PB138 - Markup Languages Tomas Pitner April 29, 2013 To i Ql Introduction 0 hCalendar 0 hCard Q xoxo 0 hResume 0 Microformats Design Patterns 0 Metadata Frameworks Describing the XML and Data Resources 0 Dublin Core - Example of RDF Schema Q| Ontologies I • What are microformats? • Why to use microformats? • How to replace microformats? • Advantages of microformats to own markup. • Disadvantages of microformats.. • Common used microformats • Microformats design patterns. • Resources on microformats. To i • The way how to add simple markup into human readable information to allow computer processing. • acquiring data from documents • indexing • searching • storing • cross-referencing • Microformats are elements of a semantic markup using a plain old semantic (X)HTML (POSH) • Why has been the HTML designed at CERN (Conseil Europeen pour la Recherche Nucleaire (http://dg-rpc.web.cern.ch/dg-rpc/Scale.html)) v in the year 1991? Introduction hCalendar hCard XOXO h Resume Microformat Example of Microformat
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Microformats combines some trends: • next logical step in web-design and information architecture progress • the manner how can people and organisations publish semantically rich content without dependency on centralized services • "agreement", that the traditional meta data either failed or their adoption took too long, so there has been a need of a different solution. • microformats use the meta data. :-) • Use of (X)HTML for data. Introduction hCalendar hCard XOXO h Resume Microforms- How can be microformats replaced? (1) • Including data in own formating in a different namespace • XHTML + Voice Profile (http://www.voicexml.org/specs/multimodal/x+v/12/) • (X)HTML + SVG • XLink • XHTML+RDF a ... To i Introduction hCalendar hCard XOXO h Resume Microformat How can be microformats replaced? (2) • Advantages: • easy visualisation (direct support in browsers, using CSS for example), • independent on centralized services. • Disadvantages: • depends on host markup, • may be more difficult to process on a computer. To i hCalendar - publishing events on the web hCard - publishing people, companies, organizations on the web rel-license - indicating licenses of a content embedded in (X)HTML, ... rel-nofollow - hypertext link should not be ranking by user agents rel-tag - allows adding user-defined tags to hyper links XFN - the Xhtml Friends Network - simple way of human relationships representation using hyper links XMDP - (XHTML Meta Data Profiles) - simple XHTML-based format for defining HTML meta data profiles Specification is documented at http://gmpg.org/xmdp/ XOXO - microformat for embedding outlines into (X)HTML pages. Introduction hCalendar hCard XOXO h Resume Microformat Developed microformats • adr - address annotations in documents • geo - geographical coordinates annotation in documents • hAtom - markup for content aggregation. • hProduct - microformat for including information on products into (X)HTML pages. • hReceipe - microformat for including informations on receipts into (X)HTML pages. • hResume - microformat for including resume into (X)HTML pages. • hReview - microformat for including reviews on products, services, etc. into (X)HTML pages. • ... (for more see microformats.org/Wiki (http://microformats.org/wiki/Main_Page)) To i Introduction hCalendar hCard XOXO hResi (•It • simple, open, distributed microformat for annotation of calendars and events • based on the standard iCalendar (RFC2445 (http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2445.txt)) • used for calendar synchronisation in organizers, mobile phones, PDAs, etc. with computer, for temporal based data exchange in between above mentioned devices, etc. • hCalendar corresponds 1:1 to standard iCalendar To i hCalendar is defined by the XMDP profile at URI http://microformats.org/profile/hcalendar a Link should be included in (X)HTML document using this microformat. This content uses hCalendar. ntroductii hCalendar hCard XOXO hResi Microfoi in iCalendar Format BEGIN:VCALENDAR BEGIN:VEVENT UID:guid-l.hostl.com DTSTAMP:19980309T231000Z DESCRIPTION:Project XYZ Review Meeting SUMMARY:XYZ Project Review DTSTART:19980312T133000Z DTEND:19980312T143000Z LOCATION:1CP Conference Room 4350 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR To i Introduction hCalendar hCard XOXO h Resume Microforma1^| Corresponding hCalendar Event Markup

