CURRENT OPINION 221 Sniffers, buzzers, toggles and blinkers: dynamics of regulatory and signaling pathways in the cell John J Tyson*f, Katherine C Chen** and Bela Novak§ The physiological responses of cells to external and internal stimuli are governed by genes and proteins interacting in complex networks whose dynamical properties are impossible to understand by intuitive reasoning alone. Recent advances by theoretical biologists have demonstrated that molecular regulatory networks can be accurately modeled in mathematical terms. These models shed light on the design principles of biological control systems and make predictions that have been verified experimentally. gadget. Instead of resistors, capacitors and transistors hooked together by wires, one sees genes, proteins and metabolites hooked together by chemical reactions and intermolecular interactions. The temptation is irresistible to ask whether physiological regulatory systems can be understood in mathematical terms, in the same way an electrical engineer would model a radio [6]. Preliminary attempts at this sort of modelling have been carried out in each of the cases mentioned above [7-11,12", 13,14,15**]. Addresses 'Department of Biology, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061, USA te-mail: *e-mail: §Molecular Network Dynamics Research Group of Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Department of Agricultural Chemical Technology, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, 1521 Budapest, Geliert ter 4, Hungary e-mail: Current Opinion in Cell Biology 2003, 15:221-231 This review comes from a themed issue on Cell regulation Edited by Pier Paolo di Fiore and Pier Giuseppe Pelicci 0955-0674/03/$ - see front matter © 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. DOI 10.1016/S0955-0674(03)00017-6 Abbreviations Cdk cyclin-dependent kinase CKI cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor MAPK mitogen-activated protein kinase MPF M-phase-promoting factor (Cdk1-cyclin B) Introduction Since the advent of recombinant DNA technology about 20 years ago, molecular biologists have been remarkably successful in dissecting the molecular mechanisms that underlie the adaptive behaviour of living cells. Stunning examples include the lysis-lysogeny switch of viruses [1], Chemotaxis in bacteria [2], the DNA-division cycle of yeasts [3], segmentation patterns in fruit fly development [4] and signal transduction pathways in mammalian cells [5]. When the information in any of these cases is laid out in graphical form ( interaction_maps.html; dep/inbios/genet/sOntwk.htm; genes/index.asp), the molecular network looks strikingly similar to the wiring diagram of a modern electronic To understand how these models are built and why they work the way they do, one must develop a precise mathematical description of molecular circuitry and some intuition about the dynamical properties of regulatory networks. Complex molecular networks, like electrical circuits, seem to be constructed from simpler modules: sets of interacting genes and proteins that carry out specific tasks and can be hooked together by standard linkages [16]. Excellent reviews from other perspectives can be found elsewhere [17,18*,19-22,23*,24*,25], and also book-length treatments [26-29]. In this review, we show how simple signaling pathways can be embedded in networks using positive and negative feedback to generate more complex behaviours — toggle switches and oscillators — which are the basic building blocks of the exotic, dynamic behaviour shown by nonlinear control systems. Our purpose is to present a precise vocabulary for describing these phenomena and some memorable examples of each. We hope that this review will improve the reader's intuition about molecular dynamics, foster more accurate discussions of the issues, and promote closer collaboration between experimental and computational biologists. Linear and hyperbolic signal-response curves Let's start with two simple examples of protein dynamics: synthesis and degradation (Figure la), and phosphorylation and dephosphorylation (Figure lb). Using the law of mass action, we can write rate equations for these two mechanisms, as follows: dR dt dRP dt — k$ + k\S — kiR, k\S(Rj - Rp) - hRp. (a) (b) In case (a), S — signal strength (e.g. concentration of mRNA) and R — response magnitude (e.g. concentration Current Opinion in Cell Biology 2003, 15:221-231 222 Cell regulation Figure 1 R Signal (S) Current Opinion in Cell Biology 2003, 15:221-231 www.current-opinion .com Sniffers, buzzers, toggles and blinkers Tyson, Chen and Novak 223 of protein). In case (b), RP is the phosphorylated form of the response element (which we suppose to be the active form), Rp — [RP], and Rp — R + Rp — total concentration of the response element. A steady-state solution of a differential equation, dRjdt — f(R), is a constant, Rss, that satisfies the algebraic equation f(Rss) — 0. In our cases, Rss — Rp,.s.s — RTS (a) (b) These equations correspond to the linear and hyperbolic signal-response curves in Figure 1. In most cases, these simple components are embedded in more complex pathways, to generate signal-response curves of more adaptive value. Sigmoidal signal-response curves Case (c) of Figure 1 is a modification of case (b), where the phosphorylation and dephosphorylation reactions are governed by Michaelis-Menten kinetics: dRP _ k\S(Rp - Rp) hRp (c) dt Km\ + Rp — Rp km2 + Rp In this case, the steady-state concentration of the phosphorylated form is a solution of the quadratic equation: k\S(Rp — Rp)(Km2 + Rp) — kiRp(Km\ + Rp — Rp). The biophysically acceptable solution (0 < Rp < Rp) of this equation is [30]: Rp,ss nf, e , Kmi KmZ -^—^G{ki,S,k2, — ,—), (d) J\p J\p J\p where the 'Goldbeter-Koshland' function, G, is defined as: G{u,v,J ,K) ZuK v — u + vJ + uK + \J (v — u + vJ + uK)2 — 4(v — u)uK In Figure lc, column 3, we plot Rp)Ss as a function of S: it is a sigmoidal curve ifJand if are both «1. This mechanism for creating a switch-like signal-response curve is called zero-order ultrasensitivity. The Goldbeter-Koshland function, although switch-like, shares with linear and hyperbolic curves the properties of being graded and reversible. By 'graded' we mean that the response increases continuously with signal strength. A slightly stronger signal gives a slightly stronger response. The relationship is 'reversible' in the sense that if signal strength is changed from initial to i5finai, the response at i5finai is the same whether the signal is being increased (initial < ^fmai) or decreased (initial > ^fmai)-Although continuous and reversible, a sigmoidal response is abrupt. Like a buzzer or a laser pointer, to activate the response one must push hard enough on the button, and to sustain the response one must keep pushing. When one lets up on the button, the response switches off at precisely the same signal strength at which it switched on. Perfectly adapted signal-response curves By supplementing the simple linear response element (Figure la) with a second signaling pathway (through species X in Figure Id), we can create a response mechanism that exhibits perfect adaptation to the signal. Perfect adaptation means that although the signaling pathway exhibits a transient response to changes in signal strength, its steady-state response Rss is independent of S. Such behaviour is typical of chemotactic systems, which respond to an abrupt change in attractants or repellents, but then adapt to a constant level of the signal. Our own sense of smell operates this way, so we refer to this type of response as a 'sniffer.' The hyperbolic response element (Figure lb) can also be made perfectly adapted by adding a second signaling pathway that down regulates the response. Levchenko and Iglesias [31*] have used a mechanism of this sort to model phosphoinosityl signaling in slime mold cells and neutrophils. Many authors have presented models of perfect adaptation (see [32-35] for representative published work). Positive feedback: irreversible switches In Figure Id the signal influences the response via two parallel pathways that push the response in opposite directions (an example of feed-forward control). Alternatively, some component of a response pathway may (Figure 1 Legend) Signal-response elements. In this tableau, the rows correspond to (a) linear response, (b) hyperbolic response, (c) sigmoidal response, (d) perfect adaptation, (e) mutual activation, (f) mutual inhibition and (g) homeostasis. The columns present wiring diagrams (left), rate curves (centre) and signal-response curves (right). From each wiring diagram, we derive a set of kinetic equations, which are displayed in the text (cases a, b and c) or in Box 1 (all other cases). The graphs in the centre and right columns are derived from the kinetic equations, for the parameter values given in Box 1. In the centre column, the solid curve is the rate of removal of the response component (R or RP, depending on the context), and the dashed lines are the rates of production of the response component for various values of signal strength (the value of S is indicated next to each curve). The filled circles, where the rates of production and removal are identical, represent steady-state values of the response. In the right column, we plot the steady-state response as a function of signal strength. Row (d) is exceptional: both production and removal depend on signal strength, in such a fashion that the steady-state value of Ft is