@inproceedings{schank_margie_1973, address = {San Francisco, {CA}, {USA}}, title = {{MARGIE} Memory, Analysis, Response Generation, and Inference on English}, location = {Stanford, {USA}}, booktitle = {{IJCAI'73:} Proceedings of the 3rd international joint conference on Artificial intelligence}, publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc.}, author = {Schank, Roger C and Goldman, Ntit and Riager, Charles J and Rissbeck, Chris}, year = {1973}, pages = {255{\textendash}261} }, @article{venn, author={Branko Grunbaum}, title={Venn Diagrams and Independent Families of Sets}, year={1976}, journal={The American Mathematical Monthly}, number={1975}, volume={82}, pages={12--23} } @Misc{presentation1, author = {Paul Glen}, title ={10 ways to give a bad presentation}, year = {2006}, publisher = {TechRepublic}, howpublished = {online at \url{http://www.techrepublic.com/article/10-ways-to-give-a-bad-presentation/6107629}}, note = {[cit. 2011-12-4]} } @Misc{presentation, author = {Satyajeet Singh}, title ={How to make effective presentation}, year = {2006}, howpublished = {online at \url{http://www.slideshare.net/satyajeet_02/how-to-make-effective-presentation}}, note = {[cit. 2011-12-4]} } @Misc{duzi, author = {Marie Duží}, title ={Úvod do logiky}, year = {2006}, howpublished = {online at \url{http://www.cs.vsb.cz/duzi/UvodLogika.html}}, url = {\url{http://www.cs.vsb.cz/duzi/UvodLogika.html}}, note = {[cit. 2011-11-26]} } @Article{vesmir, author = {Jan Obdržálek}, title = {K terminologii nejenom fyzikální}, year ={1995}, journal = {Vesmír}, volume= {74}, page={586}, number={10}, } @article{louwerse_cognitively_2006, title = {Cognitively Inspired Nlp-based Knowledge Representations: Further Explorations of Latent Semantic Analysis}, volume = {15}, number = {6}, journal = {International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools}, author = {Louwerse, Max M. and Cai, Zhiqiang and Hu, Xiangen and Ventura, Matthew and Jeuniaux, Patrick}, year = {2006}, pages = {1021{\textendash}1040} }, @misc{bratkova_metody_2006, title = {Metody citov\'{a}n\'{i} literatury a strukturov\'{a}n\'{i} bibliografick\'{y}ch z\'{a}znam\v{u} podle mezin\'{a}rodn\'{i}ch norem {ISO} 690 a {ISO} 690-2}, publisher = {Odborn\'{a} komise pro ot\'{a}zky elektronick\'{e}ho zp\v{r}\'{i}stup\v{n}ov\'{a}n\'{i} vysoko\v{s}kolsk\'{y}ch kvalifika\v{c}n\'{i}ch prac\'{i} Asociace knihoven vysok\'{y}ch \v{s}kol \v{C}esk\'{e} republiky}, author = {Bratkov\'{a}, Eva}, version={2.0}, month = Dec, year = {2008}, url={http://www.evskp.cz/SD/4c.pdf}, note = {{[Online;} accessed {07-November-2010]}} }, @misc{vse, title={Citační etika \& bibliografické citace}, day={28}, author={Centrum informačních a knihovnických služeb VŠE}, month={Jan}, year={2011}, url={http://ciks.vse.cz/navody/citace.aspx}, note = {{[Online;} accessed {07-November-2010]}} } @misc{AutZ, title={121/2000 Sb. autorský zákon}, author={Česká republika}, year={2000}, url={http://portal.gov.cz/wps/portal/_s.155/701?kam=zakon&c=121/2000}, booktitle={Sbírka zákonu Ceské republiky}, } @inproceedings{dijk_semantic_1985, address = {London}, title = {Semantic Discourse Analysis}, volume = {2}, isbn = {0127120025}, booktitle = {Handbook of Discourse Analysis: Dimensions of Discourse}, publisher = {Academic Press}, author = {Dijk, Teun A. van}, year = {1985} }, @book{munro_amazon_2009, title = {Amazon Mechanical Turk and the generation of new linguistic data}, location = {Stanford, {CA}}, publisher = {Stanford Seminar on Psycholinguistics}, author = {Munro, Robert}, year = {2009} }, @book{mueller_thoughttreasure:_2003, title = {{ThoughtTreasure:} A Natural {Language/Commonsense} Platform}, url = {http://alumni.media.mit.edu/ mueller/papers/tt.html}, author = {Mueller, Erik T.}, month = aug, year = {2003}, note = {Retrieved November 9, 2009 from http://alumni.media.mit.edu/ mueller/papers/tt.html} }, @inproceedings{epstein_statistical_1996, address = {Atlanta, Georgia}, title = {Statistical Natural Language Understanding Using Hidden Clumpings}, volume = {1}, booktitle = {Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing {(ICASSP)}}, author = {Epstein, Mark and Papineni, Kishore and Roukos, Salim and Ward, Todd and Della Pietra, Stephen}, month = may, year = {1996}, keywords = {imported}, pages = {176{\textendash}179} }, @article{sowa_fads_2007, title = {Fads and Fallacies about Logic}, abstract = {Throughout the history of {AI}, logic has been praised by its admirers, maligned by its detractors, and discussed in confusing and misleading terms by almost everybody. Among the pioneers of {AI}, John {McCarthy} has always been a strong promoter of logic, but Marvin Minsky has been a skeptic who experimented with a wide range of alternatives. Roger Schank had no doubts about logic, which he denounced at every opportunity. He introduced the distinction between the neats who used logic for everything vs. the scruffies like himself who developed notations that were specifically designed for the problem at hand. Even advocates of logic have disagreed among themselves about the role of logic, the subset appropriate to any particular problem, and the tradeoffs of ease of use, expressive power, and computational complexity. The debates introduced many valuable ideas, but the hype and polemics confused the issues and often led to unfortunate design decisions. Controversies arise in several areas: relationships between language and logic; the range of notations for logic; procedural vs. declarative representations; distinctions between object level and metalevel statements; expressive power and complexity; and the role of logic in readable, usable, efficient interfaces.}, journal = {{IEEE} Intelligent Systems}, author = {Sowa, John}, year = {2007}, pages = {84{\textendash}87} }, @book{clark_xsl_1999, title = {{XSL} Transformations {(XSLT)}}, url = {http://www.w3.org/TR/xslt}, author = {Clark, James}, year = {1999} }, @article{collins_retrieval_1969, title = {Retrieval time from semantic memory}, volume = {8}, issn = {00225371}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0022-5371(69)80069-1}, doi = {10.1016/S0022-5371(69)80069-1}, number = {2}, journal = {Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior}, author = {Collins, Allan M. and Quillian, M. Ross}, month = apr, year = {1969}, keywords = {network, semantic}, pages = {240{\textendash}247} }, @book{holliday_wordassociation.org_2003, title = {wordassociation.org}, url = {www.wordassociation.org}, author = {Holliday, Simon}, year = {2003} }, @techreport{minsky_framework_1974, address = {Cambridge, {MA}, {USA}}, title = {A Framework for Representing Knowledge}, institution = {Massachusetts Institute of Technology}, author = {Minsky, Marvin}, year = {1974} }, @book{sandhaus_new_2008, address = {Philadelphia}, title = {The New York Times Annotated Corpus}, isbn = {1-58563-486-5}, publisher = {Linguistic Data Consortium}, author = {Sandhaus, Evan}, year = {2008} }, @inproceedings{guarino_formal_1998, address = {Trento, Italy}, title = {Formal Ontology and Information Systems}, url = {citeseer.ist.psu.edu/guarino98formal.html}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Formal Ontologies in Information Systems, {FOIS'98}}, publisher = {{IOS} Press}, author = {Guarino, Nicola}, month = jun, year = {1998}, pages = {3{\textendash}15} }, @book{fellbaum_wordnet:_1998, title = {{WordNet:} An Electronic Lexical Database {(Language}, Speech, and Communication)}, isbn = {{026206197X}}, url = {http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/redirect?tag=citeulike07-20&path=ASIN/026206197X}, abstract = {{WordNet}, an electronic lexical database, is considered to be the most important resource available to researchers in computational linguistics, text analysis, and many related areas. Its design is inspired by current psycholinguistic and computational theories of human lexical memory. English nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs are organized into synonym sets, each representing one underlying lexicalized concept. Different relations link the synonym sets. {{\textless}P{\textgreater}The} purpose of this volume is twofold. First, it discusses the design of {WordNet} and the theoretical motivations behind it. Second, it provides a survey of representative applications, including word sense identification, information retrieval, selectional preferences of verbs, and lexical chains. {{\textless}P{\textgreater}Contributors:} Reem {Al-Halimi}, Robert C. Berwick, J. F. M. Burg, Martin Chodorow, Christiane Fellbaum, Joachim Grabowski, Sanda Harabagiu, Marti A. Hearst, Graeme Hirst, Douglas A. Jones, Rick Kazman, Karen T. Kohl, Shari Landes, Claudia Leacock, George A. Miller, Katherine J. Miller, Dan Moldovan, Naoyuki Nomura, Uta Priss, Philip Resnik, David {St-Onge}, Randee Tengi, Reind P. van de Riet, Ellen Voorhees.