

API for XML Processing (to repeat)

  • APIs offer simple standardized XML access.
  • APIs connect application to the parser and applications together.
  • APIs allow XML processing without knowledge of physical document structure (entities).
  • APIs optimize XML processing.

XML APIs Fundamental Types

Tree-based API

tree representation in constructed and processed

Event-based API

events are produced and handled

Pull API

events are pulled off the document

Tree-based API

  • They map an XML document to a memory-based tree structure.
  • It allows to traverse the entire DOM tree.
  • Best-known is Document Object Model (DOM) from W3C,

Programming Language Specific Models

Document Object Model (DOM)

  • Basic interface to process and access the tree representation of XML data
  • Three versions of DOM: DOM Level 1, 2, 3
  • DOM - does not depend on the XML parsing.
  • Described using IDL + API descriptions for particular programming languages (C++, Java, etc.)

HTML Documents Specific DOM

  • The HTML Core DOM is more less consolidated with the XML DOM
  • Designated to CSS
  • Used for dynamic HTML programming (scripting using VB Script, JavaScript, etc)
  • Contains the browser environment (windows, history, etc) besides the document model itself.

DOM references

Using DOM in Java

  • Native DOM support in the new Java versions (JDK and JRE) - no need of additional library.
  • Applications need to import needed symbols (interfaces, classes, etc.) mostly from package org.w3c.dom.

What will we need often?

Most often used interfaces are:

  • Element corresponds to the element in a logical document structure. It allows us to access name of the element, names of attributes, child nodes (including textual ones). Useful methods:
  • Node getParentNode() - returns the parent node
  • String getTextContent() - returns textual content of the element.
  • NodeList getElementsByTagName(String name) - returns the list of ancestors (child nodes and their ancestors) with the given name.
  • Node super interface of Element, corresponds to the general node in a logical document structure, may contain element, textual node, comment, etc.
  • NodeList a list of nodes (a result of calling getElementsByTagName for example). It offers the following methods for its processing:
  • int getLength() - returns the number of nodes in a list
  • Node item(int index) - returns the node at position index
  • Document corresponds to the document node (its a parent of a root element)

Example 1 - creating DOM tree from file

public class Task1 {
  private Task1(URL url) throws SAXException,
    ParserConfigurationException, IOException {
    // We create new instance of factory class
    DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
    // We get new instance of DocumentBuilder using the factory class.
    DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
    // We utilize the DocumentBuilder to process an XML document
    // and we get document model in form of W3C DOM
    Document doc = builder.parse(url.toString());

Example 2 - DOM tree modification

public class Task1 {
  private Document doc;
  // Method for a salary modification.
  // If the person’s salary is less then
  // minimum, the salary will increased to minimum.
  // No action is performed for the other persons.
  public void adjustSalary(double minimum) {
    // get the list of salaries
    NodeList salaries = doc.getElementsByTagName("salary");
    for (int i = 0; i < salaries.getLength(); i++) {
      // get the salary element
      Element salaryElement = (Element) salaries.item(i);
      // get payment
      double salary = Double.parseDouble(
      if (salary < minimum) {
        // modify the text node/content of element

Example 3 - storing a DOM tree into an XML file

Example of the method storing a DOM tree into a file (see Homework 1). The procedure utilizes a transformation we do not know yet. Let use it as a black box.

public class Task1 {
   private Document doc;
   public void serializetoXML(File output) throws IOException,
   TransformerConfigurationException {
      // We create new instance of a factory class.
      TransformerFactory factory
        = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
      Transformer transformer
        = factory.newTransformer();
      // The input is the document placed in a memory
      DOMSource source = new DOMSource(doc);
      // The transformation output is the output file
      StreamResult result = new StreamResult(output);
      // Let’s make the transformation
      transformer.transform(source, result);

Event-based API

  • Generates Sequence of Events while parsing the Document.
  • Technical implementation: using callback methods [1]
  • Application implements handlers (which process generated events).
  • Works on lower-level than tree-based.
  • Application should do further processing.
  • It saves memory - does not itself create any persistent objects.

