Pronunciation 1 Word Stress + Sentence Stress sixteen room sixteen sixteen people sixteen room sixteen sixteen people 1 fifteen / we live at number fifteen / the address is fifteen, Station Road 2 fourteenth / the fourteenth of August / August the fourteenth 3 afternoon / afternoon tea / see you this afternoon 4 Japanese / this vase is Japanese / a Japanese vase 5 Portuguese / Portuguese wine / can you speak Portuguese? 6 Berlin / travelling to Berlin / the Berlin Wall 7 independent / an independent country / learn to be independent 8 upstairs / go upstairs / an upstairs room 9 outside / look outside / an outside broadcast 10 continental / continental breakfast / English or continental? 11 intermediate / an intermediate grammar / the level of the course is intermediate 12 economic / economic recovery / the reasons are economic CHEAP MONEY IN NEW YORK Interested in some free - or at least cheap - money? The city authorities in New York are trying to get rid of 39 tons of coins from all over the world, which were put into the city’s parking meters. They’ve already tried selling the 1.75 million coins off as scrap for 17,500 dollars, but nobody was interested. Now they’re trying to either give them away to charities or make another attempt to sell them, but this time without quoting a price. Interested in some free - or at least cheap money? The Oo authorities in New O are trying to get O of 39 tons of coins from all Oo the world, which were put into the city’s Oo meters. They’ve already tried selling the 1.75 million coins off as scrap for 17,500 Oo, but nobody was Ooo. Now they’re trying to either give them oO to charities or make another attempt to sell them, but this time without Oo a price. Interested in some free - or at O cheap - Oo? The Oo authorities in New O are trying to O O of 39 tons of coins from all Oo the O, which were put Oo the city’s Oo meters. They’ve already tried Oo the 1.75 million O off as scrap for 17,500 Oo, but nobody was Ooo. Now they’re Oo to either give them oO to charities or make another attempt to O them, but this time without Oo a O. Ooo in some free - or at O cheap - Oo? The Oo oOoo in O O are Oo to O O of 39 tons of O from all Oo the O, which were put Oo the Oo Oo Oo. They’ ve Ooo tried Oo the 1.75 Ooo O off as O for 17,500 Oo, but Ooo was Ooo. Now they’re Oo to Oo give them oO to Ooo or make oOo oO to O them, but this O oO Oo a O. 1 A Are your lessons on Mondays? B They’re on Mondays and Wednesdays. 2 A I thought I put my keys in my coat pocket. B Perhaps you put them in your other coat? 3 A She grew up in Germany. B Yes, somewhere in East Germany. 4 A Was it an interesting talk? B Yes, extremely interesting. 5 A Did you buy a red dress? B Well, it’s actually a sort of orangey red. 6 A Did they say quarter to eight? B I thought they said quarter past eight. 7 A Shall we sit outside? B I think it’s too cold to sit outside. 8 A Perhaps you should stay in bed if you don’t feel well. B I don’t want to stay in bed. 9 A Is this your bag? B No, mine’s over there. 10 A Thank you for everything you’ve done. B And thank you for everything you’ve done. NEW ADDITIONAL IN CONTRAST introduce crafting comparison application dependency injection testability maintainability reusability automata presentation linear temporal deterministic intermediate transition gigantic entirely intriguing cryptography enthusiasist development geocaching