}, publisher = {The {MIT} Press}, author = {Fellbaum, Christiane}, month = may, year = {1998}, note = {Published: Hardcover}, keywords = {base, linguistics, {PLIN}, semantics, thesaurus, wordnet} }, @book{mejrkova_jak_1999, title = {Jak napsat odborn\'{y} text}, isbn = {9788085927696}, lccn = {00354818}, url = {http://books.google.com/books?id=Qqf2AAAACAAJ}, publisher = {Leda}, author = {\v{C}mejrkov\'{a}, S. and Dane\v{s}, F. and Sv\v{e}tl\'{a}, J.}, year = {1999} }, @inproceedings{pustejovsky_towards_2006, title = {Towards a generative lexical resource: The Brandeis Semantic Ontology}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Fifth Language Resource and Evaluation Conference}, author = {Pustejovsky, James and Havasi, Catherine and Saur\'{i}, Roser and Hanks, Patrick and Rumshisky, Anna and Littman, Jessica and no, Jos\'{e} Casta{\textbackslash} and Verhagen, Marc}, year = {2006} }, @inproceedings{bartoek_dml-cz_2008, title = {{DML-CZ} Metadata Editor: Content Creation System for Digital Libraries}, booktitle = {{DML} 2008 {\textendash} Towards Digital Mathematics Library}, author = {Barto\v{s}ek, Miroslav and Kov\'{a}\v{r}, Petr and \v{S}\'{a}rfy, Martin}, editor = {Sojka, Petr}, year = {2008}, keywords = {dl, dml}, pages = {139{\textendash}151} }, @inproceedings{speer_open_2007, title = {Open Mind Commons: An Inquisitive Approach to Learning Common Sense}, location = {Honolulu, Hawaii}, booktitle = {Workshop on Common Sense and Intelligent User Interfaces}, author = {Speer, Robert}, year = {2007} }, @inproceedings{przepiorkowski_slavic_2007, address = {Prague, Czech Republic}, title = {Slavic Information Extraction and Partial Parsing}, url = {http://www.aclweb.org/anthology/W/W07/W07-1701}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Workshop on {Balto-Slavonic} Natural Language Processing}, publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics}, author = {Przepi\'{o}rkowski, Adam}, month = jun, year = {2007}, pages = {1{\textendash}10} }, @inproceedings{nevilova_visual_2005, address = {Graz, Austria}, title = {Visual Browser: A Tool for Visualising Ontologies}, isbn = {0948-6968}, booktitle = {Proceedings of {I-KNOW'05}}, publisher = {{Know-Center} in coop. with Graz Uni, Joanneum Research and Springer Pub. Co.}, author = {Nev\v{e}\v{r}ilov\'{a}, Zuzana}, year = {2005}, keywords = {application, visualisation}, pages = {453{\textendash}461} }, @article{nelson_university_2004, title = {The University of South Florida free association, rhyme, and word fragment norms}, issn = {0743-3808}, url = {http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/psocpubs/brm/2004/00000036/00000003/art00006}, abstract = {Preexisting word knowledge is accessed in many cognitive tasks, and this article offers a means for indexing this knowledge so that it can be manipulated or controlled. We offer free association data for 72,000 word pairs, along with over a million entries of related data, such as forward and backward strength, number of competing associates, and printed frequency. A separate file contains the 5,019 normed words, their statistics, and thousands of independently normed rhyme, stem, and fragment cues. Other files provide n \&\#215; n associative networks for more than 4,000 words and a list of idiosyncratic responses for each normed word. The database will be useful for investigators interested in cuing, priming, recognition, network theory, linguistics, and implicit testing applications. They also will be useful for evaluating the predictive value of free association probabilities as compared with other measures, such as similarity ratings and co-occurrence norms. Of several procedures for measuring preexisting strength between two words, the best remains to be determined. The norms may be downloaded from www.psychonomic.org/archive/.}, journal = {Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, \& Computers}, author = {Nelson, Douglas L. and {McEvoy}, Cathy L. and Schreiber, Thomas A.}, month = aug, year = {2004}, keywords = {distributional-similarity, word-association}, pages = {402{\textendash}407} }, @book{arnold_machine_1993, address = {London}, title = {Machine Translation: an Introductory Guide}, url = {http://www.essex.ac.uk/linguistics/clmt/MTbook/}, publisher = {{Blackwells-NCC}}, author = {Arnold, {D.J.} and Balkan, Lorna and Meijer, Siety and Humphreys, R. Lee and Sadler, Louisa}, year = {1993} }, @book{waltz_connectionist_1988, address = {Norwood, {NJ}, {USA}}, title = {Connectionist models and their implications: readings from cognitive science}, isbn = {0-89391-456-8}, publisher = {Ablex Publishing Corp.}, editor = {Waltz, David and Feldman, Jerome A.}, year = {1988} }, @article{merkle_how_1988, title = {How Many Bytes in Human Memory?}, volume = {4}, url = {http}, journal = {Foresight Update}, author = {Merkle, Ralph C.}, year = {1988} }, @book{swartz_beyond_2001, address = {California, {USA}}, title = {Beyond Experience}, url = {http://www.sfu.ca/philosophy/beyond_experience/}, publisher = {Simon Fraser University}, author = {Swartz, Norman}, year = {2001} }, @inproceedings{wu_automatically_2008, address = {New York, {NY}, {USA}}, title = {Automatically Refining the Wikipedia Infobox Ontology}, isbn = {978-1-60558-085-2}, location = {Beijing, China}, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1367497.1367583}, booktitle = {{WWW} '08: Proceeding of the 17th international conference on World Wide Web}, publisher = {{ACM}}, author = {Wu, Fei and Weld, Daniel S}, year = {2008}, pages = {635{\textendash}644} }, @incollection{nevers_knowledge_1998, address = {Paris}, title = {Knowledge acquisition in long-term memory: Activation and construction of traces}, booktitle = {Apprentissage: des principes naturels aux m\'{e}thodes artificielles}, publisher = {Hermes}, author = {Nevers, Brigitte and Versace, R\'{e}my}, editor = {Ritschard, A. Berchtold F. Duc G. and Zighed, D. A.}, year = {1998}, pages = {125{\textendash}138} }, @book{beckett_rdf/xml_2004, title = {{RDF/XML} Syntax Specification}, url = {http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-syntax-grammar/}, publisher = {{W3C}, Recommendation}, author = {Beckett, Dave and {McBride}, Brian}, month = feb, year = {2004} }, @book{eco_hled_2001, title = {Hled{\textbackslash}' an\'{i} dokonal{\textbackslash}' eho jazyka}, isbn = {80-7106-389-4}, publisher = {{NLN} {\textemdash} Nakladatelstv\'{i} Lidov{\textbackslash}' e noviny}, author = {Eco, Umberto}, year = {2001}, note = {Published: Hardcover} }, @incollection{fillmore_case_1968, address = {New York}, title = {The Case for Case}, booktitle = {Universals in Linguistic Theory}, publisher = {Holt, Rinehart, and Winston}, author = {Fillmore, Charles}, editor = {Bach, Emmon and Harms, R.}, year = {1968} }, @misc{_citace_????, title = {Citace 2.0 - v\v{s}e o citov\'{a}n\'{i} literatury a dokument? (http://www.citace.com)}, url = {http://www.citace.com/odkazy.php}, howpublished = {http://www.citace.com/odkazy.php} }, @book{fukushige_representation_2004, title = {A representation of probabilisitc knowledge on Semantic Web}, url = {http://www.w3.org/2004/09/06-Yoshio/onProbabilisticRelations.xml}, author = {Fukushige, Yoshio}, year = {2004}, note = {{[Online;} accessed {18-October-2007]}} }, @book{carnap_meaning_1947, address = {Chicago}, title = {Meaning and Necessity}, publisher = {University of Chicago Press}, author = {Carnap, Rudolf}, year = {1947} }, @book{kelly_kevin_????, title = {Kevin Kelly's Cool Tools {\textendash} {20Q}}, url = {http://www.kk.org/cooltools/archives/000725.php}, author = {Kelly, Kevin}, note = {{[Online;} accessed {30-October-2007]}} }, @book{tufte_envisioning_1990, title = {Envisioning Information}, publisher = {Graphics Press}, author = {Tufte, Edward}, year = {1990}, keywords = {visualisation} }, @techreport{ruppenhofer_framenet_2006, title = {{FrameNet} {II:} Extended Theory and Practice}, url = {http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu/book/book.pdf}, institution = {{ICSI}}, author = {Ruppenhofer, Josef and Ellsworth, Michael and Petruck, Miriam R. L. and Johnson, Christopher R. and Scheffczyk, Jan}, month = aug, year = {2006} }, @inproceedings{kleb_entity_2010, address = {Berlin, Heidelberg}, title = {Entity Reference Resolution via Spreading Activation on {RDF-Graphs}}, volume = {6088/2010}, isbn = {978-3-642-13485-2}, booktitle = {The Semantic Web: Research and Applications}, publisher = {Springer}, author = {Kleb, Joachim and Abecker, Andreas}, month = jun, year = {2010}, pages = {152{\textendash}166} }, @misc{_information_????, title = {Information Visualization \& Sensemaking - {PARC}, a Xerox company}, url = {http://www.parc.com/work/focus-area/info-visualization-and-sensemaking/}, howpublished = {http://www.parc.com/work/focus-area/info-visualization-and-sensemaking/} }, @article{lehmann_stereotypical_2002, title = {Stereotypical Reasoning: Logical Properties}, volume = {{cs.AI/0203004}}, journal = {{CoRR}}, author = {Lehmann, Daniel J.