Project in Object-oriented Design of Information Systems
Week 7: Design Patterns -- Hands on Exercise
- Students implement the patterns into their model, including pattern details.
- Preparation for Milestone (project defense):
- Next week, every group (couple) will present and explain their models next week (10 min presentation + 5 min discussion)
Milestone instructions for groups 01 and 02 (supervisor R. Ošlejšek):
- Project has to contain at least one analysis pattern in addition to 4 already proofred patterns. Presentation will focus on the explanation of the pattern properties and its application in problem domain model. 4 proofred patterns will be omitted.
- Project has to contain at least 4 GoF patterns. Presentation will focus on the general explanation of their properties and the explanation of their usage.
- Visual Paradigm PDF report (with use case diagram, analytic model and design model) and PDF presentation will be stored in IS MU -> Homework Vaults -> 8th week. Every group will create its own subdirectory (its name doesn't matter) where both the PDF files will be stored.