Blocks Martin Banas! iOS Developer! int myFunction (int a) {     // code goes here     return a; } return type ! name ! arguments int (^myFirstBlock) (int) = ^(int a) { // code goes here return a; }; return type ! name ! arguments ! arguments “ language - level feature added to C, Objective-C and C++, which allow you to create distinct segments of code that can be passed around to methods or functions as if they were value ” int (^myFirstBlock) (int) = ^(int a) { // code goes here return a; }; block variable! ! ! ! block literal ^(int a) { // code goes here return a; }; - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; [self myFunctionWithBlock:^(int a) { NSLog(@"%i",a); }]; } ! - (void)myFunctionWithBlock:(void (^)(int a))block { if (block) { block(3); } } Why use blocks? • Blocks make your code easier to read and reuse • Blocks allow you to perform advanced tasks easier • Things like concurrency and callbacks become much easier • …because you have to Where use blocks? • Callbacks of any kind are likely candidates for using blocks • Anywhere you have a delegate, blocks are a good candidate for replacement • Completion handlers or failure handlers • Enumarations, NSOperations, etc.. Creating blocks // As a local variable int (^blockName)(int) = ^int (int a) {…}; ! // As a property @property (nonatomic, copy) void (^blockName)(int a); ! // As a method to parameter [self myFunctionWithBlock:^(int a) {…}]; ! // As an argument to a method call - (void)myFunctionWithBlock:(void (^)(int a))block {…} ! // As a typedef typedef void (^MyBlock)(int a); Mutable variables NSArray *array = @[]; ! __block BOOL anyResults = NO; BOOL anyResultsFail = NO; [array enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(id obj, NSUInteger i, BOOL *stop) { ! if (obj == objectWeAreLookingFor) { anyResults = YES; anyResultsFail = YES; *stop = YES; } ! }]; Memory management • With ARC it just works • Use copy instead of retain (strong) • Adding block pointers to a collection, you need to copy them first • Retain cycles are dangerous Concurrent programming Martin Banas! iOS Developer! Working with queues main queue / main thread custom queue task task tasktask task tasktask task task task task tasktask task tasktask task task Options in iOS • Classes with built-in concurrency many classes have blocks • Grand Central Dispatch (GCD) simple, C function calls • NSOperation & NSOperationQueue built on top of GCD, better control • Manual multithreading (threads) Threading • Thread is used to refer to a separate path of execution for code • Process is used to refer to a running executable, which can encompass multiple threads • Task is used to refer to the abstract concept of work that needs to be performed Options in iOS • Classes with built-in concurrency many classes have blocks • Grand Central Dispatch (GCD) simple, C function calls • NSOperation & NSOperationQueue built on GCD, better control • Manual multithreading (threads) Grand Central Dispatch (GCD) Benefits of GCD • Straightforward and simple programming interface • Automatic thread pool management • More memory efficient • Tasks cannot deadlock the queue • More efficient alternative to locks and synchronization primitives Using GCD 1. Create a new queue give it a name (reverse DNS) Using GCD 1. Create a new queue give it a name (reverse DNS) 2. Add tasks (blocks) to the queue Using GCD 1. Create a new queue give it a name (reverse DNS) 2. Add tasks (blocks) to the queue 3. There is no step 3 dispatch_queue_create ! dispatch_queue_t backgroundQueue = dispatch_queue_create("backgroundQ", NULL); dispatch_queue_create ! dispatch_queue_t backgroundQueue = dispatch_queue_create("backgroundQ", NULL); dispatch_async ! dispatch_async(backgroundQueue, ^{ // code goes here }); Queues 1. Main queue main thread, FIFO order, don’t block UI! 2. Serial queues may switch to a different thread between tasks always wait for a task to finish before going to the next one - FIFO 3. Concurrent queues submit tasks to any available thread or even make new threads FIFO order, but order of completion is not guaranteed. Creating or getting queues // Create a serial or concurrent queue dispatch_queue_create ! // Get the one and only main queue dispatch_get_main_queue ! // Get one of the global concurrent queues dispatch_get_global_queue Adding tasks to the Queues // Asynchronous dispatch_async dispatch_after dispatch_apply ! // Synchronous dispatch_once dispatch_sync Operation queues NSOperation & NSOperationQueue NSOperation • Built on top of GCD • Much better control • Object-oriented approach • Thread-safe, state, priority, dependencies, cancellation State • isReady returns YES to if the initialization steps are finished • isExecuting returns YES if the operation is currently working on its task • isFinished returns YES if the operation's task finished or if the operation was cancelled isReady isExecuting isFinished Priority • NSOperationQueuePriorityVeryHigh • NSOperationQueuePriorityHigh • NSOperationQueuePriorityNormal • NSOperationQueuePriorityLow • NSOperationQueuePriorityVeryLow GCD vs Operations Core Data Martin Banas! iOS Developer! “ … Core Data is a schema-driven object graph management and persistence framework. ” is Core Data.. … a database? no, but.. … ORM? no, but.. … like [ insert what you want ] ? no, but.. App storeSave Validate undo / redo lazy loading search plist, xml, flat file, SQLite.. A B Core DataYour App NSPersistentStoreCoordinator NSManagedObjectContext plist, xml, flat file, SQLite.. NSManaged NSPersistentStore NSPersistentStore NSPersistentStore NSManagedObject Model NSManaged NSManaged NSManaged NSManagedObjectContext NSManaged NSManaged NSManaged NSManaged Modeling in Core Data • Introduction • Creating entities • Creating and configuring attributes • Modeling relationships Saving in Core Data • Creating managed objects • Understanding the managed object context • Saving the managed object context Fetching in Core Data • Creating and using a fetch request • Ordering with sort descriptors • Using predicates Next steps • iOS App Programming Guide • iOS Human Interface Guidelines • iOS Developer Library • Development Videos (WWDC) • Stanford's iTunes U App Development Course • •