Process architecture & Project consultations PV207 – Business Process Management Spring 2015 Jiří Kolář ● Recap ○ Types of processes ○ Kinds of work ○ Adaptive Case Management ○ ACM vs BPM ● Process categorization ● Inter-process relationships ● BPMN orchestration diagrams ● Process architecture Lecture overview ● Human-centric BPM Process types recap ● Human-centric BPM ○ Management of human-centric processes ○ Large amount of human-tasks (forms, portlets etc.) ○ A comprehensive technology for User-interface needed ● Integration of systems Process types recap ● Human-centric BPM ○ Management of human-centric processes ○ Large amount of human-tasks (forms, portlets etc.) ○ A comprehensive technology for User-interface needed ● Integration of systems ○ Integration of WS and other interfaces of various systems together ○ Involves middleware (Messaging , ESBs etc) ○ Orchestration of inter-system communication ● Document-oriented BPM Process types recap ● Human-centric BPM ○ Management of human-centric processes ○ Large amount of human-tasks (forms, portlets etc.) ○ A comprehensive technology for User-interface needed ● Integration of systems ○ Integration of WS and other interfaces of various systems together ○ Involves middleware (Messaging , ESBs etc) ○ Orchestration of inter-system communication ● Document-oriented BPM ○ Management of document-flow ○ Often combined with Human-centric systems Process types recap Two kinds of work - recap ● Routine work Two kinds of work - recap ● Routine work ○ Work process can be easily defined in advance ○ Sequences of tasks (processes) are repeated frequently ○ Uniformity of sequences is desired ○ BPM helps to achieve the uniformity ○ Easy from process modeling perspective ○ High process rigidity desired ● Knowledge-intensive work Two kinds of work - recap ● Routine work ○ Work process can be easily defined in advance ○ Sequences of tasks (processes) are repeated frequently ○ Uniformity of sequences is desired ○ BPM helps to achieve the uniformity ○ Easy from process modeling perspective ○ High process rigidity desired ● Knowledge-intensive work ○ Sequence of tasks is defined by decisions of the worker ○ Many exceptional situations possible ○ Knowledge of the worker plays key role ○ Ad-hoc process welcomed/wanted Adaptive Case Management basics ● Knowledge workers are handling larger volumes of processes with heterogenous structure = “cases” ● A “case” is a set of activities to be performed, however the order is not important = “ad-hoc process” ● Similar cases means processing similar information = “utilization of similar resources” (documents) ● There is a need for continuous definition of a bestpractice walk through the process = “continuous process discovery” ACM concepts image source: BPM vs ACM ● Adaptive Case Management ○ Processes activities performed in ad hoc order ○ Case (as an instance) is a first class citizen ○ Patterns detection and reusability ○ Document management ● Business Process management ○ Process activities performed in defined order ○ Process (as a definition) is first class citizen ○ Process is a pattern itself ○ Document oriented or integration oriented Ballance process rigidity ● Processes should: ○ Navigate users to maintaining good practices in work process ○ Codify an efficient and goal oriented work-process ○ Keep work-process uniform and measurable ● Processes should not: ○ Tight hands of a worker, inhibit improvements ○ Raise work-process complexity and administrative overhead ○ Decrease work-process efficiency ○ Cause technological overkills Questions? Break 10mins Process architecture - Motivation ● There can be many processes in an organisation and we need to organise them ● MUNI = more than 100 processes ○ How to identify a processes? ○ How to categorise those processes? ○ How are processes interacting with each other? ○ How to describe such interactions? ○ What happen in case of change (business focus, organisational)? ○ How to capture process dynamism? How to categorise processes? ● By the purpose of the process ○ Alignment with business strategy ● By organisation structure ○ +Naturally easy way of categorising ○ - Does not reflect reality (Hacks needed) ○ - Fragmentation of real process = Silos are back! ● By the “business entity” they are related to ○ + Organisation structure independent ○ + Reflects reality ○ - Needs more effort during analysis ○ - Harder to understand by process actors ● By the process hierarchy ○ But how do we build the hierarchy? Categorization by process purpose ● Core business processes (business operations) ○ Directly contributes to a defined goal/objective ○ Providing value to customers ○ Eg. Ordering process, Manufacturing process, providing a service ● Management processes ○ Govern business operations ○ Value provided indirectly through managed core processes ○ Eg. Planning, defining strategy, governance ● Support processes ○ Supporting the core processes indirectly ○ Value provided rather indirectly , hard to measure Categorization by process purpose image source Categorization by the organization structure Processes categorized by business entities they are related to ● Process is a sequences of steps that “handle” a business entity ○ We have to identify those entities first! ○ Entity examples: ■ Order ■ Product ○ Process Examples: ■ Prepare an order ■ Manufacture a product ● A Process can “handle” other process as well ○ Examples: ■ Manage a flow of orderes ■ Manage the manufacture of products How are processes interacting ? ● There are quite some possible ways of process interaction: ○ Instantiation ○ Activation ○ Deliver to ○ Notify ○ ..... ● Some of them create new processes? How to describe simple interactions? ● Just by BPMN and choreography diagrams How to describe simple interactions? ● Just by BPMN and choreography diagrams How to describe complex interactions? ● Process architecture diagrams From a presentation of Martin Ould , Bristol branch of the BCS in May 2005 How to capture process dynamism? With precise process architecture From a presentation of Martin Ould ,Bristol branch of the BCS in May 2005 What happens in case of change? ● Changes in organisation structure ○ Processes aligned with organisation structure ■ Significant rework ○ Structural-independent process architecture ■ No changes in ideal case ● Changes in Business focus ○ Processes aligned with organisation structure ■ Not much, update of some processes ○ Structural-independent process architecture ■ Complete rework FIN Questions? PV207 – Business Process Management Jiří Kolář