independent of S. Hence, the signal-response curve (not shown) is flat. Instead, we plot the transient response (R, black curve) to stepwise increases in signal strength (S, red curve), with concomitant changes in the indirect signaling pathway (X, green curve). Other symbols: Pj, inorganic phosphate; E, a protein involved with R in mutual activation or inhibition; EP, the phosphorylated form of E. In (e) and (f), the open circle in the centre column and the dashed curve in the right column represent unstable steady states. Scrit is the signal strength where stable and unstable steady states coalesce (a saddle-node bifurcation point). Current Opinion in Cell Biology 2003, 15:221-231 224 Cell regulation Box 1 Mathematical models of signal-response systems. Figure "Id. Perfectly adapted dR ~ďtz dX kiS - k2X ■ R k-\k4 k2k3 = k3S - k4X XSs — - k3S dt " " 11 k4 Observe that Rss is independent of S. Figure 1e. Mutual activation ^ = k0Ep(R) + k,S - k2X ■ R EP(R)=G(k3R,k4,J3,J4) Figure 1f. Mutual inhibition dR — = k0+kiS-k2R- k'2E(R) - R E(R)=G(k3,k4R,J3,J4) Figure 1g. Negative feedback: homeostasis dR — = k0E(R)-k2SR E(R) = G(k3,k4R,J3,J4) Figure 2a. Negative-feedback oscillator dX — = k0+k:S-k2X + k'2RP - X k4Y, dYP = k3X(YT - Yp) dt ~Km3 + YT-Yp dRP = k5Yp(RT-Rp)__ dt Km5 + Rj — Rp Kme + Rp 4 IP Km4 + Yp keRp Figure 2b. Activator inhibitor ~ďt dX ~ďt Ep(R)=G(k3R,k4,J3,J4 = k0Ep{R) +kiS-k2R- k'2X - R = k5R - keX - = kiS-[k'0+k0Ep(R)]-X Figure 2c. Substrate-depletion oscillator dX ~dt dR — =[k'0+k0Ep(R)}-X-k2R Ep(R)=G(k3R,k4,J3,J4) Parameter sets 1a k0 = 0.01, ki = 1, k2 = 5 1b/d = k2 = 1, RT = 1 1c ki = k2 = -\,RT = -\,Kmi = Km2 = 0.05 1d k-, = k2 = 2, k3 = k4 = 1 1e k0 = 0.4, ki = 0.01 ,k2=k3 = 1,k4 = 0.2, J3 = J4 = 0.05 1f k0 = 0, k-, =0.05, k2 = 0.1, k'2 = 0.5, k3 = 1, k4 = 0.2, J3 = = J4 = 0.05 1g k0 = 1, k2 = 1, k3 = 0.5, k4 = ■\,J3=J4 = 0.01 2a k0 = 0,ki=-\,k2 = 0.01, k!2 = = 10, k3 = 0A,k4 = 0.2, k5 = ks-- = 0.05, YT = RT = \,Km3 = Km4 = Km5 = KmB = 0.01 2b k0 = 4, ki =k2=k'2=k3 = k4 = 1,^5=0-1,^6 = 0.075, J3 = = J4 = 0.3 2ck'a = 0.01, k0 = 0.4, k-, =k2 = k3 = -\,k4 = 0.3, J3 = J4 = c feed back on the signal. Feedback can be positive, negative or mixed. There are two types of positive feedback. In Figure le, R activates protein E (by phosphorylation), and EP enhances the synthesis of R. In Figure If, R inhibits E, and E promotes the degradation of R; hence, R and E are mutually antagonistic. In either case (mutual activation or antagonism), positive feedback may create a discontinuous switch, meaning that the cellular response changes abruptly and irreversibly as signal magnitude crosses a critical value. For instance, in Figure le, as signal strength (S) increases, the response is low until S exceeds some critical intensity, »ycrjt, at which point the response increases abruptly to a high value. Then, if S decreases, the response stays high (i.e. the switch is irreversible; unlike a sigmoidal response, which is reversible). Notice that, for S values between 0 and Scrlt, the control system is 'bistable' — that is, it has two stable steady-state response values (on the upper and lower branches — the solid lines) separated by an unstable steady state (on the intermediate branch — the dashed line). The signal-response curves in Figure le,f would be called 'one-parameter bifurcation diagrams' by an applied mathematician. The parameter is signal strength (manipula-table by the experimenter). The steady-state response, on the Y axis, is an indicator of the behaviour of the control system as a function of the signal. At Sclit, the behaviour of the control system changes abruptly and irreversibly from low response to high response (or vice versa). Such points of qualitative change in the behaviour of a nonlinear control system are called bifurcation points, in this case, a 'saddle-node bifurcation point'. We will shortly meet other, more esoteric bifurcation points, associated with more complex signal-response relationships. Discontinuous responses come in two varieties: the oneway switch (e.g. Figure le), and the toggle switch (e.g. Figure If). One-way switches presumably play major roles in developmental processes characterized by a point-of-no-return (see, for example, [21]). Frog oocyte maturation in response to progesterone is a particularly clear example [36]. Apoptosis is another decision that must be a one-way switch. In the toggle switch, if S is decreased enough, the switch will go back to the off-state, as in Figure If (column 3). For intermediate stimulus strengths {Scnt\ < S < Serin), the response of the system can be either small or large, depending on how S was changed. This sort of two-way, discontinuous switch is often referred to as hysteresis. Nice examples include the /#