Real-Time Scheduling Resource Access Control [Some parts of this lecture are based on a real-time systems course of Colin Perkins] 185 Current Assumptions � Single processor � Individual jobs (that possibly belong to periodic/aperiodic/sporadic tasks) � Jobs can be preempted at any time and never suspend themselves � Jobs are scheduled using a priority-driven algorithm i.e., jobs are assigned priorities, scheduler executes jobs according to these priorities � n resources R1, . . . , Rn of distinct types � used in non-preemptable and mutually exclusive manner; serially reusable 186 Motivation & Notation Resources may represent: � Hardware devices such as sensors and actuators � Disk or memory capacity, buffer space � Software resources: locks, queues, mutexes etc. Assume a lock-based concurrency control mechanism � A job wanting to use a resource Rk executes L(Rk ) to lock the resource Rk � When the job is finished with the resource Rk , unlocks this resource by executing U(Rk ) � If lock request fails, the requesting job is blocked and has to wait, when the requested resource becomes available, it is unblocked In particular, a job holding a lock cannot be preempted by a higher priority job needing that lock The segment of a job that begins at a lock and ends at a matching unlock is a critical section (CS) � CS must be properly nested if a job needs multiple resources 187 Example J1, J2, J3 scheduled according to EDF. � At 0, J3 is ready and executes � At 1, J3 executes L(R) and is granted R � J2 is released at 2, preempts J3 and begins to execute � At 4, J2 executes L(R), becomes blocked, J3 executes � At 6, J1 becomes ready, preempts J3 and begins to execute � At 8, J1 executes L(R), becomes blocked, and J3 executes 188 Example � At 9, J3 executes U(R) and both J1 and J2 are unblocked. J1 has higher priority than J2 and executes � At 11, J1 executes U(R) and continues executing � At 12, J1 completes, J2 has higher priority than J3 and has the resource R, thus executes � At 16, J2 executes U(R) and continues executing � At 17, J2 completes, J3 executes until completion at 18 188 Priority Inversion Definition 27 Priority inversion occurs when � a high priority job � is blocked by a low priority job � which is subsequently preempted by a medium priority job Then effectively the medium priority job executes with higher priority than the high priority job even though they do not contend for resources There may be arbitrarily many medium priority jobs that preempt the low priority job ⇒ uncontrolled priority inversion 189 Priority Inversion – Example Uncontrolled priority inversion: High priority job (J1) can be blocked by low priority job (J3) for unknown amount of time depending on middle priority jobs (J2) 190 Deadlock Definition 28 (suitable for resource access control) A deadlock occurs when there is a set of jobs D such that each job of D is waiting for a resource previously allocated by another job of D. Deadlocks can be � detected: regularly check for deadlock, e.g. search for cycles in a resource allocation graph regularly � avoided: postpone unsafe requests for resources even though they are available (banker’s algorithm, priority-ceiling protocol) � prevented: many methods invalidating sufficient conditions for deadlock (e.g., impose locking order on resources) See your operating systems course for more information .... 191 Deadlock – Example Deadlock can result from piecemeal acquisition of resources: classic example of two jobs J1 and J2 both needing both resources R and R� � J2 locks R� and J1 locks R � J1 tries to get R� and is blocked � J2 tries to get R and is blocked 192 Timing Anomalies due to Resources Previous example, the critical section of J3 has length 4 ... the critical section of J3 shortened to 2.5 ... but response of J1 becomes longer! 193 Controlling Timing Anomalies Contention for resources causes timing anomalies, priority inversion and deadlock Several protocols exist to control the anomalies � Non-preemptive CS � Priority inheritance protocol � Priority ceiling protocol � .... Terminology: � A job Jh is blocked by a job Jk when � the priority of Jk is lower than the priority of Jh and � Jk holds a resource R and � Jh executes L(R). In such situation we sometimes say that Jh is blocked by the corresponding critical section of Jk . 