PA103 - Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems Design Patterns © Radek Ošlejšek Fakulta informatiky MU PA103: Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems IS © R. Ošlejšek, FI MU 2Spring 2015 Many levels of software patterns  Small  Coding patterns, e.g. SmallTalk Best Practice Patterns  Code refactoring, e.g. Parameters reduction, ...  Middle  Design patterns, e.g. Adapter, Facade, ...  Analysis a business patterns, e.g. Accounting, Measurement, ...  Big  Architectural patterns, e.g. SOA, peer-to-peer, layers, ... PA103: Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems IS © R. Ošlejšek, FI MU 3Spring 2015 History  1977-1979: Christopher Alexander (an architect) defined the pattern term for building homes, buildings and towns.  1987: Kent Back and Ward Cunningham have applied Alexander's ideas to the development of SmallTalk GUI  1889-1991: James Coplien: Advanced C++ Idioms book.  1995: Gamma, Helm, Johnson, Vlissides: Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software  1997: Martin Fowler: Analysis patterns  Since that: many conferences and patterns for various domains and levels of abstraction, e.g. Data Modeling Patterns (David Hay), Java Modeling in Color with UML (Peter Coad), Java J2EE patterns, anti-patterns, real-time design patterns, ... PA103: Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems IS © R. Ošlejšek, FI MU 4Spring 2015 History – Alexander's Pattern Language  What defines quality of buildings?  Freedom, lifetime, comfort, harmony  Pattern: solution of the problem in given context  Entrance passage  Gradient of privacy  Lights in both sides of a room  Combined patterns => pattern language  2534 patterns, from coarse-grained to fine-grained Each pattern describes a problem which occurs over and over again in our environment and then describes the core of the solution to that problem, in such a way that you can use this solution a million times over, without ever doing it in the same way twice” The Timeless Way of Building (1997) A Pattern Language (1977) PA103: Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems IS © R. Ošlejšek, FI MU 5Spring 2015 GoF Design Patterns The Gang-of-Four: Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, John Vlissides Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object Oriented Software (1995). Why are we, Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, John Vlissides, called this? Who knows. Somehow the name just stuck. Hopefully like, the original Gang of Four, we have started a small cultural change with "Design Patterns..." And hopefully unlike the original Gang of Four we will not meet such an untimely end for our ("counter-revolutionary"?) ideas. Vlissidies pronunciation (dialogue from the internet discussion with his long-time colleague): Q: And I'd like to make sure I pronounce his name correctly. A: The weird part is I've known John for years and I'm not even sure :-) The pronunciation I generally use is VLIH-Suh-dees. I've heard others use VLIH-SEE-DEES... PA103: Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems IS © R. Ošlejšek, FI MU 6Spring 2015 Design Patterns  Design pattern is a general reusable solution to a commonly occuring problem in software design.  Description or template of how to solve a problem that can be solved in many different situations.  Patterns facilitate reuse of successful software architectures and designs.  Patterns capture the static and dynamic structure and collaboration among key participants in software design.  Pattern is not a finished design. It's rather a metamodel which have to be instantiated. Moreover, it is necessary to  consider compromises and consequences  make design and implementation decisions  implement them and combine them with other patterns  Common vocabulary, e.g. “Here we use the Observer pattern.”  enhanced communication between/within development teams  faster design  culture PA103: Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems IS © R. Ošlejšek, FI MU 7Spring 2015 Patterns vs. Design Confidence  General inexperience with OO design  Is my model correct?  Patterns improves design confidence  You can alway lay the blame on “Gang of Four”  Keeps free space for creativity  Problem: many people know patterns  Partially, without the deep understanding,  Patterns are better and better as you use them longer and longer PA103: Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems IS © R. Ošlejšek, FI MU 8Spring 2015 Common Problems  Wrong premise: The best is to apply as many patterns as possible to my model  Applying pattern to solve wrong problem  Cost and sources required to re-design software by means of design patterns  Everything can be solved by the last learned pattern.  