Process algebras in systems biology Federica Ciocchetta1 and Jane Hillston1 Laboratory for Foundations of Computer Science, The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh EH9 3JZ, Scotland (fchiocche,jeh) Abstract. In this work we present Bio-PEPA, a process algebra for the modelling and the analysis of biochemical networks. It is a modification of PEPA, originally defined for the performance analysis of computer systems, in order to handle some features of biological models, such as stoichiometry and the use of general kinetic laws. The domain of application is the one of biochemical networks. Bio-PEPA may be seen as an intermediate, formal, compositional representation of biological systems, on which different kinds of analysis can be carried out. Bio-PEPA is enriched with some notions of equivalence. Specifically, the isomorphism and strong bisimulation for PEPA have been considered. Finally, we show the translation of three biological models into the new language and we report some analysis results. 1 Introduction In recent years there has been increasing interest in the application of process algebras in the modelling and analysis of biological systems [60, 26, 28, 58, 19, 49, 14]. Process algebras have some interesting properties that make them particularly useful in describing biological systems. First of all, they offer compositionality, i.e. the possibility of defining the whole system starting from the definition of its subcomponents. Secondly, process algebras give a formal representation of the system avoiding ambiguity. Thirdly, biological systems can be abstracted by concurrent systems described by process algebras: species may be seen as processes that can interact with each other and reactions may be modelled using actions. Finally, different kinds of analysis can be performed on a process algebra model. These analyses provide conceptual tools which are complementary to established techniques: it is possible to detect and correct potential inaccuracies, to validate the model and to predict its possible behaviours. The process algebra PEPA, originally defined for the performance analysis of computer systems, has been recently applied in the context of signalling pathways [14, 15]. Two different approaches have been proposed: one based on reagents (the so-called reagent-centric view) and another based on pathways (pathway-centric view). In both cases the species concentrations are discretized into levels, each level abstracting an interval of concentration values. In the reagent-centric view the PEPA sequential components represent the different concentration levels of the species. In this approach the abstraction is “processes as species” and not “processes as molecules”, as in other process algebras such as the π-calculus and Beta-binders [60, 58]. In the pathway-centric approach we have a more abstract view: the processes represent sub-pathways. Here multiple copies of components represent levels of concentration. The two views have been shown to be equivalent [15]. Even though PEPA has proved useful in studying signalling pathways, it does not allow us to represent all the features of biological networks. The main difficulties are the definition of stoichiometric coefficients (i.e. the coefficients used to show the quantitative relationships of the reactants and products in a biochemical reaction) and the representation of kinetic laws. Indeed, stoichiometry is not represented explicitly and the reactions are assumed to be elementary (with constant rate). The problem of extending to the domain of kinetic laws beyond basic mass-action (hereafter called general kinetic laws) is particularly relevant, as these kinds of reactions are frequently found in the literature as abstractions of complex situations whose details are unknown. Reducing all reactions to the elementary steps is complex and often impractical. This problem impacts also on other process algebras. Indeed, generally they rely on Gillespie’s stochastic simulation for analysis which considers only elementary reactions. Some recent works have extended the approach of Gillespie to deal with complex reactions [1, 17] but these extensions are yet to be reflected in the work using process algebras. Previous work concerning the use of general kinetic laws in process algebras and formal methods was presented in [9, 20]. These are discussed in Section ??. In this chapter we make a tutorial introduction to Bio-PEPA, a new language for the modelling and analysis of biochemical networks. A preliminary version of the language was proposed in [22], with full details presented in [?]. Here, in addition to defining the language we illustrate its use with a number of examples. Bio-PEPA is based on the reagent-centric view in PEPA, modified in order to represent explicitly some features of biochemical models, such as stoichiometry and the role of the different species in a given reaction. A major feature of Bio-PEPA is the introduction of functional rates to express general kinetic laws. Each action type represents a reaction in the model and is associated with a functional rate. The idea underlying our work is represented schematically in the diagram in Fig. 1. The context of application is biochemical networks. Broadly speaking, biochemical netBio−PEPA SYSTEMBIOCHEMICAL NETWORKS (Gillespie) CTMC (with levels) ODEs (SBML, KEGG,...) (model checking) Stochastic simulation PRISM Fig. 1. Schema of the Bio-PEPA framework works consist of some chemical species, which interact with each other through chemical reactions. The dynamics of reaction are described in terms of some kinetic laws. The biochemical networks can be obtained from databases such as KEGG [46, 45] and BioModels Database [8, 56]. From the biological model, we develop the Bio-PEPA specification of the system. This is an intermediate, formal, compositional representation of the biological model. At this point we can apply different kinds of analysis, including stochastic simulation [36], analysis based on ordinary differential equations, numerical solution of continuous time Markov chains (CTMC) and stochastic model checking using PRISM [61, 40]. It is worth noting that each of these analyses can help in understanding the system. The choice of one or more methods depends on the context of application [68]. There exist some relations between the different kinds of analysis. It is well-known that the results of stochastic simulations tend to the ODEs solution when the number of elements is relatively high. Similarly, it is shown in [35] that the numerical solution of the CTMC with levels (derived from the PEPA pathway-centric view) tends to the solution of the ODEs when the number of levels increases. The rest of the chapter is organised as follows. In the next section we outline our modelling domain, biochemical networks, and discuss related work in which process algebras are used to model such systems. The recent development of Bio-PEPA has been informed by earlier work using the PEPA process algebra so this work is also presented. In Section 3 we give a detailed acount of Bio-PEPA; its syntax, semantics, equivalence relations and analysis techniques. The use of the language is illustrated in Section 4, in which the translation of three biological models into Bio-PEPA and their subsequent analysis is described. Finally, in Section 5 we present some conclusions and future perspectives. 2 Background In this section we present the application domain of this tutorial and we give an overview on process algebras. 2.1 Application domain: biochemical networks The application domain of this tutorial concerns biochemical networks, such as those collected in the Biomodels Database [56] and KEGG [46]. A biochemical system M is composed of: 1. a set of compartments C. These represent the locations of the various species; 2. a set of chemical species S. These species may be genes, proteins, etc.; 3. a set of reactions R. We consider irreversible reactions. Reversible reactions are decomposed as a pair of forward and inverse reactions. The general form of an irreversible reaction j is given by: κ1 jA1 + κ2 jA2 + .... + κnj jAnj E1,E2,...I1,I2,...; fj −−−−−−−−−−−−→ κ1 jB1 + κ2 jB2 + .... + κmj jBmj (1) where Ah, h = 1, ..., nj, are the reactants, Bl, l = 1, ..., mj, are the products, Ev are the enzymes and Iu, the inhibitors. Enzymes and inhibitors are represented differently from the reactants and products. Their role is to enhance or inhibit the reaction, respectively. We call species that are involved in a reaction without changing their concentration (i.e. enzymes and inhibitors) modifiers. The parameters κhj and κl j are the stoichiometry coefficients. These express the degree to which species participate in a reaction. The dynamics associated with the reaction is described by a kinetic law fj, depending on some parameters and on the concentrations of some species. The best known kinetic law is mass-action: the rate of the reaction is proportional to the product of the reactants’ concentrations. In published models it is common to find general kinetic laws, which describe approximations of sequences of reactions. They are useful when it is difficult to derive certain information from the experiments, e.g. the reaction rates of elementary steps, or when there are different time-scales for the reactions. Generally these laws are valid under some conditions, such as the quasi-steady-state assumption (QSSA). This describes the situation where one or more reaction steps may be considered faster than the others and so the intermediate elements can be considered to be constant. There is a long list of kinetic laws; for details see [65]. 2.2 Overview on Process algebras Process algebras are calculi that were introduced in computer science to specify formally and model concurrent systems [51, 43]. They have been used to deal with complex systems characterized by concurrency, communication, synchronization and nondeterminism. Process algebras offer several attractive features which are not necessarily available in existing performance modelling paradigms. The most important of these are compositionality, the ability to model a system as the interaction of its subsystems, formality, giving a precise meaning to all terms in the language, and abstraction, the ability to build up complex models from detailed components but disregarding internal behaviour when it is appropriate to do so. The most widely known process algebras are Milner’s Calculus of Communicating Systems (CCS) [51] and Hoare’s Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP) [43]. Models in CCS and CSP have been used to establish the correct behaviour of complex systems by deriving qualitative properties such as freedom from deadlock or livelock. Process algebras are defined by a simple syntax and semantics. The semantics is given by axioms and inference rules expressed in an operational way [57]. A system is defined as a collection of agents which execute atomic actions. Some operators are introduced for combining the primitives. For instance in CCS the main operators are: – prefix a.P after action a the agent – parallel composition P|Q agents P and Q proceed in parallel – choice P + Q the agent behaves as P or Q – restriction A\M the set of labels M is hidden – relabelling A[a1/a0, ..] in this agent label a1 is renamed a0 – the null agent 0 this agent cannot act (deadlock) One of the main peculiarities of process algebras is the possibility to express communication between two processes. In some cases, such as CCS [51] and π-calculus [52], a communication between two parallel processes is enabled if one process can perform an action a (receive) and the other process can perform the complementary action ¯a (send). So the actions must be complementary (input-output) and share the same name (a in the case considered). The resulting communication has the distinguished label τ, that indicates an internal (invisible) action. A peculiarity of π-calculus with respect to CCS is the possibility to represent name-passing: communicating processes can exchange names over channels and consequently they may change their interaction topology. The communication mechanism in CSP is different from the one described above as there is no notion of complementary actions. In CSP two agents communicate by simultaneously executing actions with the same label. Since during the communication the joint action remains visible to the environment, it can be reused by other concurrent processes so that more than two processes can be involved in the communication (multiway synchronisation). The analysis of the behaviours of the model, represented in a formal language, is generally produced through a Labeled Transition System (LTS). From this a derivative tree or graph in which language terms form the nodes and transitions are the arcs, may be constructed. This structure is a useful tool for reasoning about agents and the systems they represent. It is also the basis of the bisimulation style of equivalence. In this style of equivalence, the actions of an agent characterise it, so two agents are considered to be equivalent if they are observed to perform exactly the same actions. Strong and weak forms of equivalence are defined depending on whether the internal actions of an agent are deemed to be observable. In CCS and CSP, since the objective is qualitative analysis rather than quantitative, time and uncertainty are abstracted away. In the last decade various suggestions for incorporating time and probability into these formalisms have been investigated (see [54] for an overview of process algebras with time). For example, Temporal CCS (TCCS) [53] extends CCS with fixed delays and wait-for synchronisation (asynchronous waiting). Note that most of the timed extensions, including TCCS, retain the assumption that actions are instantaneous and regard time progression as orthogonal to the activity of the system. These assumptions make such models unsuitable for performance analysis. Probabilistic extensions of process algebras, such as PCCS [44], allow uncertainty to be quantified using a probabilistic choice combinator. In this case a probability is associated with each possible outcome of a choice. In the early 1990s several stochastic extensions of process algebra (stochastic process algebras or SPA), have been introduced. SPA add quantification to models making them suitable for performance modelling. The general idea is to associate a random variable with all the actions of the calculus. In most cases, the random variables are assumed to be exponentially distributed and a rate is added to each prefix to represent the parameter of the exponential distribution that describes the dynamic behaviour of the associated action. A race condition has then been considered: all the activities that are enabled in a given state compete and the fastest one succeeds. The choice of exponential distribution permits to associate the process algebra model to a continuous time Markov chain (CTMC) and therefore to carry out analysis based on this approach. Some examples of SPA are TIPP [38], EMPA1 [?,5], PEPA [42], SPADE2 [67] and Stochastic π-calculus [59]. 