194 Non-preemptive Critical Sections The protocol: when a job locks a resource, it is scheduled with priority higher than all other jobs (i.e., is non-preemptive) Example 29 Jobs J1, J2, J3 with release times 2, 5, 0, resp., and with execution times 4, 5, 7, resp. 195 Non-preemptive Critical Sections – Features � no deadlock as no job holding a resource is ever preempted � no priority inversion: � A job Jh can be blocked (by a lower priority job) only at release time. (Indeed, if Jh is not blocked at the release time rh, it means that no lower priority job holds any resource at rh. However, no lower priority job can be executed before completion of Jh, and thus no lower priority job may block Jh.) � If Jh is blocked at release time, then once the blocking critical section completes, no lower priority job can block Jh. � It follows that any job can be blocked only once, at release time, blocking time is bounded by duration of one critical section of a lower priority job. Advantage: very simple; easy to implement both in fixed and dynamic priority; no prior knowledge of resource demands of jobs needed Disadvantage: every job can be blocked by every lower-priority job with a critical section, even if there is no resource conflict 196 Priority-Inheritance Protocol Idea: adjust the scheduling priorities of jobs during resource access, to reduce the duration of timing anomalies (As opposed to non-preemptive CS protocol, this time the priority is not always increased to maximum) Notation: � assigned priority = priority assigned to a job according to a standard scheduling algorithm � At any time t, each ready job Jk is scheduled and executes at its current priority πk (t) which may differ from its assigned priority and may vary with time � The current priority πk (t) of a job Jk may be raised to the higher priority πh(t) of another job Jh � In such a situation, the lower-priority job Jk is said to inherit the priority of the higher-priority job Jh, and Jk executes at its inherited priority πh(t) 197 Priority-Inheritance Protocol � Scheduling rules: � Jobs are scheduled in a preemptable priority-driven manner according to their current priorities � At release time, the current priority of a job is equal to its assigned priority � The current priority remains equal to the assigned priority, except when the priority-inheritance rule is invoked � Priority-inheritance rule: � When a job Jh becomes blocked on a resource R, the job Jk which blocks Jh inherits the current priority πh(t) of Jh; � Jk executes at its inherited priority until it releases R; at that time, the priority of Jk is set to the highest priority of all jobs still blocked by Jk after releasing R. (the resulting priority may still be an inherited priority) � Resource allocation: When a job J requests a resource R at t: � If R is free, R is allocated to J until J releases it � If R is not free, the request is denied and J is blocked (Note that J is only denied R if the resource is held by another job.) 198 Priority-Inheritance Simple Example non-preemptive CS: priority-inheritance: � At 3, J1 is blocked by J3, J3 inherits priority of J1 � At 5, J2 is released but cannot preempt J3 since the inherited priority of J3 is higher than the (assigned) priority of J2 199 Priority-Inheritance Example � At 0, J5 starts executing at priority 5, at 1 it executes L(Black) � At 2, J4 preempts J5 and executes � At 3, J4 executes L(Shaded), J4 continues to execute � At 4, J3 preempts J4; at 5, J2 preempts J3 � At 6, J2 executes L(Black) and is blocked by J5. Thus J5 inherits the priority 2 of J2 and executes 200 Priority-Inheritance Example � At 8, J1 executes L(Shaded) and is blocked by J4. Thus J4 inherits the priority 1 of J1 and executes � At 9, J4 executes L(Black) and is blocked by J5. Thus J5 inherits the current priority 1 of J4 and executes 200 Priority-Inheritance Example � At 11, J5 executes U(Black), its priority returns to 5 (the priority before locking Black). Now J4 has the highest priority (1) and executes the Black critical section. Later, when J4 executes U(Black), the priority of J4 remains 1 (since Shaded blocks J1), and J4 also finishes the Shaded critical section (at 13). 200 Priority-Inheritance Example � At 13, J4 executes U(Shaded), its priority returns to 4. J1 has now the highest priority and executes � At 15, J1 completes, J2 is granted Black and has the highest priority and executes � At 17, J2 completes, afterwards J3, J4, J5 complete. 200 Properties of Priority-Inheritance Protocol � Simple to implement, does not require prior knowledge of resource requirements � Jobs exhibit two types of "blocking" � (Direct) blocking due to resource locks i.e., a job J� locks a resource R, Jh executes L(R) is directly blocked by J� on R � Priority-inheritance "blocking" i.e., a job Jh is preempted by a lower-priority job that inherited a higher priority � Jobs may exhibit transitive blocking In the previous example, at 9, J5 blocks J4 and J4 blocks J1, hence J5 inherits the priority of J1 � Deadlock is not prevented In the previous example, let J5 request shaded at 6.5, then J4 and J5 become deadlocked � Can reduce blocking time (see next slide) compared to non-preemptable CS but does not guarantee to minimize blocking 201 Priority-Inheritance – Blocking Time (Optional) z�,k = the k-th critical section of J� A job Jh is blocked by z�,k if Jh has higher assigned priority than J� but has to wait for J� to exit z�,k in order to continue β∗ h,� = the set of all maximal critical sections z�,k that may block Jh, i.e., which correspond to resources that are (potentially) used by jobs with priorities equal or higher than Jh. (recall that CS are properly nested, maximal CS which may block Jh is the one which is not contained within any other CS which may block Jh) Theorem 30 Let Jh be a job and let Jh+1, . . . , Jh+m be jobs with lower priority than Jh. Then Jh can be blocked for at most the duration of one critical section in each of β∗ h,� where � ∈ {h + 1, . . . , h + m}. The theorem is a direct consequence of the next lemma. 