Exercise B: Digital Filter Design Using sptool of MATLAB software program, implement the following tasks. For each task, you need to prepare and send the filter coefficients (sequence of values), and filter frequency response plot (.png, .bmp, .pdf, …). Name each file according to the number of corresponding task, and send all of them as a .zip file to the address below: xamiri@fi.muni.cz Deadline is April 29th . 1) Design a digital FIR lowpass filter with the following specifications. Apply Parks-McClellan method (also known as the Equiripple, or Optimal method). Set filter order to minimum. Obtain the filter coefficients and frequency response of the designed filter. Passband cutoff frequency: fp = 2 kHz Stopband cutoff frequency: fs = 3 kHz Passband ripple: Rp = 0.25 dB Stopband attenuation: Rs = 50 dB Sampling frequency: fs = 20 kHz 2) Design a digital FIR bandpass filter with the following specifications. Apply Parks-McClellan method (also known as the Equiripple, or Optimal method). Set filter order to minimum. Obtain the filter coefficients and frequency response of the designed filter. Passband: 8-12 kHz Stopband attenuation: Rs = 50 dB Passband ripple: Rp = 0.001 dB Transition width: 3 kHz Sampling frequency: fs = 44.1 kHz