2.3 Process algebras in systems biology Recently, as a response to the need of modeling the dynamics of complex biological systems, there have been some applications of process calculi in systems biology [60, 62, 28, 58, 27, 18, 19, 14]. These techniques are appropriate for describing formally and analyzing a biological system as a whole and for reasoning about protein/gene interactions. Indeed, there exists a strong correspondence between concurrent systems described by process algebras and biological ones: biological entities may be abstracted as processes that can interact each other and reactions may be modeled by using actions. Process calculi have some properties that make them useful for studying biological systems: – they allow the formal specification of the system; – they offer different levels of abstraction for the same biological system; – they can make interactions explicit, in particular biological elements may be seen as entities that interact and evolve; – they support modularity and compositionality; – they provide well-established techniques for reasoning about possible behaviours. They may be used not only for the simulation of the system, but also for the verification of formal properties and for behaviour comparison through equivalences. Several process calculi have been proposed in biology. Each of them has different properties able to render different aspects of biological phenomena. They may be divided into two main categories: – calculi defined originally in computer science and then applied in biology, such as the biochemical stochastic π-calculus, [60], CCS-R [28], PEPA [42]; – calculi defined ad hoc by observing biological structures and phenomena, such as BioAmbients [19], Brane Calculi [18], κ-calculus [27], and Beta-binders [58]. One of the first process algebras used in systems biology is the biochemical πcalculus [60], a variant of the π-calculus defined to model biological systems. The underlying idea of application of the π-calculus to biology is the molecule-as-computation abstraction [63, 60]: each biological entity and interaction is associated with a specification in the calculus. Specifically, molecules are modeled as processes, interaction capabilities as channels, interactions as communications between processes, modifications as state and channel changes and, finally, compartments and membranes as restrictions. Two stochastic simulation tools based on Gillespie [36] have been defined (BIOSPI [6] and SPIM [66]), various applications have been shown [50, 26, 49, 21] and some modified versions have been proposed (e.g. SPICO[48] and Sp@ [69]). 1 Originally called simply MPA. 2 Originally called CCS+. CCS-R [28] is a variant of CCS with new elements that allows the manage of reversibility. The interactions are described in terms of binary synchronized communications, similarly to π-calculus. The successor of CSS-R is the Reversible CCS (RCCS) [31]. This calculus allows processes to backtrack if this is in agreement with a notion of casual equivalence defined in the paper. Another language used for the modelling of biological systems is the κ-calculus [27], based on the description of protein interactions. Processes describe proteins and their compounds, a set of processes models solutions and protein behaviour is given by a set of rewriting rules, driven by suitable side-conditions. The two main rules concern activation and complexation. A stochastic simulator for κ-calculus is described in [30]. A few applications are reported, as in [29]. Beta-binders [58, 64] is an extension of the π-calculus inspired by biological phenomena. This calculus is based on the concept of bio-process, a box with some sites (beta-binders) to express the interaction capabilities of the element, in which π-like processes (pi-processes) are encapsulated. Beta-binders enrich the standard π-calculus with some constructs that allow us to represent biological features, such as the join between two bio-processes, the split of one bio-process into two, the change of the bioprocess interface by hiding, unhiding and exposing a site. The Beta Workbench [64] is a collection of tools for the modelling, simulation and analysis of Beta-binders system. The BetaWB simulator is based on a variant of Gillespie’s algorithm. In most of the calculi considered it is not possible to represent all the features of biochemical networks. Generally the kinetic laws are assumed to be mass-action and reactions can have at most two reactants. Indeed these calculi refer to the standard Gillespie’s algorithm for the analysis and this assumes elementary reactions (i.e. monomolecular or bimolecular) with constant rates. Furthermore, biological reactions are abstracted as communications/interactions between agents and in some process algebras such as π-calculus, CCS and Beta-binders these actions are pairwise. Therefore multiple-reactant multiple-product reactions cannot be modelled in these calculi. In order to represent multiple-reactant multiple-product reactions π-calculus and Betabinders have been enriched with transactions [24, 25]. A first proposal to deal with general kinetic laws has been shown in [9]. The authors of [9] present a stochastic extension of Concurrent Constraint Programming (CCP) and show how to apply it in the case of biological systems. Here each species is represented by a variable and the reactions are expressed by constraints on these variables. The domain of application is extended to any kind of reactions and the rate can be expressed by a generic function. The possibility to represent general kinetic laws is also offered by BIOCHAM [20], a programming environment for modeling biochemical systems, making simulations and querying the model in temporal logic. This language is not a process algebra, but it is based on a rule-based language for modeling biochemical systems, in which species are expressed by objects and reactions by reaction rules. Finally, some calculi has been defined to model compartments and membranes. Here we describe briefly Bio-ambients [19] and Brane calculi [18]. Bio-ambients is centered on ambients, bounded places where processes are contained and where communication may happen. Ambients can be nested and organized as a hierarchy. This hierarchy may be modified by suitable operations that have a biological interpretation. It is possible to have an enter n and an exit n primitives to move an ambient into or out of another ambient or a merge+ n/merge- n for merging two ambients together. Ambients contain compounds that interact via communications. Bio-ambients have been used to model compartments in BIOSPI [6]. A stochastic semantics for Bio-ambients has been formalized in [10]. There are few applications, for instance [3]. In Brane calculi [18] a system consists of nested membranes, which are collections of actions. Membranes may shift, merge, break apart and may be replenished, leading to very expressive models, in which actions occur on membranes. Membranes may be seen as oriented objects that must obey to some restrictions on orientation. In particular they must preserve bitonality, which requires nested membranes to have opposite orientations. 2.4 PEPA and biological systems PEPA is a stochastic process algebra originally defined for the performance modelling of systems with concurrent behaviour [42]. In PEPA each action is assumed to have a duration, represented by a random variable with a negative exponential distribution. We informally introduced the syntax of the language below. For more details see [42]. Prefix The basic term is the prefix combinator (α, r).S . It denotes a component which has action of type α and an exponentially distributed duration with parameter r (mean duration 1/r), and it subsequently behaves as S . Choice The component S + R represents a system which may behave either as S or as R. The activities of both S and R are enabled. The first activity to complete distinguishes one of them and the other is discarded. Constant Constants are components whose meaning is given by a defining equation C def = S . They allow us to assign names to patterns of behaviour associated with components. Hiding In S/H the set H identifies those activities which can be considered internal or private to the component S . Cooperation The term P L Q denotes cooperation between P and Q over the cooperation set L, that determines those activities on which the cooperands are forced to synchronise. PEPA supports multiway synchronisation between components: the result of synchronising on an activity α is thus another α, available for further synchronisation. For action types not in L, the components proceed independently and concurrently with their enabled activities. In the context of performance evaluation the rate for the synchronised activities is the minimum of the rates of the synchronising activities. Recently, PEPA has been applied to the modelling and analysis of signalling pathways. A first study concerns the influence of the Raf Kinase Inhibitor Protein (RKIP) on the Extracellular signal Regulated Kinase (ERK) [14], whereas in [15] the PEPA system for Schoeberl’s model [32] involving the MAP kinase and EFG receptors is reported. In [14] two different modelling styles have been proposed, one based on the reagent-centric view and the other on the pathway-centric view. The former focuses on the variation in the concentrations of the reagents: the concentrations are discretized in levels, each level representing an interval of concentration values. The level l can assume values between 0 and Nmax (maximum level). The pathway-centric style provides a more abstract view of the system and focuses on the subpathways. The two representations were shown to be equivalent [14]. In addition to the standard analysis offered by process algebras, in [13] a mapping from reagent-centric PEPA models to a system of ordinary differential equations (ODEs), has been proposed. Note that modelling approaches proposed in PEPA are different from other process algebras such as the π-calculus [60] and Beta-binders [58]. Indeed PEPA uses the abstraction “processes as species” instead of “processes as molecules”: components capture a pattern of behaviour of a whole set of molecules rather than the identical behaviour of molecules having to be represented individually. From the applications discussed above PEPA has been shown to be appropriate for the modelling of biological systems: it offers a high level of abstraction for the model and focuses on compositionality and on the interactions. Furthermore, by using PEPA as a modelling language it is possible to apply different kinds of analysis, not only stochastic simulation, but also differential equations and model checking. However, not all the features of biochemical networks can be expressed using the present version of PEPA: the various kinetic laws are not considered and stoichiometry is added by hand in the conversion of PEPA into ODEs. As observed above, with a few exceptions (e.g. [9]) and a few cases (dimerization), these features cannot be represented in other process algebras either. 3 Bio-PEPA: definition of the language Our earlier experience using PEPA, and other stochastic process algebras, to model biochemical networks developed insights which we then used in the definition of BioPEPA. We felt it was important to have a language which can represent all reactions in a straightforward way as well as handle stoichiometry and general kinetic laws. We retained the reagent-centric view previously used in PEPA models of biochemical path- ways. We adopt a high level of abstraction similar to the one proposed in formalisms such as SBML [7] 3 , which have been widely adopted by biologists. Furthermore we made the following assumptions: 1. Compartments are static, i.e. compartments are not actively involved in the reactions — they are simply containers. The transport of a species from one compartment to another is modelled by introducing two distinct components for representing the species. The translocation is abstracted by a transformation of one species into another. Compartments are included in the definition of a Bio-PEPA system because the volume of the containing compartment can impact on reactions of a species. 2. Reactions are irreversible reactions. A reversible reaction is represented as a pair of irreversible reactions. 3 This is a widely used XML-based format for representing models of biochemical reaction networks. Many SBML models are collected in the BioModels Database [8, 56]. 