Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice C Programming Language ˇSimon ˇReˇrucha v2.1 Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Background “Each language has its purpose, however humble. Each language expresses the Yin and Yang of software. Each language has its place within the Tao. But do not program in COBOL if you can avoid it.” The Tao Of Programming, 1.3 Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Programming Paradigms Imperative Hard-wired / assembly - Machine code, Assemblers Procedural - early Basics Structured - Pascal, C, Fortran Object-oriented - C++, Java Event-driven, Automata-based, Graphical etc. Declarative Functional – Common Lisp, Scheme, Haskell Logic – Prolog Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice C Programming Language general-purpose programming language imperative, structured originally for system software on Unix one of most widely used system software (e.g. Linux Kernel) application software (with GUI library) embedded systems Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Brief History 1969-71: K&R C developed by AT & T Bell Labs late 70s-80s: C gets popular ...: C standard library 1990: adopted first ANSI C standard 2004+: Embedded C recommendations 12/2011: C11 standard Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice C-related Standards K&R C – pre ANSI (1971) ANS X3.159-1989 (1989) – known as ANSI C, C89 includes Standard Library ISO/IEC 9899:1990 (1990) – known as ISO C, C90 adopted ANSI standard ISO/IEC 9899:1999 (1999) – C99 ISO/IEC 9899:2011 (2011) – C11 Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Unix-related Standards IEEE 1003.1 (last revision 2004) POSIX 1 – Unix API Sinle Unix Specification, SUS (1994, 97, 2002) incorporates POSIX.1 FIPS 151-1, 151-1 – Federal Information Processing Std more specific than POSIX.1 System V Interface Description, SVID3 / SVID4 BSD Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Embedded Systems Related Standards none. ”Embedded C” technical reports. usually (subset of) Ansi C standard library + platform related extensions Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice C Basics “There are only two kinds of programming languages: those people always bitch about and those nobody uses.” Bjarne Stroustrup. Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice General small number of keywords auto, break, case, char, const, continue, default, do, double, ese, enum, extern, float, for, goto, if, int ,long, register, return, short, signed, sizeof, static,struct, switch,typedef,union,unsigned, void, volatile, while lot of arithmetical and logical operators free-format, case sensitive simple structure aimed at algorithmization relies on libraries for a meaningfull operation Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Variables static typed, weakly-enforced (implicit type conversion possible) single namespace, no sigil (e.g. $var) first class: accesible as a unit integer, structure but not array compound types – array, enum, struct lexical scope of visibility allows user-defined types Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Functions procedure (function)-based declaration syntax similar to usage syntax fn definition outside functions basic polymorphism Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Other Features low-level access to computer memory basic modularity – separated compilation preprocessor for macros, source text inclusion, conditional compilation linker for pre-compiled objects inclusion complex function delegated to (standard) library routines Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice What is not included object-oriented approach – but basic concepts are usable garbage collection – proper disposal of unused memory is left to programmer GUI library, multithreading, data persistence, lambda calculus Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Lexical Conventions case sensitive, keywords are lower case comments: /* multiline */ // singleline Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Source character ser Letters: a - z, A - Z, Digits: 0 -- 9 Punctuation: ~ ! @ # \% ^ & * ( ) - + = : ; " ’ < > , . ? | / \ { } [ ] Whitespace: space, horizontal tab, vertical tab, form feed, newline Others possible, hardly portable (ASCII 127+, UNICODE) Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Integer Constants decimal 0 - 9 (default type) minus sign - for negative numbers Ex.: 15, 0, 1, -2 octal 0 - 7 begin with zero Ex.: 065, 015, 0, 01 hexadecimal 0 - 9, A - F begin with 0x (case insensitive) Ex.: 0x12, 0xDeadBeef, 0Xcd binary 0,1 non-standard! its support depends on compiler typically begin with 0b (case insensitive) Ex.: 0b10110010 ~L, ~U suffixes to explicitly declare long / unsigned constant, e.g. 129u, 12345LU Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Real Constants decimal 15., 56.8, .84, 3.14 exponential 5e6, 7e23 double by default ~F, ~L suffixes to explicitly declare float / long double constant, e.g. 3.14f, 12e3L Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Character Constants straight ’a’, ’x’, ’#’ octal backslash + 3 octal digits, e.g. \012, \x007 hexa \x + 2 hex digits, e.g. \x0A, \x00 Well known constants: \n newline \r carriage return \t tab \b backspace \\ backslash \’ apostrophe \0 zero character (e.g. string termination) Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice String Constants aka Literals delimited by quotes: "" ex. "A string","much longer string" automatic concatenation (chaining), e.g. "All this" " pieces" "will turn into one string!" Escape sequences used for input of special characters: "Be aware of \"nothing\" from girls’ mouth!" "Do not mismatch slash ’/’ and backslash ’\’" Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Operators I. basic assignment: = arithmetics: +, -, *, /, %, relations: ==, !