Patterns have often very similar visual structure. Designer therefore have to fully understand all aspects of patterns. PA103: Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems IS © R. Ošlejšek, FI MU 9Spring 2015 Essential Elements of Design Patterns  Pattern name  Increases design vocabulary, enhances communication.  Problem  Describes when to apply the pattern.  Explains the problem and its context.  Often illustrated on example.  Solution  Describes the elements that make up the design, relationships, responsibilities and collaborations.  Does not describe specific concrete implementation.  Consequences  Results and trade-offs of applying pattern.  Critical for evaluating design alternatives, understanding coasts, understanding benefits of applying pattern.  Includes the impacts of a pattern on a system's flexibility, extensibility and portability. PA103: Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems IS © R. Ošlejšek, FI MU 10Spring 2015 Design Pattern Description  Name and Classification: Essence of pattern  Intent: What it does, its rationale, its context  AKA: Other well-known names  Motivation: Scenario illustrates a design problem  Applicability: Situations where pattern can be applied  Structure: Class and interaction diagrams  Participations: Objects/classes and their responsibilities  Collaborations: How participants collaborate  Consequences: Trade-offs and results  Implementation: Pitfalls, hints, techniques, etc.  Sample Code  Known Uses: Examples of pattern in real systems  Related Patterns: Closely related patterns PA103: Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems IS © R. Ošlejšek, FI MU 11Spring 2015 Basic Classification of GoF Patterns  Creational patterns:  Deal with initializing and configuring classes and objects  Hides specifics of the creation process  May want to delay specifying a class name explicitly when instantiating an object  Structural patterns:  Deal with decoupling interface and implementation of classes and objects  Composition of classes or objects, e.g. hierarchies.  Use inheritance to compose protocols or code  Behavioral patterns:  Deal with dynamic interactions among societies of classes and objects  Distribute responsibility PA103: Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems IS © R. Ošlejšek, FI MU 12Spring 2015 Creational Patterns  Abstract Factory  Factory for building related objects  Builder  Factory for building complex objects incrementally  Factory Method  Method in a derived class creates associates  Prototype  Factory for instantiating new objects by cloning them from a prototype  Singleton  Factory for singular (sole) instance in the system PA103: Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems IS © R. Ošlejšek, FI MU 13Spring 2015 Structural Patterns  Adapter  Translator of „server“ interface to our „client“ code  Bridge  Abstraction for binding one of many implementations  Composite  Structure for building recursive aggregations  Decorator  Extends an object transparently  Facade  Simplifies and aggregates the interface for a complex subsystem  Flayweight  Many fine-grained objects shared efficiently  Proxy  One object approximates another, e.g. due to efficiency or memory requirements PA103: Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems IS © R. Ošlejšek, FI MU 14Spring 2015 Behavioral Patterns  Chain of Responsibility  Request delegated to the responsible service provider  Command  Request is first-class object  Iterator  Aggregate elements are accessed sequentially  Interpreter  Language interpreter for a small grammar  Mediator  Coordinates interactions between its associates  Memento  Stores and recovers object state PA103: Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems IS © R. Ošlejšek, FI MU 15Spring 2015 Behavioral Patterns (cont.)  Observer  Dependents update automatically when subject changes  State  Object whose behavior depends on its state  Strategy  Abstraction for selecting one of many algorithms  Template Method  Algorithms with some steps supplied by a derived class  Visitor  Operations applied to elements of a heterogeneous object structure PA103: Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems IS © R. Ošlejšek, FI MU 16Spring 2015 Organizing the Catalog Chain of responsibility Command Iterator Mediator Memento Observer State Strategy Visitor Adapter (object) Bridge Composite Decorator Façade Flyweight Proxy Abstract factory Builder Prototype Singleton Object Interpreter Template method Adapter (class)Factory methodClassScope BehavioralStructuralCreational Purpose  Scope is the domain over which a pattern applies  Class scope: Relations between base classes and their subclasses (static semantics).  