Jan Sedmidubsky March 24, 2015Motion Capture: Applications, Software, and Challenges Dr. Jan Sedmidubsky Motion Capture: Applications, Software, and Challenges Laboratory of Data Intensive Systems and Applications http://disa.fi.muni.cz/ Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University Brno, Czech Republic 1/14 Jan Sedmidubsky • Applications: – Computer Animation – iPi Soft, Motive, Captury Studio – Simulation – Organic Motion LIVE – Sports – MOCAP Analytics – Medicine – Organic Motion BioStage – Other applications • Challenges March 24, 2015Motion Capture: Applications, Software, and Challenges Outline 2/14 Jan Sedmidubsky • Computer Animation: – Make subject (human) movements in movies and computer games as much realistic as possible • Games: Far Cry 4, GTA V • Movies: Avatar, The Lord of the Rings – Create/generate new motions by merging movements that follow each other March 24, 2015Motion Capture: Applications, Software, and Challenges Computer Animation 3/14 Jan Sedmidubsky • iPi Soft (iPi Soft – Russia) – Marker-less motion capture software primarily focused on creation of realistic animations – Supports up to 16 cameras or 4 Kinect sensors and maximally three actors – Price: 1.2k USD per year March 24, 2015Motion Capture: Applications, Software, and Challenges Computer Animation – iPi Soft 4/14 Jan Sedmidubsky • Motive (OptiTrack company – USA) – Invasive (marker-based) motion capture software – Enables to capture facial expressions – Price: 2k USD (+2k USD facial expressions) March 24, 2015Motion Capture: Applications, Software, and Challenges Computer Animation – Motive 5/14 Jan Sedmidubsky • Captury Studio (MPI company – Germany) – Package for offline post-processing an unlimited number of input videos from different camera sources – Automatic synchronization of input videos – Enables to capture non-human skeletons – Price: 5k EUR per year March 24, 2015Motion Capture: Applications, Software, and Challenges Computer Animation – Captury Studio 6/14 Jan Sedmidubsky • Simulation: – Improve the education and training of military forces or healthcare personnel by inserting live role-players – Interact with digitally animated characters in live training scenarios in a natural and intuitive way – Organic Motion LIVE (Organic Motion – USA) • Marker-less face and body motion tracking software • Contains voice modulation software March 24, 2015Motion Capture: Applications, Software, and Challenges Simulation 7/14 Jan Sedmidubsky • Sports: – Quantify improvement or loss of performance of athletes • Quantify improvement by comparing individuals to themselves rather than a statistical norm which they may not fit – Predict injuries and injury location by identifying individual performance degradation over time – Recognize talents who fit a given model or scheme March 24, 2015Motion Capture: Applications, Software, and Challenges Sports 8/14 Jan Sedmidubsky • MOCAP Analytics: – Silicon Valley startup (2011) – “Take your mocap data from a big mess to something that is going to win you games and make you money” – General framework for analyzing mocap ball-games data • Identifying over 600 interactions per minute of gameplay – Price: that depends on what you want… March 24, 2015Motion Capture: Applications, Software, and Challenges Sports – MOCAP Analytics 9/14 Jan Sedmidubsky • Objectives: – Improve the education and training of healthcare personnel including physicians, paramedics and nurses – Create a roadmap to help each patient by showing exactly where and how he or she has gotten better – Recognize developmental disabilities and movement disorders such as cerebral palsy, Parkinson’s disease, stroke, autism, hyperkinesis, brain/spinal cord injuries and other neuromuscular problems • Organic Motion BioStage – marker-less technology used to follow the progress of an athlete's recovery from surgery after an injury March 24, 2015Motion Capture: Applications, Software, and Challenges Medicine 10/14 Jan Sedmidubsky • Analysis of: – Gait, connection between the brain and body motion, and hand-eye coordination • Research papers: – Measure the change in magnitude, speed, and motion similarity of facial animations in head and neck oncology patients, before and after lip split mandibulotomy – Monitor loss or regain of control over the virtual pen's movement by touchpad presses of patients with schizophrenia March 24, 2015Motion Capture: Applications, Software, and Challenges Medicine 11/14 Jan Sedmidubsky • Law enforcement: – Person identification, event detection • Safety and health monitoring: – At smart homes – detection of falls of elderly people – At constructions sites – identification of unsafe acts: • Speed limit violations of equipment • Close proximity between equipment or equipment and workers March 24, 2015Motion Capture: Applications, Software, and Challenges Other Applications 12/14 Jan Sedmidubsky • Classification: – Goal: assign a query motion to a given category(ies) – Usage: action (event) recognition, annotation, subject rec. – Ideas: motion as an image classified by a neural network • Retrieval: – Goal: find (sub-)query-similar actions in a long motion – Usage: medicine, animation/motion generation – Ideas: “ballistic” seg. + motion-words, similarity joins • Interactions: – Goal: find specific interactions (events) among subjects – Usage: sport analysis March 24, 2015Motion Capture: Applications, Software, and Challenges Challenges 13/14 Jan Sedmidubsky March 24, 2015Motion Capture: Applications, Software, and Challenges Questions? 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