difficult tasks Course is well paced Lessons provide new and supportive content Content can be integrated with previously learned concepts Knowledge learned can help the students with future careers Is interesting, stimulating, challenging and motivating (Grollman, M., Comadina, R., The self-assessment Impact seminar, 26.3.2013) What do lecturers think is a good lesson? Clearly expressed instructional goals/objectives Well planned, paced and organized Clearly communicates to the students the desired outcomes Utilizes appropriate teaching and learning strategies Accommodates for different student learning styles Utilizes technology in a meaningful and competent manner Motivates and actively engages students to learn Periodically checks for student understanding Monitors and evaluates student performance Provides timely feedback to students Provides a summary of the lesson What do students think is a good lesson? Knows what the lecturer is trying to accomplish in the lesson Understands what criteria the lecturer will use to assess them Knows how they are doing throughout the course Lecturers express their ideas clearly Content is easy to understand, or appropriate guidance is provided for complex and difficult tasks Course is well paced Lessons provide new and supportive content Content can be integrated with previously learned concepts Knowledge learned can help the students with future careers Is interesting, stimulating, challenging and motivating (Grollman, M., Comadina, R., The self-assessment Impact seminar, 26.3.2013)