Metadata Frameworks Describing the XML and Data Resources

RDF Framework

RDF Model and RDF Schema are W3C Recommendation.

Specification and further W3C Working Group information -

RDF Model

RDF is general mechanism for metadata specification can be used with any (not only digital) resources.

RDF Model (2)

See more:

RDF Schema

RDF representation of used metadata schemes - Z39.50, Dublin Core etc.

Dublin Core - Example of RDF Schema

What is Dublin Core? * Generally usable generic metadata schema.

Simple Dublin Core

"Simple" or "unqualified" Dublin Core ("Simple DC" in what follows) represents the basic set of 15 element designed and supported by:

Dublin Core - elements

Dublin Core - elements (2)

DC - Metadata description example

Nazev: Zelena kniha o elektronickem obchodu
Tvurce: Urad pro verejne informacni systemy, Urad vlady
Predmet: Elektronicky obchod, elektronicky podpis, bezpecnost, sprava
Popis: Vladni navrh podpory elektronickeho obchodu v Ceske republice
Datum vytvoreni: 2001-09-20
Datum zverejneni: 2001-10-17
Identifikator: ISBN:?????

Qualified Dublin Core

XML coding of DC

RDF Schema - rdf/dc-rdf-schema-cz.rdf

RDF Schema pro slovnik typu (Type Vocabulary) - /~tomp/xml/rdf/dc-tv-rdf-schema-cz.rdf

RDF Tools

Example of Metadata Practical Usage - Public Service

Metadata Framework of ISVS CR

Construction steps

Adaptation of Dublin Core for Public Service

Specific application profile of DC has been prepared for needs of public service in EU countries, Australia, Canada and New Zealand.

The objectives of MIReG (Metadata Information Resource for eGoverment) are:

Adaptation of Dublin Core for Public Service (2)

MIReG cooperates with European Standardisation Authority (CEN), that is preposition of accepting the recommendation in entire Europe.

NMS Application Profile



What are ontologies?

Instrument how to describe a knowledge.

Set of terms and constructs and how they can be joint, derived etc.

Basic cathegories of ontologies are:

Uses the metadata frameworks (eg. RDF), byt is better with more exact semantics.

There are general frameworks for creation of specific ontologies.

Use Cases

W3C Working Group

XML Topic Maps

The next proposal to WebOnt WG -