Working with Literature Jan Obdržálek FI MU DUVOD, March 28, 2013 Jan Obdržálek (FI MU) Working with Literature DUVOD, Spring 2013 1 / 7 Electronic information sources main source: Google/Google Scholar by publisher (IEEE Xplore, SpringerLink, Science Direct, ACM DIgital Library . . . ), technical reports, . . . Download if available! DOI Digital Object Identifier example: 10.1000/182 permanent, resolves to URL resolved through e.g. Jan Obdržálek (FI MU) Working with Literature DUVOD, Spring 2013 2 / 7 archive of electronic preprints hosted and operated by Cornell University supported by many other institutions guarantees long-term availability fields: mathematics, physics, astronomy, computer science, quantitative biology, statistics, and quantitative finance not peer reviewed organized by category LaTeX sources are compulsory (if the paper was written in LaTeX) supports versioning and comments Jan Obdržálek (FI MU) Working with Literature DUVOD, Spring 2013 3 / 7 Managing bibliography BibTeX traditional, complements LaTeX many frontends: e.g. JabRef, KBibTeX, . . . inherently desktop-based Other tools Mendeley EndNote (Thomson Reuters) ... often web-based Jan Obdržálek (FI MU) Working with Literature DUVOD, Spring 2013 4 / 7 Mendeley Mendeley Desktop - PDF and reference management Mendeley Web - online social network for researchers platforms (Desktop): Qt based - Windows, Linux, Mac citation data must be stored online (free version: 1GB) papers may be stored online PDFs: metadata extraction, inline comments bookmarklet for browsers, working on many websites exports to Word/Libre Office/BibTeX multiple computer synchronization fulltext search Jan Obdržálek (FI MU) Working with Literature DUVOD, Spring 2013 5 / 7 BibTeX tips 1 choose a good naming scheme 2 uppercase letters in titles: On some {NP}-complete . . . 3 diacritics and sorting - {\"a} or {\"{a}} not \"{a} 4 UTF8 not working 5 bibtool - good for managing bib files 6 list all entries: \nocite 7 choose appropriate entry type Jan Obdržálek (FI MU) Working with Literature DUVOD, Spring 2013 6 / 7 Citing – specific advice journals short journal names prefer journal to conference conferences short vs long names (be consistent) e.g. SODA’12 software pakages/tools cite tool paper (if it exists) check the webpgae Jan Obdržálek (FI MU) Working with Literature DUVOD, Spring 2013 7 / 7