=, <, >, <=, >= logical: !, &&, || bitwise logic: ~, &, |, ^ shift operators: <<, >> advanced assignment: +=, -=, *=, /=, %=, &=, |=, ~=, <<=, >>= increment/decrement: ++, -- subexpresion: () Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Operators II. conditional: ? : calling function: () (de)referencing: *, &, [] sequencing: , type conversion: (type) addressing: ., -> misc: sizeof() Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Assignment Basic operator: = Advanced ops: +=, *=, -=, ... a = 1; b = -2; f = 1.34; // real number f *= -2; // f is -2.68 a = max (1,3); // saving return value Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Comparison operators == ... equality != ... inequality <, > ... less/bigger than <=, >= ... less/bigger or equal to Zero is treated as FALSE, non-zero as TRUE – newer compilers provide bool datatype, but any integer is feasible for logic evaluation. Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Assignment vs. Comparison Caution! Mismatching = and == is eternal source of error and grey hair. E.g.: i == x is TRUE if i is equal to x. i = x is TRUE if x is nonzero. Now days are brighter, compiler often issues a warning. Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Ex.: Comparison int i = 1, j = 1; j = j && (i = 2); // true j = j && (i == 3); // false j = j || (i / 2); // true j = !j && (i = i + 1); // false Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Lazy Expression Evaluation if ( y != 0 && x / y < z) ... Generally, for y = 0, evaluation would end up with error. Due to lazy evaluation, the result is known before second part is evaluated. Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Operator Precedence Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Operator Precedence II. Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Variables Variable is a memory-stored element of data, that features: name (unique identifier) data type (known at compile-time) scope (visibility) Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Identifiers identifiers start with alphabetic or underscore character, may contain numbers identifier begginging with underscore are often system reserved, not recommended (e.g. _demo ) identifier length used to be limited (e.g. 8 or 32 charactes) Smart naming conventions Use meaningfull names: long, self-descriptive Use short names just for loop indices. Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Basic datatypes int integer, signed or unsigned, min 16-bit, typ. 16–32-bit char smallest unit, integer type, typ. 8-bit long int min 32-bit, abbreviated as long float single precision floating-point, typ 32-bit (sign + 8exp + 23man) double double precision floating-point, typ 64-bit (1 + 11 + 53) long double extended precision, typ 64--80-bit C99: adds long long, bool Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Basic datatypes II. all integer types either signed (implicit) or unsigned signed range (−2(n−1) , 2(n−1) − 1) unsigned range (0, 2n − 1) floating point types stored in form m × 2n Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Examples bool flag; // true = 1; c99 only char c; // signed ! int i; // same as "signed int i" unsigned int ui; // "unsigned ui" also valid long int a; // "long a" also valid long long int u; // c99 only float f; // long double xxx; // extended precision Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Fixed-width datatypes (C99) intN t integer of exactly N-bits, e.g. int16 uintN t unsigned variant int leastN t, uint leastN t (unsigned) integer at least N-bits wide int fastN t, uint fastN t fastest type of (unsigned) integer at least N-bits wide intmax t maximum width integer type Ex: uint16 t, uint fast32 t Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Functions Function is a block of statements with defined arguments and return value. Any function features: identifier arguments (typed) return value (typed) scope declaration, definition Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Functions Declaration: tells the compiler that the function is defined (somewhere) specifies the name and type of arguments and return value (also referred to as function prototype) function must be declared before it is used Definition: defines the function as a sequence of statements Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Ex.: Functions // declaration double pi_times (int num); // definition double circ (int r){ return pi_times( 2 * r ) ; } double pi_times (int num){ return num * 3.14; } Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Function Scope A function might be called at a certain point in source text when: the function is previously defined within same module the function is previously declared within same module i.e. the function is defined within same module, or i.e. the function exists in another module The prototypes are typically kept in header files. Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Variable Scope A variable might be referenced at a certain point in source text when: it is previously defined within same function or globally it is previously declared within same function or globally that indicates the variable is defined within same module, or that indicates the variable exists in another module and is made accessible to other modules. The local variables are defined within functions (even in blocks by newer standards), global variables are typically defined within modules’ source text and declared in header files. Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Void Type useful e.g. for explicit declaration of empty parameters or empty return value and more, as seen later void print(int a); // fn that returns nothing int rand(void); // fn w/ no parameters Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Two-way Branching: IF Syntax: if(condition) then expr1; or Syntax: if(condition) then expr1; else expr2; if (a == 1) b = 2; if (a == 1){ b = 2; c = 1; }else{ a = 1; } Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Multi-way Branching: SWITCH switch(c){ case 1: ... break; case 2: ... break; default: ... break; } Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Multi-way Branching: SWITCH II. switch(c){ case ’f’: ... // case ’F’: ... break; default: ... break; } when break is ommited, evaluation continues in next branch Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice While loop Syntax: while(condition) expr1; loop while condition holds condition evaluated before evaluating expr a = 123; while (a > 0){ b = cool_fn(a); } Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Do .. While loop Syntax: do expr1 while(condition); loop while condition holds condition evaluated after evaluating expr a = 32; do{ b = cool_fn(a); }while (a > 0); Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice FOR loop Syntax: for(e start; e end; e iter) expr; predefined number of cycles e start evaluated once at the beginning e end evaluated every beginning of iteration e iter evaluated every end of iteration for (i = 0; i < 10; i++){ b = cool_fn(i); } Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice FOR loop II. any of e start, e end, e iter might be ommited // same function as previous loop i = 0; for (; i < 10; ){ b = cool_fn(i); i++; } // endless loop for(;;){ ... } Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Ex. More Loops // empty loop while (i < 1) ; // nested loops for(i = 0; i < 10; i++){ for(j = 0; j < 10; j++){ s = compute(i, j); } } Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Loop Control break – immediately finishes innermost looping continue – skips rest of current iteration // skip trendy_fn() if cool_fn() returns value below ze for (i = 0; i < 10; i++){ b = cool_fn(i); if(b < 0) continue; c = trendy_fn(i,b); } // stop looping when cool_fn() returns zero for(;;){ b = cool_fn(++i); if(b = 0) break; } Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice GOTO command Syntax: label: ... goto label; be AWARE! // trivial example -- to be AVOIDED puentezero: ... goto puentezero; Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Ex.: Meaningfull use of GOTO // escaping nested loops for(i = 0; i < 10; i++){ for(j = 0; j < 10; j++){ for(k = 0; k < 10; k++){ if(a[j] == 0) goto error; n = b[k] + a[i] / a[j]; } } } goto allright; // handle zero divisor error: ... allright: ... Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice RETURN statement Syntax: return expr; or return(expr); return; // return from void fn return 1; // return constant, same as "return(1)" return (a); // return value of a variable return cool_fn(a); // return a return value of other fn finishes current function define the return value of function in main() finishes entire program; Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Conditional operator Syntax: condition ? expr1 : expr2 corresponds to: if(condition) expr1; else expr2; int i, k, j = 2; i = (j == 2) ? 1 : 3; k = (i > j) ? i : j; k = ((i > j) ? do_it() : do_sth_else()); (i == 1) ? i++ ; j++; Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Comma operator Syntax: expr1, expr2 first expression is evaluated, then second expression is evaluated, its value is returned. // equal to i = b; i = (a, b); // ... use in for loop for (i = 0; i < 10; i++, j--) ... Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Type Casting implicit vs. explicit declare that object of defined type should be treated as object of another type Implicit: int -> unsigned -> long -> float -> double int a; unsigned b; long l; float f; l = a + b; // cast to unsigned, then to long f = l / a; // cast to long, then to float Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Type Casting II. void print_int(int a); float f = 3.14195; // f is implicitly casted to int print_int(f); // the same, explicitly print_int((int) f); Use explicit typecasting for better readability! Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice The Big Picture “A program should be light and agile, its subroutines connected like a string of pearls. The spirit and intent of the program should be retained throughout. There should be neither too little or too much, neither needless loops nor useless variables, neither lack of structure nor overwhelming rigidity. ” The Tao Of Programming, 4.2 Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Modular structure Function: isolated sequence of statements reusable block of code only one main() function, program entry point Module: in C module is equal to source file (*.c) groups function for specific task function and shared variables usualy declared in respective header files (*.h) multiple modules might be converted into single program image (e.g. executable, hex file) in process of compilation only method to keep order in large projects Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Compilation Process that converts your program text into a memory image of the program. Preprocessor – prepares source text conditional compilation, macro expansion, file inclusion Compiler – transform text into machine-code (*.s) modules compiled separately syntax checking Assembler – creates object files (*.o) Linker – merges object files into single program image merges assembled modules together with precompiled libraries resolves function and variable names resolution assign final adresses to funcs and variables Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Compilation process Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Memory Allocation Every function and variable need to have allocated memory space. Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Memory Allocation II. Static memory allocation: memory allocated by linker / program loader within the program code (program text) Dynamic memory allocation: stack – for auto variables and function passing heap – available for programmer (malloc() etc.) Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Variable Scope local var – visible within function / block global var – visible outside function (within module), may be exported to other modules static local var – local var that retains value between calls static global var – visible only in module where is defined Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Variable Modifiers – memory classes auto default for local variables (S) static local variables that retains value between fn calls (T) OR global variable, visible only within parent module register variable put in working register for faster access extern refers to variable from other module (no memory space allocated) Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Variable Modifiers – type classes const – constant value, cannot be changed often used to declare that function argument will not be changed: int seek(const char *str,char what); volatile – value changed by external means (e.g. interrupt) prevents compiler optimizations Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice C Preprocessor process the source text before compilation macro processing conditional compilation discard comments does not check syntax! lines for preprocessor start with # Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Directives Macro (un)definition: #define name any expansion text #undef name File inclusion: #include #include "filename" Error messages: #error Error message Compilation parameters: #pragma Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Directives II. Conditional compilation: #if constant condition #elif #else #endif ... if macro name is defined: #ifdef name #elif #else #endif ... if macro name is NOT defined: #ifndef name #elif #else #endif Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Simple Macros – Symbolic Constants #define MAX 1000 #define PI 3.14159 #define TWO_PI (2 * PI) #define AND && no ; after definition (unless wanted) no = between name and expansion new constant may use previously defined macro constant might appear anywhere in text, except in ”quoted string” UPPERCASE as a strongly-reccomended convention Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Simple Macros II. #define FILENAME "letter.txt" #define LONGSTRING This is a long string constant\ that won’t fit single line. #define KHZ *1024 #undef FILENAME #define FILENAME "notes.txt" long constants may use \ as delimiter, followed by newline constant is valid from definition (not before) until EOF of #undef Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Macros w/ Parameters #define macro name(Arg1, Arg2, ... ArgN) expansion #define is_upper(c) ((c) >= ’A’ && (c) <= ’Z’) no space between macro name and opening ( preprocessor does no type checking! recursion not possible! Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice File Inclusion // include system-defined file #include // include user-defined file #include "my_constants.h" included file is pasted into calling file directories with system/user files are system-dependent Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Conditional compilation #if 0 part of code to be commented out #endif #if DEBUGLEVEL < 1 print("There’s a big problem, something goes terribly wrong:\n"); print("It’s raining, I’m hungry and there’s no memory left!