3.1 Discrete concentrations and granularity Following the reagent-centric view, models are based not on individual molecules, but on discrete levels of concentration within a species: each component represents a species and it is parametric in terms of concentration level. Some advantages of this view are: – It allows us to deal with uncertainty/incomplete information in the exact number of elements (semi-quantitative data); – In a discrete state space representation the focus is on the concentration levels rather than the number of elements: this means that the state space is reduced as there are less states for each component. – The population level view, in terms of continuously changing concentrations, and the individual level view, counting molecules, are both easily recovered from this abstract view. This view was presented in [16]. The authors focused on the case of reactions with mass-action kinetics and stoichiometry equal to one for all the reactants and products. The granularity of the system has been expressed in terms of the number of levels, representing concentration intervals. Furthermore they considered the same same step size h and the same maximum level N for all the species. In Bio-PEPA we adapt this approach to general kinetic laws, stoichiometry greater than one and different numbers of levels for the species. The granularity of the system is defined in terms of the step size h of the concentration intervals instead of the number of levels. We define the same step size h for all the species4 . This is motivated by the fact that, following the law of conservation of mass, there must be a “balance” between the concentrations consumed (reactants) and the ones created (products). In the case the stoichiometry is greater than one we need to consider concentration quantities proportional to stoichiometric coefficients. Given a species i, we can assume that it has a maximum finite concentration Mi. The number of levels for the species i is given by Ni + 1 where Ni = Mi h (the integer value greater than or equal to Mi h ). Each species can assume the discrete concentration levels from 0 (concentration null) to Ni (maximum concentration). If li is the concentration level for the species i, the concentration is taken to be xi = li × h. When a finite state space CTMC is to be generated, for numerical analysis or stochastic model checking, we must assume that there is a maximum concentration for each species. However, we can have a species without a limiting value: we use a maximum level to capture all values greater than a given (high) value. 3.2 The syntax The syntax of Bio-PEPA is similar to that of PEPA but with some important differences. As in PEPA a model is made up of a number of sequential components; here there is 4 There can be some exceptions to this assumption: 1) since modifiers remain constant during reaction, we may define a different step size for each species which is only a modifier; 2) any species which is involved on in creation/degradation reactions may have a different step size. one sequential component for each species. As we will see, the syntax of Bio-PEPA is designed in order to collect the biological information that we need. For example, instead of a single prefix combinator there are a number of different operators which capture the role that the species plays with respect to this reaction. S ::= (α, κ) op S | S + S | C P ::= P L P | S (l) where op = ↓ | ↑ | ⊕ | | . The component S is called sequential component (or species component) and represents the species. The component P, called a model component, describes the system and the interactions among components. We suppose a countable set of model components C and a countable set of action types A. The parameter l ∈ N represents the discrete level of concentration. The prefix term, (α, κ) op S , contains information about the role of the species in the reaction associated with the action type α: – (α, κ) is the activity or reaction, where α ∈ A is the action type and κ is the stoichiometry coefficient of the species in that reaction; information about the rate of the reaction is defined elsewhere (in contrast to PEPA); – the prefix combinator “op” represents the role of the element in the reaction. Specifically, ↓ indicates a reactant, ↑ a product, ⊕ an activator, an inhibitor and a generic modifier. The choice operator, cooperation and definition of constant are unchanged. In contrast to PEPA the hiding operator is omitted. In order to fully describe a biochemical network in Bio-PEPA we need to define structures that collect information about the compartments, the maximum concentrations, number of levels for all the species, the constant parameters and the functional rates which specify the rates of reactions. In the following the function name returns the names of the elements of a given Bio-PEPA component. First of all we define the set of compartments. Definition 1. Each compartment is described by “V: v unit”, where V is the compartment name, “v” is a positive real number expressing the compartment size and the (optional) “unit” denotes the unit associated with the compartment size. The set of compartments is denoted V. In Bio-PEPA compartments are static and they cannot change their structure/size. The set of compartments must contain at least one element. When we have no information about compartments we add a default compartment whose size is 1 and whose unit depends on the model. Definition 2. For each species we define the element C : H, N, M0, M, V, where: – C is the species component name, – H ∈ N is the step size, – N ∈ N is the maximum level, – M0 ∈ R+ ∪ { } is the initial concentration, – M ∈ R+ ∪ { } is the maximum concentration, – V ∈ name(V) ∪ { } is the name of the enclosing compartment. The set of all the elements C : H, N, M0, M, V is denoted N. In the definition the symbol “ ” denotes the empty string, indicating that the last three components are optional. The initial concentration may added when we want to compare our model results with the results in the literature. The maximum concentration is used in the definition of the number of levels, but generally it can be derived from the step size and the maximum number of levels. Finally, if there is only one compartment for all the species in the model we can omit it in the definition of N. In order to specify the dynamics of the system we associate a functional rate fαj with each action αj. This function represents the kinetic law of the associated reaction. For the definition of functional rates we consider mathematical expressions with simple operations and operators involving constant parameters and components. All the kinetic laws proposed in the book by Segel [65] can be defined in this way. In addition, for convenience, we include some predefined functions to express the most commonly used kinetic laws. The predefined kinetic laws considered are mass-action ( f MA), Michaelis-Menten (f MM) and Hill kinetics ( f H). They depend only on some parameters; the components/species are derived from the context5 . The functional rates are defined externally to the components and are evaluated when the system is derived. They are used to derive the transition rates of the system. In the functional rates some parameter constants can be used. These must be defined in the model by means of the set of parameter definitions K. Definition 3. Each parameter is defined by “kname = value unit”, where “kname C” is the parameter name, “value” denotes a positive real number and the (optional) “unit” denotes the unit associated with the parameter. The set of the parameters is denoted K. Finally, we have the following definition for the set of sequential components: Definition 4. The set Comp of sequential components is defined as Comp ::= {C def = S, where S is a sequential component } We can define a Bio-PEPA system in the following way: Definition 5. A Bio-PEPA system P is a 6-uple V, N, K, FR,Comp, P , where: – V is the set of compartments; – N is the set of quantities describing each species; – K is the set of parameter definitions; – FR is the set of functional rate definitions; 5 In the case of mass-action, the function f MA(r) is r × nj i=1(Ci)κi , where Ci i = 1, ..., nj are the nj distinct reactants involved in the reaction and κi is the associated stoichiometric coefficients. The information about the reactants are derived from the Bio-PEPA specifications of the system. In the case of Michaelis-Menten, the function f MM(vM, KM) is vM × E × S/(KM + S ), where E is the enzyme and S the substrate. Also in this case E and S are derived from the BioPEPA specifications. In the case of Hill kinetics, the function f H(v, K, n) is v × Cn /(K + Cn ), where C is the element involved in the reaction. – Comp is the set of definitions of sequential components; – P is the model component describing the system. In a well-defined Bio-PEPA system each element has to satisfy some (reasonable) conditions. Details can be found in [23]. In the remainder of the chapter we consider only well-defined Bio-PEPA systems. The set of such systems is denoted ˜P. 3.3 The semantics The semantics of Bio-PEPA is defined in terms of an operational semantics. We define two relations over the processes. The former, called the capability relation, supports the derivation of quantitative information and it is auxiliary to the latter which is called the stochastic relation. The stochastic relation gives us the rates associated with each action. The rates are obtained by evaluating the functional rate associated with the action, divided by the step size of the species involved, using quantitative information derived from the capability relation. The capability relation is −→c ⊆ C × Θ × C, where the label θ ∈ Θ contains the quantitative information needed to evaluate the functional rate. We define the labels θ as: θ := (α, w) where w is defined as w ::= [S : op(l, κ)] | w :: w, with S ∈ C, l the level and κ the stoichiometry coefficient of the components. The order of the components is not important. The relation −→c is defined as the minimum relation satisfying the rules reported in Table 1. The first three axioms describe the behaviour of the three different prefix terms. In the case of a reactant, the level decreases; in the case of a product, the level increases; whereas in the case of modifiers, the level remains the same. For reactants and products, the number of levels increment or decrement depends on the stoichiometric coefficient κ. This expresses the degree to which a species (reactant or product) participates in a reaction. Therefore some side conditions concerning the present concentration level must be added to the rules. Specifically, for the reactants the level has to be greater than or equal to κ, whereas for the products the level has to be less than or equal to (N − κ), where N is the maximum level. The modifiers can have any possible value between 0 and N. In all three cases the label θ records the level and the stoichiometry of the associated component. The rules choice1 and choice2 have the usual meaning. The rule constant is used to define the behaviour of the constant term, defined by one or more prefix terms in summation. The label contains the information about the level and the stoichiometric coefficient related to the action α. The last three rules report the case of cooperation. The rules coop1 and coop2 concern the case when the action enabled does not belong to the cooperation set. In this case the label in the conclusion contains only the information about the component that fires the action. The rule coop3 describes the case in which the two components synchronize and the label reports the information from both the components. The concatenation operator of lists @ is used for this purpose. In order to associate the rates with the transitions we introduce the stochastic relation −→s ⊆ ˜P × Γ × ˜P, where the label γ ∈ Γ is defined as γ := (α, rα), with rα ∈ R+ . prefixReac ((α, κ)↓S )(l) (α,[S :↓(l,κ)]) −−−−−−−−−→c S (l − κ) κ ≤ l ≤ N prefixProd ((α, κ)↑S )(l) (α,[S :↑(l,κ)]) −−−−−−−−−→c S (l + κ) 0 ≤ l ≤ (N − κ) prefixMod ((α, κ) op S )(l) (α,[S :op(l,κ)]) −−−−−−−−−→c S (l) with op = , ⊕, and 0 ≤ l ≤ N choice1 S1(l) (α,w) −−−→c S1(l ) (S1 + S2)(l) (α,w) −−−→c S1(l ) choice2 S2(l) (α,w) −−−→c S 2(l ) (S1 + S2)(l) (α,w) −−−→c S2(l ) constant S (l) (α,S :[op(l,κ)]) −−−−−−−−−−→c S (l ) C(l) (α,C:[op(l,κ)]) −−−−−−−−−→c S (l ) with C def = S coop1 P1 (α,w) −−−→c P1 P1 L P2 (α,w) −−−→c P1 L P2 with α L coop2 P2 (α,w) −−−→c P2 P1 L P2 (α,w) −−−→c P1 L P2 with α L coop3 P1 (α,w1) −−−−→c P1 P2 (α,w2) −−−−→c P2 P1 L P2 (α,w1@w2) −−−−−−−→c P1 L P2 with α ∈ L Table 1. Axioms and rules for Bio-PEPA. In this definition rα represents the parameter of a negative exponential distribution. The dynamic behaviour of processes is determined by a race condition: all activities enabled attempt to proceed but only the fastest succeeds. The relation −→s is defined as the minimal relation satisfying the rule Final P (αj,w) −−−−→cP V, N, K, F ,Comp, P (αj,rα[w,N,K]) −−−−−−−−−−−→s V, N, K, F ,Comp, P The second component in the label of the conclusion represents the rate associated with the transition. The rate is calculated from the functional rate fα in the following way: rα[w, N, K] = fα[w, N, K] h where h is the step size and fα[w, N, K] denotes the function fα is evaluated over w, N and K. Specifically, for each component Ci we derive the concentration as li × h. Then we replace each free occurrence of Ci by (li × h)κij , where κij is the stoichiometric coefficient of the species i with respect to the reaction Rj. The derivation of rates is discussed in some more detail later. A Stochastic Labelled Transition System can be defined for a Bio-PEPA system. Definition 6. The Stochastic Labelled Transition System (SLTS) for a Bio-PEPA system is ( ˜P, Γ, −→s), where −→s is the minimal relation satisfying the rule Final. The states of SLTS are defined in terms of the concentration levels of the species components and the transitions from one state to another represent reactions that cause changes