IBPM How to start. I want to try IBPM 1. Be in the MUNI network (VPN, CPS, FI..) 2. Add record to file C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts following record: ibmbpm 3. Go to page https://ibmbpm:9443/ProcessCenter/login.jsp 4. Login: NameSurname, Password: UCO (e.g. JanNovak/123456) 5. Download Process Designer and install it 6. Run Process Designer with same login and password (and stay connected) I want to have team project in IBPM 1. Send email to 324796@mail.muni.cz with UČO for each team member and the name of your project 2. When you receive confirmation, you can run Process Designer and collaborate on the Process App shared by your team