Intro/Specifics Design Typesetting PDF Printing Presentation Summary Examples OO OO OOOOO OO OOO OOOO OO OOOOOO Petr Sojka Masaryk University, Faculty of Informatics, Brno, Czech Republic lasaryk University, April 22nd, 2013, 4PM, room Gill Petr Sojka: DPRPO-Poster Tech HowTo Masaryk University, 22. 4. 2013 Intro/Specifics Design Typesetting PDF Printing Presentation Summary Examples OO OO OOOOO OO OOO OOOO OO OOOOOO Outline and two take-home messages O Poster Preparation Specifics © Content and Design © Typesetting the Beast © Prepress, PDF Preparation © Printing © Transport, Posting and Presentation © Summary © Examples, Q&A Petr Sojka: DPRPO-Poster Tech HowTo Masaryk University, 22. 4. 2013 Intro/Specifics Design Typesetting PDF Printing Presentation Summary Examples OO OO OOOOO OO OOO OOOO OO OOOOOO Petr Sojka: DPRPO-Poster Tech HowTo Masaryk University, 22. 4. 2013 Intro/Specifics Design Typesetting PDF Printing Presentation Summary Examples OO OO OOOOO OO OOO OOOO OO OOOOOO Take care! "God is in the details." (Mies van der Rohe) Intro/Specifics Design Typesetting PDF Printing Presentation Summary Examples •0 OO OOOOO OO OOO OOOO OO OOOOOO How to DIY? Some thoughts first! © Waterfall or Lean-Agile? • Try the whole workflow ASAP! • Put yourself in the reader's place and iterate! © Scientific paper or puff add? • Proportion of text vs. graphics • Conservative or not? • Attentative reading or not? © Batch or Interactive preparation? • Both extremes suck (long iteration vs. inconsistencies, no precision). • Try several possibilities on examples, choose what suits best. Petr Sojka: DPRPO-Poster Tech HowTo Masaryk University, 22. 4. 2013 Intro/Specifics Design Typesetting PDF Printing Presentation Summary Examples 0» OO OOOOO OO OOO OOOO OO OOOOOO From idea to the poster on paper © Content (Marked) - What? • Text, data, graphics (?accepted paper) © Form (Design) - How? • How to visualize, present content? • Size (travel), time or money (?color) constraints. • Attentative reading or not? © Typesetting (Apply Design on Content) • Batch/algorithmic vs. WYSIWYG? • From T|=X to Quark/Corel, both extremes suck (long iteration vs. inconsistencies, no precision.) • Try several possibilities on examples, choose what suits best. © Print (paper size and type). © Delivery and presentation to the Reader(s). Petr Sojka: DPRPO-Poster Tech HowTo Masaryk University, 22. 4. 2013 Intro/Specifics Design Typesetting PDF Printing Presentation Summary Examples OO »0 OOOOO OO OOO OOOO OO OOOOOO Design thinker Petr Sojka: DPRPO-Poster Tech HowTo Masaryk University, 22. 4. 2013 Intro/Specifics Design Typesetting PDF Printing Presentation Summary Examples OO 0» OOOOO OO OOO OOOO OO OOOOOO Content and Desien gr © "No, Watson, this was not done by accident, but by design." — Sherlock Holmes © Having what, how? © Not to be absent! © Has to serve to convey the [main] message. © Typography should be covered in the previous (or next) lecture (Malíková). Petr Sojka: DPRPO-Poster Tech HowTo Masaryk University, 22. 4. 2013 Intro/Specifics Design Typesetting PDF Printing Presentation Summary Examples OO OO »0000 OO OOO OOOO OO OOOOOO Petr Sojka: DPRPO-Poster Tech HowTo Intro/Specifics Design Typesetting PDF Printing Presentation Summary Examples OO OO 0*000 OO OOO OOOO OO OOOOOO TvDesettin g engiru © programmable graphics: PostScript, APIs, © TeX et a I. (with frontends) © 3B2, InDesign © Inkscape, Scribus © QuarkXpress, CorelDraw © PowerPoint, Word © Engine comparison, pros and cons (layout, text, math, graphics, level of control) Petr Sojka: DPRPO-Poster Tech HowTo Masaryk University, 22. 4. 2013 Intro/Specifics Design Typesetting PDF Printing Presentation OO OO 00«00 OO OOO OOOO Summary Examples OO OOOOOO he Engine makes the difference ft* x*+% 11 x ft wftl o m a ^ i o i & & 14- / Petr Sojka: DPRPO-Poster Tech HowTo Masaryk University, 22. 4. 2013 Intro/Specifics Design Typesetting PDF Printing Presentation Summary Examples OO OO 000»0 OO OOO OOOO OO OOOOOO The TfX wav © Front ends or directly. © , . © baposter class - relative positioning, templates (not yet in TeXlive 2012). © sciposter class - classics, many examples, font scaling options. © aOposter, tikz graphics. © beamerposter, ... © Overview documentation by: 'texdoc jmeno_baliku' Petr Sojka: DPRPO-Poster Tech HowTo Masaryk University, 22. 4. 2013 Intro/Specifics Design Typesetting PDF Printing Presentation Summary Examples OO OO 0000» OO OOO OOOO OO OOOOOO Tids and tricks © Positioning by picture environment in the footer. © The same fonts, color models (CMYK) in text and picture. © Pictures by various tools but finally in the [transparent] PDF. © The same fonts, color models (CMYK) in text and picture. Fonts embeded in picture PDFs. © Use make, prepare Makefile, with options stored/shared. © A3/ A4 printing. Petr Sojka: DPRPO-Poster Tech HowTo Masaryk University, 22. 