Bidimensionality: An Overview Tom´aˇs Vejpustek June 19, 2013 Outline Bidimensionality works with: r × r grids bounded treewidth (tw) H-minor-free graphs Bidimensionality theory includes: graph structural results framework for FPT algorithms polynomial-time approximation schemes (PTAS) 2 / 21 Bounded Treewidth w-tree-decomposition is FPT allows nice dynamic FPT algorithms many problems are FPT on bounded tw r × r grid = typical graph of tw(r) (cops and robber game) Courcelle’s (meta)theorem Let ϕ be a MSOL formula and G be a graph with tw(G) ≤ w. Then in time f (|ϕ|, w)O(|V (G)|) it can be decided whether G satisfies ϕ. 3 / 21 Graph Minors 1. deleting vertices 2. deleting edges 3. contracting edges Forbidden minor characterization Each graph class closed on minors has a finite set of forbidden minors (⇐ Robertson–Seymour theorem). non-constructive (some forbidden minors unknown) H-minor problem O(n3 ) for fixed H (superexponential w.r.t |H|) 4 / 21 H-Minor-Free Graphs trees (triangle) planar graphs (K5 and K3,3) graphs embeddable on a fixed topological surface tw(G) ≤ 3 many are easier for FPT algorithms 5 / 21 Minor-Free Graphs Classification 6 / 21 Minor-Free Graphs Classification Bounded Genus Graph Embeddable on a surface with bounded Euler genus (i.e. bounded number of handles and cross-caps). 6 / 21 Minor-Free Graphs Classification Single-crossing Graph Can be drawn on a plane with at most two edges crossing. 6 / 21 Minor-Free Graphs Classification Apex Graph Planar after removing a vertex (apex vertex). 6 / 21 Large Grid Minors every planar graph of tw ≥ 6k − 5 has a Gk×k minor every graph of tw ≥ 202k5 has a Gk×k minor 7 / 21 Large Grid Minors every planar graph of tw ≥ 6k − 5 has a Gk×k minor every graph of tw ≥ 202k5 has a Gk×k minor Theorem For any fixed graph H, every H-minor-free graph of tw = k has a GΩ(k)×Ω(k) minor. 7 / 21 Proof Outline 1. H-minor-free graphs can be decomposed into a clicque sum of almost embeddable graphs (R.S.) 2. clicque sum does not increase tw → component with greatest tw 3. almost embeddable reduced to embeddable 4. bounded genus has large grid (prior results – extended from planar) 8 / 21 Clicque Sum Let G1 and G2 contain a k-clique W . G1 ⊕ 1G2: 1. delete some or no edges from W 2. attach G1 \ W to corresponding vertices 3. attach G2 \ W similarly 9 / 21 Clicque Sum Let G1 and G2 contain a k-clique W . G1 ⊕ 1G2: 1. delete some or no edges from W 2. attach G1 \ W to corresponding vertices 3. attach G2 \ W similarly tw(G1 ⊕ G2) ≤ max{tw(G1), tw(G2)} 1. tw(G1) ≥ tw(W ), tw(G2) ≥ tw(W ) 2. W is in one bag in tree decompositions of G1, G2 3. we can get tree decomposition of G1 ⊕ G2 by joining them by a bag containing only W 9 / 21 Bidimensional Problems Minor Bidimensionality A parameter P is g(r)-minor-BiD if it: 1. is at least g(r) on Gr×r 2. does not increase when taking minors 10 / 21 Bidimensional Problems Minor Bidimensionality A parameter P is g(r)-minor-BiD if it: 1. is at least g(r) on Gr×r 2. does not increase when taking minors Θ(r2 )-minor-BiD – size of: vertex cover, feedback vertex set, . . . not minor-BiD: dominating set, Hamiltonian path (removing edges) 10 / 21 Contraction Bidimensionality Parameter P is g(r)-contraction-BiD if it: 1. is at least g(r) on Gr×r -like graph 2. does not increase when contracting edges 11 / 21 Contraction Bidimensionality Parameter P is g(r)-contraction-BiD if it: 1. is at least g(r) on Gr×r -like graph 2. does not increase when contracting edges Grid-like Graphs planar partially triangulated Gr×r bounded-genus above + genus(G) additional edges apex-minor-free Gr×r + additional edges so that each vertex is incident to c noboundary vertex (depending on forbidden minor) 11 / 21 Contraction Bidimensionality Parameter P is g(r)-contraction-BiD if it: 1. is at least g(r) on Gr×r -like graph 2. does not increase when contracting edges Grid-like Graphs planar partially triangulated Gr×r bounded-genus above + genus(G) additional edges apex-minor-free Gr×r + additional edges so that each vertex is incident to c noboundary vertex (depending on forbidden minor) Dominating set (Θ(r2 )), Hamiltonian path (Θ(r2 )), . . . 