202 Lemma 31 Jh can be blocked by J� only if J� is executing within a critical section z�,k of β∗ h,� when Jh is released � Assume that Jh is released at t and J� is in no CS of β∗ h,� at t. We show that J� never executes between t and completion of Jh: � If J� is not in any CS at t, then its current priority at t is equal to its assigned priority and cannot increase. Thus, J� has to wait for completion of Jh as the current priority of Jh is always higher than the assigned priority of J�. � If J� is still in a CS at t, then this CS does not belong to β∗ h,� and thus cannot block Jh before completion and cannot execute before completion of Jh. � Assume that J� leaves z�,k ∈ β∗ h,� at time t. We show that J� never executes between t and completion of Jh: � If J� is not in any CS at t, then, as above, J� never executes before completion of Jh and cannot block Jh. � If J� is still in a CS at t, then this CS does not belong to β∗ h,� because otherwise z�,k would not be maximal. Thus J� cannot block Jh, and thus J� is never executed before completion of Jh. 203 Priority-Inheritance – The Worst Case J1 is blocked for the total duration of all critical sections in all lower priority jobs. 204 Priority-Ceiling Protocol The goal: to furhter reduce blocking times due to resource contention and to prevent deadlock � in its basic form priority-ceiling protocol works under the assumption that the priorities of jobs and resources required by all jobs are known apriori can be extended to dynamic priority (job-level fixed priority), see later Notation: � The priority ceiling of any resource Rk is the highest priority of all the jobs that require Rk and is denoted by Π(Rk ) � At any time t, the current priority ceiling Π(t) of the system is equal to the highest priority ceiling of the resources that are in use at the time � If all resources are free, Π(t) is equal to Ω, a newly introduced priority level that is lower than the lowest priority level of all jobs 205 Priority-Ceiling Protocol The scheduling and priority-inheritance rules are the same as for priority-inheritance protocol � Scheduling rules: � Jobs are scheduled in a preemptable priority-driven manner according to their current priorities � At release time, the current priority of a job is equal to its assigned priority � The current priority remains equal to the assigned priority, except when the priority-inheritance rule is invoked � Priority-inheritance rule: � When job Jh becomes blocked on a resource R, the job Jk which blocks Jh inherits the current priority πh(t) of Jh; � Jk executes at its inherited priority until it releases R; at that time, the priority of Jk is set to the highest priority of all jobs still blocked by Jk after releasing R. (which may still be an inherited priority) 206 Priority-Ceiling Protocol Resource allocation rules: � When a job J requests a resource R held by another job, the request fails and the requesting job blocks � When a job J requests a resource R at time t, and that resource is free: � If J’s priority π(t) is strictly higher than current priority ceiling Π(t), R is allocated to J � If J’s priority π(t) is not higher than Π(t), R is allocated to J only if J is the job holding the resource(s) whose priority ceiling is equal to Π(t), otherwise J is blocked (Note that only one job may hold the resources whose priority ceiling is equal to Π(t)) Note that unlike priority-inheritance protocol, the priority-ceiling protocol can deny access to an available resource. 207 Priority-Ceiling Protocol � At 1, Π(t) = Ω, J5 executes L(Black), continues executing � At 3, Π(t) = 2, J4 executes L(Shaded); because the ceiling of the system Π(t) is higher than the current priority of J4, job J4 is blocked, J5 inherits J4’s priority and executes at priority 4 � At 4, J3 preempts J5; at 5, J2 preempts J3. At 6, J2 requests Black and is directly blocked by J5. Consequently, J5 inherits priority 2 and executes until preempted by J1 208 Priority-Ceiling Protocol � At 8, J1 executes L(Shaded), its priority is higher than Π(t) = 2, its request is granted and J1 executes; at 9, J1 executes U(Shaded) and at 10 completes � At 11, J5 releases Black and its priority drops to 5; J2 becomes unblocked, is allocated Black and executes 208 Priority-Ceiling Protocol � At 14, J2 and J3 complete, J4 is granted Shaded (because its priority is higher than Π(t) = Ω) and executes � At 16, J4 executes L(Black) which is free, the priority of J4 is not higher than Π(16) = 1 but J4 is the job holding the resource whose priority ceiling is equal to Π(16). Thus J4 gets Black, continues to execute; the rest is clear 208 Priority-Ceiling Protocol Theorem 32 Assume a system of preemptable jobs with fixed assigned priorities. Then � deadlock may never occur, � a job can be blocked for at most the duration of one critical section. 