Process design & BPMS PV207 – Business Process Management Spring 2014 Jiří Kolář Last lecture summary: ● Course content & goals ● Team of lecturers and tutors ● BPM intro & history ● Organization ○ Lectures & seminar-sessions organisation ○ Homework assignments ○ Continuous feedback ○ Team project ○ Evaluation and examination ● Information sources ● Questions and intentions Lecture overview ● Processes ○ What is business process? ○ What is BPM? ○ Why BPM ? ○ Roles in BPM ○ Process life-cycle ○ Phases of process based development ● BPMS ○ BPMS components ○ Architecture ○ Human Tasks ○ Business Rules ○ BAM ○ Existing BPMS Business process definition Definition: Series of logically related activities or tasks (such as planning, production, sales) performed together to produce a defined set of results. -- Business Dictionary: Repeatable sequence of logically related activities, which contributes to fulfilment of one or more business objectives -- Jiří Kolář Process Example: Order 1. Customer create an Order 2. Order is confirmed by CTO 2.1. If price of the Order is lower than 40 000$, it is accepted 2.2. If price is over 40 000$ it have to be confirmed by CFO 3. Order is processed afterwards Business Process Management Management discipline for systematic definition, execution and measurement of processes in organizations Picture downloaded from BPM adoption ● Organisational and management changes towards BPM approach ○ Rengineering ○ Efficiency & quality measurement ○ Certifications, standards & legal compliance ● Tailoring organisation's Information Systems towards process-oriented principles ○ Business integration (direct link business <-> IT) ○ High level technologies ○ Integration of legacy systems Business Process Management vs. Workflow Management ● Workflow ~= Business process ● Work-flow management = definition + management of work-flows ● Business Process Management = definition + execution + monitoring+ improvement of processes ○ Standardization involved ● Workflow system = usually a proprietary system for execution of defined sequences of activities ● Know-how codification ○ Value of processes as a know-how is increasing in today's knowledge economy ○ Less vulnerability caused by employee fluctuation ● Performance and costs measurement ● Better business-change management ○ Changes can be performed easier ○ Impact of change can be measured ○ Important to choose good level of process rigidity ● Increased transparency Why BPM? ● Outsourcing and business services integration ○ Measurement of outsourced services quality ● Increase of quality ○ Better error detection and exception handling ○ Detection of bottlenecks & weak points of organisation ○ Compliance with ISO standards (2000X, 9001) ● Better organisation of work-flow /process ○ Higher efficiency = reduction of costs ○ Early detection of problems Why BPM? (cont.) Why BPM? (cont.) ● Flattering organisation's hierarchy ○ Elimination of "silo effect" ○ Horizontal job character Picture downloaded from BPM disadvantages :( ● Higher initial costs ● Technologies & tools are expensive and not widely available ● Change of people's mindset is necessary ● Changes in organization structure ○ Fear of change ○ Loss of jobs ● Support of higher management is crucial Potential pitfalls of BPM adoption ● Loss of business flexibility ○ Too high process rigidity ● Annoyed employees ● High investments in BPM solution ● Inefficient management changes ● Technological overkill ● Danger of wrong process definitions Basic roles in BPM adoption Organisation's stakeholders (Owners, Management, Customers, Partners etc.) ○ Everybody involved in system context ● Business analyst ○ Identifies and define processes that fulfil goals ● Process specialist ○ Model and implement processes, design service integration ● System developer (Integration specialist) ○ Implements services and underlying system components Process development ● Analysis ● Design ● Implementation BPM lifecycle ● Roles identification ● Business Goals definition ● Objectives definition ● Identification of existing processes ● Process architecture (relationships) ● Reengineering of existing processes and definition of new ones ● Metrics/KPI/KRI definition (Key Performance/Result Indicators) for Goals/Objectives 0. phase:Business analysis ● Which objective is being fulfilled by the process? ● What is the value created by the process? ● What are Inputs and Outputs of the process? ● Which metrics should be on the process? ● Who is Process owner? ● Which roles participate on process? ● Goal:Obtain valid and measurable processes 1. phase: Process definition 2. phase: Process modeling ● Model logical structure of the process ● Should be readable by all