Lecture sylabus PV260
Week 9 - Continuous integration and issue tracking.
Lecturer: Samuel Peťovský and Lukáš Pitoňák, Honeywell
Date: 14. 4. 2015 at 12:00-13:40 in A318, FI MU
About the lecturers: Lukas Pitonak is leading software development projects in Honeywell and has more than seven years of experience as a Java developer. Samuel Petovsky is currently working on a practical master thesis in the area of continuous integration and delivery in Honeywell.
The session will cover basics of Continuous Integration and Issue Tracking.
Continuous Integration
- Introduction into CI
- Build servers
- Best practices
- Real live example
Expected outcome: Understand why to use continuous integration and how it can be implemented.
Issue Tracking
- Features of modern issue tracking systems
- Relation to software quality
- Real life examples
Expected outcome: Understand the capabilities of modern issue tracking system and its benefits.
Lecture Material
Slides of the lecture: