IA159 Formal Verification Methods Model Checking: An Overview Jan Strejˇcek Department of Computer Science Faculty of Informatics Masaryk University Focus and sources Focus model checking in general specifications, linear temporal logic (LTL), Büchi automata models, Kripke structure, process rewrite systems (PRS) model checking problems and decidability LTL model checking of finite systems state explosion problem Sources Chapters 1, 2, 3 and 9 of E. M. Clarke, O. Grumberg, and D. A. Peled: Model Checking, MIT, 1999. R. Mayr: Decidability and Complexity of Model Checking Problems for Infinite-State Systems. PhD thesis, 1998. IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Model Checking: An Overview 2/38 Model checking schema model M ""EEEEEEEE specification S yysssssssss GF ED @A BC model checking algorithm  ""FFFFFFFF YES, M satisfies S NO, M does not satisfy S (+ counterexample) IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Model Checking: An Overview 3/38 Model checking Specification IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Model Checking: An Overview 4/38 Specification a finite formal description of some property that should be satisfied by all behaviours of the system usually does not fully specify the system typically given by a formula of some temporal logic Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) (linear time) Computational Tree Logic (CTL) (branching time) CTL∗ , Hennessy–Milner logic, µ calculus, . . . can be given also by a Büchi automaton, etc. IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Model Checking: An Overview 5/38 The hierarchy of basic temporal logics. modal µ-calculus CTL∗ IIIIIIIII CTL LTL Henessy-Milner logic The hierarchy of selected temporal logics according to their expressive power. IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Model Checking: An Overview 6/38 State-based vs. action-based logics state-based These logics talk about properties of states of a system. Properties of a single state are reflected by validity of atomic propositions in the state. State-based logic are interpreted over behaviours of the system represented by sequences (or trees) of sets of valid atomic propositions. action-based Every transition of a system is labelled with an action. Action-based logic are interpreted over behaviours of the system represented only by sequences (or trees) of actions. We provide definition of both state-based and action-based LTL. IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Model Checking: An Overview 7/38 Syntax of state-based LTL State-based Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) is defined by ϕ ::= | a | ¬ϕ | ϕ1 ∧ ϕ2 | Xϕ | ϕ1 U ϕ2 where stands for true and a ranges over a countable set AP of atomic propositions. Abbreviations ⊥ ≡ ¬ Fϕ ≡ U ϕ Gϕ ≡ ¬F¬ϕ Terminology and intuitive meaning Xa next • a • • • . . . a U b until a a . . . a b • • • . . . Fa eventually • • . . . • a • • • . . . Ga always a a a a . . . IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Model Checking: An Overview 8/38 Semantics of state-based LTL Let Σ = 2AP , where AP ⊆ AP is a finite subset. We interpret LTL on infinite words w = w(0)w(1) . . . ∈ Σω. By wi we denote the suffix of w of the form w(i)w(i + 1)w(i + 2) . . .. The validity of an LTL formula ϕ for w ∈ Σω, written w |= ϕ, is defined as w |= w |= a iff a ∈ w(0) w |= ¬ϕ iff w |= ϕ w |= ϕ1 ∧ ϕ2 iff w |= ϕ1 ∧ w |= ϕ2 w |= Xϕ iff w1 |= ϕ w |= ϕ1 U ϕ2 iff ∃i ∈ N0 : wi |= ϕ2 ∧ ∀ 0 ≤ j < i : wj |= ϕ1 Given an alphabet Σ, an LTL formula ϕ defines the language LΣ (ϕ) = {w ∈ Σω | w |= ϕ}. IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Model Checking: An Overview 9/38 Action-based LTL Differences between action-based and state-based LTL In the syntax, a ranges over countable set of actions Act. Formulae of action-based LTL are then interpreted over infinite sequences w of actions from a finite subset Act ⊆ Act. Semantics of formula a is defined as follows: w |= a iff a = w(0) IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Model Checking: An Overview 10/38 Examples of LTL formulae G¬error - safety property G(p =⇒ Fq) - response property GFp - liveness property IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Model Checking: An Overview 11/38 Büchi automata A Büchi automaton (BA) is a tuple A = (Σ, Q, δ, q0, F), where Σ is a finite alphabet, Q is a finite set of states, δ : Q × Σ → 2Q is a transition function, q0 ∈ Q is an initial states, F ⊆ Q is a set of accepting states. A run of A on inifnite word w = w(0)w(1)... ∈ Σω is an infinite sequence of states σ = σ(0)σ(1)..., where σ(0) = q0 and σ(i + 1) ∈ δ(σ(i), w(i)) holds for all i. A run σ is accepting if Inf(σ) ∩ F = ∅, where Inf(σ) is the set of the states appearing in σ infinitely often. An automaton A accepts a word w if there is an accepting run of A on w. We set L(A) = {w ∈ Σω | A accepts w}. IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Model Checking: An Overview 12/38 Example of a Büchi automaton a a b q2 b q1 IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Model Checking: An Overview 13/38 Example of a Büchi automaton a a b q2 b q1 Accepts the words with infinitely many occurences of a. IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Model