PA152: Efficient Use of DB 12. Replication and High Availability Vlastislav Dohnal PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2015 2 Credits  This presentation is based on:  Materiály knihovny MSDN firmy Microsoft  Course NoSQL databáze a Big Data management  Irena Holubová  Charles University, Prague  PostgreSQL documentation  availability.html PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2015 3 Contents  Availability  Data distribution & Replication  High availability  Failover  Recommendations Availability PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2015 4 DB Server DB Server Source: Microsoft Determining Availability Requirements  Hours of Operation Business hours vs. all of the time  intranet service vs. web services  shift workers vs. all-around the world customers  Connectivity Requirements Online vs. offline applications  Tight/Loose coupling of app and DBMS Synchronous vs. asynchronous data updates PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2015 5 Availability  Definition in operation hours  Av = “up time” / “total time” = MTTF / (MTTF+MTTR)  “up time” = the system is up and operating  More practical def.  Av = (total time - down time) / total time  Down time  Scheduled – reboot, SW/HW upgrade, …  Unscheduled – HW/SW failure, security breaches, network unavailability, power outage, disasters, …  For “true” high-availability, down time is not distinguished PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2015 6 Nines  Availability as percentage of uptime Class of nines: 𝑐 = − log10 1 − 𝐴𝑣  Assuming 24/7 operation: PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2015 7 Nine class Availability Downtime per year Downtime per month Downtime per week 1 90% 36.5 days 72 hours 16.8 hours 2 99% 3.65 days 7.20 hours 1.68 hours 3 99.9% 8.76 hours 43.8 minutes 10.1 minutes 4 99.99% 52.56 minutes 4.32 minutes 1.01 minutes 5 99.999% 5.26 minutes 25.9 seconds 6.05 seconds 6 99.9999% 31.5 seconds 2.59 seconds 0.605 seconds 7 99.99999% 3.15 seconds 0.259 seconds 0.0605 seconds Source: Scalability  Scalability  Providing access to a number of concurrent users  Handling growing amounts of data without losing performance  With acceptable latency!  Scaling Up – vertical scaling  vendor dependence  Increasing RAM  Multiprocessing  Scaling Out – horizontal scaling  Replication  Read-only standby servers  Server federations / clusters / data distribution PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2015 8 Horizontal Scaling  Systems are distributed across multiple machines or nodes  Commodity machines  cost effective  Often surpasses scalability of vertical approach  Fallacies of distributed computing by Peter Deutsch  Network  Is reliable, secure, homogeneous  Latency and transport cost is zero  Bandwidth is infinite  Topology does not change  One administrator PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2015 9 Source: Brewer’s CAP Theorem  Consistency  After an update, all readers in a distributed system see the same data  All nodes are supposed to contain the same data at all times  E.g. in multiple instances, all writes must be duplicated before write operation is completed.  Availability  Every request receives a response  about whether it was successful or failed  Partition Tolerance  System continues to operate despite arbitrary message loss or failure of part of the system. PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2015 10 Brewer’s CAP Theorem  Only 2 of 3 guarantees can be given in a “shareddata” system.  Proved by Nancy Lynch in 2002  ACID  provides Availability and Consistency  E.g. database on a single machine  BASE  provides Availability and Partition tolerance  Reality: you can trade a little consistency for some availability  E.g. distributed database PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2015 11 Source: NewSQL DB BASE Properties  Basically Available Partial failures can occur, but without total system failure  Soft state System is in flux / non-deterministic  Changes occur all the time  Eventual consistency (replica convergence) is a liveness guarantee  reads eventually return the same value is not safety guarantee  can return any value before it converges PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2015 12 Consistency  Strong (ACID) vs. Eventual (BASE) consistency  Example: PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2015 13 Server A: read(A)=1 write(A,2) read(A)=2 Server B: read(A)= 1 read(A)=1 read(A)=2 time Server C: read(A)= 1 read(A)=2 Server A: read(A)=1 write(A,2) read(A)=2 Server B: read(A)= 1 read(A)=2 read(A)=2 Server C: read(A)= 1 read(A)=2 Inconsistent state EventualStrong Replication / Distribution Model  Model of distributing data Replication  The same data stored in more nodes. Filtering data (sharding)  The data is partitioned and stored separately  Helps avoid replication conflicts when multiple sites are allowed to update data. PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2015 14 Filtering Data Subscriber Vertical Filtering Horizontal Filtering 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 A B C D E F 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 A B C D E F 