Event Examples

  • start document, end document
  • start element - contains the attributes as well, end element.
  • processing instruction
  • comment
  • entity reference
  • Best-known event-based API: SAX

SAX - Document Analysis Example

<?xml version="1.0"?> <doc> <para>Hello, world!</para> <!-- that’s all folks -→ <hr/> </doc>

SAX - Document Analysis Example

It generates following events:

start document start element: doc
list of attributes: empty
start element: para
list of attributes: empty
characters: Hello, world!
end element: para
comment: that’s all folks
start element: hr
end element: hr
end element: doc end document

When to use event-based API?

  • Easier to parser programmer, more difficult to application programmer.
  • No complete document available to application programmer.
  • She must keep the state of analysis herself.
  • Suitable for tasks, that can be solved without the need of entire document.
  • The fastest possible processing usually.
  • Difficulties while writing applications can be solved using extensions like Streaming Transformations for XML (STX),

Optional SAX Parser Features

  • The SAX parser behavior can be controlled using so called features a properties.
  • For optional SAX parser’s features see
  • For more details on properties and features see Use properties and features in SAX parsers (IBM DeveloperWorks/XML).

SAX filters

  • The SAX filters (implementation of org.xml.sax.XMLFilter interface) can be programmed using the SAX API.
  • Such a class instance accepts input events, process them and sends them to the output.
  • For more information on event filtering see Change the events output by a SAX stream (IBM DeveloperWorks/XML) for example.

Additional SAX References

Pull-based APIs

  • Application does not process incoming events, but it pulls data from the processed file.
  • Can be used when programmer knows the structure of an input data and she can pull them off the file.
  • As opposite to event-based API.
  • Very comfortable to an application programmer, but implementations are usually slower the push event-based APIs.
  • Java offers the XML-PULL parser API - see Common API for XML Pull Parsing and also
  • newly develop API - Streaming API for XML (StAX) developed like a product of JCP (Java Community Process).

Streaming API for XML (StAX)

  • The API may become the part of the Java API for XML Processing (JAXP) in the future.
  • It offers two ways to pull-based processing:
  • pulling the events using iterator - more comfortable
  • low-level access using so called cursor - it is faster.

StAX - an Iterator Example

StAX - source XML document

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <BookCatalogue xmlns="">
      <Title>Yogasana Vijnana: the Science of Yoga</Title>
      <author>Dhirendra Brahmachari</Author>
      <Publisher>Dhirendra Yoga Publications</Publisher>
      <Cost currency="INR">11.50</Cost>
      <Title>The First and Last Freedom</Title>
      <Author>J. Krishnamurti</Author>
      <Publisher>Harper &amp; Row</Publisher>
      <Cost currency="USD">2.95</Cost>

StAX - source XML document

In this example, the client application pulls the next event in the XML stream by calling the next method on the parser; for example:

try {
   for (int i = 0 ; i < count ; i++) {
      // pass the file name.. all relative entity
      // references will be resolved against this
      // as base URI.
      XMLStreamReader xmlr = xmlif.createXMLStreamReader(filename,
         new FileInputStream(filename));
         // when XMLStreamReader is created,
         // it is positioned at START_DOCUMENT event.
         int eventType = xmlr.getEventType();
         // check if there are more events
         // in the input stream
         while(xmlr.hasNext()) {
            eventType =;
            // these functions print the information
            // about the particular event by calling
            // the relevant function

Tree and event-based access combinations

  • Events → tree
  • Tree → events

Events → tree

  • Allow us either to skip or to filter out the ”uninteresting” document part using the event monitoring and then
  • create memory-based tree from the ”interesting” part of a document only and that part process.

Tree → events

  • We create an entire document tree (and process it) and
  • we go through the tree than and we generate events like while reading the XML file.
  • It allows us easy integration of both processing types in a single application.

Virtual object models

  • Document DOM model is not memory places, but is created on-demand while accessing particular nodes.
  • combines event-based and tree-based processing advantages (speed and comfort)
  • There is an implementation: the Sablotron processor,

Alternative tree-based models

XML Object Model (XOM)

  • XOM (XML Object Model) created as an one man project (author Elliote Rusty Harold).
  • It is an interface that strictly respect XML data logical model.
  • For motivation and specification see the XOM home page (
  • You can get there the open-sourceXOM implementation and
  • the API documentation, too.

DOM4J - practically usable tree-based model