XYZ Project Review

Project XYZ Review Meeting

To be held on 12 March 1998 from 8:30am EST until 9:30am EST

Location: lCP Conference Room 43J Booked by: guid-l.hostl.com 9 Mar 1998 6:00pm

Introductii hCalendar hCard XOXO hResi Microfoi ating and Publishing • hCalendar Creator (http://microformats.org/code/hcalendar/creator) • Midgard CMS (http://www.midgard-project.org/ documentation/net-nemein-calendar/) • Firefox Greasemonkey (http://www.decafbad.com/blog/ 2005/06/08/greasemonkey_magic) • Event plugin for Windows Live! Writer (http://gallery.live.com/liveltemDetail.aspx?li= 9751e563-1408-4fc3-8028-bd4351edblfb&l=8) • ... (see hCalendar implementation (http://microf ormats. org/wiki/hcalendar-implementations)) To i • Simple, open, distributed format for publishing information about people,companies, etc. • Corresponds 1:1 to vCard standard (RFC2426 (http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2426.txt)). • (X)HTML document using hCard should have assigned corresponding profile: This content uses hCard Luděk Bártek Toi Introduction hCalendar hCard XOXO h Resume Microforma1^| hCard Creation and Manipulation Tools • hCard creator (http://microformats.org/code/hcard/creator) • Wordpress Addressbook plugin (http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/addressbook/) To i I • Simple format for including outlines and presentations in XHTML. • Made up of the following XHTML modules: • structure module (elements body, head, html, title) • hypertext module (element a) • list module (elements dl, dt, dd, ol, ul, li) • meta information module (element meta) • style sheet module (element style) • style attribute module (attribute style) • link module (element link) • legacy module (attribute compact u ol a ul) To i • It is a good practice to assign following profile to a document using XOXO microformat: To i Introduction hCalendar hCard XOXO hResi XOXO Markup
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To i Introduction hCalendar hCard XOXO h Resume Microformat Sample CSS for Example Visualization ol.xoxo { list-style:decimal; } ol.xoxo ol { list-style:lower-latin; } ol[compact="compact"] { display:none; } :s • S5Easy (http://www.s5easy.com/) - on-line slide show generation tool • Slimey (http://sourceforge.net/projects/slimey/) • ... » Microformat for including resume in (X)HTML pages. • Composed from following microformats: • hCard • hCalendar • rel-tag To i • It is a good practice to add links to following profiles to document using hResume: • hResume • hCard • hCalendar • eventually, geo, ... • Sample - see example from lecture. • Offers the vocabulary of commonly used markup across microformats. • Basic design patterns: • abbr-design-pattern • class-design-pattern • datetime-design-pattern, date-design-pattern • class names defined across all design patterns • include-pattern • value-class-pattern • rel-design-pattern • atomic microformats • composed microformats To i • Is used to make human-readable text machine-readable as well. • Wraps the human-readable text into abbr element (it contains machine readable equivalent of particular value). • Danny • Not recommended for usage in documents to be accessed by programlisting readers • we have a party in March 12, 2007 at 5 PM • The best matching (X)HTML element should be used. • The semantics is assigned to the elements using the semantic classes. •
Ludek Bartek, FI MU Brno
1 :ern • Used to make human readable time information machine readable as well. • Human readable time is enclosed into an abbr element. • Machine readable time is the value of attribute title in the format corresponding ISO-8601 standard. • 10 o'clock on the 10th • The minimalistic solution of a particular problem. » Composed from standard (X)HTML elements/attributes. • Are the base for composed microformats. • Often use either single class or rel attribute. • Example of atomic microformats: • rel-license • xoxo Introduction hCalendar hCard XOXO h Resume Microformat Composed Microformats • Composed microformats consists from atomic microformats and/or standard (X)HTML elements. • Are designed to be easily included in web pages. • Often use combination of several class or rel attributes. • Example of composed microformats: • hCalendar • hCard o hResume • ... To i • microformats.org (http://microformats.org) • What