3/24/2015 1 PA199 Advanced Game Design Lecture 6 Collision Detection Dr. Fotis Liarokapis 24th March 2015 Motivation • Techniques for collision detection depend on the type of game • For many games rough approximations are fine – i.e. Arcade-style games • For more complex games need to be familiar with a variety of techniques ranging from simple to complex – i.e. 3D games Rough Approximations Example Collision Detection • Do objects collide/intersect? – Static – Dynamic • Picking is simple special case of general collision detection problem – Check if ray cast from cursor position collides with any object in scene – Simple shooting • Projectile arrives instantly, zero travel time Collision Detection . • A better solution – Projectile and target move over time – See if collides with object during trajectory Collision Detection Applications • Determining if player hit wall/floor/obstacle and stop them walking through it –Terrain following (floor) –Maze games (walls) • Determining if projectile has hit target • Determining if player has hit target –Punch/kick (desired) –Car crash (not desired) 3/24/2015 2 Collision Detection Applications . • Detecting points at which behavior should change – Car in the air returning to the ground • Cleaning up animation – Making sure a motion-captured character’s feet do not pass through the floor • Simulating motion – Physics, or cloth, or something else Simulating Motion Why it is Hard? • Complicated for two reasons – Geometry is typically very complex • Potentially requiring expensive testing – Naïve solution is O(n2) time complexity • Since every object can potentially collide with every other object Why it is Hard - Example Basic Concepts From Simple to Complex • Boundary check –Perimeter of world vs. viewpoint or objects • 2D/3D absolute coordinates for bounds • Simple point in space for viewpoint/objects • Set of fixed barriers –Walls in maze game • 2D/3D absolute coordinate system 3/24/2015 3 From Simple to Complex . • Set of moveable objects – One object against set of items • Missile vs. several tanks – Multiple objects against each other • Punching game: arms and legs of players • Room of bouncing balls Naive General Collision Detection • For each object i containing polygons p – Test for intersection with object j containing polygons q • For polyhedral objects, test if object i penetrates surface of j – Test if vertices of i straddle polygon q of j • If straddle, then test intersection of polygon q with polygon p of object i • Very expensive! O(n2) Fundamental Design Principles • Fast simple tests first, eliminate many potential collisions – Test bounding volumes before testing individual triangles • Exploit locality, eliminate many potential collisions – Use cell structures to avoid considering distant objects Fundamental Design Principles . • Use as much information as possible about geometry –Spheres have special properties that speed collision testing • Exploit coherence between successive tests –Things don’t typically change much between two frames Example: Player-Wall Collisions • ‘First person’ games must prevent the player from walking through walls and other obstacles • Most general case – Player and walls are polygonal meshes • Each frame, player moves along path not known in advance – Assume piecewise linear • Straight steps on each frame – Assume player’s motion could be fast Simple Approach • On each step, do a general mesh-to-mesh intersection test to find out if the player intersects the wall • If they do, refuse to allow the player to move • Problems with this approach? how can we improve: – In response? – In speed? 