Object scope: Relationships between peer objects. Reuse of collection of objects is better achieved through variations of their composition, rather through sub-classing.  Some patterns apply to both scopes PA103: Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems IS © R. Ošlejšek, FI MU 17Spring 2015 Case Study: Chemical Structures PA103: Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems IS © R. Ošlejšek, FI MU 18Spring 2015 Initial Model Chemical Structure Molecule Residue Atom PA103: Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems IS © R. Ošlejšek, FI MU 19Spring 2015 Initial Model (cont.)  Every object in running OO system must be referenced  Every class must be associated with another class, OR  There exist only a few instances (often just one instance) in the system and these instances have well-known access points (well-known addresses).  Problem of our model:  Atoms are references from their residuum, residua from their molecule, etc. But what about (multiple) chemical structures? Who gives me pointer to concrete chemical structure? PA103: Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems IS © R. Ošlejšek, FI MU 20Spring 2015 Singleton Pattern public class Singleton { private static Singleton uniqueInstance; public static Singleton instance() { if (uniqueInstance == null) { uniqueInstance = new Singleton(); } return uniqueInstance; } public void operation1() { … } public void operation2() { … } }; Singleton invocation and use: // First call. New instance is created in memory Singleton.instance().operatio1(); … // Next call. Invocation of the same or another method // is performed on existing sole instance Singleton.instance().operatio2(); PA103: Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems IS © R. Ošlejšek, FI MU 21Spring 2015 Singleton Properties Applicability: Use the Singleton pattern when  there must be exactly one instance of a class, and it must be accessible to clients from a well-known access point. Consequences:  Controlled access to sole instance.  Reduced name space  Avoids polluting the name space with global variables that store sole instances.  Permits refinement of operations and representation  The Singleton class may be subclassed, and it's easy to configure an application with an instance of this extended class.  You can configure the application with an instance of the class you need at run-time.  Permits a variable number of instances.  More flexible than class operations  Another way is to use class operations (i.e. static methods). But it usually makes it hard to change a design to allow more than one instance of a class. Moreover, static functions are never virtual, so subclasses can't override them polymorphically. PA103: Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems IS © R. Ošlejšek, FI MU 22Spring 2015 Singleton – Case Study Next step: Generalize and simplify the model. This model consists of a lot of duplicit code (very similar methods). If we come to realize that the model represents a tree of objects then we can generalize classes to parent-child abstraction, unify methods (e.g. addChild, removeChild, etc.), reduce duplicit code and make the model easily extensible and manageable. PA103: Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems IS © R. Ošlejšek, FI MU 23Spring 2015 Composite Pattern PA103: Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems IS © R. Ošlejšek, FI MU 24Spring 2015 Composite Properties Applicability: Use the Composite pattern when  you want to represent part-whole hierarchies of objects.  you want clients to be able to ignore the difference between compositions of objects and individual objects. Clients will treat all objects in the composite structure uniformly. Consequences:  Defines class hierarchies consisting of primitive objects and composite objects.  Makes the client simple. Clients can treat composite structures and individual objects uniformly.  Makes it easier to add new kinds of components.  Can make your design overly general.  The disadvantage is that it makes it harder to restrict the components of a composite. PA103: Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems IS © R. Ošlejšek, FI MU 25Spring 2015 +instance() : Model +loadChemStructure(File) <> <> Model <> ChemStructure <> Molecule <> Residue -color : Color +setColor(Color) <> Atom +add(ModelElement) +remove(ModelElement) +get(int) : ModelElement +setColor(Color) <> ModelElement +add(ModelElement) +remove(ModelElement) +get(int) : ModelElement +setColor(Color) <> GroupElement superElement subElements 1..