209 These situations cannot occur with priority ceiling protocol: 210 Differences between the priority-inheritance and priority-ceiling � Priority-inheritance is greedy, while priority ceiling is not The priority-ceiling protocol may withhold access to a free resource, i.e., a job can be prevented from execution by a lower-priority job which does not hold the requested resource – avoidance "blocking" � The priority ceiling protocol forces a fixed order onto resource accesses thus eliminating deadlock 211 Resources in Dynamic Priority Systems The priority ceiling protocol assumes fixed and known priorities In a dynamic priority system, the priorities of the periodic tasks change over time, while the set of resources is required by each task remains constant � As a consequence, the priority ceiling of each resource changes over time What happens if T1 uses resource X, but T2 does not? � Priority ceiling of X is 1 for 0 ≤ t ≤ 4, becomes 2 for 4 ≤ t ≤ 5, etc. even though the set of resources is required by the tasks remains unchanged 212 Resources in Dynamic Priority Systems � If a system is job-level fixed priority, but task-level dynamic priority, a priority ceiling protocol can still be applied � Each job in a task has a fixed priority once it is scheduled, but may be scheduled at different priority to other jobs in the task (e.g. EDF) � Update the priority ceilings of all resources each time a new job is introduced; use until updated on next job release � Has been proven to prevent deadlocks and no job is ever blocked for longer than the length of one critical section � But: very inefficient, since priority ceilings updated frequently � May be better to use priority inheritance, accept longer blocking 213 Schedulability Tests with Resources How to adjust schedulability tests? Add the blocking times to execution times of jobs; then run the test as normal The blocking time bi of a job Ji can be determined for all three protocols: � non-preemptable CS ⇒ bi is bounded by the maximum length of a critical section in lower priority jobs � priority-inheritance ⇒ bi is bounded by the total length of the m longest critical sections where m is the number of jobs that may block Ji (For a more precise formulation see Theorem 2.) � priority-ceiling ⇒ bi is bounded by the maximum length of a critical section 214 Mars Pathfinder vs Priority Inversion � Mars Pathfinder = a US spacecraft that landed on Mars in July 4th, 1997. � Consisted of a lander and a lightweight wheeled robotic Mars rover called Sojourner � What Happened: � Few days in to the mission, not long after Pathfinder started gathering meteorological data, it began experiencing total system resets, each resulting in losses of data. � Apparently a software problem caused these resets. � The system: � Pathfinder used the well-known real-time embedded systems kernel VxWorks by Wind River. � VxWorks uses preemptive priority-based scheduling, in this case a deadline monotonic algorithm. � Pathfinder contained an "information bus" (a shared memory) used for communication, synchronized by locks. 215 Mars Pathfinder – The Problem � Problematic tasks: � A bus management task ran frequently with high priority to move data in/out of the bus. If the bus has been locked, then this thread itself had to wait. � A meteorological data gathering task ran as an infrequent, low priority thread, and used the bus to publish its data. � The bus was also used by a communication task that ran with medium priority. � Occasionally the communication task (medium priority) was invoked at the precise time when the bus management task (high priority) was blocked by the meteorological data gathering task (low priority) – priority inversion! � The bus management task was blocked for considerable amount of time by the communication task, which caused a watchdog timer to go off, notice that the bus management task has not been executed for some time, which typically means that something had gone drastically wrong, and initiate a total system reset. 216 Mars Pathfinder – Solution � JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) engineers spent hours and hours running the system on a spacecraft replica. � Early in the morning, after all but one engineer had gone home, the engineer finally reproduced a system reset on the replica. Solution: Turn the priority inheritance on! This was done online using a C language interpreter which allowed to execute C functions on-the-fly. A short code changed a mutex initialization parameter from FALSE to TRUE. 217