in the concentration levels of some components. Note that using the relation −→c it is possible to define another labelled transition system (LTS) as (C, Θ, −→c) which differs only in the transition labels. Derivation of rates In the SLTS the states represent levels of concentration and the transitions cause a change in these levels for one or more species. The number of levels depends on the stoichiometric coefficients of the species involved. Consider a reaction j described by a kinetic law fj and with all stoichiometric coefficients equal to one. Following [16], we can define the transition rate as (∆t)−1 , where ∆t is the time to have a variation in the concentration of one step for both the reactants and the products of the reaction. Let y be a variable describing one product of the reaction. We can consider the rate equation for that species with respect to the given reaction. This is dy/dt = fj(¯x(t)), where ¯x is the set (or a subset) of the reactants/modifiers of the reaction. We can apply the Taylor expansion up to the second term and we obtain yn+1 ≈ yn + f(¯xn) × (tn+1 − tn) Now we can fix yn+1 − yn = h and then derived the time interval (tn+1 − tn) = ∆t as ∆t ≈ h/ f(¯xn). From this we obtain the transition rate as f(¯xn)/h. When the reaction has stoichiometric coefficients different from one, we can consider an approach similar to the one above. Let y be a product of the reaction. The approximation gives: yn+1 ≈ yn + r × κ × nr i=1 xκi i,n × (tn+1 − tn) where r is the reaction constant rate, κ is stoichiometric coefficient of the product y, xi i = 1, ..., nr are the reactants of the reaction, κi i = 1, ..., nr are the associated stoichiometric coefficients, nr is the number of distinct reactants. Now we can fix yn+1 − yn = κ × h and then derive the respective (tn+1 − tn) = ∆t as ∆t ≈ h/(r × nr i=1 xκi i,n). From this expression we can derive the rate as usual. Note that this approach is based on an approximation; this depends on the time/concentration steps. Moreover, we assume that the species can vary by one step size h (fixed) in a time interval (if all the reactants and products are not at zero or the maximum level). In particular, reactants are assumed to decrease until zero is obtained and products increase until a maximum value. This implies that the kinetic law has to satisfy some properties. Specifically, it must be monotonic (non-decreasing in terms of the reactant concentration). Mass-action, Hill-kinetics and Michaelis-Menten are all monotonic, as are many other kinetic laws. From biochemical networks to Bio-PEPA We define a translation, tr BM BP, from a biochemical network M to a Bio-PEPA system P = V, N, K, FR,Comp, P , based on the following abstraction: 1. Each compartment is defined in the set V in terms of a name and an associated volume. Recall that currently in Bio-PEPA, compartments are not involved actively in the reactions and therefore are not represented by processes. 2. Each species i in the network is described by a species component Ci ∈ Comp. The constant component Ci is defined by the “sum” of elementary components describing the interaction capabilities of the species. We suppose that there is at most one term in each species component with an action of type α. A single definition can express the behaviour of the species at any level. 3. Each reaction j is associated with an action type αj and its dynamics is described by a specific function fαj ∈ FR. The constant parameters used in the function can be defined in K. 4. The model P is defined as the cooperation of the different components Ci. 3.4 Some examples Now we present some simple examples in order to show how Bio-PEPA can be used to capture some biological situations. Example 1: Mass-action kinetics Consider the reaction 2X + Y ; fM −−−→3Z, described by the mass-action kinetic law fM = r × X2 × Y. The three species can be specified by the syntax: X def = (α, 2)↓X Y def = (α, 1)↓Y Z def = (α, 3)↑Z The system is described by (X(lX0) {α} Y(lY0)) {α} Z(lZ0), where lX0, lY0 and lZ0 denote the initial concentration level of the three components. The functional rate is fα = f MA(r). The rate associated with a transition is given by: rα = r × (lX × h)2 × (lY × h) h where lX, lY are the concentration levels for the species X and Y in a given state and h is the step size of all the species. The reaction can happen only if we have at least 3 levels (0, 1, 2) for X and 4 levels (0, 1, 2, 3) for Z. Example 2: Michaelis-Menten kinetics One of the most commonly used kinetic laws is Michaelis-Menten. It describes a basic enzymatic reaction from the substrate S to the product P and is written as S E; fE −−−→P, where E is the enzyme involved in the reaction. This reaction is an approximation of a sequence of two reactions, under the quasi-steady state assumption (QSSA). The whole sequence of reactions is described by the kinetic law fE = vM×E×S (KM+S ) . For more details about the derivation of this kinetic law and the meaning of parameters see [65]. The three species can be specified in Bio-PEPA by the following components: S def = (α, 1)↓S P def = (α, 1)↑P E def = (α, 1) ⊕ E The system is described by (S (lS 0) {α} E(lE0)) {α} P(lP0) and the functional rate is fα = f MM(vM, KM). The transition rate is given by: rα = vM × (lS × h) × (lE × h) (KM + lS × h) × 1 h where lS , lE are the concentration levels for the species S and E in a given state and h is the step size of all the species. The reaction can happen only if we have at least 3 levels (0, 1, 2) for all the species involved. Example 3: competitive inhibition Competitive inhibition is a form of enzyme inhibition where binding of the inhibitor to the enzyme prevents binding of the substrate and vice versa. In classical competitive inhibition, the inhibitor binds to the same active site as the normal enzyme substrate, without undergoing a reaction. The substrate molecule cannot enter the active site while the inhibitor is there, and the inhibitor cannot enter the site when the substrate is there. This reaction is described as: S + E + I ←→ SE −→ P + E EI where S is the substrate, E the enzyme, I the inhibitor and P the product. Under QSSA the intermediate species SE and EI are constant and we can approximate the reactions above by a unique reaction S E,I: fI −−−−→P, with rate fI = vc × S × E S + KM(1 + I KI ) , where vc is the the turnover number (catalytic constant), KM is the Michaelis-constant and KI is the inhibition constant. The specification in Bio-PEPA is: S def = (α, 1)↓S P def = (α, 1)↑P E def = (α, 1) ⊕ E I def = (α, 1) I The system is described by ((S (lS 0) {α} E(lE0)) {α} I(lI0)) {α} P(lP0) with functional rate fα = fCI((vc, KM, KI), S, E, I) = vc × S × E S + KM(1 + I KI ) . The transition rate is given by: rα = vc × (lS × h) × (lE × h) (lS × h + KM(1 + lI ×h KI )) × 1 h where lS , lE, lI are the concentration levels for the species S , E, I in a given state and h is the step size of all the species. The reaction can happen only if we have at least 3 levels (0, 1, 2) for all the species involved. Example 4: degradation and synthesis of a species Two particular reactions are those which describe the degradation and the creation of a species. In order to model these reactions we need to add two auxiliary species components to represent respectively the residue (Res) of the reaction and the creation factor (CF), i.e. genes or DNA. Let us consider the degradation reaction A−→∅. We describe this reaction in BioPEPA by introducing the component Res as the residue/product of the reaction. The two species A and Res are defined as: A def = (α, 1)↓A Res def = (α, 1) Res The component Res is described by one or more sub-terms each of which describes a different degradation reaction. In contrast the synthesis of a species ∅−→A is described by a new component CF. The two species A and CF are described by: A def = (α, 1)↑A CF def = (α, 1) CF In the definitions of the components Res and CF we use the symbol to indicate that they do not change with the reaction. 3.5 Equivalences It is sometimes useful to consider equivalences between models in order to determine whether the systems represented are in some sense the “same”. In this section we discuss some notions of equivalence for Bio-PEPA. We consider two styles of equivalence which are commonly considered for process algebras: isomorphism, a structural equivalence, and bisimulation, a behavioural equivalence. Some characteristics of the language impact on the definitions of equivalence and we start by highlighting those. Firstly, there is no hiding operator or τ actions. Therefore, in Bio-PEPA we do not have weaker forms of equivalence based on abstracting τ actions. Secondly, in well-defined systems we have at most one action of a given type in each sequential term and each component describes the behaviour of a single species. So we cannot have processes of the form “S + S ” and terms such as “A = a.C” (where A and C differ). Thirdly, if we have two transitions between the processes P and P , they involve different action types and they represent similar reactions that differ only in the kind/number of modifiers. Finally, we have defined two relations within the semantics. In one case the labels contain the information about the action type and about the elements involved. This is used as an auxiliary relation for the derivation of the second one, in which the labels contain the information about the action type and the rate (similarly to PEPA activity). Thus we have a choice of which relation on which to base each notion of equivalence. Recall that in Bio-PEPA we make a distinction between systems and model components. However note that the only element that is modified by the transitions of a BioPEPA system is the model component. All the other components remain unchanged. Thus we define equivalences for the Bio-PEPA systems in terms of equivalences for the model components. Specifically, we say that two Bio-PEPA systems P1 and P2 are equivalent if their respective model components are equivalent. Auxiliary definitions Before we proceed it will be useful to make some auxiliary definitions. Firstly we consider the derivative of a component, the derivative set and the derivative graph. We refer to the relation −→s, the case of −→c is analogous, the only differences are in the label and in the fact that the former relation refers to Bio-PEPA systems and the latter refers to model components. Definition 7. If P (α,r) −−−→sP then P is a one-step −→s system derivative of P. If P (α1,r1) −−−−→sP1 (α2,r2) −−−−→s.... (αn,rn) −−−−→sP then P is a system derivative of P. We can indicate the sequence γ1 −→s γ2 −→s.... γn −→s with µ −→s, where µ denotes the sequence γ1γ2, ...γn (possibly empty). Definition 8. A system α-derivative of P is a system P such that P (α,r) −−−→sP . For each α ∈ A we have at most one system α-derivative of a system P. Definition 9. The system derivative set ds(P) is the smallest set such that: – P ∈ ds(P); – if P ∈ ds(P) and there exists α ∈ A(P ) such that P (α,r) −−−→sP then P ∈ ds(P). Definition 10. The system derivative graph D(P) is the labelled directed multi-graph whose set of nodes is ds(P) and whose multi-set of arcs are elements in ds(P)×ds(P)×Γ. Note that in well-defined Bio-PEPA components the multiplicity of Pi, Pj, γ is always one. The definitions above refer to Bio-PEPA systems. The only components of the system P = V, N, K, F ,Comp, P that evolves is the model component P. The other components collect information about the compartments, the species, the rates and report the definition of the species components. They remain unchanged in the evolution of the system. In some cases it can be useful (and simpler) to focus on the model component instead of considering the whole system and use the other components for the derivation of the rates. We define a function πP(P) = P, that, given a Bio-PEPA system returns the model component. Then we define a (component) derivative of P by considering the model component P of the system derivative of P. Similarly, we define a (component) α-derivative of P, (component) derivative set ds(P) and the (component) derivative graph D(P) starting from the definitions for the associated system P. In the derivation of the CTMC (see Section 3.6) we need to identify the actions describing the interactions from one state to another. Definition 11. Let P be a Bio-PEPA system and let P = πP(P). Let Pu, Pv be two derivatives of a model component P with Pv a one-step derivative of Pu. The set of action types associated with the transitions from the process Pu to the process Pv is denoted A(Pu|Pv). The next definition concerns the complete action type set of a system P and a component P. Definition 12. The complete action type set of a system P is defined as: ¯A = ∪Pi∈ds(P)A(Pi) The complete action type set of a component P is defined similarly. Other useful definitions are the ones concerning the exit rate and transition rates. In the following we report the definition for the model components, but a similar definition can be used for Bio-PEPA systems. Definition 13. Let us consider a Bio-PEPA system P = V, N, K, F ,Comp, P and let P1, P2 ∈ ds(P). The exit rate of a process P1 is defined as: rate(P1) = {α|∃P2.P1 (α,rα[w,N,K]) −−−−−−−−−−→sP2, P1=πP(P1)} rα[w, N, K] Similarly, the transition rate is defined as: rate(P1 | P2) = {α|P1 (α,rα[w,N,K]) −−−−−−−−−−→sP2, P1=πP(P1), P2=πP(P2)} rα[w, N, K] For the label γ in the stochastic relation, the function action(γ) = α extracts the first component of the pair (i.e. the action type) and the function rate(γ) = r ∈ R returns the second component (i.e. the rate). In the following we use the same symbol to denote equivalences for both the system and the corresponding model component. In this section we present definitions of isomorphism and strong bisimulation which are similar to the relations defined for PEPA in [42]. Furthermore we show some relationships between the