BPM Intro & Course Organization PV207 – Business Process Management Spring 2014 Jiří Kolář Lecture summary ● Short introduction of BPM ● Course goals ● Team of lecturers and tutors ● Course content ● Organization ○ Lectures & seminar-sessions organisation ○ Homework assignments ○ Continuous feedbacks ○ Team project ○ Evaluation and examination ● Information sources ● Questions and intentions. Business Process Management Management discipline, focused on systematic definition, documenting and execution measurement of processes in organizations ● Effort to describe processes in organisation measure results and manage process changes towards higher efficiency ● "Evolution not Revolution" Typical motivation for BPM: ● Business Reengineering ○ Enterprise growth ○ Acquisitions ○ Organisational and cultural changes ● Quality Management & Measurement ● Legal compliances, certifications ● Technology for IS development ○ High level platforms ○ Integration ○ Agile system development ● Large enterprises ○ Banking ○ Insurance Business ○ Automotive ○ Farmaceutics ○ ++ ● Health Care (In developed countries) ● Public organisations (dtto) ○ Courts, State administrative, Governmental organisations (ex. EU bureaucrats:) ● "Smart" SMEs ○ Smaller companies who care about their growth Where we can find BPM? ● XX BC Division of labour ● Beginning of 20th century ○ Bata, Ford ● 80' – Total Quality Management ○ Toyota ● 80'/90' – Workflow management ● 90' – Business Process Reengineering ○ Davenport etc.. ● 2002 – Business Process Management ○ First BPM technilogies Pioneers of BPM ● 2009 ++ AI in process mining, Social BPM, Dynamic BPM, Case Management History of BPM Picture downloaded from http://www.what-is-bpm.com/bpm_primer/bpm_primer.html ● Introduce BPM ● Explain relationship between BPM & SOA ● Explain and business process modeling ● Explain basics of Business Analysis ● Explain how to adopt BPM in organisation ● Briefly introduce Corporate Performance Measurement ● Hands-on-experience with BPM technologies ● Processes and Quality ● Let students elaborate end-to-end BPM team project Course goals ● Understand what BPM is ● Understand where it can be helpful ● Know how BPM-based project looks like ○ Teamwork and roles ○ Organisation ○ Conditions and environemnt ○ Common problems ● Basics of Business analysis ● Get overview about some BPM technologies What should you know after this course: Rough lecture schedule: (Changes of schedule may occur!) Google calendar - Agenda: https://www.google.com/calendar/embed? src=aq8rri3foddsn7k7ho586tl7ms%40group.calendar. google.com&ctz=Europe/Prague&mode=Agenda Add it to your Google calendar: https://www.google. com/calendar/ical/aq8rri3foddsn7k7ho586tl7ms%40group. calendar.google.com/private- 446df1f86ae2a32ef22f5b739634575b/basic.ics ● Jiří Kolář ○ Duties: Organization, general BPM lectures ○ Primary contact for: Organization, evaluation, General project Q&A ● Lubomir Hruban ○ Duties:Technical lectures, process modeling, seminar-sessions ○ Primary contact for: IBM BPM platform, IBM BPM based - projects, BPMN Q&A, homeworks ● Lukáš Smiga ○ Duties:Technical lectures, process modeling, seminar-sessions ○ Primary contact for: BizAgi platform, BizAgi based - projects ● External speakers ○ IBM SWG CZ ○ Red Hat Czech (JBoss) ○ Lubomír Dočkal - Process modeling specialist PV207 team & Contact persons 1. Foster students involovement 2. Share practical experience from commercial environment 3. Foster knowledge sharing among students 4. Exercise teamwork Basic course concepts Lectures ● Presentations with slides ● Practical examples (audience activity needed) ● Given usually in English ● External guest lectures ● Discussions more than welcomed ● One student organized lecture (optional) ● Hands-on sessions with PC ● Modeling, tools & coding, team activities ● Student active involvement is crucial ● Usually 1 group in English, rest as needed ● Opportunity for team building ● Homework & Team project consultations ○ Technologies: Java, Signavio academic platform, IBM tools, Lombardi, Blueworks, Visual Paradigm, Activiti, JBPM,Drools ● Room B311 - OS Windows / VMWare Seminar-sessions Continous feedbacks ● Course partially student-driven ● Expressing opinions, improve course quality! ● 3 Feedbacks during lectures (paper forms) ○ Completely anonymous ○ Be honest, but not stay focused ○ Be constructive critics ■ If you don't like something, propose how to do it better ○ Express wishes, but realistic ones Team project - goals ● Improve teamwork skills ● Understand different roles in BPM ● Learn about whole process life-cycle ● Learn how to bridge the gap between analysis and implementation ● Exercise domain analysis ● Exercise precession in analysis documents ● Hands-on BPM related technologies ● Improve presentation and soft skills Team project - details ● Start in middle of semester (Form teams) ● End with project presentation in Exam period ● Teams of 4 (not 3, not 5!) people ● Phases: ○ Build your team ○ Domain analysis ○ Process analysis ○ Implementation ○ Presentation ● Roles in project Examination: ○ Team project presentation + questions (cca 20 min) ○ Generated, written multiplechoice test (no materials) ○ Grades: ■ A 100-86 % ■ B 85-82 % ■ C 81-79 % ■ D 78-75 % ■ E 74-70 % ■ F < 69 % (FAIL) Evaluation & examination Evaluation: ○ Homework assignments 10% ○ Test 30% ○ Team project 60% = ■ Analysis 30% ■ Implementation 20% ■ Presentation 10% Previous years statistics ● Less students, limit 60, Teachers permission ○ From 100+ (2011) - > cca 55 this year ● More individual approach to students ● Rise of interactivity ● Rise of difficulty == more motivation :) ● More emphasis on student projects ● Shift from technical to management content ○ Business analysis ○ Teamwork ○ More complete Enterprise teochnologies ■ IBM BPM, BizAgi ○ Less platforms :( Changes since last years ● Lecture slides (not completely sufficient for the exam, lecture attendance highly recommended) ● Books @ Library FI & ESF MU ● Books @ Amazon ● Papers & publications Information sources & books ○ BPMN method and style Bruce Silver, 20099780982368107 ○ Business Process Management: Practical Guidelines to Successful Implementations ○ Business Process Management: A Rigorous Approach ○ Business Process Management: Concepts, Languages, Architectures ○ Essential Business Process Modeling ○ Smith, H. and Fingar, P.: Business process management: the third wave ○ "Schedlbauer, M.: The Art of Business Process Extended books (beyond course border) ● Czech ○ Podnikové informační systémy, Basl Josef, Blažíček Roman, 2007 ,978-80-247-2279-5 ○ Podnikové procesy: procesní řízení a modelování Václav Řepa, 2007, 978-80-247-2252-8 ○ Zavádění a rozvoj procesního řízení ve firměFilip Šmída, 2007, 978-80-247-1679-4 Extended books (beyond course borders) FIN Questions? PV207 – Business Process Management Spring 2012 Jiří Kolář