Checking: An Overview 14/38 Model checking Model IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Model Checking: An Overview 15/38 Model a finite formal description of all possible behaviours of the system to be verified behaviour is a sequence (or a tree) of states/actions state is an image of the system in a certain moment (current values of variables, program counter, etc.) a state is characterized by validity of atomic propositions (e.g. PC == start, x > 5) many possible formalisms standard languages C, Java, VHDL, . . . dedicated languages, e.g. ProMeLa (Process or Protocol Meta Language) process rewrite systems (infinite-state systems) BPA, BPP, PA, pushdown processes, Petri nets, . . . low-level formalisms: Kripke structure (for state-based approach) and labelled transition systems (for action-based approach) IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Model Checking: An Overview 16/38 Example: mutual exclusion in ProMeLa byte cnt = 0; // number of processes in critical sections byte turn = 0; // token for entering a critical section init { run(P0); run(P1); // parallel execution of P0 a P1 } proctype P0() proctype P1() { { // s0 //s1 do do // NC0 (noncritical section) // NC1 (noncritical section) :: do :: do :: (turn == 0) -> break; :: (turn == 1) -> break; :: else; :: else; od; od; // CS0 (critical section) // CS1 (critical section) cnt = cnt + 1; cnt = cnt + 1; cnt = cnt - 1; cnt = cnt - 1; turn = 1; turn = 0; od; od; } } IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Model Checking: An Overview 17/38 Kripke structure Let AP be a countable set of atomic propositions. A Kripke structure is a tuple M = (S, R, S0, L), where S is a set of states R ⊆ S × S is transitions relation S0 ⊆ S is a set of initial states L : S → 2AP is a labelling function associating to each state s ∈ S the set of atomic propositions that are true in s. A path in M starting in a state s is an infinite sequence π = s0s1s2... of states such that s0 = s and (si, si+1) ∈ R holds for every i. IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Model Checking: An Overview 18/38 Example: mutual exclusion as a Kripke structure turn = 0 s0, NC1 turn = 0 NC0, s1 turn = 0 CS0, s1NC0, NC1 turn = 0 CS0, NC1 s0, CS1 turn = 1 s0, NC1 turn = 1 turn = 1 NC0, s1 turn = 1 NC0, NC1 turn = 1 NC0, CS1 ⊥, ⊥ turn = 0 s0, s1 turn = 1 ⊥, ⊥ turn = 1 s0, s1 turn = 0 turn = 0 IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Model Checking: An Overview 19/38 Process rewrite systems: motivation finite-state systems have very limited expressive power there are some classes of infinite-state systems with decidable LTL model checking problem many standard classes of infinite-state systems are definable uniformly as subslasses of Process Rewrite Systems (PRS) IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Model Checking: An Overview 20/38 Process rewrite systems: process terms Let Const = {A, B, C, . . .} be a countably infinite set of process constants. Process terms are defined by the abstract syntax t ::= ε | A | t1.t2 | t1 t2, where ε is the empty term, A ∈ Const is a process constant (used as an atomic process), ’ ’ means a parallel composition, and ’.’ means a sequential composition. We always work with equivalence classes of terms modulo commutativity and associativity of ’ ’ ((A B) C = B (A C)) and modulo associativity of ’.’ ((A.B).C = A.(B.C)). IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Model Checking: An Overview 21/38 Process rewrite systems: classes of process terms We distinguish four classes of process terms as: “1” terms consisting of a single process constant only (i.e. ε ∈ 1), e.g. A. “S” sequential terms without parallel composition, e.g. A.B.C. “P” parallel terms without sequential composition. e.g. A B C. “G” general terms with arbitrarily nested sequential and parallel compositions. IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Model Checking: An Overview 22/38 Process rewrite systems: syntax Let Act = {a, b, · · · } be a countably infinite set of atomic actions and α, β ∈ {1, S, P, G} such that α ⊆ β. An (α, β)-PRS (process rewrite system) is a pair ∆ = (R, t0), where R ⊆ ((α {ε}) × Act × β) is a finite set of rewrite rules, and t0 ∈ β is an initial term. We write (t1 a → t2) ∈ R instead of (t1, a, t2) ∈ R. IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Model Checking: An Overview 23/38 Process rewrite systems: semantics An (α, β)-PRS ∆ = (R, t0) defines a labelled transition system where states are process terms of β, t0 is the initial state, the transition relation −→ is the least relation satisfying the following inference rules: (t1 a → t2) ∈ R t1 a −→ t2 t1 a −→ t2 t1 t a −→ t2 t t1 a −→ t2 t1.t a −→ t2.t IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Model Checking: An Overview 24/38 Process rewrite systems: example  B b  B C coo b  A.B a // (A.B) C a // c oo (A.B) C C a // c oo · · · c oo (S, G)-PRS (R, B C) with rewrite rules R = { B b → A.B, A.B a → (A.B) C, C c → ε } IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Model Checking: An Overview 25/38 Process rewrite systems: power of rewrite rules (1, 1)-PRS finite-state systems m x:=x+1 → n simple sequential programs without procedures (1, S)-PRS basic process algebra m call