Human Motion: How to Evaluate Segmentation w.r.t. Retrieva Michal Balazia Laboratory of Data Intensive Systems and Applications Faculty of Informatics Masaryk University May 5, 2014 Michal Balazia (DISA) Human Motion Segmentation May 5, 2014 1/8 The Goa We have the following segmentation technique: Time Our goal: Use this segmentation to improve retrieval How? Create a motion index at the level of segments What can be the problems? • representation of segments • distance function • clustering Michal Balazia (DISA) Human Motion Segmentation May 5, 2014 2/8 Evaluation Methods 1) Segment-Shift Retrieval 2) Quality of Clustering 3) Segment Positions 4) Distance (Order) Preserving Segment-Level Motion Retrieva Ground truth provided - by exhaustive pose-level search What can segments represent? • search shift units (Segment-Shift Retrieval) a process all segments - not very efficient • retrieve all occurences of Q in DB - most effective • words (Text-Based Retrieval) • process only some segments - much more efficient • retrieve almost all occurences of Q in DB - still enough effective A typical text-based retrieval: 1) Partition input motion data into segments 2) Cluster those into groups to treat similar segments as equal 3) Mark the clusters with letters 4) Use a text-based searching technique to retrieve occurences of Q in DB Michal Balazia (DISA) Human Motion Segmentation May 5, 2014 4 /8 Evaluation Method 1: Segment-Shift Retrieva DB: Q: length variation (l|,2n) cLgt ■■■ distance to the fc-th closest occurence of Q in ground truth dg ... distance to the fc-th closest occurence of Q with use of segmentation 1 -00.0 i/lotion Segmentation Evaluation Method 2: Quality of Clustering DB: AABEDAEC... Q: DAE Michal Baläzia (DISA) Human Motion Segmentation May 5, 2014 6/8 Evaluation Method 3: Segment Positions ground truth DB: h i i i i i i i i i i i h bcd bcdaad c bc Q. i i i i i • a b c d ground truth DB: ab ab ab ab Q: i i i a b i/lotion Segmentation Evaluation Method 4: Distance (Order) Preserving motion M compressed motion c(M) - only key poses (determined by segmentation) Distance preserving: d(MuM2) = d(c(M1),c(M2)) Distance order preserving: d{M1,M2) < d{M3,M4) d{c{M1),c{M2)) < d{c{M3), c(M4)) me m4 m7 m, m: m- c(m5; c(m7; (m4; c(m5; c(m3; c(m2; 1 i/lotion Segmentation