defined equivalences. Isomorphism Isomorphism is a strong notion of equivalence based on the derivation graph of the components (systems). Broadly speaking, two components (systems) are isomorphic if they generate derivation graphs with the same structure and capable of carrying out exactly the same activities. We have the following definition of isomorphism based on the capability relation: Definition 14. Let P1, P2 be two Bio-PEPA systems whose model components are P and Q, respectively. A function F : ds(P) → ds(Q) is a component isomorphism between P and Q, with respect to −→c, if F is an injective function and for any component P ∈ ds(P), A(P ) = A(F (P )), with rα[P , N, K] = rα[F (P ), N , K ] for each α ∈ A(P), and for all α ∈ A the set of α-derivatives of F (P ) is the same as the set of F −images of the α-derivatives of P , with respect to −→c. This is a very strong relation because the labels associated with the capability relation contain a lot of information, all of which must be matched. Formally, we can define isomorphic components in the following way: Definition 15. Let P1, P2 be two Bio-PEPA systems whose model components are P and Q. P and Q are isomorphic with respect to −→c (denoted P =c Q), if there exists a component isomorphism F between them such that D(F (P)) = D(Q), where D denotes the derivative graph. We can now define when two Bio-PEPA systems are isomorphic. Definition 16. Let P1, P2 be two Bio-PEPA systems whose model components are P and Q. P1 and P2 are isomorphic with respect to −→c (denoted P1 =c P2), if P =c Q. A similar structural relation based on the stochastic relation can also be defined and used to characterise another form of isomorphism between systems (components) =s (see [?] for details). Both isomorphisms, =c and =s are equivalence relations, and congruences with respect to the combinators of Bio-PEPA. In both cases they retain enough information about the structure and behaviour of the isomorphic components to ensure that they give rise to identical underlying Markov processes. However, =c is more strict than =s, i.e. there will be pairs of systems (components) which satisfy =s but do not satisfy =c. Equational laws Once an equivalence relation has been defined it can be used to establish equational laws which may be used to manipulate models and recognise equivalent terms. In the following the symbol “=” denotes either =c or =s. The proof of the laws follow from the definition of isomorphism and the semantic rules. Choice 1) (P + Q) L S = (Q + P) L S 2) (P + (Q + R)) L S = ((P + Q) + R) L S Cooperation 1. P L Q = Q L P 2. P L (Q L R) = (P L Q) L R 3. P K Q = P L Q if K ∩ ( ¯A(P) ∪ ¯A(Q)) = L 4. (P L Q) K R = P L (Q K R) if ¯A(R) ∩ (L\K) = ∅ ∧ ¯A(P) ∩ (K\L) = ∅ Q L (P K R) if ¯A(R) ∩ (L\K) = ∅ ∧ ¯A(Q) ∩ (K\L) = ∅ Constant If A def = P then A = P Bio-PEPA systems Let P1 and P2 be two Bio-PEPA systems, with P = πP(P1) and Q = πP(P2). If P = Q then P1 = P2. Strong bisimulation The definition of bisimulation is based on the labelled transition system. Strong bisimulation captures the idea that bisimilar components (systems) are able to perform the same actions with same rates resulting in derivatives that are themselves bisimilar. This makes the components (systems) indistinguishable to an external observer. As with isomorphism we can develop two definition based on the two semantic relations. This time for illustration we present the definitions based on the stochastic relation. The strong capability bisimulation, ∼c, is defined similarly (see [?] for details). Definition 17. A binary relation R ⊆ ˜P × ˜P is a strong stochastic bisimulation, if (P1, P2) ∈ R implies for all α ∈ A: – if P1 γ1 −→sP 1 then, for some P 2 and γ2, P2 γ2 −→sP 2 with (P 1, P 2) ∈ R and 1. action(γ1) = action(γ2) = α 2. rate(γ1) = rate(γ2) – the symmetric definition with P2 replacing P1. Definition 18. Let P1, P2 be two Bio-PEPA systems whose model components are P and Q, respectively. P and Q are strong stochastic bisimilar, written P ∼s Q, if (P1, P2) ∈ R for some strong stochastic bisimulation R. Definition 19. Let P1, P2 be two Bio-PEPA systems whose model components are P and Q, respectively. P1, P2 are strong stochastic bisimilar, written P1 ∼s P2, if P ∼s Q. Both ∼c and ∼s are equivalence relations and congruences with respect to the combinators of Bio-PEPA. Moreover it is straightforward to see that isomorphism implies strong bisimulation in both cases. Example Consider the following systems representing two biological systems. The former system P1 represents a system described by an enzymatic reaction with kinetic law v1 × E × S K1 + S , where S is the substrate and E the enzyme. We have that the set N is defined as “S : h, NS ; P : h, NP; E : 1, 1; ” for some step size h and maximum levels NS and NP. The component and the model components are defined as: S def = (α, 1)↓S E def = (α, 1) ⊕ E P def = (α, 1)↑P The model component P1 is (S (lS 0) {α} E(1)) {α} P(lP0). The functional rate is fα = f MM(v1, K1). The second system P2 describes an enzymatic reaction where the enzyme is left implicit (it is constant). The rate is given by v1 × S K1 + S , where S is the substrate. We have that the set N is defined as “S : h, NS ; P : h, NP ; ”. The components are defined as S def = (α, 1)↓S and P def = (α, 1)↑P and the model component P2 is S (lS 0) {α} P (lP0). In this case fα = f MM ((v1, K1), S ) = v1 × S K1 + S and the component S and P have the same number of levels/maximum concentration of S and P. We have that P1 ∼s P2, but P1 c P2, because the number of enzymes is different. The same relations are valid if the systems rather than the model components are considered. 3.6 Analysis A Bio-PEPA system is an intermediate, formal, compositional representation of the biological model. Based on this representation we can perform different kinds of analysis. In this section we discuss briefly how to use a Bio-PEPA system to derive a CTMC with levels, a set of Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs), a Gillespie simulation and a PRISM model. From Bio-PEPA to CTMC As for the reagent-centric view of PEPA, the CTMC associated with the system refers to the concentration levels of the species components. Specifically, the states of the CTMC are defined in terms of concentration levels and the transitions from one state to the other describe some variations in these levels. Hereafter we call the CTMC derived from a Bio-PEPA system (or from a PEPA reagent-centric view system) CTMC with levels. Theorem 1. For any finite Bio-PEPA system P = V, N, K, FR,Comp, P , if we define the stochastic process X(t) such that X(t) = Pi indicates that the system behaves as the component Pi at time t, then X(t) is a Markov Process. The proof is not reproduced here but it is analogous the one presented for PEPA [42]. Instead of the PEPA activity we consider the label γ and the rate is obtained by evaluating the functional rate in the system. We consider finite models to ensure that a solution for the CTMC is feasible. This is equivalent to supposing that each species in the model has a maximum level of concentration. Theorem 2. Given ( ˜P, Γ, −→s), let P be a Bio-PEPA system, with model component P. Let nc = |ds(P)|, where ds(P) is the derivative set of P. Then the infinitesimal generator matrix of the CTMC for P is a square matrix Q (nc ×nc) whose elements qu,v are defined as qu,v = αj∈A(Pu|Pv) rαj [wu, N, K] if u v qu,u = − u v qu,v otherwise. where Pu, Pv are two derivatives of P. It is worth noting that the states of CTMC are defined in terms of the derivatives of the model component. These derivatives are uniquely identified by the levels of species components in the system, so we can give the following definition of CTMC states: Definition 20. The CTMC states derived from a Bio-PEPA system can be defined as vectors of levels σ = (l1, l2, ..., ln), where li , for i = 1, 2, ..., n is the level of the species i and n is the total number of species. We can avoid consideration of the two levels for Res and CF as they are always constant. This leads to the following proposition. Proposition 1. Let P be a Bio-PEPA system with model component P. Let Pu and Pv be two derivatives of P such that the latter is one-step derivative of the former. If there exist two action types α1 and α2 that belong to A(Pu|Pv) then: 1. α1 α2; 2. the two action types refer to two transitions/biological reactions that differ only in the modifiers. If two transitions are possible between a pair of states, the actions involved are different and they represent reactions that differ only in the modifiers and/or the number of enzymes used. The former point follows from the definition of well-defined Bio-PEPA system. The second point follows because the only possibility to have two transitions between two given states is that the associated reactions have the same reactants and products. We can see this by observing that the states depend on the levels and the reactions cause some changes in these levels. The only elements that do not change during a reaction are the modifiers. From Bio-PEPA to ODEs The translation into ODEs is similar to the method proposed for PEPA (reagent-centric view) [13]. It is based on the syntactic presentation of the model and on the derivation of the stoichiometry matrix D = {dij} from the definition of the components. The entries of the matrix are the stoichiometric coefficients of the reactions and are obtained in the following way: for each component Ci consider the prefix subterms Cij representing the contribution of the species i to the reaction j. If the term represents a reactant we write the corresponding stoichiometry κij as −κij in the entry dij. For a product we write +κij in the entry dij. All other cases are null. The derivation of ODEs from the Bio-PEPA system P, hereafer called tODE, is based on the following steps: 1. definition of the stoichiometry (n × m) matrix D, where n is the number of species and m is the number of molecules; 2. definition of the kinetic law vector (m × 1) vKL containing the kinetic laws of each reaction; 3. association of the variable xi with each component Ci and definition of the vector (n × 1) ¯x. The ODE system is then obtained as: d ¯x dt = D × vKL with initial concentrations xi0 = li0 × h, for i = 1, ..., n. The following property holds: Property 1. For a biochemical network M and a Bio-PEPA system P=tr BM BP(M), we have that tODE(P) = tBODE(M), where tODE and tBODE are the translation functions from Bio-PEPA and the biological system into ODEs, respectively. The ODE system derived from a Bio-PEPA system P is “equal” to the one obtained directly from the biological network itself. This means that in the translation into BioPEPA no information for the derivation of ODEs is lost. This result follows from the fact that in both cases we derive the stoichiometric matrix and, for construction, they are the same in both cases. However the Bio-PEPA model can collect generally more information than the respective ODEs. We have this further result: Property 2. Given two biochemical networks M1 and M2 we define the corresponding Bio-PEPA models P1 = tr BM BP(M1) and P2 = tr BM BP(M2). Let tODE(P1) and tODE(P2) be the two ODE systems obtained from P1 and P2 respectively. If tODE(P1) = tODE(P2) it does not imply that P1 is “equivalent” to P2. The above result can be easily seen with appropriate counterexamples. For example consider the Bio-PEPA models corresponding to the following sets of reactions: {A r −→B+ C; A r −→B; A r −→C + D} and {A 2r −→B + C; A r −→D}. The two Bio-PEPA models are different, but the ODE systems that we derived from them coincide. From Bio-PEPA to stochastic simulation Gillespie’s stochastic simulation algorithm [36] is a widely-used method for the simulation of biochemical reactions. It deals with homogenous, well-stirred systems in thermal equilibrium and constant volume, composed of n different species that interact through m reactions. Broadly speaking, the goal is to describe the evolution the system X(t), described in terms of the number of elements of each species, starting from an initial state. Every reaction is characterized by a stochastic rate constant cj, termed the basal rate (derived from the constant rate r by means of some simple relations proposed in [36, 68]). Using this it is possible to calculate the actual rate aj(X(t)) of the reaction, that is the probability of the reaction Rj occurring in time (t, t + ∆t) given that the system is in a specific state. The algorithm is based essentially on the following two steps: – calculation of the next reaction that occurs in the system; – calculation of the time when the next reaction occurs. We derive the information above from two conditional density functions: p( j | X(t)) = aj(X(t))/a0, that is, the probability that the next reaction is Rj and p(τ|X(t)) = a0ea0X(t)τ , the probability that the next reaction occurs in [t + τ, t + τ + dτ], where a0 = m v=1 av(X(t)). The translation of a Bio-PEPA model to a Gillespie’s simulation is similar to the approach proposed for ODEs. The main drawbacks are the definition of the rates and the correctness of the approach in the case of general kinetic laws. Indeed Gillespie’s stochastic simulation algorithm supposes elementary reactions and constant rates (massaction kinetics). If the model contains only this kind of reactions the translation is straightforward. If there are non-elementary reactions and general kinetic laws, it is a widely-used approach to consider them translated directly into a stochastic context. This is not always valid and some counterexamples have been demonstrated [11]. The authors of [11] showed that when Gillespie’s algorithm is applied to Hill kinetics in the context of the transcription initiation of autoregulated genes, the magnitude of fluctuations is overestimated. The application of Gillespie’s algorithm in the case of general kinetics laws is discussed by several