}, year = {2002} }, @inproceedings{hobbs_tacitus:_1991, address = {Morristown, {NJ}, {USA}}, title = {{TACITUS:} the abductive commonsense inference-based text understanding system}, location = {Pacific Grove, California}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.3115/112405.1138663}, booktitle = {{HLT} '91: Proceedings of the workshop on Speech and Natural Language}, publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics}, author = {Hobbs, Jerry R.}, year = {1991}, pages = {426{\textendash}426} }, @inproceedings{nevilova_semantic_2010, address = {Heidelberg}, title = {Semantic Role Patterns and Verb Classes in Verb Valency Lexicon}, isbn = {978-3-642-15759-2}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialog {TSD} 2010}, author = {Nev\v{e}\v{r}ilov\'{a}, Zuzana}, year = {2010}, pages = {:::7} }, @inproceedings{piskorski_automatic_2004, title = {Automatic {Named-Entity} Recognition for Polish}, abstract = {In this paper, we present a rule-based named-entity recognition system for Polish built on top of {SProUT}, a novel multi-lingual {NLP} platform. We pinpoint the encountered difficulties and present some evaluation results.}, booktitle = {International Workshop on Intelligent Media Technology for Communicative Intelligence, Warsaw, Poland}, author = {Piskorski, Jakub}, year = {2004} }, @inproceedings{hlavakova_exploitation_2006, title = {Exploitation of the {VerbaLex} Verb Valency Lexicon in the Syntactic Analysis of Czech}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue {(TSD} 2006)}, publisher = {{Springer-Verlag}}, author = {Hlav\'{a}\v{c}kov\'{a}, D. and Hor\'{a}k, A. and Kadlec, V.}, year = {2006}, keywords = {verbalex}, pages = {79{\textendash}85} }, @misc{center_for_history_and_new_media_rychly_????, title = {Rychl\'{y} pr?vodce}, url = {http://zotero.org/support/quick_start_guide}, author = {Center for History and New Media}, howpublished = {http://zotero.org/support/quick\_start\_guide} }, @article{lafourcade_similitude_2009, title = {Similitude entre les sens d'usage d'un terme dans un r\'{e}seau lexical}, volume = {50}, journal = {Traitement Automatique des Langues {(TAL)}}, author = {Lafourcade, Mathieu and Joubert, Alain}, year = {2009}, note = {[unpublished]} }, @article{crestani_application_1997, title = {Application of Spreading Activation Techniques in Information Retrieval}, volume = {11}, issn = {0269-2821}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1023/A:1006569829653}, number = {6}, journal = {Artif. Intell. Rev.}, author = {Crestani, F.}, year = {1997}, pages = {453{\textendash}482} }, @inproceedings{miller_hidden_1994, address = {Morristown, {NJ}, {USA}}, title = {Hidden Understanding Models of Natural Language}, location = {Las Cruces, New Mexico}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.3115/981732.981736}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 32nd annual meeting on Association for Computational Linguistics}, publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics}, author = {Miller, Scott and Bobrow, Robert and Ingria, Robert and Schwartz, Richard}, year = {1994}, pages = {25{\textendash}32} }, @misc{mueller_thoughttreasure_2002, title = {{ThoughtTreasure}, the Hard Common Sense Problem, and Applications of Common Sense}, author = {Mueller, Erik T.}, year = {2002}, note = {{[Retrieved} on-line from http://ocw.mit.edu; accessed {21-July-2010].} License: Creative Commons {BY-NC-SA}} }, @book{mcguinness_owl_????, title = {{OWL} Web Ontology Language Overview}, url = {http://www.w3.org/TR/owl-features/}, publisher = {{W3C}, Recommendation 10 February 2004}, author = {{McGuinness}, Deborah L. and Harmelen, Frank van} }, @book{wordsmyth_wordsmyth:_2001, title = {Wordsmyth: on-line dictionary and thesaurus}, author = {{WordSmyth}}, year = {2001}, note = {{[Retrieved} on-line from http://www.wordsmyth.net; accessed {3-August-2010]}} }, @inproceedings{ahn_verbosity:_2006, address = {New York, {NY}, {USA}}, title = {Verbosity: a game for collecting common-sense facts}, isbn = {1-59593-372-7}, location = {Montr\'{e}al, Qu\'{e}bec, Canada}, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1124772.1124784}, booktitle = {{CHI} '06: Proceedings of the {SIGCHI} conference on Human Factors in computing systems}, publisher = {{ACM}}, author = {Ahn, Luis von and Kedia, Mihir and Blum, Manuel}, year = {2006}, keywords = {annotation game}, pages = {75{\textendash}78} }, @inproceedings{elio_reasoning_1996, title = {On Reasoning with Default Rules and Exceptions}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 18 th Conference of the Cognitive Science Society}, publisher = {Lawrence Erlbaum Associates}, author = {Elio, Ren\'{e}e}, year = {1996}, pages = {131{\textendash}136} }, @book{wolfram$|$alpha_wolfram_2010, title = {Wolfram alpha}, author = {{Wolfram\${\textbar}\$Alpha}, (prvn\'{i})}, year = {2010}, note = {{[Retrieved} on-line from http://www.wolframalpha.com/; accessed {3-August-2010]}} }, @incollection{gruber_role_1991, address = {San Mateo, California}, title = {The Role of Common Ontology in Achieving Sharable, Reusable Knowledge Bases}, url = {citeseer.ist.psu.edu/gruber91role.html}, booktitle = {{KR'91:} Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning}, publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann}, author = {Gruber, Thomas R.}, editor = {Allen, James F. and Fikes, Richard and Sandewall, Erik}, year = {1991}, pages = {601{\textendash}602} }, @techreport{suchanek_yago:_2006, address = {Stuhlsatzenhausweg 85, 66123 Saarbr\"{u}cken, Germany}, type = {Research Report}, title = {Yago: A Core of Semantic Knowledge}, number = {{MPI-I-2006-5-006}}, institution = {{Max-Planck-Institut} f\"{u}r Informatik}, author = {Suchanek, Fabian and Kasneci, Gjergji and Weikum, Gerhard}, year = {2006} }, @inproceedings{peregrin_topic_1994, title = {Topic, Focus and the Logic of Language}, location = {Heidelberg}, booktitle = {Sprachtheoretische Grundlagen f\"{u}r die Computerlinguistik {(Proceedings} of the Goettingen Focus Workshop, 17. {DGfS)}}, publisher = {{IBM} Deutschland}, author = {Peregrin, Jaroslav}, editor = {Bosch, P. and Sandt, R. van der}, year = {1994}, keywords = {vb000, zos}, pages = {379{\textendash}387} }, @inproceedings{lieberman_autonomous_1997, address = {New York, {NY}, {USA}}, title = {Autonomous Interface Agents}, isbn = {0-89791-802-9}, location = {Atlanta, Georgia, United States}, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/258549.258592}, booktitle = {{CHI} '97: Proceedings of the {SIGCHI} conference on Human factors in computing systems}, publisher = {{ACM}}, author = {Lieberman, Henry}, year = {1997}, pages = {67{\textendash}74} }, @inproceedings{materna_using_2010, title = {Using Ontologies for Semi-automatic Linking {VerbaLex} with {FrameNet}}, booktitle = {Proceedings of {LREC}}, author = {Materna, Ji\v{r}\'{i} and Pala, Karel}, year = {2010}, pages = {3331{\textendash}3337} }, @book{mcnamara_semantic_2005, title = {Semantic priming: perspectives from memory and word recognition}, isbn = {1-841-69079-1}, publisher = {Psychology Press}, author = {{McNamara}, Timothy P.}, year = {2005} }, @inproceedings{chklovski_learner:_2003, address = {New York, {NY}, {USA}}, title = {Learner: a system for acquiring commonsense knowledge by analogy}, isbn = {1-58113-583-1}, location = {Sanibel Island, {FL}, {USA}}, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/945645.945650}, booktitle = {{K-CAP} '03: Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on Knowledge capture}, publisher = {{ACM}}, author = {Chklovski, Timothy}, year = {2003}, pages = {4{\textendash}12} }, @article{schonfeld_siris_2010, title = {Siri's {IPhone} App Puts A Personal Assistant In Your Pocket}, journal = {{TechCrunch}}, author = {Schonfeld, Erick}, month = feb, year = {2010}, note = {{[Retrieved} on-line from http://techcrunch.com/2010/02/04/siri-iphone-personal-assistant/; accessed {10-August-2010]}}, keywords = {application} }, @article{lieberman_beating_2004, title = {Beating common sense into interactive applications}, volume = {25}, journal = {{AI} Magazine}, author = {Lieberman, Henry and Liu, Hugo and Singh, Push and Barry, Barbara}, year = {2004}, pages = {63{\textendash}76} }, @book{prudhommeaux_sparql_2008, title = {{SPARQL} Query Language for {RDF}}, url = {http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-sparql-query/}, author = {Prud'hommeaux, Eric and Seaborne, Andy}, year = {2008} }, @phdthesis{robert_speer_learning_2007, address = {{MA}, {USA}}, title = {Learning Common Sense Knowledge from User Interaction and Principal Component Analysis}, school = {{MIT} {EECS}}, author = {Robert Speer}, month = sep, year = {2007} }, @inproceedings{nmik_saara_2008, address = {Brno}, title = {The Saara Framework: Work in Progress}, url = {http://nlp.fi.muni.cz/raslan/2008/}, booktitle = {{RASLAN} 2008}, author = {N\v{e}m\v{c}\'{i}k, V\'{a}clav}, year = {2008}, pages = {11--16} }, @inproceedings{hlavakova_verbalex_2005, title = {Verbalex {\textendash} New Comprehensive Lexicon of Verb Valencies for Czech}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Slovko Conference}, author = {Hlav\'{a}\v{c}kov\'{a}, Dana and Hor\'{a}k, Ale\v{s}}, year = {2005} }, @misc{eugene_e._loos_glossary_2004, title = {Glossary of linguistic terms}, copyright = {2004 {SIL} International}, url = {http://www.sil.org/linguistics/GlossaryOfLinguisticTerms/}, author = {Eugene E. Loos and Susan Anderson and Dwight H., Day, Jr. and Paul C. Jordan and J. Douglas Wingate}, month = jan, year = {2004}, howpublished = {{http://www.sil.org/linguistics/GlossaryOfLinguisticTerms/}} }, @inproceedings{pustejovsky_automated_2004, address = {Geneva, Switzerland}, title = {Automated Induction of Sense in Context}, url = {citeseer.ist.psu.edu/pustejovsky04automated.html}, booktitle = {{COLING}}, author = {Pustejovsky, James and Hanks, Patrick and Rumshisky, Anna}, year = {2004}, pages = {924{\textendash}931} }, @inproceedings{beule_does_2005, title = {Does language shape the way we conceptualize the world?}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Cognitive Science 2005 conference}, author = {Beule, Joachim De and Vylder, Bart De}, year = {2005} }, @inproceedings{nevilova_implementing_2010, address = {Brno}, title = {Implementing Dynamic Visualization as an Alternative Interface to a Digital Mathematics Library}, isbn = {978-80-210-5242-0}, booktitle = {Towards a Digital Mathematics Library, Proceedings}, author = {Nev\v{e}\v{r}ilov\'{a}, Zuzana}, year = {2010}, keywords = {visualisation}, pages = {63--68:::6} }, @inproceedings{kilgarriff_lexical_2002, title = {Lexical profiling software and its lexicographic applications - a case study}, location = {Copenhagen}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Tenth {EURALEX} International Congress}, author = {Kilgarriff, Adam and Rundell, Michael}, month = aug, year = {2002}, pages = {807{\textendash}818} }, @inproceedings{kilgarriff_sketch_2004, title = {The Sketch Engine}, location = {Lorient, France}, url = {http://www.fit.vutbr.cz/research/view_pub.php?id=7703}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Eleventh {EURALEX} International Congress}, author = {Kilgarriff, Adam and Rychl\'{y}, Pavel and Smr\v{z}, Pavel and Tugwell, David}, year = {2004}, pages = {105{\textendash}116} }, @inproceedings{jiang_commonsense_1987, address = {New York, {NY}, {USA}}, title = {Commonsense reasoning in Prolog}, isbn = {0-89791-218-7}, location = {St. Louis, Missouri, United States}, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/322917.322939}, booktitle = {{CSC} '87: Proceedings of the 15th annual conference on Computer Science}, publisher = {{ACM}}, author = {Jiang, Wei Si and Wee, William G.}, year = {1987}, pages = {138{\textendash}143} }, @book{oberlander_explanation_????, title = {Explanation and Simulation in Cognitive Science}, url = {citeseer.ist.psu.edu/oberlander01explanation.html}, author = {Oberlander, Jon} }, @inproceedings{speer_interface_2009, address = {New York, {NY}, {USA}}, title = {An Interface for Targeted Collection of Common Sense Knowledge using a Mixture Model}, isbn = {978-1-60558-168-2}, location = {Sanibel Island, Florida, {USA}}, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1502650.1502672}, booktitle = {{IUI} '09: Proceedings of the 13th international conference on Intelligent user interfaces}, publisher = {{ACM}}, author = {Speer, Robert and Krishnamurthy, Jayant and Havasi, Catherine and Smith, Dustin and Lieberman, Henry and Arnold, Kenneth}, year = {2009}, pages = {137{\textendash}146} }, @phdthesis{schuler_verbnet:_2005, title = {{VerbNet:} A {Broad-Coverage}, Comprehensive Verb Lexicon}, url = {http://verbs.colorado.edu/ kipper/Papers/dissertation.pdf}, school = {Faculties of the University of Pennsylvania}, author = {Schuler, Karin Kipper}, year = {2005} }, @book{minsky_society_1986, address = {New York, {NY}, {USA}}, title = {The society of mind}, isbn = {0-671-60740-5}, publisher = {Simon \& Schuster, Inc.}, author = {Minsky, Marvin}, year = {1986} }, @article{smith_formal_1995, title = {Formal Ontology, Common Sense and Cognitive Science}, journal = {International Journal of {Human-Computer} Studies}, author = {Smith, Barry}, year = {1995}, pages = {641{\textendash}667} }, @book{wikipedia_parsing_2009, title = {Parsing {\textemdash} Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia}, url = {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syntactic_analysis}, author = {Wikipedia}, year = {2009}, note = {{[Online;} accessed {18-June-2009]}} }, @article{lieberman_out_2000, title = {Out of Context: Computer Systems that Adapt to, and Learn from, Context}, volume = {39}, issn = {0018-8670}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1147/sj.393.0617}, number = {3-4}, journal = {{IBM} Syst. J.}, author = {Lieberman, Henry and Selker, Ted}, year = {2000}, pages = {617{\textendash}632} }, @book{dml_czech_2010, title = {Czech Digital Mathematics Library - News}, url = {http://dml.cz/news}, author = {{DML}}, editor = {{ASCR}, Institute of Mathematics}, year = {2010}, note = {Retrieved April 20, 2010 from http://dml.cz/news}, keywords = {dl, dml} }, @book{wray_formulaic_2002, address = {New York}, title = {Formulaic Language and the Lexicon}, url = {http://linguistlist.org/pubs/books/get-book.cfm?BookID=2109}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, author = {Wray, Alison}, year = {2002}, keywords = {Linguistic Theories, Syntax} }, @incollection{palmer_semantic_2010, title = {Semantic Role Labeling}, volume = {3}, booktitle = {Synthesis Lectures on Human Language Technologies}, publisher = {Morgan \& Claypool Publishers}, author = {Palmer, Martha and Xue, Daniel Gildea Nianwen}, editor = {Hirst, Graeme}, year = {2010}, pages = {1{\textendash}103} }, @inproceedings{nevilova_exploring_2009, address = {Brno}, title = {Exploring and Extending Czech {WordNet} and {VerbaLex}}, isbn = {978-80-210-5048-8}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {RASLAN} Workshop 2009}, publisher = {Masaryk University}, author = {Nev\v{e}\v{r}ilov\'{a}, Zuzana}, year = {2009} }, @inproceedings{widdows_mathematical_2003, address = {Berlin, Heidelberg}, series = {{CONTEXT'03}}, title = {A mathematical model for context and word-meaning}, isbn = {3-540-40380-9}, location = {Stanford, {CA}, {USA}}, url = {http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1763142.1763172}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 4th international and interdisciplinary conference on Modeling and using context}, publisher = {{Springer-Verlag}}, author = {Widdows, Dominic}, year = {2003}, keywords = {{PLIN}}, pages = {369{\textendash}382} }, @book{osvaldova_esej_2005, title = {Esej}, url = {http://www.zurnalistika.cz/?p=23}, publisher = {{\textbackslash}v zurnalistika.cz}, author = {Osvaldov\'{a}, Barbora}, year = {2005}, note = {{[Online;} accessed {11-March-2010]}}, keywords = {vb000, zos} }, @book{chandler_sapir-whorf_1994, title = {The {Sapir-Whorf} Hypothesis}, url = {http://www.aber.ac.uk/media/Documents/short/whorf.html}, publisher = {{UWA}}, author = {Chandler, Daniel}, year = {1994} }, @incollection{hanks_common_2004, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, title = {Common Sense About Word Meaning: Sense in Context}, volume = {3206}, isbn = {978-3-540-23049-6}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-30120-2_2}, booktitle = {Text, Speech and Dialogue}, publisher = {Springer Berlin / Heidelberg}, author = {Hanks, Patrick and Pustejovsky, James}, editor = {Sojka, Petr and Kopecek, Ivan and Pala, Karel}, year = {2004}, note = {10.1007/978-3-540-30120-2\_2}, keywords = {{PLIN}}, pages = {15--17} }, @article{armstrong_what_1983, title = {What some concepts might not be}, volume = {13}, url = {10.1016/0010-0277(83)90012-4}, doi = {10.1016/0010-0277(83)90012-4}, abstract = {A discussion of the difficulties of prototype theories for describing compositional meaning motivates three experiments that inquire how well-defined concepts fare under paradigms that are commonly interpreted to support the prototype view. The stimulus materials include exemplars of prototype categories (sport, vehicle, fruit, vegetable) previously studied by others, and also exemplars of supposedly well-defined categories (odd number, even number, female, and plane geometry figure). Experiment I, using these materials, replicated the exemplar rating experiment of Rosch (1973). It showed that both the well-defined and prototypic categories yield graded responses, the supposed hall-mark of a family resemblance structure. Experiment {II}, using the same sorts of stimulus materials, replicated a verification-time paradigm, also from Rosch (1973). Again, the finding was that both well-defined and prototypic categories yielded results previously interpreted to support a family-resemblance description of those categories, with faster verification times for prototypical exemplars of each category. In Experiment {III}, new subjects were asked outright whether membership in the category of fruit, odd number, etc., is a matter of degree, or is not, and then these subjects were rerun in the Experiment I paradigm. Though subjects judged odd number, etc., to be well-defined, they provided graded responses to all categories once again. These findings highlight interpretive difficulties for the experimental literature on this topic. Part I of the discussion first outlines a dual theory of concepts and their identification procedures that seems to organize these outcomes. But Part {II} of the discussion argues that feature theories are too impoverished to describe mental categories, in general.