PV207 – Business Process Management Spring 2014 Jiří Kolář Process modeling Last lecture recap. ● Motivation for SOA ● Role BPM in IT management ● Core BPM architecture ● BPM – SOA relationship ● SOA concept ● SOA architecture ● SOA Governance ● SOMA ● Web Services ○ What are WS? ○ Artifacts WS ■ WSDL ■ SOAP ○ WS - standards ● WS in Java ○ Client side ○ Server side ● REST Lecture overview ● Why modeling? ● Process development roles ● Modeling notations ● Workflow modeling ● BPMN 1.1 ● BPEL ● BPMN 2.0 ● BPMN 2.0 ○ Object classes ■ Activities ■ Events ■ Gateways ■ Connecting objects ■ Artifacts ○ Process types ○ Examples ● BPMN method and style Bruce Silver, ○ ISBN 20099780982368107 ○ 30$, kindle 13,80$ ● BPMN 2.0 poster ○ http://www.bpmb.de/images/BPMN2_0_Poster_EN. pdf ● Signavio modeler – academic licence ○ http://academic.signavio.com/p/login ● BPMN official OMG website ○ http://www.bpmn.org/ BPMN 2.0 Information sources ● Elegant way to express process structure ● Visual models are easily understandable ○ Understandable by process participants ○ Bridge gap between process description and it's executable implementation ● Easy to express nested structure (sub- processes) ● Process models easily understandable by all roles in development cycle Why process modeling? Roles in development cycle ● Business Analyst ○ Sum business strategy ○ Describe goals & objectives, KPIs ○ Describe processes ○ Design BPMN diagrams (Level 1) ● Process specialist ○ Design BPMN diagrams (Level 1,2,3) ○ Design monitoring models ● Process developer ○ Detail BPMN Level 3 ○ Implement services and deploy processes Roles in development cycle Modeling notations ● BPMN 1.0 – 1.1 ○ Analytical modeling, not tight with semantics, not executable ○ XPDL semantics ● BPEL ○ Technical modeling, very detailed ○ service orchestration, executable ● BPMN 2.0 ○ Analytical modeling (Level 1,2) ○ Defined semantic – executable (Level 3) BPMN 2.0 Three levels ● Level 1 (Structure) ○ Capture basic structure of the process ○ Good for both business and technical people ● Level 2 (Analytical) ○ Add more details to Level 1 diagrams ○ Good for process analysts ● Level 3 (Executable) ○ Specify all used services and activity tasks ○ Allow execution Process domains for teamwork ● Artificial domains ○ Hospital ○ Bank ○ Insurance company ○ Airlines ○ Real estate agency ○ Court ○ Package delivery ○ Software company ○ IT support center ○ Car manufacturer ● Custom domain ○ ++ exam advantage ○ Your own work experience ○ Proper opportunity required !! ○ Backup plan needed Questions? Break 10mins Feedback BPMN 2.0 (Level 1) Object classes ● Flow Objects ○ Event ○ Activity ○ Gateway ● Connecting Objects ○ Sequence Flow ○ Message Flow ○ Association ● Artifacts ○ Data Object ○ Group ○ Annotation ● Swimlanes ○ Pool ○ Lane BPMN 2.0 – Process example Flow object - Activity ● Represent certain step, an activity ● Types of activity ○ Atomic activity = Task ○ Complex activity = Subprocess ● Types of task ○ Service task ○ User task ○ Manual task ○ Script Flow object - Event ● Represent event that occur in a process ● Have impact on process flow ● Types ○ Start ○ Intermediate ○ End ○ Extending elements Flow objects - examples Flow object - Gateway ● Stands for flow branching or join of branches ● Types ○ Exclusive data-based (XOR) ○ Exclusive event-based ○ Inclusive ○ Paralel ○ Complex ● Default branch Gateway examples Gateway examples II Connecting Objects ● Sequence flow ○ Define order of activities ● ● Message flow ○ Message flow between two objects ● ● Association ○ Connect objects with artifacts (labels,data objects..) Artifacts ● Additional information ● Do not affect flow ● Data Objects ○ Data used in activities ○ Inputs and outputs of activities ● Annotation ○ Label, additional information ● Groups ○ Grouping of objects (analytical/documentation reasons) Artifacts - examples Swimlanes – Pools/Lanes ● Pool ○ Represent a participant in a process ○ Show message flows between participants ● Lane ○ Subdivision of pool ○ Express roles, departments or actors in a process Pool/examples Pool/examples Private (Internal) Process ● From point of view of one organisation ● Activities are not visible to outside world ● One pool (if used) Abstract (Public) Process ● Only activities that send/receive messages ● Communication visible to outside world Collaboration (Global) Process ● Collaboration between more business entities ● Activities represent message exchange Assignment (Homework) ○ Create one BPMN process model (Level 2) from your team’s domain ■ 8+ activities ■ 4+ gateways, 2 different types ■ 3+ events, 2 different types (beside start a end) ■ 1+ data object ■ 2+ text annotations ■ 2+ pools, 1 as „blackbox“, 2+ roles (swimlanes) ■ 1+ exception and handling ○ Submit printed version to the box called "PV207" next to entrance to room D1, before 31.3. 20h ○ Submit electronic version ■ Export to PNG in Signavio, submit to IS MUNI to folder "homeworks" before 31.3. 20h as _bpmn.png Hands-on: Teamwork process ● PV207 process ○ First BPMN session ■ Students form teams ■ Team choose process field for their team ■ Students each of students create one process model ○ Second BPMN session ■ Lecturer check process from last session ● IF the process is ok ● IF not, they rework it until next week FIN Questions? PV207 – Business Process Management Spring 2012 Jiří Kolář