3/24/2015 4 Collision Response • Frustrating to just stop – For player motions, often best thing to do is move player tangentially to obstacle • Do recursively to ensure all collisions caught – Find time and place of collision – Adjust velocity of player – Repeat with new velocity, start time, start position (reduced time interval) • Handling multiple contacts at same time – Find a direction that is tangential to all contacts Typical Approaches Collision Detection Approaches • Two basic techniques: – Overlap testing • Detects whether a collision has already occurred –Intersection testing • Predicts whether a collision will occur in the future Overlap Testing • Facts –Most common technique used in games –Exhibits more error than intersection testing • Concept –For every simulation step, test every pair of objects to see if they overlap –Easy for simple volumes like spheres, harder for polygonal models Overlap Testing: Useful Results • Useful results of detected collision – Time collision took place – Collision normal vector Overlap Testing: Collision Time • Collision time calculated by moving object back in time until right before collision – Bisection is an effective technique 3/24/2015 5 Overlap Testing: Limitations • Fails with objects that move too fast – Unlikely to catch time slice during overlap • Possible solutions – Design constraint on speed of objects – Reduce simulation step size Intersection Testing • Predict future collisions • When predicted: –Move simulation to time of collision –Resolve collision –Simulate remaining time step Intersection Testing: Swept Geometry • Extrude geometry in direction of movement • Swept sphere turns into a ‘capsule’ shape Intersection Testing: Sphere-Sphere Collision Intersection Testing: Limitations • Issue with networked games – Future predictions rely on exact state of world at present time – Due to packet latency, current state not always coherent • Assumes constant velocity and zero acceleration over simulation step – Has implications for physics model and choice of integrator Complexity Issues 3/24/2015 6 Dealing with Complexity • Two common issues when dealing with complexity: – Complex geometry must be simplified • Not so easy! – Reduce number of object pair tests • Varies depending on the types of objects Simplified Geometry • Approximate complex objects with simpler geometry – i.e. Ellipsoid shown below Minkowski Sum • By taking the Minkowski Sum of two complex volumes and creating a new volume then overlap can be found – By testing if a single point is within the new volume Minkowski Sum Example Bounding Volumes • Bounding volume is a simple geometric shape – Completely encapsulates object – If no collision with bounding volume, no more testing is required • Most common bounding volumes is box – More later on… Box Bounding Volumes 3/24/2015 7 Achieving O(n) Time Complexity • Possible solutions for O(n) time complexity – Partition space – Plane sweep algorithm Partition Space Solution Plane Sweep Algorithm Solution Terrain Collision Detection Locate Triangle on Height Field Collision Resolution: Examples • Two billiard balls strike – Calculate ball positions at time of impact – Impart new velocities on balls – Play “clinking” sound effect • Rocket slams into wall – Rocket disappears – Explosion spawned and explosion sound effect – Wall charred and area damage inflicted on nearby characters • Character walks through wall – Magical sound effect triggered – No trajectories or velocities affected 3/24/2015 8 Collision Resolution Components • Resolution has three parts: – Prologue – Collision – Epilogue Prologue Stage • Collision known to have occurred • Check if collision should be ignored • Other events might be triggered –Sound effects –Send collision notification messages Collision Stage • Place objects at point of impact • Assign new velocities using either – Physics –Some other decision logic Epilogue Stage • Propagate post-collision effects • Possible effects –Destroy one or