\n"); #error Out of memory! #elif DEBUGLEVEL = 0 print("I’m running out of memory!\n"); #else print("Everything is OK.\n"); #endif Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Conditional compilation II. #ifdef _HAVE_DSP_UNIT #define PRECISION_LIMIT 500 int calc_meaning_of_life(void){ return sqrt(2^6 + ((666 % 11) + 1) * 1e3); } #else #define PRECISION_LIMIT 50 int calc_meaning_of_life(void){ return 42; } #endif Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Preventing repeated inclusion /* * my_constants.h -- shared global constants */ #ifndef MY_CONSTANTS_H #define MY_CONSTANTS_H #define RANGE_MAX 1000 #define RANGE_MIN 10 #endif Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Separate Compilation Example: module for advanced math module amath.c + header file amath.c module main.c Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice main.c /* * main.c -- top level module of AMATH project */ // system headers #include // user-defined headers #include "amath.h" // main () void main(void){ int a = 1; b = 3; float res; printf("Input vector: %d %d\n",a,b); printf("Maximum: %d \n",am_max(a,b)); printf("Average: %f \n",am_avg(a,b)); res = am_ratio(a,b); if(amath_error == DIV_BY_ZERO){ printf("Ratio not defined!"); }else { printf("Ratio: %f \n",am_ratio(a,b)); } return 0; } Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice amath.h /* * amath.h -- AMATH project, amath module header */ // #define DIV_BY_ZERO -1; // extern variables extern int amath_error; // function prototypes int am_max(int a, int b); float am_avg(int a, int b); float am_ratio(int a, int b); Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice amath.c /* * amath.c -- AMATH project, amath module */ // global variables int amath_error; // local prototypes int am_sum(int a, int b); // global functions int am_max(int a, int b){ return (a > b ? a : b); } float am_avg(int a, int b){ return am_sum(a,b) / 2; } float am_ratio(int a, int b){ if (b == 0){ amath_error = DIV_BY_ZERO; return 0; } return (a / b); } // local fn definition int am_sum(int a, int b){ return a + b; } Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice C Standard Library standard functions, contained ± in every C distribution i/o system, string ops, math funs, time functions etc. reference: Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Real Power of C “A C program is like a fast dance on a newly waxed dance floor by people carrying razors.” Waldi Ravens. Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Advanced Data Types custom datatypes – typedef command pointer – adressing arbitrary object in memory structure – multiple items in single data type array – ordered set of elements of same type enumerators, unions Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Operator SIZEOF determines size of an object [Bytes] evaluated at compile time a = sizeof(int); typedef struct { int name; char *notes; float vek; } p a = sizeof(person); Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Pointers variable that store address of another variable, structure, function, .... typed: ”pointer to the type XXX” but may be type-casted size is machine-dependent Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Pointers II. reference op &: &var denotes address of variable var dereference op *: *ptr denotes value of variable placed on address ptr int i = 1, j; // integer int *pi; // pointer to integer p_i = &i; // store address of i to p_i *p_i = 5; // same as i = 5; Note: asterisk in pointer definition – do not mix with dereferene. Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Pointers and Functions both arguments of function or return value can be a pointer useful for call by reference function may modify the argument int *max(int *a, int *b){ //returns pointer, not the value return (*a > *b ? a : b); } Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Pointers TO Functions address of memory where function is located no parameter checking! // functions int print1(int); int print2(int); // declaration int (*pif)(); int a; // assignment pif = print1; (*pif)(1); pif(a); pif = print2; pif(a); pif(a,1,2); // extra arguments ommited pif(); // undefined value in parametes Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Arrays homogenous datatype, set of variables of same kind ordered, indexed from zero array bounds not checked by compiler array elements stored linearly in memory int a[10]; // define array of 10 elements a[1] = 6; // assign value to second element // (first is a[0]) a[10] = -1 // bad bad bad bad bad Note: array overrun is usual cause of errors ... and freezes ... and resets ... and security compromises ... etc. Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Arrays II. Initialization: int prime[3] = {5, 7, 11};// int prime[3] = {5, 7}; // prime[2] is initialized to zero int prime[3] = {5, 7, 11, 13}; // error -- more elements char letters[5] = {’a’,’h’,’o’,’j’, ’!’