authors [1, 17]. Rao and Arkin [1] show that this approach is valid in the case of some specific kinetic laws, such as Michaelis-Menten and inhibition. However, it is important to remember that these laws are approximations, based on some assumptions that specific conditions (such as “S E” in the case of Michaelis-Menten) hold. The approach followed here is as in [47]: we apply Gillespie’s algorithm, but particular attention must be paid to the interpretation of the simulation results and to their validity. The definition of a Gillespie model is based on: – definition of the state vector ¯X. It is composed of n components Xi, representing the number of elements for each species i. – Definition of the initial condition ¯X0. The values are given by: Xi0 = li0 × h × NA × vi molecules where NA is the Avogadro’s number that indicates the number of molecules in a mole of a substance and vi is the volume size of the containing compartment Vi. – Definition of the actual rate for each reaction. We have two cases: 1. reactions whose dynamics is described by mass-action law and with constant rate rj. The actual rate for the reaction is: aj( ¯Xj) = cj × fh( ¯Xj) where cj is the stochastic rate constant, fh is a function that gives the number of distinct combinations of reactant molecules and ¯Xj are the species involved in the reaction j. The stochastic rate constant is defined in [68] as: cj = rj (NA × v)ntot−1 × nj u=1 κuj! where nj is the number of distinct reactants in the reaction j, rj is the rate of the reaction and ntot = nj u=1 κuj is the total number of reactants 6 . Finally, the number of possible combinations of reactants is defined as fh(( ¯Xj) = nj u=1 Xp(u,j) κuj ∼ nj u=1 (Xp(u,j))κuj nj u=1 κuj! 2. reactions with general kinetic laws fαj (¯k, ¯C). The actual rate is: aj( ¯Xj) = fαj (¯k, ¯Xj) From Bio-PEPA to PRISM PRISM [61] is a probabilistic model checker, a tool for the formal modelling and analysis of systems which exhibit random or probabilistic behaviour. PRISM has been used to analyse systems from a wide range of application domains. Models are described using the PRISM language, a simple state-based language 6 We assume that all the species that are involved in the reaction as reactants are inside the same compartment with volume v. and it is possible to specify quantitative properties of the system using a temporal logic, called CSL [2] (Continuous Stochatic Logic). For our purposes the underlying mathematical model of a PRISM model is a CTMC and the PRISM models we generate from Bio-PEPA correspond to the CTMCs with levels. However we present the translation separately as the models are specified in the PRISM language. The PRISM language is composed of modules and variables. A model is composed of a number of modules which can interact with each other. A module contains a number of local variables. The values of these variables at any given time constitute the state of the module. The global state of the whole model is determined by the local state of all modules. The behaviour of each module is described by a set of commands. Each update describes a transition which the module can make if the guard is true. A transition is specified by giving the new values of the variables in the module, possibly as a function of other variables. Each update is also assigned a probability (or in some cases a rate) which will be assigned to the corresponding transition. It is straightforward to translate a Bio-PEPA system into a PRISM model. We have the following correspondences: – The model is defined as stochastic (this term is used in PRISM for CTMC). – Each element in the set of parameters K is defined as a global constant. – The maximum levels, the concentration steps and the volume sizes are defined as global constants. – Each species component is represented by a PRISM module. The species component concentration is represented by a local variable and it can (generally) assume values between 0 and Ni. For each sub-term (i.e. reaction where the species is involved) we have a definition of a command. The name of the command is related to the action α (and then to the associated reaction). The guards and the change in levels are defined according to whether the element is a reactant, a product or a modifier of the reactions. – The functional rates are defined inside an auxiliary module. – In PRISM the rate associated with an action is the product of the rates of the commands in the different modules that cooperate. For each reaction, we give the value “1” to the rate of each command involved in the reaction, with the exception of the command in the module containing the functional rates. In this case the rate is the functional rate f, expressing the kinetic law. The rate associated with a reaction is given by 1 × 1 × ... × f = f, as desired. 4 Examples This section reports the translation of three biological models into Bio-PEPA and some analysis results. The first example is taken from [37] and describes a minimal model for the cascade of post-translational modifications that modulate the activity of cdc2 kinase during the cell cycle. The second model is taken from [11] and concerns a simple genetic network with negative feedback loop. The last example is the repressilator [33], a synthetic genetic network with an oscillating behaviour. In the present work the stochastic and deterministic simulations are obtained exporting the Bio-PEPA system by means of the maps described in Section 3.6. An automatic translation is under implementation. 4.1 The Goldbeter’s model In the following we show the translation of the Goldbeter’s model presented in [37] into Bio-PEPA and we discuss the kinds of analysis that are possible from it. Broadly speaking, the model describes the activity of the protein cyclin in the cell cycle. The cyclin promotes the activation of a cdk (cdc2) which in turn activates a cyclin protease. This protease promotes cyclin degradation, and therefore a negative feedback loop is obtained. CYCLIN (C) cdc2 inactive (M’) Protease inactive (X’) Protease active (X) R1 R3 R4 R7 cdc2 active (M) R2 R6 R5 Fig. 2. Goldbeter’s model. The biological model A schema of the model is shown in Fig. 2. There are three distinct species involved: – cyclin, the protein protagonist of the cycle, represented by variable C; – cdc2 kinase, in both active (i.e. dephosphorylated) and inactive form (i.e. phosphorylated). The variables used to represent them are M and M , respectively; – cyclin protease, in both active (i.e. phosphorylated) and inactive form (i.e. dephosphorylated). The variables are X and X . A detailed list of reactions is reported in Table 2. The first two reactions are the creation of cyclin and its degradation. The reactions R3-R6 are enzymatic reactions describing the activation/deactivation of the biological species cdc2 and protease. These reactions are activated through phosphorylation/dephosphorylation. The last reaction is the degradation of the cyclin triggered by the protease. Concerning the kinetic laws, the first two reactions have mass-action kinetics, whereas the others all have Michaelis-Menten kinetics. We have some kinetic laws in which the enzyme is explicit (reactions 3, 5), other ones in which is not explicit (reactions 4, 6) as it is constant and abstracted within the Michaelis-Menten parameter Vi. id name react. prod. mod. kinetic laws R1 creation of cyclin - C - vi R2 degradation of cyclin C - - kd × C R3 activation of cdc2 kinase M M - C×V1 (Kc+C) M (K1+M ) R4 deactivation of cdc2 kinase M M - M×V2 (K2+M) R5 activation of cyclin protease X X M X ×M×V3 (K3+X ) R6 deactivation of cyclin protease X X - X×V4 K4+X R7 degradation of cyclin C - X C×Vd×X C+Kd triggered by protease Table 2. Goldbeter model. The list of reactions. The Bio-PEPA system The translation of the Goldbeter’s model into Bio-PEPA is achieved in the following steps. – Definition of the list V. In the model compartments are not considered. Here we add the default compartment: cell : 1.10−14 litre – Definition of the set N. This is defined as: C : h, NC, 0.01, 0.6, V; M : h, NM , 0.99, 1, V; M : h, NM, 0.01, 0.7, V; X : h, NX , 0.99, 1, V; X : h, NX, 0.01, 0.65, V; Res : 1, 1, , , ; CF : 1, 1, , , ; The components Res and CF are added to represent degradation reactions and the synthesis of the cyclin, respectively. The information about the initial and the maximum concentrations are derived from the paper. We can fix the step size to 0.05. In this case the maximum levels are: NC = 12, NM = 14, NX = 13, NM = NX = 20. If we wanted to consider the finer granularity h = 0.01 (corresponding to the initial concentration of some of the species) we would have NC = 60, NM = 70, NX = 65, NM = NX = 100. – Definition of functional rates (FR) and parameters (K). The functional rates are: fα1 = f MA(vi); fα2 = f MA(kd); fα4 = f MM(V2, K2); fα5 = f MM(V3, K3); fα6 = f MM(V4, K4); fα7 = f MM(Vd, Kd); fα3 = f MM ((V1, Kc, K1), M ,C) = V1 × C Kc + C M K1 + M ; The parameters are those reported in the original paper and we have: vi = 0.025 µM.min−1 ; kd = 0.01 min−1 ; V1 = 12 µM.min−1 ; K1 = 0.02 µM; V2 = 1.5 µM.min−1 ; K2 = 0.02 µM; V3 = 12 min−1 ; K3 = 0.02 µM; Vd = 0.0625 µM.min−1 ; V4 = 2 µM.min−1 ; K4 = 0.02 µM; Kd = 0.02 µM ; Kc = 0.5 µM – Definition of species components (Comp) and of the model component (P). C def = (α1, 1)↑C + (α2, 1)↓C + (α7, 1)↓C + (α3, 1) ⊕ C; M def = (α4, 1)↑M + (α3, 1)↓M ; M def = (α3, 1)↑M + (α4, 1)↓M + (α5, 1) ⊕ M; X def = (α6, 1)↑X + (α5, 1)↓X ; X def = (α5, 1)↑X + (α6, 1)↓X + (α7, 1) ⊕ X; Res def = (α2, 1) Res; CF = (α1, 1) CF; C(l0C) {α3} M(l0M) {α3,α4} M (l0M ) {α5,α7} X(l0X) {α5,α6} X (l0X ) {α2} Res(0) {α1} CF(1) The levels represent the initial values of the system and are set to l0C = l0M = l0X = 0 and l0M = l0X = 20. Analysis In the following we report some observations about the analysis of the BioPEPA system. SLTS and CTMC By considering the step size h = 0.05 and the number of levels given in the Bio-PEPA system we obtain a CTMC with 52 states and 185 transitions. The states are described by the vector: (C(lC), M (lM ), M(lM), X (lX ), X(lX)) where the different components can assume different values according to the possible number of levels for each species. This CTMC is not reported. In the following we present a simpler CTMC for our model, obtained assuming h = 1 and considering only two levels for each species. The vector N is modified accordingly. We show how to define the states and the transition rates of this CTMC starting from the Bio-PEPA system and the associated transition system. The initial situation is with C, M and X absent (0) and the other elements present (1). The initial state is (C(0), M (1), M(0), X (1), X(0)). Figure 3 reports the stochastic transition system in this simplified case. The numbers indicate the different transitions. Each transition is characterized by a label γi containing the information about the action type and the rate. We have: γ1 = (α1, r1) γ2 = (α2, r2) γ3 = (α3, r3) γ4 = (α4, r4) γ5 = (α5, r5) γ6 = (α6, r6) γ7 = (α4, r7) γ8 = (α3, r8) γ9 = (α1, r9) γ10 = (α2, r10) γ11 = (α7, r11) γ12 = (α4, r12) γ13 = (α3, r13) γ14 = (α5, r14) γ15 = (α6, r15) γ16 = (α4, r16) γ17 = (α2, r17) γ18 = (α6, r18) γ19 = (α1, r19) γ20 = (α2, r20) γ21 = (α7, r21) γ22 = (α1, r22) γ23 = (α6, r23) where (0,0,1,1,0)(0,1,0,1,0) (0,1,0,0,1)(1,0,1,1,0) (1,1,0,1,0) (0,0,1,0,1) (1,0,1,0,1) (1,1,0,0,1) 43 16 5 6 8 7 1 2 1814 15 12 13 9 10 11 22 21 20 19 17 23 Fig. 3. The transition system for the Goldbeter’s model in the case of two levels. r1 = r9 = r19 = r22 = vi = 0.025, r2 = r10 = r20 = r17 = kd × MC = 0.0001, r3 = r13 = V1∗MC Kc+MC MM (K1+MM ) = 0.23, r4 = r7 = r12 = r16 = V2×MM (K2+MM) = 2.66, r5 = r14 = V3×MM×MX (K3+MX ) = 0.117, r6 = r15 = r23 = r18 = V4×MX (K4+MX) = 2.66, r11 = r21 = Vd×MC×MX (Kd+MC) = 0.00086 The states and transitions of the CTMC correspond to those of the SLTS with the exception of multiple transitions between the same two states. In this case in the CTMC we have only two transitions whose rate is the sum of the rates of two single transitions in the SLTS. In the graph above these cases correspond to the degradation of cyclin, that can happen both with and without the protease. In the CTMC the rate associated with the transition between the states (C(1), M (0), M(1), X (0), X(1)) and (C(0), M (0), M(1), X (0), X(1)) and between (C(1), M (1), M(0), X (0), X(1)) and (C(0), M (1), M(0), X (0), X(1)) is given by the sum of the rates of the two degradation reactions kd × MC + vd×MC×MX (Kd+MC) = 0.00093 µM.min−1 . The rates associated with the other transitions are the ones contained in the labels γi above. ODEs The stoichiometry matrix D associated with the Bio-PEPA system above is R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 C +1 -1 0 0 0 0 -1 xC M 0 0 -1 +1 0 0 0 xM M 0 0 +1 -1 0 0 0 xM X 0 0 0 0 -1 +1 0 xX X 0 0 0 0 +1 -1 0 xX The vector that contains the kinetic laws is: vT KL = vi × 1, kd × xC, V1 × xC Kc + xC xM (K1 + xM ) , V2 × xM (K2 + xM) , V3 × xM × xX (K3 + xX ) , V4 × xX (K4 + xX) , vd × xC × xX (Kd + xC) where “T” indicates the transpose of a vector (or a matrix). The system of ODEs is obtained as d ¯x dt = D × vKL, with ¯xT := (xC, xM , xM, xX , xX), the vector of the species variables: dxC dt = vi × 1 − kd × xC − vd × xC × xX (Kd + xC) ; dxM dt = − V1 × xC Kc + xC × xM (K1 + xM ) + V2 × xM (K2 + xM) ; dxM dt = V1 × xC Kc + xC × xM (K1 + xM ) − V2 × xM (K2 + xM) ; dxX dt = − V3 × xM × xX (K3 + xX ) + V4 × xX (K4 + xX) ; dxX dt = V3 × xM × xX (K3 + xX ) − V4 × xX (K4 + xX) ; The initial conditions are the ones reported in the set N. It is worth noting that the system is equivalent, after some arithmetic manipulations, to the ODE model presented in [37]. The analysis of the model using ODEs is reported in Figure 11. The graphs coincide with results in the original paper. PRISM The full translation of the model into PRISM is reported in the Appendix A. The number of levels, the maximum