Seminar V Sentence Stress and Pauses FINE DOUBT DISCOVER FIND OUT no eye dear a name necks tweak grade A tool 8 sail east eye mill tone ale wee Kate that stuff really don’t know something to achieve after the weekend heavy cloud not early enough keep quiet I’m not very well part of the body end of the second month it isn’t easy no eye dear a name necks tweak grade A tool 8 sail east eye mill tone ale wee Kate that stuff NO IDEA AN AIM NEXT WEEK GREY DAY TOO LATE SAY LEAST I'M ILL TOENAIL WEEK EIGHT THAT'S TOUGH Sentence Stress Listen to the recording and underline the information-carrying word in each sentence. 1 A Are your lessons on Mondays? B They’re on Mondays and Wednesdays. 2 A I thought I put my keys in my coat pocket. B Perhaps you put them in your other coat? 3 A She grew up in Germany. B Yes, somewhere in East Germany. 4 A Was it an interesting talk? B Yes, extremely interesting. 5 A Did you buy a red dress? B Well, it’s actually a sort of orangey red. 6 A Did they say quarter to eight? B I thought they said quarter past eight. 7 A Shall we sit outside? B I think it’s too cold to sit outside. 8 A Perhaps you should stay in bed if you don’t feel well. B I don’t want to stay in bed. 9 A Is this your bag? B No, mine’s over there. 10 A Thank you for everything you’ve done. B And thank you for everything you’ve done. NEW ADDITIONAL IN CONTRAST Pauses Use slash marks (/) and punctuation to divide the text into readable chunks. A long time ago, they used to run mystery tours by train. The idea was that the passengers didn't know where the train was going - but of course the driver did! - and they'd arrive at some attractive destination, maybe at the seaside, or somewhere like that, and spend a few hours there, and then the train would take them back home again. But a few years ago, I read about a more modern kind of railway mystery tour. It wasn't intended to be a mystery, but an InterCity train in South Wales / got routed onto the wrong track at a junction. At first, the driver didn't notice, but after a while, he realised that the scenery was unfamiliar, and he was going the wrong way. The train conductor announced to the passengers: ‘We seem to be lost’, and they had to wait for another driver, someone with local route knowledge, to drive the train back onto the main line. Are the following statements true or false? Why? 1. Having a title for each slide is considered bad presentation style. 2. Slides need to contain everything that you will say. 3. You should read your slides. 4. One slide should contain up to three ideas. 5. Writing complete sentences on slides is recommended. 6. A slide should contain up to 12 points. 7. In bullet points, use nouns not verbs 8. Audiences tend to remember things that are said in the middle of a presentation. 9. Research has shown that we can look at something static for 90 seconds. 10. Maintaining eye contact is recommended. Eli Pariser: Beware online "filter bubbles"