both objects –Play sound effect –Inflict damage • Many effects can be done either in the prologue or epilogue Resolving Overlap Testing • Four common stages: – Extract collision normal – Extract penetration depth – Move the two objects apart – Compute new velocities Extract Collision Normal • Find position of objects before impact • Use two closest points to construct the collision normal vector 3/24/2015 9 Extract Collision Normal . • Sphere collision normal vector – Difference between centers at point of collision Resolving Intersection Testing • Simpler than resolving overlap testing –No need to find penetration depth or move objects apart • Simply just –Extract collision normal –Compute new velocities Acceleration Techniques Accelerating Collision Detection • Two kinds of approaches (many others also) – Collision proxies / bounding volumes hierarchies – Spatial data structures to localize • Used for both 2D and 3D • Accelerates many things, not just collision detection – Raytracing – Culling geometry before using standard rendering pipeline Collision Proxies vs Spatial data Structures Collision Proxies: Spatial data Structures: - Object centric - Space centric - Spatial redundancy - Object redundancy Collision Proxies vs Spatial data Structures . Collision Proxies: Spatial data Structures: - Object centric - Space centric - Spatial redundancy - Object redundancy 3/24/2015 10 Collision Proxies vs Spatial data Structures .. Collision Proxies: Spatial data Structures: - Object centric - Space centric - Spatial redundancy - Object redundancy Collision Proxies vs Spatial data Structures … Collision Proxies: Spatial data Structures: - Object centric - Space centric - Spatial redundancy - Object redundancy Collision Proxies • Proxy – Something that takes place of real object – Cheaper than general mesh-mesh intersections • Collision proxy (bounding volume) is piece of geometry used to represent complex object for purposes of finding collision – If proxy collides, object is said to collide – Collision points mapped back onto original object Collision Proxies . • Good proxy –Cheap to compute collisions for, tight fit to the real geometry • Common proxies –Sphere, cylinder, box, ellipsoid • Consider –Fat player, thin player, rocket, car … Collision Proxies Example 1 Collision Proxies Example 2 3/24/2015 11 Collision Proxies Example 3 Trade-off in Choosing Proxies increasing complexity & tightness of fit decreasing cost of (overlap tests + proxy update) AABB OBBSphere Convex Hull6-dop Trade-off in Choosing Proxies . • AABB – Axis aligned bounding box • OBB –Oriented bounding box, arbitrary alignment • k-dops – Shapes bounded by planes at fixed orientations • Discrete orientation Pair Reduction • Want proxy for any moving object requiring collision detection • Before pair of objects tested in any detail, quickly test if proxies intersect • When lots of moving objects, even this quick bounding sphere test can take too long: – N2 times if there are N objects • Reducing this N2 problem is called pair reduction – Pair testing isn’t a big issue until N>50 or so… Spatial Data Structures • Can only hit something that is close • Spatial data structures tell you what is close to object – Uniform grid, octrees, kd-trees, BSP trees – Bounding volume hierarchies • OBB trees – For player-wall problem, typically use same spatial data structure as for rendering • BSP trees most common Uniform Grids • Axis-aligned • Divide space uniformly 3/24/2015 12 Quadtrees/Octrees • Axis-aligned • Subdivide until no points in cell KD Trees • Axis-aligned • Sub-divide in alternating dimensions BSP Trees • Binary Space Partitioning (BSP) • Planes at arbitrary orientation Bounding Volume Hierarchies OBB Trees • Oriented bounding box (OBB) • Applicable to a wide range of problems BSP Trees