11 / 21 FPA Schema Let P be g(r)-minor bidimensional and G be H-minor-free for some H. Is P(G) ≥ k? 1. G has a Gtw(G)×tw(G), so P(G) ≥ g(tw(G)) 2. if g(tw(G)) ≥ k, return YES 3. otherwise, tw(G) ≤ k =⇒ use dynamic programming (or Courcelle’s theorem) 12 / 21 FPA Schema Let P be g(r)-minor bidimensional and G be H-minor-free for some H. Is P(G) ≥ k? 1. G has a Gtw(G)×tw(G), so P(G) ≥ g(tw(G)) 2. if g(tw(G)) ≥ k, return YES 3. otherwise, tw(G) ≤ k =⇒ use dynamic programming (or Courcelle’s theorem) Can we get subexponential FPTA (e.g. O(2 √ k ))? 12 / 21 Parameter-Treewidth Bounds Theorem Let P be g(r)-BiD for the graph G. Then tw(G) = O g−1 (P(G)) . 13 / 21 Parameter-Treewidth Bounds Theorem Let P be g(r)-BiD for the graph G. Then tw(G) = O g−1 (P(G)) . Proof (minor-BiD): G has a GΩ(r)×Ω(r) minor R. P(R) ≤ g(r) ≥ g(Ω(tw(G))). Since P does not increase when taking minors, P(G) ≥ P(R), i.e. P(G) ≥ g(Ω(tw(G))) and tw(G) = O g−1 (P(G)) . 13 / 21 Parameter-Treewidth Bounds Theorem Let P be g(r)-BiD for the graph G. Then tw(G) = O g−1 (P(G)) . Proof (minor-BiD): G has a GΩ(r)×Ω(r) minor R. P(R) ≤ g(r) ≥ g(Ω(tw(G))). Since P does not increase when taking minors, P(G) ≥ P(R), i.e. P(G) ≥ g(Ω(tw(G))) and tw(G) = O g−1 (P(G)) . If g(r) = Θ(r2 ) then tw(G) = O P(G) . 13 / 21 Subexponantial FPTAs Theorem Assume P is g(r)-BiD and can be computed in h(w)nO(1) . Then there is an algorithm that computes P(G) for a graph class corresponding to P which has the complexity of h(O(g−1 (k))) + 2O(g− 1(k)) nO(1) . 14 / 21 Subexponantial FPTAs Theorem Assume P is g(r)-BiD and can be computed in h(w)nO(1) . Then there is an algorithm that computes P(G) for a graph class corresponding to P which has the complexity of h(O(g−1 (k))) + 2O(g− 1(k)) nO(1) . Notably when g(r) = Θ(r2 ) and h(w) = 2o(w2 ) , this time is subexponential =⇒ subexponential algorithms for vertex cover, feedback vertex set, dominating set,. . . 14 / 21 Locally Bounded Tree-Width ∀v. tw(G[Nr (v)]) ≤ f (r) Theorem Every apex-minor-free graph of diameter D has treewidth in O(D). Diameter-bounded tw ≈ locally-bounded tw (neighbourhood is a minor) 15 / 21 Separators Theorem Every H-minor-free graph G has tw in O |V (G)| . 16 / 21 Separators Theorem Every H-minor-free graph G has tw in O |V (G)| . Proof: Number of vertices is r2 -bidimensional. Consequence: Every vertex-weighted H-minor free graph has a separator of size O |V (G)| , which separates into two parts with weight at most 2 3 of G =⇒ divide and conquer 16 / 21 Separation Property of Problems 1. can be solved for each connected component independently 2. there is a polynomial algorithm, which given a cut of the graph and optimal solutions for all connected components, computes solution for the whole graph which is not much greater 3. optimal solution of the whole graph is not much different from optimal solution of connected components from cut (much ≈ size of the cut) 17 / 21 PTAS for BiD problems Theorem When a BiD problem with separation property can be approximated with constant factor in polynomial time it has a PTAS (all on H-minor-free graphs). 18 / 21 PTAS for BiD problems Theorem When a BiD problem with separation property can be approximated with constant factor in polynomial time it has a PTAS (all on H-minor-free graphs). Recursively decompose graph into subgraphs, until approximate solutions are precise enough. When decomposing, approximate tree decomposition and choose one bag as a cut (which divides most evenly). Finally join solutions using separation property. 18 / 21 Open Problems find better bounds for grid minors in general graphs (lower bound r2 log r, conjecture r3 ) generalize BiD (and resulting PTASs) for weighted problems . . . 19 / 21 Summary Every H-minor-free graph of tw = w has GΩ(w)×Ω(w) as a minor. This can be used: prove that problem is FPT find subexponential FPTAs build PTASs 20 / 21 Bibliography Erik D. Demaine and MohammadTaghi Hajiaghayi. The Bidimensionality Theory and Its Algorithmic Applications. The Computer Journal, 51(3):292–302, 2008. 21 / 21