}; Note: array is NOT a primary datatype, following assignment is not correct: int happy[3] = {7, 13, 25}; int tmp[10]; tmp = happy; Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Arrays and Pointers arrays and pointers are closely related for int arr[10];, arr is constant pointer to beginning of memory segment int i, happy[3] = {7, 13, 25}; int *ptr; ptr = happy; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++){ cool_fn(ptr[i]); cool_fn(happy[i]); } Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Arrays as Function Arguments always passed by reference // equivalent prototypes int max (int n, const int *arr); int max (int n, const int arr[]); // definition int max(int n, int ...){ int lmax = 0, i; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) if(arr[i] > lmax) lmax = arr[i]; } return lmax; } // programmer is responsible for boundary checking!!! int pole[3] = {1, 3, 4}; // following statement lead to undefined result printf("Max: %d",max(5,pole)); Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Pointer arithmetics Pointers are de-facto numbers, following operation may have sense: comparison (==,!=,<,>): if(p1 == p2){ ... sum of pointer and integer: *(p + n) increments (++, --) difference (p1 - p2) Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Comparing Pointers comparison of memory addresses have sense only for pointers to same memory area – e.g. single array only pointers of same type, except NULL Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Pointer arithmetics II. Assume that: int *pc, data[10] = ... pc = data; Then it holds: *pc = pc[0] = data[0] *(pc + 1) = data[1] *(pc + n) = data[n] *(pc + n) points to n-th element (of type pc) after pc Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Pointer arithmetics – addressing Assume, that sizeof(char) == 1, sizeof(int) == 2, sizeof(float) == 4 char *pc = 10; int *pi = 10; float *pf = 10; Then it holds: p_c + 1 == 11 p_i + 1 == 12 p_f + 1 == 14 (char *) p_i + 1 == 11 (char *) p_f + 1 == 11 Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Ex. Pointers, Array, Type-casts #define ARRAY_SIZE 3 int i; unsigned int arr1[ARRAY_SIZE] = {0xfeed, 0xdead, 0xbeef}; unsigned int *ptr_i; unsigned char *ptr_c; ptr_i = arr1; // ... = &(arr[0]) also possible ptr_i = (char *)arr1; // print integer values for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE; i++) printf("0x%x ",ptr_i[i]); // or for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE; i++,ptr_i++) printf("0x%x ",*ptr_i); // print individual characters for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE * sizeof(int); i++) printf("0x%x ",ptr_c[i]); Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Strings basically array of char terminated with null character (’\0’) literals enclosed in double-quotes: "string"; char s1[10] = "Hello!"; // char s2[] = "Howdy!"; // char *ptrs; s1 = "Bye!"; // not possible! ptrs = s2; // as w/ any other array Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Ex. Strings, Pointers and Functions #include void str_to_upper(char *string){ int i; char *ptr = string; // loop until ’\0’ character occurs while(*(ptr++)) // or while(*ptr != 0) *ptr = toupper (*ptr); } char retezec[] = "PokusnyRetezec c. #1"; str_to_upper(retezec); printf("Converted string %s\n",retezec); Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Dynamic Allocation void *malloc (size t size); void free(void *ptr); #include // create array with powers for n = 1..10 unsigned char *p_c; p_c = (unsigned char *) malloc (sizeof(char) * 10); for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) p_c[i] = i + 1 * i + 1; ... free ((void *) p_c); Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Dynamic Allocation II. #include // create array of structures fellow_t *my_friends; p_c = (fellow_t *) malloc (sizeof(fellow_t) * 10); Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Custom datatypes keyword typedef syntax: typedef type definition type name // type definition typedef unsigned long int ulong; // variables of new type ulong temp, temp1; Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Structures heterogenous datatype (first class) used to incorporate attributes of single entity (the very fundaments of OOP:) struct struct_name { ...items... } var_name; Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Declaring Structure // define variables ann, mary and claire struct { int height; float weight; int age; } ann, bob, claire; // declare named structure and than define variables struct props{ int height; float weight; int age; }; struct props ann, bob, claire; Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Declaring Structure II. // define new datatype typedef struct props{ // structure name may be ommited int height; float weight; int age; char *name; } t_fellow; // define variables t_fellow ann, bob, claire; // define pointers t_fellow *best_friend; // init t_fellow peter = {185, 75.8, 22, "Peter"}; t_fellow tania = {.name = "Tania", .height = 168, .weight = 55.2, .age = 20 }; Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Accessing Structure Elements // static ann.age = 21; bob.height = 170; // via pointer best_friend = &claire; claire->weight = 55; (*claire).age = 22; Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Structures as Function Parameters // call by value void print_age (t_fellow fellow){ printf("Fellow age is %d\d",fellow.age); } print_age(bob); // call by reference void print_age (t_fellow *fellow){ printf("Fellow age is %d\d",fellow->age); } print_age(&claire); Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Static array of structures // array of structures t_fellow foreigners[15]; // that small girl from Ukraine foreigners[12].height = 145; t_fellow *best_friend; best_friend = &foreigners[10]; best_friend->age = 14; Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Dynamic array of structures #define MAX_FRIENDS 13 // array of pointers t_fellow *friends[MAX_FRIENDS]; int i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_FRIENDS; i++){ friends[i] = (t_fellow *)malloc (sizeof(t_fellow)); } Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Bit Fields // time structure typedef struct { unsigned int hour: 5; // 0-32 unsigned int minutes: 6; // 0-64 unsigned int seconds: 5; // 0-32 } mytime; sizeof(mytime) = 2; typedef struct { unsigned int flag: 1; /* on-off flag*/ unsigned int num: 4; : 3; /* 3-bits padding */ } mydate; Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Enumerated Type ”integer with nice names” names are assigned integer values, explicitly or automatic numbering starts from 0 and increments // enum definition enum traflites { red, green, blue}; // variable t1 enum traflites t1; // assignment t1 = red; Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Enumerated Type II. Enums are only weakly typed: enum direction {North, South, West, East}; enum color {red, green, blue}; int paint(enum color c); enum direction d = South; paint(d); // undetected error Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Enumerated Type III. Enums often used for bitfields typedef enum { perm_none = 0, perm_read = 1, perm_write = 2, perm_exec = 4 } t_perm; t_perm p1; p1 = perm_read; p1 = perm_none; p1 = perm_read | perm_write ; // but: int demo = perm_read | perm_exec; Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Unions similar to structures, but stores ONE of elements at time sizeof(my union) is equal to size of largest member union time { long simpleDate; double perciseDate; } mytime ; Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Ex. Structures in Unions union cool_byte{ unsigned char c; struct{ unsigned int low: 4; unsigned int hi :4; }; struct{ unsigned int b1 : 1; unsigned int b2 : 1; unsigned int : 6; }; }; // b1 = 0x55 union cool\_byte b1 = { .c = 0x55 } ; b1.low = 0x3; // b1 = 0x53 b1.hi = 0x7; // b1 = 0x73 b1.b1 = 0; // b1 = 0x72 return 0; } Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice 2D Arrays Static definition: int arrA[3][4]; allocated in continuous memory block equivalent to *(*(arrA + i) + j) fixed number of columns and row Dynamic – pointer to array (rarely used): int (*arrB)[4]; // pointer to array dynamically alocated in single block arrB[i] = (int *[4])malloc ( 4 * 2 * sizeof(int)); fixed number of columns, arbitrary number of rows Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice 2D Arrays II. Dynamic – array of pointers: int *arrC[3]; // pointer array dynamically alocated per line for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) arrC[i] = (int *)malloc ( 4 * sizeof(int)); fixed number of rows of varying size Dynamic – pointer to pointer: int **arrD; // pointer to poiner dynamically alocated array for pointer to lines: arrD = (int **)malloc ( 4 * sizeof(int)); then allocation per line: arrD[i] = (int *) malloc ( 3 * sizeof(int)); Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Best Practice Thus spake the master programmer: “A well-written program is its own heaven; a poorly-written program is its own hell.” The Tao Of Programming, 4.1 Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Blocks & Indentation Functions: // ansi C int max(int a, int b) { statement; return; } // K&R C int max(int a, int b){ statement; return; } Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Blocks & Indentation II Loops: while(true){ statements; } if(a < 1){ statement; }else{ statement; } Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Spacing after comma/semicolon: int a, b; float c; around operator: a = b / (b + 1); except ++,--,: i++; --a; in logical expression: for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Source file structure opening comment: filename, author, version, brief description #includes: only .h files, no .c; first system headers, then user-defined global variables (outside functions) to be exported local #defines local typedefs global variables (outside functions) for local use function prototypes of local functions main() function global functions definition local functions definition Background C Basics Compilation C Lib Real Power of C Best Practice Header file structure opening comment: filename, author, version, brief description global #defines: constants, macro functions global typedefs: structures etc. global variables declaration: from respective .c modules global functions prototypes: from respective .c modules No definitions! Avoid other .h inclusion if possible.