Digital Signal Processing Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosil Masaryk University Understanding Digital Signal Processing, Third Edition, Richard Lyons (0-13-261480-4) © Pearson Education, 2011. The Arithmetic of Complex Numbers 2 Graphical Representation of Real and Complex Numbers  Real number  Can be represented by a point on a onedimensional axis, called real axis 3 Graphical Representation of Real and Complex Numbers  Complex number  Has two parts: a real part and an imaginary part  Can be treated as a point on a complex plane 4 Arithmetic Representation of Complex Numbers  A complex number C is represented in a number of different ways  Rectangular form  Trigonometric form  Exponential form  Magnitude and angle form jIRC += )]sin()[cos( φφ jMC += φj MeC = φ∠= MC 5 Arithmetic Representation of Complex Numbers  Magnitude (modulus) of C  Phase angle (argument) of C  In exponential form  Variable ø need not be constant  A phasor of magnitude M that rotates in a (counter)clockwise direction at a radian frequency of (+ω) –ω radians per second 22 IRCM +==       = − R I1 tanφ )2( njj MeMeC πφφ + == tjtj MeCMeC ωω − == or 6 Arithmetic Operations of Complex Numbers  Addition and subtraction  Rectangular form is the easiest to use here )()()( )( 2121221121 2121221121 IIjRRjIRjIRCC IIjRRjIRjIRCC −+−=+−+=− +++=+++=+ 7 Arithmetic Operations of Complex Numbers 8 Arithmetic Operations of Complex Numbers  Multiplication  Can use rectangular form to multiply  In exponential form, product takes simpler form  Product of magnitudes of two complex numbers  Scaling )()())(( 12212121221121 IRIRjIIRRjIRjIRCC ++−=++= )( 212121 2121 φφφφ + == jjj eMMeMeMCC 2121 CCCC =⋅ φφ jj kMeMek jkIkRjIRkkC == +=+= )( )( 9 Arithmetic Operations of Complex Numbers  Conjugation  Complex conjugate of a complex number is obtained by changing sign of its imaginary part  Conjugate of a product = product of conjugates  Sum of conjugates = conjugate of the sum φφ jj MejIRCMejIRC −∗ =−=→=+= ∗∗−− +−∗+∗∗ == === = 2121 )( 21 )( 2121 21 21 2121 )()( CCeMeM eMMeMMCCC CCC jj jj φφ φφφφ ∗ ∗∗ +++=+−+= −+−=+++ )]([)( )()()()( 21212121 22112211 IIjRRIIjRR jIRjIRjIRjIR 10 Arithmetic Operations of Complex Numbers  Conjugation  Product of a complex number and its conjugate is complex number’s magnitude squared 202 MeMMeMeCC jjj === −∗ φφ 11 Arithmetic Operations of Complex Numbers  Division 2 2 2 2 21122121 22 22 22 11 22 11 2 1 21 2 1 2 1 )( 2 1 2 1 2 1 )()( )( 21 2 1 IR IRIRjIIRR jIR jIR jIR jIR jIR jIR C C M M C C e M M eM eM C C j j j + −++ = − − ⋅ + + = + + = −∠= == − φφ φφ φ φ 12 Arithmetic Operations of Complex Numbers  Inverse of a complex number 222 11 111 M C IR jIR jIR jIR jIRC e MMeC j j ∗ − = + − = − − ⋅ + = == φ φ 13 Arithmetic Operations of Complex Numbers  Complex numbers raised to a power φφφ jkkkjkkj eMeMCMeC ==→= )( 14 Arithmetic Operations of Complex Numbers  Roots of a complex number  Next, we assign values 0, 1, 2, 3, . . ., k–1 to n to get the k roots of C knjkk njk njj eMMeC MeMeC /)360()360( )360(   ++ + == == φφ φφ 15 Arithmetic Operations of Complex Numbers  Natural logarithms of a complex number where 0 ≤ ø < 2π φφφ φ jMeMMeC MeC jj j +=+== = ln)ln(ln)ln(ln 16 Arithmetic Operations of Complex Numbers  Logarithm to base 10 of a complex number )43429.0(log )(loglog)(loglog)(loglog 10 101010101010 φ φφφ φ ⋅+≈ ⋅+=+== = jM ejMeMMeC MeC jj j 17 Arithmetic Operations of Complex Numbers  Log to base 10 of a complex number using natural logarithms )(ln43429.0)(ln43429.0 ))(ln(log 10ln ln log )10ln( )ln( )(log 1010 10 φ φ jMC Ce C C MeC x x j +⋅=⋅≈ == = = 18 Some Practical Implications of Using Complex Numbers  Representing numbers in a computer  Rectangular form has advantage over polar form  Example: represent complex numbers using a four-bit sign-magnitude binary number format  Integral numbers ranging from –7 to +7  Range of complex numbers covers a square on complex plane (Fig. A-4(a)) using rectangular form  If we use four-bit numbers to represent magnitude in polar form, those numbers reside on or within a circle whose radius is 7 (Fig. A-4(b))  Four shaded corners in Fig. A-4(b) represent locations of valid complex values using rectangular form but are out of bounds if we use polar form  Acceptable result in rectangular could overflow in polar 19 Some Practical Implications of Using Complex Numbers