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 A B E 3 6 2 A B C D E F Table A Table BPublisher Source: Microsoft PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2015 15 Need for Distributing Data  Brings data closer to its user  Allows site independence  Separates Online transaction processing Read-intensive applications  Can reduce conflicts during user requests  Process big data PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2015 16 Distribution Model  Master-slave model (replication)  Load-balancing of read-intensive queries  Master node  manages data  distributes changes to slaves  Slave node  stores data  queries data  no modifications to data PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2015 17 Slaves Master One master / many slaves Distribution Model  Master-master model Typically with filtering data  Master for a subset of data  Slave for the rest Consistency needs resolving of update conflicts PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2015 18 Multiple Masters Master/Slave Master/Slave Master/Slave Master-master Model PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2015 19 Orders (Master A) Primary Key Area Id Order_no 1 1 2 2 3 3 1000 3100 1000 2380 1000 1070 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Qty 15 22 32 8 7 19 1 1 1000 3100 ~ ~ 15 22 Orders (Master B) Primary Key Area Id Order_no 1 1 2 2 3 3 1000 3100 1000 2380 1000 1070 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Qty 15 22 32 8 7 19 2 2 1000 2380 ~ ~ 32 8 Orders (Master C) Primary Key Area Id Order_no 1 1 2 2 3 3 1000 3100 1000 2380 1000 1070 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Qty 15 22 32 8 7 19 3 3 1000 1070 ~ ~ 7 19 Master/Slave Master/SlaveMaster/Slave Source: Microsoft Replication Types PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2015 20 Snapshot Replication Transactional Replication Distributed Transactions Lower Autonomy Lower Latency Higher Autonomy Higher Latency Merge Replication Source: Microsoft Replication Types  Distributed Transactions For “real” master-master model, ensures consistency Low latency, high consistency  Transactional Replication Replication of incremental changes Minimal latency PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2015 21 Replication Types  Snapshot Replication Periodic bulk transfer of new snapshots of data Data changes – substantial but infrequent Slaves are read-only High latency is acceptable PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2015 22 Replication Types  Merge Replication Autonomous changes to replicated data are later merged Does not guarantee transactional consistency, but converges Default and custom conflict resolution rules Adv: Nodes can update data offline, sync later Disadv: Changes to schema needed. PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2015 23 Maintaining High-Availability  Standby server Shared disk failover (NAS) File system replication (DRBD) Transaction log shipping Trigger-based replication Statement-Based Replication Middleware PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2015 24 Clients Primary Node Secondary/ Standby Node Cluster Log-shipping Standby Server  Also called warm standby  Primary node  serves all queries  in permanent archiving mode  Continuous sending of WAL records to standby servers  Standby server  serves no queries  in permanent recovery mode  Continuous processing of WAL records arriving from primary node  Log shipping can be synchronous/asynchronous  Disadvantage: all tables are replicated typically  Advantage: no schema changes, no trigger definitions PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2015 25 Failover  If primary fails, standby server begins failover. Standby applies all WAL records pending, marks itself as primary, starts to serve all queries.  If standby fails, no action taken. After becoming online, catch-up procedure is started.  Heartbeat mechanism to continually verify the connectivity between the two and the viability of the primary server PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2015 26 Failover  Failover by standby succeeded New standby should be configured Original primary node becomes available  inform it that it is no longer the primary  do so-called STONITH (Shoot The Other Node In The Head),  otherwise serious data corruption/loss may occur Typically old primary becomes new standby PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2015 27 Primary and Standby Servers  Swap primary and standby regularly To verify recovery steps To do necessary maintenance on standby server  SW/HW upgrades, … PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2015 28 Recommended Practices  Maximize availability at each tier of the application  Keep standby servers on a different subnet  Different power supply to the primary server  Test whether your availability solution works PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2015 29 NewSQL  Distributed database that scales out  CP system trades availability for consistency when partition happens  MySQL cluster, Google Spanner, VoltDB, … In fact, master-master replication with data sharding PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2015 30