4. 2013 Intro/Specifics Design Typesetting PDF Printing Presentation OO OO OOOOO »O OOO OOOO Summary Examples OO OOOOOO Prepress: Adobe's building CITY OF MOUNTAIN VIEW ADOBE BUILDING BUILT 1934 RESTORED 2001 Mario Ambra, Mayor Sally J. Lieber, Vice Mayor Ralph Faravelli Matt Pear Rosemary Stasek Mary Lou Zoglin R. Michael Kasper/.ak, Jr. Kevin C. Duggan, City Manager Cathy R. Lazarus, Public Works Director Page & Turnbull, Inc., Architect Amana Engineering: and Construction, Contractor Petr Sojka: DPRPO-Poster Tech HowTo Masaryk University, 22. 4. 2013 Intro/Specifics Design Typesetting PDF Printing Presentation Summary Examples OO OO OOOOO 0» OOO OOOO OO OOOOOO P re Dress © PostScript vs. PDF (language vs. format). © PostScript —> PDF — Distiller's joboptions, ghostscript's ps2pdf. © PDF —> PostScript — acroread -toPostScript plus psutils. © PDF/X, PDF/X3. © Preflight (Adobe Acrobat Pro XI (Eur 82 in Level-3 discount), Distiller profiles). © High resolution JPEG as fallback. Petr Sojka: DPRPO-Poster Tech HowTo Masaryk University, 22. 4. 2013 ntro/Specifics Design Typesetting PDF Printing Presentation Summary Example: OOOOO OO »00 OOOO OO OOOOOO Intro/Specifics Design Typesetting PDF Printing Presentation Summary Examples OO ooooo oo o»o OOOO OOOOOO Printing - on the spot servic > (Umted MKS H SITE SERVICESH^HB RESTROOMS SINKS, TEMPORARY FENCE, PORTABLE STORAGE and MORE 1-800-TOILETS ^ Petr Sojka: DPRPO-Poster Tech HowTo Masaryk University, 22. 4. 2013 Intro/Specifics Design Typesetting PDF Printing Presentation Summary Examples OO OO OOOOO OO 00» OOOO OO OOOOOO Printing © Paper types (plain, glossy) and weight considerations. © Laser printers up to A3 (copy5c, Ij5b,...). Recommended to print a few A3 poster copies as gift to interested parties. © Plotters®Fl: C4 (Atelier, AOplus) bought from my FRVS grant, controlled access and printing secured for free. © or B3 (NLP, Al). © PlottersOUVT: CI (), wide range of papers, cost precalculation by Inet. © Print by organizers not recommended (no check possible in advance). Petr Sojka: DPRPO-Poster Tech HowTo Masaryk University, 22. 4. 2013 Intro/Specifics Design Typesetting PDF Printing Presentation Summary Examples OO OO OOOOO OO OOO »000 OO OOOOOO Petr Sojka: DPRPO-Poster Tech HowTo Masaryk University, 22. 4. 2013 Intro/Specifics Design Typesetting PDF Printing Presentation Summary Examples OO OO OOOOO OO OOO o»oo OO OOOOOO TransDort. Postini © Tube transport by airplane, check with airlines. © Size check in advance, A4/A3 sheets as fallback. © Digital delivery not recommended. © Hint: Posting poster PDF on the web with hypertext DOI of original papers.i © Hint: Prepare electronic poster version as standalone with PDF metadata properly set up (cf. this PDF in Acrobat, File —> Properties Petr Sojka: DPRPO-Poster Tech HowTo Masaryk University, 22. 4. 2013 Intro/Specifics Design Typesetting PDF Printing Presentation Summary Examples OO OO OOOOO OO OOO 00#0 OO OOOOOO Intro/Specifics Design Typesetting PDF Printing Presentation Summary Examples OO OO OOOOO OO OOO 000» OO OOOOOO Finale: presentation © demo? © A3 to go? A4 to go? Leaflets? © Eye contact. © ... mission completed! Petr Sojka: DPRPO-Poster Tech HowTo Masaryk University, 22. 4. 2013 Intro/Specifics Design Typesetting PDF Printing Presentation Summary Examples OO OO OOOOO OO OOO OOOO »0 OOOOOO Petr Sojka: DPRPO-Poster Tech HowTo Masaryk University, 22. 4. 2013 Intro/Specifics Design Typesetting PDF Printing Presentation Summary Examples OO OO OOOOO OO OOO OOOO 0» OOOOOO Take care! "God is in the details." (Mies van der Rohe) Intro/Specifics Design Typesetting PDF Printing Presentation Summary Examples OO OO OOOOO OO OOO OOOO OO »00000 Commented exam Dies Dosted pies pc Questions? © Examples from discussion group and IS. © General Q&A session — all you wanted to know about poster preparation but was affraid to ask. Good or bad? Petr Sojka: DPRPO-Poster Tech HowTo Masaryk University, 22. 4. 2013 Intro/Specifics Design Typesetting PDF Printing Presentation Summary Examples OO OO OOOOO OO OOO OOOO OO o»oooo Good way Petr Sojka: DPRPO-Poster Tech HowTo Masaryk University, 22. 4. 2013 Petr Sojka: DPRPO-Poster Tech HowTo Masaryk University, 22. 4. 2013 Intro/Specifics Design Typesetting PDF Printing Presentation Summary Examples OO OO OOOOO OO OOO OOOO OO OOOOO* © Drašar © Stoklasa © Jurka © Kabát © Klement © Procházka ® Nguyen © ... © The Art... ® Růžička 22.4.2013