}, number = {3}, journal = {Cognition}, author = {Armstrong, Sharon L. and Gleitman, Lila R. and Gleitman, Henry}, month = may, year = {1983}, keywords = {\_d\_cognitive-biases, category-learning-use, empirical}, pages = {263{\textendash}308} }, @misc{_techniky_2010, title = {Techniky efektivn\'{i}ho \v{c}ten\'{i}}, copyright = {Aisis}, url = {http://modernivyucovani.cz/temata/inspirace-do-vyuky/369-smartreading.html}, journal = {Modern\'{i} vyu\v{c}ov\'{a}n\'{i}}, year = {2010}, keywords = {vb000}, howpublished = {http://modernivyucovani.cz/temata/inspirace-do-vyuky/369-smartreading.html} }, @inproceedings{stork_toward_2001, address = {London, {UK}}, title = {Toward a Computational Theory of Data Acquisition and Truthing}, isbn = {3-540-42343-5}, booktitle = {{COLT} {'01/EuroCOLT} '01: Proceedings of the 14th Annual Conference on Computational Learning Theory and and 5th European Conference on Computational Learning Theory}, publisher = {{Springer-Verlag}}, author = {Stork, David G.}, year = {2001}, pages = {194{\textendash}207} }, @article{lenat_voice_2008, title = {The Voice of the Turtle: Whatever Happened to {AI?}}, volume = {29}, issn = {0738-4602}, url = {http://www.aaai.org/ojs/index.php/aimagazine/article/view/2106/1996}, abstract = {On March 27, 2006, I gave a light-hearted and occasionally bittersweet presentation on Whatever Happened to {AI?} at the Stanford Spring Symposium presentation - to a lively audience of active {AI} researchers and formerly-active ones (whose current inaction could be variously ascribed to their having aged, reformed, given up, redefined the problem, etc.) This article is a brief chronicling of that talk, and I entreat the reader to take it in that spirit: a textual snapshot of a discussion with friends and colleagues, rather than a scholarly article. I begin by whining about the Turing Test, but only for a thankfully brief bit, and then get down to my top-10 list of factors that have retarded progress in our field, that have delayed the emergence of a true strong {AI.}}, number = {2}, journal = {{AI} Magazine}, author = {Lenat, Douglas}, year = {2008} }, @inproceedings{przepiorkowski_slavonic_2007, address = {Morristown, {NJ}, {USA}}, title = {Slavonic information extraction and partial parsing}, location = {Prague, Czech Republic}, booktitle = {{ACL} '07: Proceedings of the Workshop on {Balto-Slavonic} Natural Language Processing}, publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics}, author = {Przepi\'{o}rkowski, Adam}, year = {2007}, pages = {1{\textendash}10} }, @phdthesis{lopatkova_valency_2010, address = {Prague}, type = {Habilitation thesis}, title = {Valency Lexicon of Czech Verbs: Towards Formal Description of Valency and Its Modeling in an Electronic Language Resource}, school = {Charles University in Prague}, author = {Lopatkov\'{a}, Mark\'{e}ta}, year = {2010} }, @inproceedings{hajiova_towards_1985, address = {Morristown, {NJ}, {USA}}, title = {Towards an Automatic Identification of Topic and Focus}, location = {Geneva, Switzerland}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.3115/976931.976970}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the second conference on European chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics}, publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics}, author = {Haji\v{c}ov\'{a}, Eva and Sgall, Petr}, year = {1985}, pages = {263{\textendash}267} }, @article{lieberman_back_2007, title = {Back into Equilibrium: Balancing the Ordinary and the Extraordinary}, journal = {Out of Balance: New Frontiers in Science, Art and Thought}, author = {Lieberman, Henry}, month = sep, year = {2007} }, @book{russell_artificial_1996, address = {Upper Saddle River, {NJ}, {USA}}, title = {Artificial intelligence: a modern approach}, isbn = {0-13-103805-2}, publisher = {{Prentice-Hall}, Inc.}, author = {Russell, Stuart J. and Norvig, Peter and Candy, John F. and Malik, Jitendra M. and Edwards, Douglas D.}, year = {1996} }, @article{ahn_games_2006, title = {Games with a Purpose}, volume = {39}, issn = {0018-9162}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/MC.2006.196}, number = {6}, journal = {Computer}, author = {Ahn, Luis von}, year = {2006}, keywords = {annotation game}, pages = {92{\textendash}94} }, @article{cihua_metaphorical_2006, title = {Metaphorical Expression and the Principle of Economy}, volume = {36}, abstract = {The existence of metaphors in human languages and thoughts is universal. The reason why metaphors are so widely and frequently used is one of the major concerns of modern cognitive science. Although researchers, at home and abroad, respond from various perspectives, little attention has been paid to the principle of economy in metaphorical expressions. The internal logic in human behavior follows'the principle of economy', which is embodied in language practice as the economy of linguistic expressions. It is discovered that the principle exerts its influence on different aspects of human language, such as phonetic evolution, syntactic operation and utterance {presentation.The} principle of economy in language is incarnated in two different ways: to achieve given effect with reduced effort; or to enhance effect with given effort. Metaphorical expressions are of two forms, that is, metaphorical naming and metaphorical statement. The former reflects the first way of economy principle, in that it reduces labor of lots of users with the image, the vividness, and the cognitive convenience for memorizing, although it may take more effort of people to name. By this means, the economy in naming is achieved. The metaphorical statement, on the other hand, reflects the second way: aided by such forms of expressions as presupposition, entailment, etc., the given utterance disseminate information dispersively in communication, and one unit of utterance thereby achieves several amplifications in linguistic effect. Both metaphorical naming and metaphorical statement reflect the principle of economy in thinking and expressing, and the universality of metaphorical expressions results from people{\textquoteright}s following the principle of economy in the process of thinking and communication.}, number = {3}, author = {Cihua, Xu}, month = may, year = {2006}, pages = {22--28} }, @inproceedings{nmik_enhancing_2007, address = {Brno}, title = {Enhancing Anaphora Resolution for Czech}, url = {http://nlp.fi.muni.cz/raslan/2007/}, booktitle = {{RASLAN} 2007}, author = {N\v{e}m\v{c}\'{i}k, V\'{a}clav}, year = {2007}, pages = {57--62} }, @article{pustejovsky_generative_1991, title = {The Generative Lexicon}, volume = {17}, journal = {Computational Linguistics}, author = {Pustejovsky, James}, year = {1991}, keywords = {generative lexicon, {PLIN}} }, @inproceedings{sojka_scanned_2005, address = {Graz, Austria}, title = {From Scanned Image to Knowledge Sharing}, booktitle = {Proceedings of {{\textbackslash}mboxI-KNOW{\textbackslash}},'05: Fifth International Conference on Knowledge Management}, publisher = {{Know-Center} in coop. with Graz Uni, Joanneum Research and Springer Pub. Co.