p → p0.n programs with procedure calls no global variables and return values (S, S)-PRS pushdown systems g.m call p → g.p0.n sequential programs with procedures global variables, return values IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Model Checking: An Overview 26/38 Process rewrite systems: power of rewrite rules (1, P)-PRS basic parallel processes m creat thread f → n f0 programs with simple parallel threads no communication (P, P)-PRS Petri nets m p synchronize → n q programs with parallel threads communication between threads IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Model Checking: An Overview 27/38 Process rewrite systems hierarchy (PRS-hierarchy) The hierarchy compares expressive power of many classes of infinite-state systems including BPA, BPP, PA, Petri nets (PN), and pushdown processes (PDA). FS stands for finite systems. PRS (G,G)-PRS mmmmmmmmm QQQQQQQQQ PAD (S,G)-PRS QQQQQQQQQ PAN (P,G)-PRS mmmmmmmmm PDA (S,S)-PRS PA (1,G)-PRS mmmmmmmmm QQQQQQQQQ PN (P,P)-PRS BPA (1,S)-PRS QQQQQQQQQ BPP (1,P)-PRS mmmmmmmmm FS (1,1)-PRS IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Model Checking: An Overview 28/38 Model checking Decidability of model checking IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Model Checking: An Overview 29/38 Model checking Model checking problem is to decide whether all behaviours of a given system satisfy a given specification. specific problems for specific input state-based LTL model checking of finite systems action-based CTL model checking of finite systems state-based LTL model checking of pushdown processes action-based LTL model checking of pushdown processes . . . model checking problem is not decidable for some kinds of input (e.g. action-based LTL model checking of PA processes) even small changes of the problem can be important: action-based LTL model checking of PN is decidable, while state-based LTL model checking of PN in undecidable all model checking problems are decidable for finite systems IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Model Checking: An Overview 30/38 The decidability boundary The decidability boundary of the action-based LTL model checking in the PRS-hierarchy. PRS qqqqqqqqqqq NNNNNNNNNNN PAD NNNNNNNNNNNN PAN pppppppppppp ↑undecidable ↓decidable ]]]]]]] TTTTT ___ jjjjj aaaaa PDA PA qqqqqqqqqqqq NNNNNNNNNNNN PN BPA MMMMMMMMMMMM BPP pppppppppppp FS IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Model Checking: An Overview 31/38 Model checking Automata-based LTL model checking of finite systems IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Model Checking: An Overview 32/38 Automata-based LTL model checking of finite systems Kripke structure M with finitely many states  LTL formula ϕ  Büchi automaton AM accepts paths of M starting in initial states and projected by L to 2AP(ϕ) %%LLLLLLL Büchi automaton A¬ϕ words over 2AP(ϕ) violating ϕ zzvvvvvvvv product Büchi automaton B L(B) = L(AM ) ∩ L(A¬ϕ)  L(B) ? = ∅ e.g. nested DFS algorithm xxqqqqqqqqq $$JJJJJJ YES NO + counterexample IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Model Checking: An Overview 33/38 Complexity notes Complexity Time and space complexity of the LTL model checking algorithm is O(|M| · 2O(|ϕ|)), where |M| is the number of states and transitions in the Kripke structure M. LTL model checking problem is PSPACE-complete. state explosion problem - |M| is often exponential in the size of implicit description of the system due to parallelism large data domains dynamically allocated memory . . . IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Model Checking: An Overview 34/38 State explosion problem - an example byte x = 0; byte y = 0; proctype A() { proctype B() { proctype C() { x = x + 1; x = x + 2; y = y + 5; } } } WVUTPQRSx = 0 y = 0 x=x+1; vvnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn x=x+2;  y=y+5; ((PPPPPPPPPPPPPPP WVUTPQRSx = 1 y = 0 x=x+2;  y=y+5; ((PPPPPPPPPPPPPPP WVUTPQRSx = 2 y = 0 x=x+1;vvnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn y=y+5; ((PPPPPPPPPPPPPPP WVUTPQRSx = 0 y = 5 x=x+1;vvnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn x=x+2;  WVUTPQRSx = 3 y = 0 y=y+5; ((PPPPPPPPPPPPPPP WVUTPQRSx = 1 y = 5 x=x+2;  WVUTPQRSx = 2 y = 5 x=x+1; vvnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn WVUTPQRSx = 3 y = 5 IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Model Checking: An Overview 35/38 Partial solutions of the state explosion problem abstraction partial order reduction symmetry reduction on-the-fly algorithms symbolic model checking distributed algorithms . . . IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Model Checking: An Overview 36/38 Our topics translation LTL→BA (via alternating 1-weak BA) partial order reduction state-based LTL model checking of pushdown processes abstraction counterexample guided abstraction refinement (CEGAR) IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Model Checking: An Overview 37/38 Coming next week LTL model checking of pushdown system How can I denote an infinite-state system? Can I verify an infinite-state system? What are pushdown processes good for? Can I do LTL model checking for them? IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Model Checking: An Overview 38/38