Main Idea • Binary Space Partition (BSP) Tree: –Partition space with binary tree of planes –Fuchs, Kedem and Naylor `80 • Main idea: –Divide space recursively into half-spaces by choosing splitting planes that separate objects in scene 3/24/2015 13 BSP Trees Methods • More general, can deal with inseparable objects • Automatic, uses as partitions planes defined by the scene polygons • Method has two steps: – Building of the tree independently of viewpoint – Traversing the tree from a given viewpoint to get visibility ordering BSP Trees Methods . • First step –Preprocessing • Create binary tree of planes • Second step –Runtime • Correctly traversing this tree enumerates objects from back to front Creating BSP Trees: Objects Creating BSP Trees: Objects . Creating BSP Trees: Objects .. Creating BSP Trees: Objects … 3/24/2015 14 Creating BSP Trees: Objects …. Splitting Objects • No bunnies were harmed in previous example • But what if a splitting plane passes through an object? –Split the object; give half to each node Ouch Traversing BSP Trees • Tree creation independent of viewpoint – Preprocessing step • Tree traversal uses viewpoint – Runtime, happens for many different viewpoints • Each plane divides world into near and far – For given viewpoint, decide which side is near and which is far • Check which side of plane viewpoint is on independently for each tree vertex • Tree traversal differs depending on viewpoint! – Recursive algorithm • Recurse on far side • Draw object • Recurse on near side Traversing BSP Trees Pseudo Code • Query: given a viewpoint, produce an ordered list of (possibly split) objects from back to front renderBSP(BSPtree *T) BSPtree *near, *far; if (eye on left side of T->plane) near = T->left; far = T->right; else near = T->right; far = T->left; renderBSP(far); if (T is a leaf node) renderObject(T) renderBSP(near); BSP Trees: Viewpoint A BSP Trees: Viewpoint A . F N F N 3/24/2015 15 BSP Trees: Viewpoint A .. F NF N FN  Decide independently at each tree vertex  Not just left or right child! BSP Trees: Viewpoint A … F N F N NF FN BSP Trees: Viewpoint A …. F N F N NF FN BSP Trees: Viewpoint A ….. F N FN F N NF 1 1 BSP Trees: Viewpoint A …… F N F N FN FN NF 1 2 1 2 BSP Trees: Viewpoint A ……. F N F N FN FN N F NF 1 2 1 2 3/24/2015 16 BSP Trees: Viewpoint A …….. F N F N FN FN N F NF 1 2 1 2 BSP Trees: Viewpoint A ……… F N F N FN FN N F NF 1 2 3 1 2 3 BSP Trees: Viewpoint A ………. F N FN FN N F NF 1 2 3 4 F N 1 2 34 BSP Trees: Viewpoint A ……….. F N FN FN N F NF 1 2 3 4 5 F N 1 2 34 5 BSP Trees: Viewpoint A ………… F N FN FN N F NF 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 34 5 6 78 96 7 8 9 FN FN FN BSP Trees: Viewpoint B N F F N F N FN F N FNF N N F 3/24/2015 17 BSP Trees: Viewpoint B . N F F N F N FN 1 34 2 F N FNF N N F5 6 7 891 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 8 BSP as a Hierarchy of Spaces • Each node corresponds to a region of space –The root is the whole of Rn –The leaves are homogeneous regions BSP Tree Traversal: Polygons • Split along the plane defined by any polygon from scene • Classify all polygons into positive or negative half-space of the plane – If a polygon intersects plane, split polygon into two and classify them both • Recurse down the negative half-space • Recurse down the positive half-space Representation of Polygons Representation of Polyhedra BSP Trees for Dynamic Scenes • When an object moves the planes that represent it must be removed and re- inserted • Some systems only insert static geometry into the BSP tree • Otherwise must deal with merging and fixing the BSP cells 3/24/2015 18 BSP Trees Pos • Simple, elegant scheme • Correct version of painter’s algorithm back-to-front rendering approach • Popular for video games BSP Trees Cons • Slow to construct tree –O(n log n) to split, sort • Splitting increases polygon count –O(n2) worst-case • Computationally intense preprocessing stage restricts algorithm to static scenes BSP Demo • http://www.symbolcraft.com/graphics/bsp/ BSP Videos • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WAd7vzw knF0 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jF2a4imSu vI • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JJjyXRvokE4 Collision Detection Approach Introduction to 3D Breakout • Most important thing is ball-wall collision detection • Can be used in: –Ball-wall collisions –Ball-bat collisions • Apart from some cases –Ball-Well collisions • Apart from some cases (similarly to ball-bat) 3/24/2015 19 Ρ Σ Ο Λ φ υ Calculate Collision With Wall • We are interested in finding the – Distance travelled (ΡΣ) – Collision time (tcollision) – Final velocity (υfinal) From the previous diagram: ΡΣ = ΛΣ – ΛΡ eq. 1 Pythagoras Theorem • From Pythagoras: ΟΣ2 = ΟΛ2 + ΛΣ2 → ΛΣ2 = ΟΣ2 - ΟΛ2 → ΛΣ= sqrt(ΟΣ2 - ΟΛ2) eq. 2 Calculate Distance Travelled • Also: ΛΡ = ΟΡcosφ eq. 3 • So from eq. 1, eq. 2 and eq. 3: ΡΣ = sqrt(ΟΣ2 - ΟΛ2) - ΟΡcosφ eq. 4 Calculate Distance Travelled . • But: sinφ = ΟΛ/ΟΡ → ΟΛ = ΟΡsinφ • And: ΟΛ2 = ΟΡ2sinφ2 eq. 5 Calculate Distance Travelled .. • From eq. 4 and eq. 5 ΡΣ = sqrt(ΟΣ2 - ΟΡ2sinφ2) - ΟΡcosφ eq. 6 • Also from: sinφ2 + cosφ2 = 1 → sinφ2 = 1 - cosφ2 eq. 7 3/24/2015 20 Calculate Distance Travelled … • From eq. 6 and eq. 7 ΡΣ = sqrt(ΟΣ2 - ΟΡ2 + ΟΡ2cosφ2) - ΟΡcosφ • Since ΟΡ•υ = (ΟΡ)υ/|υ|cosφ, so the above equation will become: ΡΣ = sqrt(ΟΣ2 - ΟΡ2 + (ΟΡυ/|υ|cosφ)2) - (ΟΡ)υ/|υ|cosφ Calculate Distance Travelled …. • From the dot product the previous equation will become ΡΣ = sqrt(ΟΣ2 - ΟΡ2 + (ΟΡ•υ/|υ|)2) - ΟΡ•υ/|υ| eq. 8 • Must take absolute value in case φ > 90 ΡΣ = |(sqrt(ΟΣ2 - ΟΡ2 + (ΟΡ•υ/|υ|)2) - ΟΡ•υ /|υ| | eq. 9 Calculate Collision Time • From motion equation: S = υcollision tcollision • But S = ΡΣ, so: ΡΣ = υcollision tcollision → tcollision = ΡΣ/υcollision eq. 10 Ρ Σ Ο Λ φ θ Calculate Final Velocity θ θ |υinitialsinθ| |υfinalsinθ| |υinitialcosθ| υinitial υfinal Ο Σ Δυcollision Calculate Final Velocity . • The change in ball velocity from the collision: |Δυcollision| = |υfinal - υinitial| eq. 11 • From the above figure: |Δυcollision| = 2|υinitialcosθ| or eq. 12 |Δυcollision| = 2υinitial•(ΟΣ/|ΟΣ|) eq. 13 3/24/2015 21 Calculate Final Velocity .. • But Δυ is anti-parallel to ΟΣ and we want to make Δυcollision a vector • From eq. 12 we do: Δυcollision = -2|υinitialcosθ|(ΟΣ)/|ΟΣ|→ • From eq. 13 we do: Δυcollision = -2(ΟΣ) (υinitial•ΟΣ)/|ΟΣ|2 2nd Assignment Tips Some Tips • Important 3D objects for collision detection in 3D Breakout Assignment – Invisible ground (optional) – Ball – Bat – Well Class TBall.h class TBall { public: double _radius; // defines the radius of the ball TVector _position; // defines the position of the ball TVector _velocity; // defines the velocity v0 of the ball // Constructors TBall(); TBall(const double& Radius, const TVector& Position, const TVector& Velocity) {_radius=Radius; _position=Position; _velocity=Velocity;}; Class TBall.h . // Selectors double GetBallRadius() const {return _radius;}; TVector GetBallPosition() const {return _position;}; TVector GetBallVelocity() const {return _velocity;}; void DrawBall(); // Draws the ball void CalculateVelocity(const TVector& velocity, const double& seconds); // Assigns the ball a velocity TVector CalcDistanceTravelled(const double& seconds) const; // Calculates the distance traveled void MoveBall(const double& seconds); // Moves the ball }; Default Constructor for the Ball TBall::TBall() { // Assign default values for the attributes // of the ball _radius = 4.0; _position = TVector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); _velocity = TVector(1.0, 0.0, 0.0); } 3/24/2015 22 Function to Draw