are microformats (http://www.xml.com/pub/a/2005/03/23/deviant.html) on xml.com • Microformats in Context (http://www.xml.eom/pub/a/ 2006/04/26/microformats-grddl-rdfa-nvdl.html) on xml.com • ... RDF Model and RDF Schema are W3C Recommendation. Set of W3C Recommendations (2004): http://www.w3.org/standards/techs/rdf List of specs with their current status http://www.w3.org/standards/techs/rdf#w3c_all RDF Primer (http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-rdf-primer-20040210/) RDF is general mechanism for metadata specification. RDF can be used with any (not only digital) resources. RDF model is based on triplets. • resource - http://www.fi.muni.cz/ tomp/xml for example • property - description for example • value - PB138 at FI MU Homepage for example. Triplets can be represented • graphically, • like a triplets (r, p, v) (N3-notation) • by an XML syntax See more See more: • Good introduction on xml.com (J. Tauber, 2006): What is RDF? (http://www.xml.com/pub/a/2001/01/24/rdf.html) • Zvon RDF Tutorial (Miloslav Nič) Zvon RDF Tutorial (http://www.zvon.org/comp/r/tut-RDF.html) a RDF Tutorial (W3Schools) W3Schools RDF Tutorial (http://www.w3schools.com/rdf/default.asp) • RDF Tutorial (P.A.Champin, 2001) http://www710. univ-lyonl.fr/~champin/rdf-tutorial/nodel.html To i • Specifies the set of properties, their definition, domains, and the range of their values. • To model the RDF Schema is used the RDF. Introduction hCalendar hCard XOXO h Resume Microforma- RDF representation of legacy metadata schemes - Z39.50, Dublin Core etc. • RDF is general framework for metadata modeling. • There is a need of definition of allowed properties, their domains and (allowed) for particular use. • This is the way to create RDF metadata schema representation. • Representation may be in a form of RDF Schema. To I • Generally usable generic metadata schema. • Based on initiative of librarians to create framework for bibliographic information description. • Today is commonly used - metadata description of public service information (e-Government) for example. • Created by 15 basic elements with partially defined semantics. • Elements can be extended - by decomposition to (usually disjoint) subsets. • It always must be a subsets of originally designed elements. To i "Simple" or "unqualified" Dublin Core ("Simple DC" in what follows) represents the basic set of 15 element designed and supported by: • Dublin Core(R) Metadata Initiative (DCMI, http://dublincore.org). • Present version - Dublin Core Metadata Set, Version 1.1. DCMI Recommendation, last issue Jun 2012, http://dublincore.org/documents/2012/06/14/dces/ • Accepted by IETF (http://ietf.org) consortium as RFC (Request For Comment) 5013 (Aug 2007) as well aslSO Standard 15836-2009 (2009), and recently in 2012 as ANSI/NISO Standard Z39.85-2012 (http://www.niso.org/apps/group_public/download. php/10216/Z39-85-2012_dublin_core.pdf) • contains the same set of elements as the Simple DC and recommends more in depth specification and limitation on every element. • Typically based on formal or de-facto international standard. • The language must be specified according the ISO 639 standard for example. To I Jena Java RDF API and toolkit (http://www.hpl.hp.com/semweb/) The ICS-FORTH RDFSuite ( DC Creator on University of Bath (http://www.ukoln.ac.uk/cgi-bin/dcdot.pi) for more see http://www.w3.org/RDF (http://www.w3.org/RDF/) Instrument how to describe a knowledge. Set of terms and constructs and how they can be joint, derived etc. Basic cathegories of ontologies are: • Classes (general things) in the many domains of interest • The relationships that can exist among things • The properties (or attributes) those things may have Uses the metadata frameworks (eg. RDF), but it is better with more exact semantics. There are general frameworks for creation of specific ontologies. • Web portals - data integration on web. • Multimedia collections. • Large web sites management • Design documentation • Inteligent agents • "Ubiquitous computation" Web Ontology Language (OWL) (http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/wiki/DWL) (current version "OWL 2", 2009) Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS) (http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/wiki/SKDS) (SKOS Primer, 2009) To I