Example (2) - SAX

The following code reads an XML file with book records and prints info about htem them (from Reading and writing the XML DOM with PHP Using the DOM library, SAX parser and regular expressions, Jack Herrington, IBM 2005)

  $g_books = array();
  $g_elem = null;
  function startElement( $parser, $name, $attrs ) 
  global $g_books, $g_elem;
  if ( $name == 'BOOK' ) $g_books []= array();
  $g_elem = $name;
  function endElement( $parser, $name ) 
  global $g_elem;
  $g_elem = null;
  function textData( $parser, $text )
  global $g_books, $g_elem;
  if ( $g_elem == 'AUTHOR' ||
  $g_elem == 'PUBLISHER' ||
  $g_elem == 'TITLE' )
  $g_books[ count( $g_books ) - 1 ][ $g_elem ] = $text;
  $parser = xml_parser_create();
  xml_set_element_handler( $parser, "startElement", "endElement" );
  xml_set_character_data_handler( $parser, "textData" );
  $f = fopen( 'books.xml', 'r' );
  while( $data = fread( $f, 4096 ) )
  xml_parse( $parser, $data );
  xml_parser_free( $parser );
  foreach( $g_books as $book )
  echo $book['TITLE']." - ".$book['AUTHOR']." - ";
  echo $book['PUBLISHER']."\n";