* setColor() is applied to all children Patterns are often combined Composite – Case Study Q: How to hide impelemenation of children list (now it's indexed array) and how to support various iterations through children and/or various impelementations of children list in subclasses? PA103: Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems IS © R. Ošlejšek, FI MU 26Spring 2015 Iterator Pattern See java.util.Collectionjava.util.Collection and java.util.Iteratorjava.util.Iterator, for instance. Thanks to the Iterator Pattern, Java can support ”foreach” cycle. PA103: Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems IS © R. Ošlejšek, FI MU 27Spring 2015 Iterator Pattern (cont.) Iterator obtains link to its originating ConcreteAggregate instance PA103: Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems IS © R. Ošlejšek, FI MU 28Spring 2015 Iterator Properties  Applicability: Use the Iterator pattern  to access an aggregate object's contents without exposing its internal representation.  to support multiple traversals of aggregate objects.  to provide a uniform interface for traversing different aggregate structures (that is, to support polymorphic iteration).  Consequences:  It supports variations in the traversal of an aggregate.  Iterators simplify the Aggregate interface.  More than one traversal can be pending on an aggregate. PA103: Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems IS © R. Ošlejšek, FI MU 29Spring 2015 Iterator – Case Study Note 1: The subElements attribute has been moved from GroupElement to individual subclasses. Note 2: It is not necessary to have a special iterator for each composite class. On the contrary, one iterator can be shared by multiple composists. PA103: Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems IS © R. Ošlejšek, FI MU 30Spring 2015 Case Study Extension: „Shaking“ Molecule PA103: Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems IS © R. Ošlejšek, FI MU 31Spring 2015 Case Study Extension: „Shaking“ Molecule There can be many subclasses with common interface but different behavior. Subclasses can be therefore understood as different strategies of the computation of atom position. -positions : Vector3[] +getPosition(frame : int) : Vector3 HugeMemAtom -posBuffer : Dequeue +getPosition(frame : int) : Vector3 BufferedAtom Atoms are "shaking", we know the exact position of atoms in frames (analogy to movie frames) Atom positions are stored in memory (in array) Only selected time window is stored in memory, e.g. 10 frames. The window can be moved forward/back which invokes loading atom positions from the file on demand. +getPosition(frame : int) : Vector3 Atom -name : String PA103: Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems IS © R. Ošlejšek, FI MU 32Spring 2015 Strategy Pattern Example: Context = window of text editor, Strategy = line-breaking algorithm PA103: Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems IS © R. Ošlejšek, FI MU 33Spring 2015 Strategy Properties  Applicability: Use the Strategy pattern when  Many related classes differ only in their behavior. Strategies provide a way to configure a class with one of many behaviors.  You need different variants of an algorithm.  An algorithm uses data that clients shouldn't know about.  A class defines many behaviors, and these appear as multiple conditional statements in its operations. Instead of many conditionals, move related conditional branches into their own Strategy class.  Consequences:  Hierarchies of Strategy classes define families of related algorithms (useful for reuse).  An alternative to subclassing.  Strategies eliminate conditional statements (switch-case).  Different implementations of the same behavior.  Client must understand how Strategies differ before it can select the appropriate one.  Communication overhead between Strategy and Context.  Increased number of objects. PA103: Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems IS © R. Ošlejšek, FI MU 34Spring 2015 Strategy – Case Study +conctextInterface() Context +algorithmInterface() Strategy +algorithmInterface() ConcreteStrategyA +algorithmInterface() ConcreteStrategyB 1 -positions : Vector3[] +getPosition(frame : int) : Vector3 <> AllInMemStrategy -posBuffer : Dequeue +getPosition(frame : int) : Vector3 <> BufferedStrategy +getPosition(frame : int) : Vector3 <> AtomPositionStrategy 1 Every atom can have its own strategy +getPosition(frame : int) : Vector3 <> Atom -name : String PA103: Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems IS © R. Ošlejšek, FI MU 35Spring 2015 Questions? TO BE CONTINUED...TO BE CONTINUED...