}, author = {Sojka, Petr}, editor = {Tochtermann, Klaus and Maurer, Hermann}, year = {2005}, pages = {{\textbackslash}mbox664{\textendash}672} }, @inproceedings{gregar_vizualizace_2006, address = {Brno}, title = {Vizualizace znalost\'{i} v e-learningu}, isbn = {{80-210-3923-X}}, booktitle = {{SCO} 2006, Sharable Content Objects, 3. ro\v{c}n\'{i}k konference o elektronick\'{e} podpo{\textbackslash}v re v\'{y}uky}, publisher = {Masarykova univerzita}, author = {Gregar, Tom\'{a}\v{s} and rilov\'{a}, Zuzana Nev\v{e}{\textbackslash}v and Rambousek, Adam and Pitner, Tom\'{a}\v{s}}, year = {2006}, keywords = {visualisation}, pages = {39{\textendash}45} }, @inproceedings{liu_unpacking_2003, address = {Berlin. Heidelberg}, title = {Unpacking Meaning from Words: A Context-centered Approach to Computational Lexicon Design}, booktitle = {Proc {CONTEXT} 2003}, publisher = {{Springer-Verlag}}, author = {Liu, Hugo}, year = {2003}, pages = {218{\textendash}232} }, @phdthesis{chklovski_using_2003, title = {Using Analogy to Acquire Commonsense Knowledge from Human Contributors}, school = {{MIT} Artificial Intelligence Laboratory}, author = {Chklovski, Tim}, year = {2003} }, @book{sojka_text_2010, title = {Text, Speech and Dialogue: 13th International Conference, {TSD} 2010, Brno, Czech Republic, September 6-10, 2010, Proceedings}, isbn = {9783642157592}, shorttitle = {Text, Speech and Dialogue}, publisher = {Springer}, author = {Sojka, Petr}, month = nov, year = {2010} }, @book{berners-lee_notation_2008, title = {Notation 3}, url = {http://www.w3.org/DesignIssues/Notation3}, author = {{Berners-Lee}, Tim}, year = {2008} }, @book{witzig_accessing_2003, title = {Accessing {WordNet} from Prolog}, author = {Witzig, Sarah}, year = {2003}, keywords = {prolog, wordnet} }, @article{waltz_massively_1988, title = {Massively parallel parsing: a strongly interactive model of natural language interpretation}, journal = {Connectionist models and their implications: readings from cognitive science}, author = {Waltz, David L. and Pollack, Jordon B.}, year = {1988}, pages = {181{\textendash}204} }, @incollection{bartoek_dml-cz:_2008, address = {{MA}, {USA}}, title = {{DML-CZ:} The Objectives and the First Steps}, booktitle = {{CMDE} 2006: Communicating Mathematics in the Digital Era}, publisher = {{A.{\textbackslash},K.} Peters}, author = {Barto\v{s}ek, Miroslav and Lhot\'{a}k, Martin and R\'{a}kosn\'{i}k, Ji\v{r}\'{i} and Sojka, Petr and \v{S}\'{a}rfy, Martin}, editor = {Borwein, Jonathan and Rocha, Eug\'{e}nio M. and Rodrigues, Jos\'{e} Francisco}, year = {2008}, pages = {69{\textendash}79} }, @inproceedings{nevilova_x-plain_2010, address = {Funchal, Portugal}, title = {X-plain {\textendash} A Game That Collects Common Sense Propositions}, isbn = {978-989-8425-13-3}, booktitle = {Proceedings of {NLPCS}}, publisher = {{SciTePress}}, author = {Nev\v{e}\v{r}ilov\'{a}, Zuzana}, year = {2010}, pages = {47{\textendash}52} }, @inproceedings{hlavakova_pov_2009, address = {Brno, Czech Republic}, title = {Po{\textbackslash}v cet lemmat v synsetech {VerbaLexu}}, isbn = {9878073998158}, booktitle = {After Half a Century of Slavonic Natural Language Processing}, publisher = {Tribun {EU}}, author = {Hlav\'{a}\v{c}kov\'{a}, Dana}, year = {2009} }, @article{pavlina_kuldanova_utvary_2003, title = {\'{U}tvary \v{c}esk\'{e}ho n\'{a}rodn\'{i}ho jazyka}, copyright = {Katedra \v{c}esk\'{e}ho jazyka a literatury s didaktikou {PdF}, Ostravsk\'{a} univerzita v Ostrav\v{e}}, url = {http://www.osu.cz/fpd/kcd/dokumenty/cestinapositi/igstema1.htm}, journal = {\v{C}e\v{s}tina po s\'{i}ti}, author = {Pavl\'{i}na Kuldanov\'{a}}, year = {2003} }, @book{vossen_eurowordnet_1998, title = {{EuroWordNet} {\textendash} A Multilingual Database with Lexical Semantic Networks}, url = {citeseer.ist.psu.edu/vossen98eurowordnet.html}, author = {Vossen, Piek}, year = {1998}, keywords = {base, eurowordnet, wordnet} }, @article{landauer_estimate_1988, title = {An Estimate of How Much People Remember, Not of Underlying Cognitive Capacities}, volume = {12}, number = {2}, journal = {Cognitive Science}, author = {Landauer, Thomas K.}, year = {1988}, pages = {293{\textendash}297} }, @article{katz_structure_1963, title = {The structure of a semantic theory}, number = {39}, journal = {Language}, author = {Katz, Jerrold and Fodor, Jerry}, year = {1963}, pages = {170{\textendash}210} }, @phdthesis{grosz_representation_1977, title = {The representation and use of focus in dialogue understanding}, school = {University of California, Berkeley}, author = {Grosz, Barbara Jean}, year = {1977} }, @book{levin_english_1993, title = {English verb classes and alternations: a preliminary investigation}, isbn = 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systematic polysemy} }, @book{baker_framenet_2009, title = {{FrameNet}}, url = {http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu}, author = {Baker, Collin F. and Fillmore, Charles J.}, year = {2009}, note = {{[Online;} accessed {30-July-2009]}}, keywords = {frames, {PLIN}, semantics} }, @incollection{bartoek_dml-cz:_2008-1, address = {{MA}, {USA}}, title = {{DML-CZ:} The Objectives and the First Steps}, booktitle = {{CMDE} 2006: Communicating Mathematics in the Digital Era}, publisher = {{A.{\textbackslash},K.} Peters}, author = {Barto\v{s}ek, Miroslav and Lhot\'{a}k, Martin and R\'{a}kosn\'{i}k, Ji{\textbackslash}v r\'{i} and Sojka, Petr and \v{S}\'{a}rfy, Martin}, editor = {Borwein, Jonathan and Rocha, Eug\'{e}nio M. and Rodrigues, Jos\'{e} Francisco}, year = {2008}, keywords = {dl, dml}, pages = {69{\textendash}79} }, @article{manber_suffix_1993, title = {Suffix arrays: a new method for on-line string searches}, volume = {22}, journal = {{SIAM} Journal on Computing}, author = {Manber, Udi and Myers, Gene}, month = oct, year = {1993}, keywords = {algorithm}, pages = {935---948} }, @inproceedings{vickrey_online_2008, address = {Morristown, {NJ}, {USA}}, title = {Online word games for semantic data collection}, location = {Honolulu, Hawaii}, booktitle = {{EMNLP} '08: Proceedings of the Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing}, publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics}, author = {Vickrey, David and Bronzan, Aaron and Choi, William and Kumar, Aman and {Turner-Maier}, Jason and Wang, Arthur and Koller, Daphne}, year = {2008}, pages = {533{\textendash}542} }, @article{lieberman_beating_2004-1, title = {Beating Common Sense into Interactive Applications}, volume = {25}, journal = {{AI} Magazine}, author = {Lieberman, Henry and Liu, Hugo and Singh, Push and Barry, Barbara}, year = {2004}, pages = {63{\textendash}76} }, @inproceedings{yarowsky_one_1993, address = {Morristown, {NJ}, {USA}}, title = {One sense per collocation}, isbn = {1-55860-324-7}, location = {Princeton, New Jersey}, url = {http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1075731&dl=GUIDE&coll=GUIDE&CFID=59440442&CFTOKEN=20536410}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.3115/1075671.1075731}, abstract = {Previous work {[Gale}, Church and Yarowsky, 1992] showed that with high probability a polysemous word has one sense per discourse. In this paper we show that for certain definitions of collocation, a polysemous word exhibits essentially only one sense per collocation. We test this empirical hypothesis for several definitions of sense and collocation, and discover that it holds with 90{\textendash}99\% accuracy for binary ambiguities. We utilize this property in a disambiguation algorithm that achieves precision of 92\% using combined models of very local context.}, booktitle = {{HLT} '93: Proceedings of the workshop on Human Language Technology}, publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics}, author = {Yarowsky, David}, year = {1993}, keywords = {algorithm, collocation, {PLIN}, sense, {WSD}}, pages = {266{\textendash}271} }, @book{wikipedia_wikipedia:categorization_2010, title = {{Wikipedia:Categorization}}, url = {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Categorization}, author = {Wikipedia}, year = {2010}, note = {{[Online;} accessed {10-October-2010]}} }, @book{rfc3066_tags_2001, title = {Tags for the Identification of Languages}, url = {http://potaroo.net/ietf/idref/rfc3066/}, publisher = {Network Working Group}, author = {{RFC3066}}, month = jan, year = {2001} }, @book{winkler_strcmp95.c_1994, title = {strcmp95.c, Version 2}, url = {http://www.census.gov/geo/msb/stand/strcmp.c}, publisher = {United States Census Bureau}, author = {Winkler, Bill and {McLaughlin}, George and Jaro, Matt and Lynch, Marueen}, year = {1994}, note = {{[Online;} accessed {21-October-2010]}} }, @book{reed_texai_2010, title = {Texai}, location = {Austin, Texas}, url = {http://www.texai.org}, author = {Reed, Stephen L.}, year = {2010}, note = {{[Online;} accessed {10-August-2010]}}, keywords = {application} }, @book{tiscornia_lexical_2004, title = {Lexical Ontologies for legal Information Sharing}, publisher = {Institute of Legal Information Theory and Techniques {\textendash} Italian National Research Council}, author = {Tiscornia, Daniela}, year = {2004} }, @book{ware_information_2004, address = {San Francisco, {CA}, {USA}}, title = {Information Visualization: Perception for Design}, isbn = {1558608192}, publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc.}, author = {Ware, Colin}, year = {2004}, keywords = {visualisation} }, @inproceedings{rumelhart_representation_1977, title = {The representation of knowledge in memory}, booktitle = {Schooling and the Acquisition of Knowledge}, publisher = {Lawrence Erlbaum Associates}, author = {Rumelhart, David E. and Ortony, Andrew}, year = {1977} }, @book{wikipedia_cognitive_2007, title = {Cognitive Load {\textemdash} Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia}, url = {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cognitive_load}, author = {Wikipedia}, year = {2007}, note = {{[Online;} accessed {18-October-2007]}} }, @book{_corpus_2010, title = {Corpus Querying and Grammar Writing for the Sketch Engine}, url = {http://trac.sketchengine.co.uk/wiki/SkE/CorpusQuerying}, year = {2010}, note = {Retrieved March 2, 2010 from {http://trac.sketchengine.co.uk/wiki/SkE/CorpusQuerying}} }, @book{schank_scripts_1977, edition = {1}, title = {Scripts, Plans, Goals, and Understanding: An Inquiry Into Human Knowledge Structures {(Artificial} Intelligence)}, isbn = {0898591384}, url = {http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/redirect?tag=citeulike07-20&path=ASIN/0898591384}, publisher = {Lawrence Erlbaum Associates}, author = {Schank, Roger C. and Abelson, Robert P.}, month = jul, year = {1977}, note = {Published: Hardcover}, keywords = {resources} }, @book{sternberg_kognitivni_2002, title = {Kognitivn\'{i} psychologie}, isbn = {80-7178-632-2}, publisher = {Port{\textbackslash}' al}, author = {Sternberg, Robert J.}, year = {2002}, note = {Published: Hardcover}, keywords = {base, {PLIN}} }, @inproceedings{merk_fast_2009, title = {Fast Morphological Analysis of Czech}, isbn = {978-80-210-5048-8}, location = {Brno}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Raslan Workshop 2009}, publisher = {Masarykova univerzita}, author = {\v{S}merk, Pavel}, year = {2009}, keywords = {ajka} }, @book{nilsson_logic_1995, address = {New York, {NY}, {USA}}, title = {Logic, Programming, and {PROLOG}}, isbn = {0471959960}, publisher = {John Wiley \& Sons, Inc.}, author = {Nilsson, Ulf and Maluszynski, Jan}, year = {1995} }, @incollection{liu_ontology_2009, title = {Ontology}, isbn = {978-0-387-49616-0}, booktitle = {Encyclopedia of Database Systems}, publisher = {Springer Verlag}, author = {Gruber, Tom}, editor = {Liu, Ling and \"{O}zsu, M. Tamer}, year = {2009}, pages = {1963{\textendash}1965} }, @book{hazlett_three_????, title = {Three Objection on Common Sense Ontology}, url = {www}, author = {Hazlett, Allan}, note = {{[Online;} accessed {28-October-2007]}} }, @article{mervis_categorization_1981, title = {Categorization of Natural Objects}, volume = {32}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1146/annurev.ps.32.020181.000513}, doi = {10.1146/annurev.ps.32.020181.000513}, number = {1}, journal = {Annual Review of Psychology}, author = {Mervis, Carolyn B. and Rosch, Eleanor}, year = {1981}, keywords = {basiclevel, categorization, cognition, cognitive, psychology}, pages = {89{\textendash}115} }, @book{cassidy_overview_2010, title = {Overview of the {COSMO} Ontology Project}, author = {Cassidy, Patrick}, month = may, year = {2010} }, @book{stork_open_2007, title = {Open Mind Initiative {\textemdash} About}, url = {http://openmind.org}, author = {Stork, David G.}, year = {2007}, note = {Retrieved October 28, 2007 from http://openmind.org} }, @book{garnham_artificial_1988, address = {London, New York}, title = {Artificial Intelligence: an Introduction}, isbn = {0710214162}, publisher = {Taylor \& Francis}, author = {Garnham, Alan}, year = {1988} }, @misc{nevilova_xml-based_2005, title = {{XML-Based} Flexible Visualisation of Networks: Visual Browser}, author = {Nev\v{e}\v{r}ilov\'{a}, Zuzana and Sojka, Petr}, year = {2005}, note = {Presented at {\'{U}IVT} {AV} {\v{C}R} Semweb seminar.}, keywords = {visualisation} }, @book{beckett_turtle_2008, title = {Turtle {\textendash} Terse {RDF} Triple Language}, url = {http://www.w3.org/TeamSubmission/turtle/}, author = {Beckett, Tim {Berners-Lee} David}, year = {2008} }, @book{johnson-laird_cambridge_2005, address = {Cambridge, {UK}}, title = {The Cambridge Handbook of Thinking and Reasoning}, isbn = {0521531012}, url = {http://www.amazon.ca/exec/obidos/redirect?tag=citeulike09-20&path=ASIN/0521531012}, abstract = {Written by foremost authorities from cognitive psychology, cognitive science, and cognitive neuroscience, the chapters of this reference summarize basic concepts and facts of a major topic, sketch its history, and analyze the progress its research is currently making. The volume also includes work related to developmental, social and clinical psychology, philosophy, economics, artificial intelligence, linguistics, education, law, and medicine. The Cambridge Handbook of Thinking and Reasoning comprises the first comprehensive and authoritative handbook for all core topics within the fields of thinking and reasoning. The Cambridge Handbook of Thinking and Reasoning is the first comprehensive and authoritative handbook covering all the core topics of the field of thinking and reasoning. Written by the foremost experts from cognitive psychology, cognitive science, and cognitive neuroscience, individual chapters summarize basic concepts and findings for a major topic, sketch its history, and give a sense of the directions in which research is currently heading. The volume also includes work related to developmental, social and clinical psychology, philosophy, economics, artificial intelligence, linguistics, education, law, and medicine. Scholars and students in all these fields and others will find this to be a valuable collection.}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, author = {{Johnson-Laird}, Phillipe N.}, editor = {Holyoak, Keith J. and Morrison, Robert}, month = apr, year = {2005}, note = {Published: Paperback}, keywords = {analogy, categories, cognition, collection, concepts, creativity, decisionmaking, disorder, induction, intelligence, judgement, law, learning, memory, models, neuroscience, reasoning, science, thinking} }, @inproceedings{junghanns_argument_2008, address = {M\"{u}nchen}, title = {Argument Structure and Syntax}, booktitle = {Deutsche Beitr\"{a}ge zum 14. 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Inf. Syst.}, author = {Huang, Zan and Chen, Hsinchun and Zeng, Daniel}, year = {2004}, pages = {116{\textendash}142} }, @incollection{pala_zasady_1999, title = {Z\'{a}sady pozitivn\'{i} komunikace}, isbn = {{ISBN} 1-210-2186-1}, booktitle = {Argumentace a um\v{e}n\'{i} komunikovat}, publisher = {{PedF} {MU} Brno}, author = {Pala, Karel}, editor = {\v{S}vandov\'{a}, Bla\v{z}ena and Jel\'{i}nek, Milan}, year = {1999}, keywords = {vb000, zos}, pages = {75} }, @inproceedings{liu_commonsense_2004, address = {Berlin. Heidelberg}, title = {Commonsense Reasoning in and over Natural Language}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on {Knowledge-Based} Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems {(KES-2004}}, publisher = {{Springer-Verlag}}, author = {Liu, Hugo and Singh, Push}, year = {2004} }, @article{snow_cheap_2008, title = {Cheap and {Fast{\textemdash}But} is it Good? 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accessed {11-January-2006].} License: Creative Commons {BY-NC-SA}} }, @book{brickley_rdf_2004, title = {{RDF} Vocabulary Description Language 1.0: {RDF} Schema}, url = {http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-schema/}, publisher = {{W3C}, Recommendation}, author = {Brickley, Daniel and Guha, Ramanathan V.}, month = feb, year = {2004} }, @techreport{masolo_wonderweb_2003, title = {{WonderWeb} Deliverable D18 Ontology Library (final)}, institution = {{IST} Project 2001-33052 {WonderWeb:} Ontology Infrastructure for the Semantic Web}, author = {Masolo, Claudio and Borgo, Stefano and Gangemi, Aldo and Guarino, Nicola and Oltramari, Alessandro}, year = {2003}, keywords = {event-centric, eventmodelf, management, media, phd, semantic, thesis-ontology} }, @misc{_techniky_2010-1, title = {Techniky efektivn\'{i}ho \v{c}ten\'{i}}, copyright = {Aisis}, url = {http://modernivyucovani.cz/temata/inspirace-do-vyuky/369-smartreading.html}, journal = {Modern\'{i} vyu\v{c}ov\'{a}n\'{i}}, year = {2010}, keywords = {vb000}, howpublished = {http://modernivyucovani.cz/temata/inspirace-do-vyuky/369-smartreading.html} }, @book{arnold_conceptnet_2009, title = {{ConceptNet}}, url = {http://conceptnet.media.mit.edu/}, author = {Arnold, Kenneth and Alonso, Jason and Havasi, Catherine and Speer, Robert}, year = {2009}, note = {{[Online;} accessed {29-July-2009]}} }, @book{allen_natural_1995, address = {Redwood City, {CA}, {USA}}, title = {Natural Language Understanding (2nd ed.)}, isbn = {0-8053-0334-0}, publisher = {{Benjamin-Cummings} Publishing Co., Inc.