the Ball void TBall::DrawBall() { glPushMatrix(); glTranslatef(_position.X(), _position.Y(), _position.Z()); glutSolidSphere(_radius, 20, 20); glPopMatrix(); } More Functions • Functions for the TBall Class: –CalculateVelocity –CalcDistanceTravelled –MoveBall • Function for TDisplayImp –Idle • TBat Class CalculateVelocity Function void TBall::CalculateVelocity(const TVector& velocity, const double& seconds) { _velocity = velocity; } CalcDistanceTravelled Function TVector TBall::CalcDistanceTravelled(const double& seconds) const { TVector new_velocity, new_position; new_velocity = _velocity; new_position = _position + new_velocity*seconds; return new_position; } MoveBall Function void TBall::MoveBall(const double& seconds) { _position = CalcDistanceTravelled(seconds); } Idle Function void TDisplayImp::idle(void) { // Set the time for the simulation _scene->CalculateSimulations(); glutPostRedisplay(); } 3/24/2015 23 Class TBat class TBat { public: TVector _points[16]; // points for the first bat TVector _normal[15]; // normal of the ground public: // Default constructor TBat(){}; TBat(double rotation_angle); Class TBat . void DrawBat(); // Draws the bats void MoveBatRight(); // Moves bat on the right void MoveBatLeft(); // Moves the bat on the right int BatCollisions(const TBall &ball, const double& seconds); int BatCollisionsSides(const TBall &ball, const double& seconds); int BatCollisionsEdges(const TBall &ball, const double& seconds); Class TBat .. TVector Bat_Faces_Reflection(TBall &ball, const double& seconds, const double& distance); TVector Bat_Left_Side_Reflections(TBall &ball, const double& seconds, const double& parameter); TVector Bat_Right_Side_Reflections(TBall &ball, const double& seconds, const double& parameter); Class TBat … TVector Bat_Edge12_Reflections(TBall &ball, const double& seconds); TVector Bat_Edge15_Reflections(TBall &ball, const double& seconds); TVector Bat_Edge13_Reflections(TBall &ball, const double& seconds); TVector Bat_Edge11_Reflections(TBall &ball, const double& seconds); }; TBat Constructor TBat::TBat(double rotation_angle) { TVector initial_vector, upper_vector, construction_vector; // Define a vector for the construction of the ground points of the bats initial_vector = TVector(1.0, 0.0, 0.0); // Define a vector for the construction of the upper points of the bats upper_vector = TVector(0.0, 10.0, 0.0); TBat Constructor . // Define the rotation axis TVector rotation_axis(0.0,1.0,0.0); // Define the three rotation matrices for the bats TMatrix33 bat_construction = TMatrix33(rotation_axis, rotation_angle); // Define the vector used for the construction of the bats construction_vector = bat_construction*initial_vector; // Define the rotation matrix for the constuction of the bats TMatrix33 bat_rotation = TMatrix33(rotation_axis, angle); 3/24/2015 24 TBat Constructor .. // Construct the 16 points of the bats _points[0] = construction_vector*bat_radius1; _points[1] = bat_rotation*_points[0]; _points[2] = bat_rotation*_points[1]; _points[3] = bat_rotation*_points[2]; _points[7] = construction_vector*bat_radius2; _points[6] = bat_rotation*_points[7]; _points[5] = bat_rotation*_points[6]; _points[4] = bat_rotation*_points[5]; _points[8] = _points[0] + upper_vector; _points[9] = _points[1] + upper_vector; _points[10] = _points[2] + upper_vector; _points[11] = _points[3] + upper_vector; _points[15] = _points[7] + upper_vector; _points[14] = _points[6] + upper_vector; _points[13] = _points[5] + upper_vector; _points[12] = _points[4] + upper_vector; } Drawing Front Side of Bats glBegin(GL_QUAD_STRIP); // Front face, normal of first surface _normal[0] = ((_points[8] - _points[0])*(_points[1] - _points[0])).unit(); glNormal3f(_normal[0].X(), _normal[0].Y(), _normal[0].Z()); // Construct first quad