import lejos.nxt.*; import lejos.util.*; import java.lang.*; public class segway { private final boolean DEBUG = true; // shared variables for interthread communication private volatile int angular_velocity = 0; private volatile double angle = 0; public class MotorThread extends Thread { // PID control scheme constants double kp = .6; double ki = 0.; double kd = 0.1; @Override public void run() { setDaemon(true); double old_error = 0., int_error = 0.; System.out.println("Starting MotorThread"); // the angle, at which the robot is stable final double setpoint = -0.047; while (true) { // multiplier for the angle and angular velocity double c_angular_velocity = -3.14; double c_angle = -44.25 * (180./3.14); // only the angle of the robot is used in this version double error = angle * c_angle - setpoint; //c_angular_velocity * angular_velocity; // compute the derivative of the error double error_dt = error - old_error; old_error = error; // update the integral of the error term int_error += error; // suspectible to integral windup double new_speed = error * kp + error_dt * kd + int_error * ki; move((int) new_speed); Delay.msDelay(30); } } private void move(int speed) { Motor.A.setSpeed(Math.abs(speed)); Motor.C.setSpeed(Math.abs(speed)); if (speed > 0) { Motor.A.forward(); Motor.C.forward(); } else { Motor.A.backward(); Motor.C.backward(); } } } public class SensorThread extends Thread { private void init_adxl312(I2CSensor adxl312) { byte[] buf = new byte[10]; // initialization according the adxl312 Quick start guide, page 3 buf[0] = 0x0b; // +-12g, 13-bit mode adxl312.sendData(0x31, buf, 1); buf[0] = 0x08; // start measurement adxl312.sendData(0x2d, buf, 1); buf[0] = (byte) 0x80; // enable drdy init adxl312.sendData(0x2e, buf, 1); } @Override public void run() { setDaemon(true); System.out.println("Starting SensorThread"); byte[] buf = new byte[10]; short accel_ax = 0, accel_ay = 0, accel_bx = 0, accel_by = 0; int ret_a = 0, ret_b = 0; int retries = 0; // the top sensor is 'a' I2CSensor a = new I2CSensor(SensorPort.S1, 0x53 << 1, SensorConstants.MODE_RAW, SensorConstants.TYPE_HISPEED); I2CSensor b = new I2CSensor(SensorPort.S1, 0x1d << 1, SensorConstants.MODE_RAW, SensorConstants.TYPE_HISPEED); init_adxl312(a); init_adxl312(b); double angle_a = 0., angle_b = 0.; while (true) { Delay.msDelay(20); retries = 0; while (ret_a != 0 || ret_b != 0 || retries == 0) { ret_a = a.getData(0x32, buf, 4); accel_ax = (short) ((buf[0] & 0xff) | (buf[1] << 8)); accel_ay = (short) ((buf[2] & 0xff) | (buf[3] << 8)); ret_b = b.getData(0x32, buf, 4); accel_bx = (short) ((buf[0] & 0xff) | (buf[1] << 8)); accel_by = (short) ((buf[2] & 0xff) | (buf[3] << 8)); // try to reinitialize the sensor when the communication // fails if (retries++ > 10) { System.out.println("Reinitializing sensors"); init_adxl312(a); init_adxl312(b); Delay.msDelay(2); } } angle_a = Math.atan2(accel_ax, -accel_ay); angle_b = Math.atan2(accel_bx, -accel_by); setAngle(angle_b); setAngularVelocity(accel_ax - accel_bx); if(DEBUG) { System.out.println("ax: " + Integer.toString(accel_ax)); System.out.println("ay: " + Integer.toString(accel_ay)); System.out.println("angle a " + Double.toString(angle_a)); System.out.println("angle b " + Double.toString(angle_b)); } } } // TODO try to filter the data private void setAngle(double a) { angle = a; } private void setAngularVelocity(int v) { angular_velocity = v; } } public void run() { System.out.println("Press enter to start"); Button.ENTER.waitForPressAndRelease(); SensorThread st = new SensorThread(); MotorThread mt = new MotorThread(); st.start(); Delay.msDelay(50); // wait for the sensors to settle mt.start(); Button.ENTER.waitForPressAndRelease(); System.out.println("Exiting"); } public static void main(String[] args) { segway s = new segway();; } }