IA167: String Algorithms Spring 2014 Lecture 7: April 7 Lecturer: Alex Popa Scribes: Dominik Szalai 7.1 Brief history With arrival of computing mankind needed some way of formal description of systems, algorithms and problems. At this time researchers started to realize that several problems are algorithmically unsolvable. First foundations were set by Alonzo Church and Alan Turing. In 1936 independently from each other they have shown in their works answer for Hillbert’s so called Entscheidungsproblem. They have shown that testing whether an assertion has a proof is algorithmically unsolvable. [EPW,SM92] Later on the concept of NP-completness was developed in the early 1970 in parallel by researchers in the US and the USSR. In 1971 Stephen Cook published paper “The complexity of theorem proving procedures” which included so called Cook-Levin theorem, stating that Boolean satisfiability1 problem is NP-complete. [CLTW] 7.2 NP-Completness In these scribes we will refer to three main classes of problems: P, NP and NP − C. The class P consists of problems that are solvable (by deterministic Turing machine) in polynomial time O(nk ) for constant k and n which denotes the input size of the problem. Formally the definition of P class is following: Definition 7.1 A language L is in P if and only if there exists a deterministic Turing machine M, such that • M runs for polynomial time on all inputs • ∀x ∈ L, M outputs 1 • ∀x /∈ L, M outputs 0 The class NP2 consists of problems, that are verifiable in polynomial time. By verification we mean we have a proof of solution stating that the problem can be solved in polynomial time. The formal definition of class NP is following: Definition 7.2 A language L is in NP if and only if there exist polynomials p and q, and a deterministic Turing machine M, such that • ∀(x ∧ y) ∈ L, the machine M runs in time p(|x|) on input (x, y) • ∀x ∈ L, there exists a string y of length q(|x|) such that M(x, y) = 1 • ∀x /∈ L and all strings y of length q(|x|), M(x, y) = 0 1Also known as SAT problem 2from word non-detereministic 7-1 7-2 Lecture 7: April 7 The last class, that is important for further reading consists of NP-complete problems. Definition 7.3 Problem A is NP-complete if two following conditions are satisfied: 1. A is in NP 2. every problem in NP is reducible to A in polynomial time.3 We can describe reduction in definition 7.3 above in following way: Lets suppose that we have a procedure that transforms problem A into problem B with two conditions. The first one is that the transformation takes polynomial time, and the other one states that the answers for both problems are same. That is, the answer for A is yes, if and only if the answer for B is also yes. [CT09] Some of the well known NP-complete problems with brief description taken from related Wikipedia articles are: Boolean satisfiability problem Given boolean formula consisting of variables, conjunctions, disjunction negation and parentheses, written in conjunctive normal form we can say wheter there exists an interpretation that makes formula true. Knapsack problem Given a set of items, each with a mass and a value, determine the number of each item to include in a collection so that the total weight is less than or equal to a given limit and the total value is as large as possible. Hamiltonian path problem Problem determining whether a Hamiltonian path, a path that visits each vertex exactly once, exists in the given graph. Travelling salesman problem Given a list of cities and the distances between each pair of cities, what is the shortest possible route that visits each city exactly once and returns to the origin city? Subgraph isomorphism problem Given two graphs G and H on input, decide whether G contains a subgraph that is isomorphic to H. Subset sum problem Given a set (or multiset) of integers, is there a non-empty subset whose sum is zero? Clique problem There are more variation of this problem e.g. maximum clique. In maximum clique we have to find clique of the largest possible size in given graph. Vertex cover One of the classical NP-complete problem. The problem is to find in given graph set of vertices such that each edge of the graph is incident to at least one vertex of the set. Graph coloring Assigning labels (colors) to elements of graphs (vertices, edges) with certain constraint. For example in vertex coloring, assign color to vertices such that no two adjacent vertices have the same color. 7.3 Approximation Algorithms Lot of practical problems that computer science deals with are NP-complete. We don’t know how to find algorithm that has optimal polynomial running time. There are several ways how to deal with this problem. First one might be, if the input is raletively small, we don’t have worry with performance, thanks to the speed of nowadays computers. It makes really small difference if algorithm runs in O(n2 ) or O(2n ) for small input n e.g n ≤ 5. The other option is to reduce our entire problem, or at least parts of it into something already known like Satisfiability problem mentioned above. Third option is to find near-optimal solution in polynomial time. These algorithms are called approximation algorithms. [CT09] 3Also known as NP-hardness Lecture 7: April 7 7-3 Definition 7.4 Let X be a minimization (respectively, maximization) problem. Let ε > 0, and set c = 1 + ε (reespectively, c = 1 − ε). An algorithm A is called a c-approximation algorithm for problem X, if for all instances I of X it delivers a feasible solution with objective value A(I) such that |A(I) − OPT(I)| ≤ ε · OPT(I). (7.1) In this case, the value c is called the performance guarantee or the worst case ratio of the approximation algorithm A. The value c can be viewed as the quality measure of the approximation algorithm. The closer c is to 1, the better the algorithm is. Definition 7.5 Let X be a minimization (respectively, maximization) problem. APX An approximation scheme for problem X is a family of (1 + ε)-approximation algorithms Aε (respectively, (1 − ε)-approximation algorithms Aε) for problem X over all 0 < ε < 1. PTAS A polynomial time approximation scheme for problem X is an approximation scheme whose time complexity is polynomial in the input size. For example if if algorithm runs in O(n 1 ε ) then with increasing of ε the power of n decreases, which bring us decreased running time. FPTAS A fully polynomial time approximation scheme for problem X is an approximation scheme whose time complexity is polynomial in the input size and also polynomial in 1 ε . For example running time might be in O((1 ε )3 n2 ). Previous two definitions were taken from [SP07]. To show real values of c-approximation we may choose for example problems from section 7.2 such as Vertex-cover which is polynomial time 2-approximation, Travelling salesman problem with triangle inequalities which is also a polynomial time 2-approximation. For Set cover we have polynomial time (ln |X| + 1)-approximation. 7.4 Shortest common superstring Problem 7.6 Given a finite alphabet Σ, and a set of n strings, S = {s1, · · · , sn} ⊆ Σ+ , find a shortest possible string s that contains each si as a substring. Example 7.7 Given set S = {s1 = abaab, s2 = baba, s3 = aabbb, s4 = bbab} find the shortest common superstring s. Solution If we merge strings as is shown below we will get the result s = bbabaabbb s = b b a b a a b b b s4 = b b a b s2 = b a b a s1 = a b a a b s3 = a a b b b Shortest common superstring problem belongs to NP-complete class of problems. The exact algorithm for finding shortest common superstring is in O(2n ) class as has been shown by Held & Karp in [HM61]. In following few sections we will show how several algorithms for obtaining Shortest common superstring. 7-4 Lecture 7: April 7 7.4.1 Greedy algorithm Greedy algorithm repeatedly merges two strings from input set S with maximum overlap until one merged string remains which is the result shortest common superstring. By overlap we mean function ov(si, sj) where two strings are written as si = u.v and sj = v.w, then ov(si, sj) = |v|. The algorithm with defined steps is following: Input: Set of input string S = {s1, · · · , sn} Output: Shortest common superstring s function Greedy(S) while |S| = 1 do sij = si · sj such that ∀i, j > 0 ∧ i = j : ov(sj, si) is maximal. S = S ∪ sij S = S \ {si ∪ sj} end while return s ∈ S end function When the algorithm has been defined we may apply it