glVertex3f(_points[0].X(), _points[0].Y(), _points[0].Z()); glVertex3f(_points[8].X(), _points[8].Y(), _points[8].Z()); // Front face, second surface _normal[1] = ((_points[9] - _points[1])*(_points[2] - _points[1])).unit(); glNormal3f(_normal[1].X(), _normal[1].Y(), _normal[1].Z()); Drawing Front Side of Bats . // Construct second quad glVertex3f(_points[1].X(), _points[1].Y(), _points[1].Z()); glVertex3f(_points[9].X(), _points[9].Y(), _points[9].Z()); // Front face, third surface _normal[2] = ((_points[10] - _points[2])*(_points[3] - _points[2])).unit(); glNormal3f(_normal[2].X(), _normal[2].Y(), _normal[2].Z()); // Construct third quad glVertex3f(_points[2].X(), _points[2].Y(), _points[2].Z()); glVertex3f(_points[10].X(), _points[10].Y(), _points[10].Z()); glNormal3f(_normal[2].X(), _normal[2].Y(), _normal[2].Z()); // Construct fourth quad glVertex3f(_points[3].X(), _points[3].Y(), _points[3].Z()); glVertex3f(_points[11].X(), _points[11].Y(), _points[11].Z()); glEnd(); Drawing the Rest of the Bats • In the same way you will have to draw the: –Left side of the bat –Back side of the bat –Right side of the bat –Up side of the bat Bat Collisions • At least three checks: – Check for collisions between the ball and the three bats like ball-wall – Check for collisions between the ball and the side of the bats – Check for collisions between the ball and the edges of the bats • Repeat the same procedure for reflections of the ball after collisions Calculate the reflection of the ball after collision double TBounds::Ball_Reflection(TBall &ball, const double& seconds) { TVector ball_velocity_after_collision, previous_ball_position, collision_vector, final_velocity; // Perform calculations for the previous time step previous_ball_position = ball.GetBallPosition() - ball.GetBallVelocity()*seconds; double absBallVelocity = sqrt(ball.GetBallVelocity().dot(ball.GetBallVelocity())); 3/24/2015 25 Calculate the reflection of the ball after collision . // Calculate the Ri*V to calculate the collision time double RV = previous_ball_position.dot(ball.GetBallVelocity() )/absBallVelocity; // Absolute RV double abs_RV = abs(RV); // Define the initial distance = 100 - 4 = 96 double initial_distance = 100.0 - ball.GetBallRadius(); Calculate the reflection of the ball after collision .. // Calculate the determinant double Determinant = ((RV*RV) previous_ball_position.dot(previous_ball_position) + initial_distance*initial_distance); // Calculate the collision time double collision_time = abs(-abs_RV + sqrt(Determinant))/absBallVelocity; // Calculate the collision vector (normal vector) from: R = r + v*t collision_vector = previous_ball_position + ball.GetBallVelocity()*collision_time; // Make the collision vector (normal vector) unit vector TVector unit_collision_vector = TVector::unit(collision_vector); Calculate the reflection of the ball after collision … // Define velocity by: Vreflected = (Vinitial*Normal.unit)*Normal.unit ball_velocity_after_collision = unit_collision_vector*(ball.GetBallVelocity().dot(unit_col lision_vector)); // Calculate the velocity of the ball after collision with the invisible wall final_velocity = ball.GetBallVelocity() - ball_velocity_after_collision*2.0; ball.CalculateVelocity(final_velocity, collision_time); return collision_time; } References • http://www.cs.wisc.edu/~schenney/courses/c s679-f2003/lectures/cs679-22.ppt • http://graphics.ucsd.edu/courses/cse169_w05 /CSE169_17.ppt Links • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bounding_volume • http://nehe.gamedev.net/data/lessons/lesson.asp? lesson=30 • http://web.cs.wpi.edu/~matt/courses/cs563/talks/ bsp/bsp.html • http://www.devmaster.net/articles/bsp-trees/ • http://maven.smith.edu/~mcharley/bsp/createbspt ree.html • http://www.cs.unc.edu/~geom/ • http://www.cs.ox.ac.uk/stephen.cameron/distances/ Questions