}, author = {Allen, James}, year = {1995}, keywords = {base} }, @article{haji_statistick_????, title = {Statistick{\textbackslash}' e modelov\'{a}n\'{i} a automatick\'{a} anal\'{y}za p{\textbackslash}v rirozen\'{e}ho jazyka (morfologie, syntax, p{\textbackslash}v reklad)}, author = {Haji\v{c}, Jan} }, @inproceedings{mueller_calendar_2000, address = {New York, {NY}, {USA}}, title = {A Calendar with Common Sense}, isbn = {1-58113-134-8}, location = {New Orleans, Louisiana, United States}, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/325737.325842}, booktitle = {{IUI} '00: Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Intelligent user interfaces}, publisher = {{ACM}}, author = {Mueller, Erik T}, year = {2000}, keywords = {application}, pages = {198{\textendash}201} }, @book{slanina_most_2010, title = {The most interesting film adaptations of Shakespeare {(Nejzaj\'{i}mav\v{e}j\v{s}\'{i}} filmov\v{e} adaptace Williama Shakespeara)}, url = {http://slanina.blog.idnes.cz/c/160896/Nejzajimavejsi-filmove-adaptace-Williama-Shakespeara.html}, author = {Slanina, Ond\v{r}ej}, year = {2010}, note = {{[Online;} accessed {31-October-2010]}} }, @inproceedings{minsky_emotion_1999, address = {New York, {NY}, {USA}}, title = {The emotion machine: from pain to suffering}, isbn = {1-58113-078-3}, location = {Loughborough, United Kingdom}, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/317561.317563}, booktitle = {{C\&C} '99: Proceedings of the 3rd conference on Creativity \& cognition}, publisher = {{ACM}}, author = {Minsky, Marvin}, year = {1999}, pages = {7{\textendash}13} }, @article{neil_bermel_alleged_2010, title = {On the alleged Czech diglossia in the contemporary world}, volume = {71}, copyright = {\'{U}stav pro jazyk \v{c}esk\'{y} Akademie v\v{e}d \v{C}esk\'{e} republiky, ve\v{r}ejn\'{a} v\'{y}zkumn\'{a} instituce}, issn = {0037-7031}, abstract = {This article considers the development of the definitions of diglossia and diglossic language communities from Ferguson{\textquoteright}s original 1959 proposal through to the present day and their bearing on Czech. Czech has often been proposed as an example of diglossia, and this article tests some of these definitions against the Czech language situation in Bohemia, bringing to bear examples of current usage from a variety of situations, including television, advertising, business meetings, and e-mail. The examples demonstrate the degree to which features of different codes are intermingled in speech and writing in a way proscribed under descriptions of diglossia. They also testify to growth in new means of communication that mix features of the high and low varieties. The current Czech language situation is thus analysed as {\textquotedblleft}post-diglossic{\textquotedblright}, with many of the attitudes and beliefs associated with diglossia still persisting in the Czech environment, while actual language usage exhibits diglossic patterns in an ever-narrowing range of communicative situations.}, number = {1}, journal = {Slovo a slovesnost}, author = {Neil Bermel}, year = {2010} }, @book{ion_mathematics_2010, title = {Mathematics Subject Classification 2010}, url = {http://msc2010.org/}, author = {Ion, Patrick}, year = {2010}, keywords = {dl, dml} }, @article{wasserman_physical_1985, title = {Physical Object Representation and Generalization: A Survey of Programs for {Semantic-Based} Natural Language Processing}, volume = {5}, number = {4}, journal = {{AI} Magazine}, author = {Wasserman, Kenneth}, year = {1985}, pages = {28--42} }, @book{lassila_resource_1999, title = {Resource Description Framework, {(RDF)} Model and Syntax Specification}, url = {http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-rdf-syntax-19990222/}, publisher = {{W3C} Recommendation 22 February 1999}, author = {Lassila, Ora and Swick, Ralph R.}, year = {1999} }, @phdthesis{gruber_studies_1965, address = {Cambridge, {MA}}, title = {Studies in Lexical Relations}, school = {{MIT}}, author = {Gruber, Jeffrey S.}, year = {1965} }, @inproceedings{zeng_task_2000, address = {London, {UK}}, title = {A Task Oriented Natural Language Understanding Model}, isbn = {3-540-41180-1}, booktitle = {{ICMI} '00: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Advances in Multimodal Interfaces}, publisher = {{Springer-Verlag}}, author = {Zeng, Yuming and Wang, Yongcheng and Wu, Fangfang}, year = {2000}, pages = {260{\textendash}266} }, @article{mueller_making_2000, title = {Making News Understandable to Computers}, volume = {{cs.IR/0003001}}, journal = {{CoRR}}, author = {Mueller, Erik T.}, year = {2000}, keywords = {application} }, @phdthesis{hlavakova_databaze_2007, title = {Datab\'{a}ze slovesn\'{y}ch valen\v{c}n\'{i}ch r\'{a}mc{\textbackslash}ru {VerbaLex}}, school = {Masarykova univerzita, Filozofick\'{a} fakulta, \'{U}stav \v{c}esk\'{e}ho jazyka}, author = {Hlav\'{a}\v{c}kov\'{a}, Dana}, year = {2007} }, @article{cascio_twenty_2005, title = {Twenty Questions}, url = {http}, journal = {{WorldChanging.com}}, author = {Cascio, Jamais}, year = {2005} }, @article{lenat_cyc:_1995, title = {{CYC:} A {Large-Scale} Investment in Knowledge Infrastructure}, volume = {38}, url = {citeseer.ist.psu.edu/lenat95cyc.html}, number = {11}, journal = {Communications of the {ACM}}, author = {Lenat, Douglas B.}, year = {1995}, pages = {33{\textendash}38} }, @article{rosenberg_frame-based_1977, title = {{Frame-Based} Text Processing}, journal = {{AI} Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology}, author = {Rosenberg, Steven}, year = {1977} }, @inproceedings{radim_v_rehruv_rek_automated_2008, address = {Berlin, Heidelberg}, title = {Automated Classification and Categorization of Mathematical Knowledge}, booktitle = {Intelligent Computer {Mathematics{\textemdash}Proceedings} of 7th International Conference on Mathematical Knowledge Management {MKM} 2008}, publisher = {{Springer-Verlag}}, author = {Radim {\textbackslash}v Reh{\textbackslash}ru{\textbackslash}v rek and Sojka, Petr}, year = {2008}, keywords = {dl, dml}, pages = {543{\textendash}557} }, @inproceedings{inumella_associating_2009, title = {Associating Collocations with Dictionary Senses}, location = {Bangkok}, booktitle = {Proceedings of Asialex}, author = {Inumella, Abhilash and Kilgarriff, Adam and r, Vojt\v{e}ch Kov\'{a}{\textbackslash}v}, year = {2009} } @Misc{aristotle, author = {Smith, Robin}, title ={Aristotle's Logic}, booktitle = {The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy}, edition = {Fall 2011 Edition}, editor = {Edward N. Zalta}, url = {\url{http://plato.stanford.edu/archives/fall2011/entries/aristotle-logic/}}, year = {2011}, howpublished = {online at \url{http://plato.stanford.edu/archives/fall2011/entries/aristotle-logic/}}, note = {[cit. 2011-11-27]} } @misc{metodika, title={Metodika tvorby bibliografických citací}, publisher={Knihovna univerzitního kampusu Masarykovy univerzity a Ústřední knihovna Přírodovědecké fakulty Masarykovy univerzity, Servisní středisko pro e-learning na MU}, url={http://is.muni.cz/do/rect/el/estud/lf/js10/metodika/web/ebook_citace.html}, author={Jiří Kratochvíl and Petr Sejk and Věra Anthová and Marek Stehlík}, year=2010, ISSN={1802-128X} } @PhDThesis{thanh, author = {H\`an Th\^e\llap{\raise 0.5ex\hbox{\'{}}} Th\`anh}, title ={Micro-typographic extensions to the TeX typesetting system}, year = {2000}, school = {Masaryk University}, url={http://www.pragma-ade.com/pdftex/thesis.pdf}, note={[\url{http://www.pragma-ade.com/pdftex/thesis.pdf}]} } @Misc{latex, author = "{Wikibooks contributors}", title ={LaTeX}, publisher = {Wikibooks, The Free Textbook Project.}, year = {2012}, howpublished = {[online at \url{http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LaTeX/}} } @Misc{beamer, author = {Charles Batts}, title ={Beamer Tutorial}, year = {2007}, howpublished = {[online at \url{http://www.uncg.edu/cmp/reu/presentations/Charles%20Batts%20-%20Beamer%20Tutorial.pdf}} } @Book{ne_tak_strucny, author={Tobias Oetiker, Hubert Partl, Irene Hyna and Elisabeth Schlegl}, translation={Ján Buša ml. and Ján Buša st.}, title="{Nie príliš stručný úvod do systému LaTeX2e}", year={2000} } @Article{beamer_cz, author = {Petr Zelenka}, title = "{Beamer: LaTeX na prezentace}", year ={2006}, journal = {AbcLinuxu}, howpublished={[online at \url{http://www.abclinuxu.cz/clanky/navody/beamer-latex-na-prezentace}]} } @Article{beamer_cz2, author = {Ondřej Medek}, title = "{Beamer -- snadná a profesionální prezentace v (pdf)LaTeXu}", year ={2005}, journal = {Root.cz}, howpublished={[online at \url{http://www.root.cz/clanky/beamer-prezentace-v-pdflatexu/}]} } @Book{beamer_guide, author={Till Tantau, Joseph Wright and Vedran Miletić}, title={The beamer class}, subtitle={User Guide for version 3.22.}, year={2012}, howpublished={[online at \url{http://ftp.cvut.cz/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/beamer/doc/beameruserguide.pdf}]} }