on following example. Example 7.8 Given set of strings S = {s1 = alf, s2 = ate, s3 = half, s4 = lethal, s5 = alpha, s6 = alfalfa} find the shortest common superstring s. Solution Because s1 is already substring to s4 and s6 we can remove it from original set leaving us modified one S = {s2 = ate, s3 = half, s4 = lethal, s5 = alpha, s6 = alfalfa}. The biggest overlap from strings s1, · · · , s6 is betweeen s3 = half and s4 = lethal, with length of overlaping ov(lethal, half) = 3. Merging these two strings results in new string s43 = lethalf. We repeat the step and find out which of strings s2, s43, s5, s6 gives the biggest overlap. After computing all combination we will get to the result that ov(s43, s6) = 3. Merging these two strings results in s436 = lethalfalfa. Our set now looks as S = {s436 = lethalfalfa, s2 = ate, s5 = alpha}. Another repetition of merging step gives Greedy algorithm two choices because ov(s436, s2) = ov(s436, s5) = 1. With human intuition we would rather merge s436 with s5 because of later possible overlap between s5 and s2, resulting in s4365 = lethalfalfalpha. Final merge of s4365 with s2 results in s43652 = lethalfalfalphate which is the shortest common superstring. If we would merge s436 with s2 the result in final step would be then s43625 = lethalfalfatealpha. The major problem is that the length difference of |s43625| − |s43652| = 1 thus the second possible result is one character longer. Another example where Greedy algorithm may fail is set of strings S = {c(ab)k , (ba)k , (ab)k c}, with result of string twice as long as the optimal one. 7.4.2 4-approxmiation aglorithm Graph GS = (V, E, d) has m vertices V = {1, · · · , n}, and n2 edges E = {(i, j) : 1 ≤ i, j ≤ n}. String si is then associated with vertex i and edge (i, j) is then prefix between strings si and sj. The d is the weight function defined as distance between to vertices. Distance is calculated as prefix between strings si = u · v and sj = v · w defined pref(si, sj) = |u| = d(si, sj). Constructing such graph where vertices are strings Lecture 7: April 7 7-5 from input set and edges are lengths of prefixes we see similarity between travelling salesman problem where we have to visit all vertices at lowest cost. By [VV001] and [BA91] the key idea is to lower-bound optimal version of algorithm to cycle cover of the prefix graph. Definition 7.9 Algorithm Concat-Cycles 1. On input S, create graph Gs and find a minimum weight assignment C on Gs. Let C be the collection of cycles {c1, · · · , cp}. 2. for each cycle ci = i1 → · · · ir → i1, let ˜si = si1 , · · · , sir be the string obtained by opening ci, where i1 is arbitrarily chosen. The string ˜si has length at most d(ci) + |si1 |. 3. Concatenate together the strings ˜si and produce the resulting string ˜s as output. For detailed proof with additional theorems and lemmas see page 61 in [VV001]. 7.4.3 3-approxmiation aglorithm 3-approximation algorithm uses same steps as 4-approximation algorithm. The only difference is that in step instead of concatenation of strings ˜s1, · · · , ˜sn greedy algorithm from subsection 7.4.1 is used. Notes examples and definintions from previous sections were taken from [BA91]. For proofs and more detailed explanation how Greedy, 3 or 4-approximation algorithms work refer to [BA91] aswell. 7.4.4 3.5-approxmiation aglorithm The bound of 3.5 is made by Kaplan with improvement in greedy algorithm shown by Blum in [BA91]. The improvement is done by defining culprits, the special intervals of cycles. For more details with proofs refer to [KH05]. 7.4.5 2.59-approxmiation aglorithm The bound 225 42 ≈ 2.569 is made by constructing a superstring by computing optimal cycle covers on the distance graph. For more details refer to [BD97]. References [BA91] BLUM, Avrim, Tao JIANG, Ming LI, John TROMP a Mihalis YANNAKAKIS. Linear approximation of shortest superstrings. Journal of the ACM [online]. vol. 41, issue 4, pp. 630-647 [cit. 2014-05-04]. DOI: 10.1145/179812.179818. Available at: http://portal.acm.org/citation. cfm?doid=179812.179818 [BD97] BRESLAUER, Dany, Tao JIANG a Zhigen JIANG. Rotations of Periodic Strings and Short Superstrings. 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