concentrations and the parameters used in the kinetic laws are expressed using global constants. For each species a module is constructed. The module representing the cyclin is: module cyclin cyclin : [0..Nc] init 0; [creationC] cyclin < Nc → (cyclin = cyclin + 1); [degradationC] cyclin > 0 → (cyclin = cyclin − 1); [activationM] cyclin > 0 → (cyclin = cyclin); [degradationCX] cyclin > 0 → (cyclin = cyclin − 1); endmodule The variable cyclin is local and represents the species “cyclin”. The possible values are [0..Nc] (where Nc is the maximum level for cyclin) and the initial value is set to 0. Cyclin is involved in four different reactions represented by four commands. The name in the square brackets denotes the reaction. The guards are defined according to whether cyclin is a reactant, product or modifier of the reaction (this can be derived from the Bio-PEPA specification of the model). The rate associated with each command is “1” with the exception of the command in the module describing the functional rates. The functional rates are defined in a specific module. Fig. 4. ODE simulation results. In both the figures we consider the same parameters with the exception of Michaelis-Menten constants. For Ki i = 1, 2, 3, 4 we have that Ki = 0.02 µM for the graph on the left and Ki = 40 µM for the graph on the right. The initial values are the ones reported in the original Goldbeter’s paper: 0.01 µM for C, X and M. The simulation time is 100 minutes. In the figure on the left we have sustained oscillations whereas in the figure on the right we have no oscillations. Extension of the model with a control mechanism based on inhibition The authors of [34] proposed an extension of Goldbeter’s model in order to represent a control mechanism for the cell division cycle (CDC). Their approach is based on the introduction of a protein that binds to and inhibits one of the proteins involved in the CDC. This influences the initiation and the conclusion of cell division and modulates the frequency of oscillations. Their approach is based on the basic biochemical network of the CDC oscillations and not on the details of the model so that it may work for other model of this kind. One possible extension for Goldbeter’s model is reported in Figure 5. Generally speaking, given a general CDC model with l proteins U1, U2, ...,Ul, Gardner et al. show that the ODE model is modified in the following way (see [34] for details): dU1 dt = f1(U1, U2, · · · , Ul) − a1 × U1 × Y + (a2 + θ × d1); dU2 dt = f2(U1, U2, · · · , Ul); ... dUl dt = fl(U1, U2, · · · , Ul); dY dt = vs − d1 × Y − a1 × U1 × Y + (a2 + θ × kd) × Z; dZ dt = a1 × U1 × Y − (a2 + θ × d1 + θ × kd) × Z; where: – fi(U1, U2, ...) with i = 1, 2, ..., l are the functions of the standard model; Protease inactive (X’) Protease active (X) R7 R6 cdc2 active (M) R4 cdc2 inactive (M’) CYCLIN (C) R1 INHIBITOR−CYCLIN (IC) INHIBITOR (I) R10 R3 R5 R8R9 R11 R13 R12 R2 Fig. 5. Extension of the Goldbeter’s model. An inhibitor is added. – U1 is the concentration of the target protein of the inhibitor, Y is the inhibitor and Z denotes the concentration of the inhibition-target complex. U2,...,Ul are the other proteins involved in the cycle; – a1 and a2 are the constant rates for the binding and for the release; – vs and d1 are the rate for the inhibitor synthesis and degradation; – θ < 1 is the fraction of the degradation rates for the complex Z. In the following we show how to modify the Bio-PEPA system in order to capture the new reactions and species. Bio-PEPA offers a compositional approach: it is possible to compose the whole system by defining the simple subcomponents that compose it. As observed in 1, compositionality is one of the main property of process algebras, that makes them particularly useful in th case of complex models. In our example, the new reactions and species are indeed added in a straightforward way, with minor modifications of the system specification. Broadly speaking, we need to define components for the new species, some new terms to describe the new reactions and new functional rates. Finally, the new components are added to the system component. Here we consider l = 3, U1 = C, U2 = M and U3 = X. However we can obtain modulation of CDC frequency by using an inhibitor of any of the proteins. We need to extend the Bio-PEPA model in the following way: C def = · · · + (α8, 1)↓C + (α9, 1)↑C + (α12, 1)↑C ... ... Res def = · · · + (α11, 1) Res CF def = · · · + (α10, 1) CF I def = (α8, 1)↓I + (α9, 1)↑I + (α10, 1)↑I + (α11, 1)↓I + (α13, 1)↑I IC def = (α8, 1)↑IC + (α9, 1)↓IC + (α12, 1)↓IC + (α13, 1)↓IC where I stands for the inhibitor and IC for the inhibitor-cyclin complex in Figure 5. The new functional rates, all described by mass-action kinetics, are reported below. fα8 = vs; fα9 = f MA(d1); fα10 = f MA(a1); fα11 = f MA(a2); fα12 = f MA(θ × d1); fα13 = f MA(θ × kd) The list of parameters is extended in order to consider the new values. Finally the Bio-PEPA model is: C(l0C) {α3} M(l0M) {α3,α4} M (l0M ) {α5,α7} X(l0X) {α5,α6} X (l0X ) {α2} Res(0) {α1} CF(1) {α8,α9,α10,α11} I(l0I) {α8,α9,α12,α13} IC(l0IC) The results of the ODE simulations corresponding to the new model are reported in Fig. 6. Fig. 6. ODE simulation results for the extended model. The parameters of Goldbeter’s model are as before. For the new parameters, in all the graphs d1 = 0.05, θ = 0.1 and Kdiss = a1 a2 = 1. In the model on the left a1 = a2 = 0.3 and vs = 0.6, in the graph in the middle a1 = a2 = 0.7 and vs = 1.4 and in the graph on the right a1 = a2 = 0.05 and vs = 0.1. The initial values of C, X, M and I are 0.01µM. Simulation time is 100 minutes. 4.2 A simple genetic network Information processing in biological cells is often implemented by a genetic network. The state of such a network is represented by the concentrations and locations of the different species of molecules. The interactions between these molecules occur in a random fashion. In order to prevent large fluctuations in the number of molecules of some species, the genetic network itself can contain negative feedback mechanisms that suppress these fluctuations. In order to show how to model genetic networks in Bio-PEPA, we consider a model from [11]. The model describes a general genetic network with negative feedback through dimers, such as the one representing the control circuit for the λ repressor protein CI of λ-phage in E.Coli. Here we focus on the second model presented in the paper, which uses an inhibition reaction to describe the negative feedback loop (3 species and 5 reactions, one of which is reversible). In the present work the stochastic and deterministic simulations are obtained exporting the Bio-PEPA system by means of the maps described in the previous section. An automatic translation is under implementation. The biological model A schema of the model is reported in Figure 7. The model is composed of three biological entities that interact with each other through five reactions (of which one is reversible). The biological entities are the mRNA molecule (M), the protein in monomer form (P) and the protein in dimeric form (P2). The first reaction (1) mRNA (M) Degradation (3) Protein (P) Degradation (4) Dimer protein (P2) Dimerisation (5− 5i) Transcription (1) Translation (2) Fig. 7. Genetic network model is the transcription of the mRNA (M) from the genes/DNA (not considered explicitly). The protein P in the dimer form (P2), which is the final result of the network, has an inhibitory effect on this process. The second reaction (2) is the translation of the protein P from M. Another two reactions represent the degradation of M (3) and the degradation of P (4). Finally there is the dimerization of P and its inverse process (5,5i). All the reactions are described by mass-action kinetics with the exception of the first reaction, which has an inhibition/Michaelis-Menten kinetics. The Bio-PEPA system The translation of the model in Bio-PEPA is based on the following steps: – Definition of compartments. The only compartment is defined as vcell : 1 (nM)−1 . – Definition of the set N. We need to define the step size and the number of levels for each species: M : hM, NM; P : hP, NP; P2 : hP2, NP2; Res : 1, 1; CF : 1, 1 We omit the information concerning the initial and maximum concentrations. Furthermore the compartments are not considered as all the species are in the same compartment. From the original paper the maximum concentrations are MN = 1 nM, MP = 60 nM and MP2 = 180 nM. We can consider hM = 1 nM and hP = hP2 = 30 nM. Indeed the stoichiometry of P in the dimerization reaction is 2 and we need to consider at least two levels for P. The maximum levels for the three species are: NM = 1, NP = 2 and NP2 = 6. – Definition of the set of functional rates FR. fα1 = f I((v, KM), [P2,CF]) = v×CF KM+P2 ; fα2 = f MA(k2); fα3 = f MA(k3); fα4 = f MA(k4); fα5 = f MA(k5); fα5i = f MA(k5i) where the suffix of the action type α refers to the number of the reaction as reported in Fig. 7. – Definition of the set of parameters. The parameter values are KM = 356 nM; v = 2.19 s−1 ; k2 = 0.043 s−1 ; k3 = 0.0039 s−1 ; k4 = 0.0007 s−1 ; k5 = 0.025 s−1 nM−1 ; k5i = 0.5 s−1 – Definition of the set of species components and of the model component. M def = (α2, 1) ⊕ M + (α3, 1)↓M + (α1, 1)↑M; P def = (α4, 1)↓P + (α5, 2)↓P + (α5i, 2)↑P) + (α2, 0)↑P; P2 def = (α1, 1) P2 + (α5i, 1)↓P2 + (α5, 1)↑P2; Res def = (α3, 1) Res + (α4, 1) Res; CF def = (α1, 1) CF; (((CF(1) {α1} M(0)) {α2} P(0)) {α5,α5i} P2(0)) {α3,α4} Res(0) Analysis The model is amenable to a number of different analyses as we report in the following paragraphs. SLTS and CTMC From the Bio-PEPA model we can derive the SLTS and the CTMC. The transition system consists of 42 states and 108 transitions, in the case we consider the information about species listed above. The states are described by the levels of the single components. Specifically, we can define a state using a vector (CF(l1), M(l2), P(l3), P2(l4), Res(l5)),where li i = 1, ..., 5 represents the level of each component. The parameter li can assume the values 0 and 1 in the case of M, the values 0, 1, 2 for P and values between 0 and 6 for P2. Res and CF can assume only one value (0 and 1, respectively). The labels γt of the stochastic transition system contain the action type αj and the rate rαj , calculated by applying the associated function fαj to the quantitative information collected in the labels of the capability relation and dividing this by the step size of the reactants/products involved in the reaction. These rates are the ones associated with the CTMC transitions. ODEs and Gillespie A second kind of analysis concerns differential equations. The stoichiometry matrix D associated with the system is R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R5i CF 0 0 0 0 0 0 xCF M +1 0 -1 0 0 0 x1 P 0 +1 0 -1 -2 +2 x2 P2 0 0 0 0 +1 -1 x3 Res 0 0 0 0 0 0 xRes The kinetic-law vector is vT KL = (v×xCF K+x3 ; k2 × x1; k3 × x1; k4 × x2; k5 × x2 2; k5i × x3). The system of ODEs is obtained as d ¯x dt = D × vKL: dx1 dt = v × 1 K + x3 − k3 × x1 dx2 dt = k2 × x1 − k4 × x2 − 2 × k5 × x2 2 + 2 × k5i × x3 dx2 dt = k5 × x2 2 − k5i × x3 The derivation of the Gillespie’s simulation model is straightforward and not reported here. The simulation results are depicted in Figure 12. We consider both deterministic and stochastic simulation. The two simulation graphs show the same behaviour (with the exception of some noise in the Gillespie’s simulation), as expected. PRISM The full translation of the model into PRISM is reported in [?]. Each species is represented by a PRISM module and the reactions in which it is involved are captured by commands. In the following we report the definition of the modules representing the protein in the monomer and dimer form respectively. Fig. 8. ODE and Gillespie simulation results. In the case of Gillespie we consider 10 runs. In both cases the rates are as in the original paper. module p p : [0..Np] init 0; [a2] p < Np → (p = p + 1); [a4] p > 0 → (p = p − 1); [a5] p > 0 → (p = p − 2); [a5i] p < Np → (p = p + 2); endmodule module pd pd : [0..Npd] init 0; [a5i] pd > 0 → (pd = pd − 1); [a5] pd < Npd → (pd = pd + 1); endmodule The variables p and pd are local with respect to each of the two modules and represent the species “protein in monomer form” and “protein in dimer form”, respectively. The possible values are [0..Np] for p and [0..Npd] for pd, while the initial values are 0. The monomer P is involved in four different reactions while the dimer form P2 in just two. We have an additional module with the functional rates. Properties of the system can be expressed formally in CSL and analysed against the constructed model. Two examples of possible queries are considered below. A first query considers the probability that the monomer is at level i at time T. The property is expressed by the form “P =?[...]”, that returns a numerical value representing the probability of the proposition inside the square brackets. In our case the query is P =?[true U[T, T] p = i], where U is the bounded until operator and [T, T] indicates a single time instant. A property of the form “prop1 U[time] prop2” is true for a path if time defines an interval of real values and the path is such that prop2 becomes true at a time instant which falls within the interval and prop1 is true in all time instants up to that point. The second query concerns the proportion of the protein in monomer form (P) relative to the total quantity of the protein (i.e. P + P2). In order to define this property, we need a reward structure. State rewards can be specified using multiple reward items, each of the form “guard:reward;”, where guard is a predicate and reward is an expression. States of the model which satisfy the predicate in the guard are assigned the corresponding reward. Specifically, in our case we define the reward: rewards true : p (p+pd) ; endrewards This reward assigns the value p (p+pd) to each state of the system. We can ask for the frequency of P by using the query R =?