lifecycle participants ● (BPMN) Business Process Modeling Notation ○ Graphical notations ○ Portability (Standard) ○ Based on Petri-Nets formalism ● Modeling tools ○ Stand-alone ○ Part of BPMS 3. phase: Implementation ● BPMN-executable (Level 3) ○ BPMN execution engine ○ Services implemented ○ Human task engine ● BPEL (Business Process Execution Language) ○ Getting deprecated ○ Language for service orchestration ○ XML , Block language ○ BPEL skeleton (template) often generated from BPMN ● XPDL and other minor stuff 4. phase: Monitoring ● Reasons for process monitoring ○ Fault/Error detection ○ Performance measurement ○ Information for process improvement ● Business Activity Monitoring ○ Real-time process monitoring ○ Measurement of process metrics ● Key Performance/Result Indicators ○ Business performance ○ Derived from process metrics Tracking of business goals fulfillment ● Reasons: ○ Measured gaps in performance ○ Changes of process in real world ● Continuous process improvement: ○ Detection of inefficient parts of process ○ Bottlenecks, cost inefficiency ○ Design and validation of change (simulation) ○ Process modification ○ Deployment of optimised version ○ Monitoring ○ <> repeat until dead; 5.phase : Process improvement Questions? Break 10mins Business Process Management System ● Software suite (related SW tools) ○ modeling, execution and monitoring of processes ○ SW Tools of the process life-cycle phases ● BPMS components ○ Process modeller (OSS, commercial) -modeling ○ Process simulator (commercial with some exceptions) ○ Execution engine (OSS, commercial) ○ Process console (OSS, commercial) ○ Human tasks engine (commercial with exceptions) ○ Business Rule engine (few OSS, commercial) ○ Business activity monitoring ( commercial ). BPMS components Picture downloaded from BPM lifecycle again Picture downloaded from: Human tasks Human tasks = process activities with necessary human interaction ● Human task engine ○ front-end user interface for human tasks ○ access control according to roles and business objects from process ○ mostly proprietary solutions, portals are widely used Human tasks ● Standards ○ BPMN (Level 3) define human tasks on process level ○ BPEL4People ○ WS-BPEL Extension for People ■ Web Services Human Task ■ Notifications, escalations, timeouts, forwarding, attachments ○ Implementation ■ Portal technologies ■ Web 2.0 form frameworks ■ Proprietary form solutions in BPMS Business Rules ● Rules stored aside from process ● External rules repositories ○ Databases ○ XML files ○ Excel tables ● Simple scripting language for rules evaluation ● Rules are evaluated by Business Rules Engine ● Rule + Input Business object => Output Business Rules (cont.) ● User interface for rules management ● Typically IF – THEN ● Rules types ○ Validation rules ○ Transformation rules ● Business Rulesets ● Business Rule Engine often as a Web Service ● Rules decision in Order process: ○ Rule has parameter (40 000$) ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ We change parameter or replace rule ○ Rules can be changed dynamically Business Rules – Example Business Rules Management system Business Rules example: ● Business object: Order ○ id – of an order ○ itemPrice – price of one item of order ○ quantity – quantity of item ● finDirDecisionNeeded – boolean identyfying if CFO's decesion is necessary ● Rule evaluation language: ○ Price of the order is bigger than {threshold} ○ order_price = Order( eval( quantity * itemPrice > {threshold} ) ) ● Rule itself ■ WHEN order_price 40.000 THEN set finDirDecisionNeeded = true Business Activity Monitoring ● Monitoring is important part of BPM lifecycle ○ Monitoring data are inputs for process improvement ○ Early detection of problems ● Process metric examples ○ Order processing time, Order total price, Order state ● KPI examples: ○ Average time of order processing per day ○ Sum of prices of all Orders for this week ○ Number of cancelled Orders this week ○ Percentage of Orders with delayed payment Business Activity Monitoring - Dashboards ● Monitoring of process data in real time ● Actions triggered when certain metric value is reached ○ On screen, Email, SMS Trigger action/process ● Custom set of figures on one page ● Configurable for every user BAM Dashboard Existing BPMS products ● Open source ○ Activiti ○ Intalio | BPMS Community Edition ○ NetBeans+OpenESB (BPEL) ○ PVM based ■ JBPM/Drool (Jboss) ■ Bonita ■ Orchestra ○ ApacheODE based ■ Project Levi ○ ++ ● Commercial BPMS ○ IBM Lombardi ○ Bizagi ○ Appian 6 ○ Opentext/Metastorm ○ Pegasystems ○ Savvion ○ Signavio ○ TIBCO iProcess Suite ○ Oracle BPM suite ○ ARIS enterprise BPMS ○ ++ FIN Questions? PV207 – Business Process Management Spring 2012 Jiří Kolář