PV258 Requirements Engineering in Agile Software Development
Week 9 - Agile Development Session
This week it will be about running the first iteration, putting in place all the concepts we have seen in the last weeks: requirements modelling with user stories and backlogs, requirements prioritization and effort estimation, modelling with CRC method and acceptance testing (either manual or automated by means of a framework such as Fitnesse). Remember just to have one laptop per group so that you can progress on this first iteration.
Selected technologies
- Group 1. Filipec et al. : Rental System for Accommodation (JEE+JSF);
- Group 2. Antti et al. : Crazy Pictures (Objective-C + iOS);
- Group 3. Katuščák et al.: "Best Venue" (C#, .NET);
- Group 4. Maroš et al. : Minimalistic TODO List (Java, Android);