Sonar Ant-based Analyzer PV260 Software Quality February 17, 2015 Step 1 - download resources SonarQube Ant task: Step 1 - download resources JaCoCo jar: Download the lates version (.zip file) From the zip extract the file lib/jacocoant.jar Step 1 - download resources JUnit jar: Download-and-Install Step 1 - download resources get the javaGroups/week1/ (IS study materials) extract Step 2 - configure the runner in the HelloWorld open the SonarAntTaskProperties.xml and fill the following: sonar.login - your UCO sonar.password - 1234 (change it when you first login) in the classpath.test copy in the path to junit.jar in the classpath.sonarRunner copy in the path to sonar-ant-task.jar in the classpath.jacoco copy in the path to jacocoant.jar Step 3 - run the analysis (from CMD) have ant installed on your machine (you can check using the command ’ant -version’, if there is any output you are all set) change working directory to the HelloWorld folder you got earlier (now you should be in e.g. ’C:\Users\Username\Documents\HelloWorld_sonar’) run the command ’ant -buildfile sonarAntTask.xml’ you should now see the analysis in progress, at the end there needs to BUILD_SUCCESFULL message and there should be no WARN messages