Team project intermezzo PV243 – JBoss course Spring 2013 Jiří Kolář ● Feedback quiestionare ● Team project ○ Deliverables ○ Presentation ○ Examination schedule ○ Evaluation and grades ● Questions, discussion ● Overview Continous feedbacks ● Course partially student-driven ● By expressing your opinion improves quality! ● 3 Feedbacks during lectures (paper forms) ○ Completely anonymous ○ Be honest ○ Be constructive ○ If you don't like something, propose how to do it better Warning This document will be updated in IS, and serve as authoritative sources for rules and deadlines for project and examination! Always get updated version from IS! ● Source code @Github with proper commits ● .zip @IS MU in "project" folder containing: ○ ( ○ Complete deployable project + Source code ○ .txt file describing steps to deploy and execute ● .pdf @IS MU in "presentation" folder ○ (projectName_presentation.pdf) ○ Use "presentation_template.odp" IS MU PV243 materials ○ to fill the template, use openoffice export to PDF, do not change template too much ● Upload everything 76 hours prior to Team project deliverables Team project presentation & examination ● 15 minutes presentation (whole team!) ● 15 minutes quiestions and discussion ● Presentation will consist of ○ Project introduction 5 min ○ Each member explain his contribution 5 min ○ Project demo 5 min ● Precise timing required !!!!! ● Projection ○ Presentation and live demo from your laptop or local PC (you take care) - backup solution recommended ○ Do not rely on faculty WIFI too much ;) ● 3 Examination days ○ Regular term 11.6. 2012 ○ Regular and corrective 18.6. ○ Corrective only 25.6. ● Team lead subscribe for 30 min block ● Always pick the first free block each day! Examination schedule ● Grades: ○ A 100-90 ○ B 90-80 ○ C 80-70 ○ D 70-60 ○ E 60-50 ○ F < 50 ● Evaluation: ○ 0 - 40 Overall project score ○ 0 - 60 Personal score ■ Project contribution ■ Answered questions during presentation Evaluation and grades FIN Questions? PV207 – Business Process Management Spring 2012 Jiří Kolář