[I = T]. This is an instantaneous reward property, i.e. it refers to the reward of a model at a particular instant in time T. The property “I = T” associates with a path the reward in the state of that path when exactly T time units have elapsed. The letter “R” indicates that the property refers to a reward structure. The results of the two queries are reported in Fig. 9. Fig. 9. PRISM query results. In the figure on the left reports the graph of the proportion of monomer P over the total protein with respect to time. On the right it is depicted the probability that the monomer protein is at level 1 and 2, with respect to time. 4.3 The repressilator The repressilator is a synthetic genetic regulatory network with oscillating behaviour reported in [33]. The repressilator consists of three genes connected in a feedback loop, such that the transcription of a gene is inhibited by one of the other proteins. In the following we present the translation of the original model into Bio-PEPA and we report some analysis results. The biological model A schema of network is reported in Figure 10. The species involved are: – three kinds of genes, hereafter denoted G1, G2, G3. These represent the genes lacl, tetR and cI, respectively; – the mRNAs transcripted from the three genes, hereafter denoted mRNA1, mRNA2, mRNA3, respectively; – the proteins corresponding to the three genes, denoted P1, P2, P3, respectively. These represent the protein associated to the previous genes and are Lacl, TetR, CI. The reactions are: – the transcription of the three mRNAs with inhibition by one of the proteins. These reactions are indicated as tr1, tr2, tr3. The genes are constant and are kept implicit; – the translation of mRNAs into the proteins, indicated as trl1, trl2, trl3; – degradation of both mRNAs and proteins, indicated as di with i = 1, ..., 6. The transcription reactions are described by Hill kinetics, while the other reactions have mass-action kinetic laws. P2mRNA2G2 G3 mRNA3 P3 G1 mRNA1 P1 trl2tr2 d2 d5 tr1 trl1 d2d1d6 trl3tr3 d3 Fig. 10. Repressilator model. The Bio-PEPA system The definition of the Bio-PEPA corresponding to the repressilator model is reported below. The parameters and the initial concentrations are one of the possibilities defined in the paper [33]. – Definition of compartments. There are no compartments defined explicitly in the model. We consider the default compartment: vCell : 1; – Definition of the set N It is defined as: mRNA1 : 1, 1, 0, , vCell; mRNA2 : 1, 1, 0, , vCell; mRNA3 : 1, 1, 0, , vCell; P1 : 1, 1, 5, , vCell; P2 : 1, 1, 0, , vCell; P3 : 1, 1, 15, , vCell; Res : 1, 1, , , vCell; CF : 1, 1, , , vCell; It is worth noting that in the original model the genes are not represented explicitly. In Bio-PEPA we introduce CF to define the transcription. For all the species we consider two levels (high and low) and step h = 1. The initial values (third components) are the ones reported in the paper. – Definition of the set FR and of the set of parameters. The set of functional rates is: ftr1 = f I((α, α0), [P3], 2) = α 1+P32 + α0; ftr2 = f I((α, α0), [P1], 2) = α 1+P12 + α0; ftr3 = f I((α, α0), [P2], 2) = α 1+P22 + α0; ftrl1 = f MA(β) ftrl2 = f MA(β) ftrl3 = f MA(β) fdi = f MA(1) i = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6; All the three repressors have same behaviour except for their DNA-binding specificities. We assume that all the degradation reactions have rate 1. The other parameters are: α = 250; α0 = 0; β = 5 These parameters have the following meaning: • α0 is the number of protein copies per cell produced from a given promoter type during growth in the presence of saturing amounts of the repressor. In the case of the absence of the repressor this number is α0 + α; • β is the ratio of the protein decay rate to the mRNA decay rate. – Definition of the species components. The species components are: mRNA1 def = (d1, 1)↓mRNA1 + (tr1, 1)↑mRNA1 + (trl1, 1) ⊕ mRNA1; mRNA2 def = (d2, 1)↓mRNA2 + (tr2, 1)↑mRNA2 + (trl2, 1) ⊕ mRNA2; mRNA3 def = (d3, 1)↓mRNA3 + (tr3, 1)↑mRNA3 + (trl3, 1) ⊕ mRNA3; P1 def = (d4, 1)↓P1 + (trl1, 1)↑P1 + (tr3, 1) P1; P2 def = (d5, 1)↓P2 + (trl2, 1)↑P2 + (tr1, 1) P2; P3 def = (d6, 1)↓P3 + (trl3, 1)↑P3 + (tr2, 1) P3; CF def = (tr1, 1) CF + (tr1, 1) CF + (tr1, 1) CF; Res def = (d1, 1) Res + (d2, 1) Res + (d3, 1) Res+ (d4, 1) Res + (d5, 1) Res + (d6, 1) Res; – Definition of the model component. The model is defined as: ((((((M1(lM10) <> M2(lM20)) M3(lM30)) {trl1,tr3} P1(lP10)) {trl2,tr1} P2(lP20)) {trl3,tr2} P3(lP30)) {tr1,tr2,tr3} {tr1,tr2,tr3} CF(1)) {d1,d2,d3,d4,d5,d6} Res(0) The initial levels are defined according to the initial values of the model. Analysis We consider both ODEs and stochastic simulation by Gillespie. The analysis results are reported in Figures 11 and 12. In Figure 11 we have used the parameters reported in the paper. On the left, the ODE simulation results are reported. An oscillating behaviour is shown by all the three proteins. On the right stochastic simulation, averaged over 100 runs, is reported. In this case the average oscillating behaviour becomes weaker after some time. The difference between determistic and stochastic simulations is probably due to the use of Hill kinetics with Gillespie. Indeed, as discussed in Section [?] the use of this kinetic law with Gillespie can lead to some wrong results. Nothe that varying the values of α and β for the different elements we obtain different amplitudes for the oscillations. In the case of Figure 12, the three proteins reach a steady state, both with ODE and stochastic simulation. 5 Conclusions and future perspectives In this paper we have presented Bio-PEPA, a modification of the process algebra PEPA for the modelling and the analysis of biochemical networks. Bio-PEPA allows us to Fig. 11. Analysis of the model: ODE (on the left) and Gillespie (on the right). The parameters are the ones reported in the text. In the case of Gillespie’s simulation 100 runs are considered. Fig. 12. Analysis of the model: ODE (on the left) and Gillespie (on the right). The parameters are different from the ones reported in the text. The parameter α0 is 25 and the initial values are P1 = 5, P2 = 10 and P3 = 15. In Gillespie, 100 runs are considered. represent explicitly some features of biochemical networks, such as stoichiometry and general kinetic laws. Thus not only elementary reactions with constant rates, but also complex reactions described by general kinetic laws can be considered. Indeed each reaction in the model is associated with an action type and with a functional rate. The potential to consider various kinds of kinetic laws permits us to model a vast number of biochemical networks. Indeed complex reactions are frequently found in models as abstractions of sequences of elementary steps and reducing to elementary reactions is often impossible and undesirable. Bio-PEPA in enriched with some notions of equivalence. We have presented definitions of isomorphism and strong bisimulation which are similar to the relations defined for PEPA in [42]. These equivalence are quite strict. A further investigation concerns the definition of other forms of equivalence, more appropriate for studying biological systems. A principal feature of Bio-PEPA is the possibility of mapping the system to different kinds of analysis. In this work we have shown how to derive a CTMC from a Bio-PEPA model and we have discussed the derivation of ODEs, stochastic simulation and PRISM models. Indeed Bio-PEPA has been defined as an intermediate language for the formal representation of the model. We have extended the definition of CTMC with levels, defined in [16], to the case of general kinetic laws and to different levels for the species. The main benifit of this approach is a reduction in the state space. Some assumptions are made. First of all all the species must have a finite maximum concentration. This is to ensure a finite state space in the corresponding CTMC, making numerical solution feasible. However, we can have a species without a limiting value. In these cases we can consider a maximum level for the values greater than a certain (high) value. A second point concerns the assumption that all the species have the same step size. This may be a problem when the species can have maximum concentrations belonging to different concentration scales. In this case some species can have only few levels whereas other can have many. Furthermore, some species (for instance genes) are present in the system only in few copies and in this case the representation in terms of continuous concentration is wrong. In order to handle this situation, Bio-PEPA can be enriched with discrete variables. The possibility to consider different step sizes and discrete variables is a topic for future work. The different kinds of analysis proposed for Bio-PEPA are strongly related. An area forfurther work will concern a deeper study of these relationships, in particular for the CTMC with levels and Gillespie models. An outstanding problem is the application of Gillespie’s stochastic simulation with general kinetic laws. The approach proposed in this work is to use Gillespie simulation also in this context, but to be careful about the interpretation of the results. An important topic for the future will be deeper investigation of the relation between Gillespie simulation and general kinetic laws. Another aspect that needs further study is the determination of the number of concentration levels for each species. The definition of these numbers is critical for the definition of the CTMC and must be done carefully. Indeed for some analyses (ODEs and Gillespie simulation) two levels are enough to capture the behaviour of some systems, but for numerical analysis of the CTMC and PRISM model checking a finer granularity for levels is necessary to capture the full behaviour of the system. Finally, a tool for the analysis of biochemical networks using Bio-PEPA is under implementation and a translation from SBML into Bio-PEPA is planned. A Appendix A: PRISM specification of the Goldbeter’s model //Kind of model stochastic //Volume const double cell = 1; // Levels const int Nc = 1; const int Nm = 1; const int Nx = 1; const int Nxi = 1; const int Nmi = 1; //Steps const double Hc = 0.01; const double Hm = 0.01; const double Hx = 0.01; const double Hxi = 0.01; const double Hmi = 0.01; //Parameters const double vi = 0.05; const double vd = 0.025; const double kd = 0.01; const double Kc = 0.5; const double V1 = 3; const double V3 = 1; const double Kd = 0.2; const double V2 = 1.5; const double V4 = 0.5; const double K1 = 0.005; const double K2 = 0.005; const double K3 = 0.005; const double K4 = 0.005; //Modules //module Cyclin module cyclin cyclin : [0..Nc] init 0; [creationC] cyclin 1: (cyclin’ = cyclin+1); [degradationC] cyclin>0 --> 1: (cyclin’ = cyclin-1); [activationM] cyclin>0 --> 1: (cyclin’ = cyclin); [degradationCX] cyclin>0 --> 1: (cyclin’ = cyclin-1); endmodule //module kinase inactive module kinasei kinasei : [0..Nmi] init 1; [activationM] kinasei>0 --> 1: (kinasei’ = kinasei-1); [deactivationM] kinasei 1: (kinasei’= kinasei+1); endmodule //module kinase active module kinase kinase : [0..Nm] init 0; [activationM] kinase 1: (kinase’= kinase+1); [deactivationM] kinase>0 --> 1: (kinase’ = kinase-1); [activationX] kinase>0 --> 1: (kinase’ = kinase); endmodule //module protease inactive module proteasei proteasei : [0..Nxi] init 1; [activationX] proteasei>0 --> 1: (proteasei’= proteasei-1); [deactivationX] proteasei 1: (proteasei’= proteasei+1); endmodule //module protease active module protease protease : [0..Nx] init 0; [activationX] protease 1: (protease’ = protease+1); [deactivationX] protease>0 --> 1: (protease’ = protease-1); [degradationCX] protease>0 --> 1: (protease’ = protease); endmodule module Functional_rates dummy: bool init true; [creationC] cyclin vi/Hc: (dummy’=dummy); [degradationC] cyclin (kd*cyclin*Hc)/Hc: (dummy’=dummy); [activationM] cyclin>0 & kinasei>0 --> ((cyclin*Hc*V1 )/(Kc + cyclin*Hc))*((kinasei*Hmi)/(K1+kinasei*Hmi)) *(1/Hmi): (dummy’=dummy); [activationX] kinase>0 & proteasei>0 --> (kinase*Hm*proteasei*Hxi*V3/(K3+proteasei*Hxi))*(1/Hxi): (dummy’=dummy); [deactivationM] kinase>0 --> ((kinase*Hm*V2)/(K2 +kinase*Hm))*(1/Hm): (dummy’=dummy); [deactivationX] protease>0 --> (protease*Hx*V4/(K4 + protease*Hx)) *(1/Hx): (dummy’=dummy); [degradationCX] cyclin>0 & protease>0 --> ((cyclin*Hc*vd *protease*Hx)/(cyclin*Hc + Kd))*(1/Hc): (dummy’=dummy); endmodule B AppendixB: PRISM specification of the genetic network model //Kind of model stochastic //Volume const double cell = 1*10ˆ{-6}; //Levels const int NCF = 1; const int Nm = 1; const int Np = 2; const int Npd = 6; //Steps const double HCF = 1; const double Hm = 1.0; const double Hp = 30.0; const double Hpd = 30.0; //Parameters const double v = 2.19; const double KM = 356; const double k3 = 0.0039; const double k2 = 0.043; const double k4 = 0.0007; const double k5 = 0.025; const double k5i = 0.5; //Modules module CF CF: [0..NCF] init NCF; [a1] CF>0 --> 1: (CF’=CF); endmodule module p p: [0..Np] init 0; [a2] p 1: (p’=p+1); [a4] p>0 --> 1: (p’=p-1); [a5] p>0 --> 1: (p’=p-2); [a5i] p 1: (p’=p+2); endmodule module pd pd: [0..Npd] init 0; [a5i] pd>0 --> 1: (pd’=pd-1); [a5] pd 1: (pd’=pd+1); endmodule module m m: [0..Nm] init 0; [a1] m 1: (m’=m+1); [a2] m>0 --> 1: (m’=m); [a3] m>0 --> 1: (m’=m-1); endmodule module Functional_rates dummy: bool init true; [a1] dummy = true --> (v/(KM + pd*Hpd))*(1/Hm): (dummy’ = dummy); [a2] dummy = true --> (k2*m*Hm)/Hm: (dummy’ = dummy); [a3] dummy = true --> (k3*m*Hm)/Hm: (dummy’ = dummy); [a4] dummy = true --> (k4*p*Hp)/Hp: (dummy’ = dummy); [a5] dummy = true --> (k5*(p*Hp)ˆ2)/Hp: (dummy’ = dummy); [a5i] dummy = true --> (k5i*pd*Hpd)/Hpd: (dummy’ = dummy); endmodule References 1. 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