Intro/Specifics Design OO OO Typesetting PDF OOOOO OO Printin OOO Presentation OOOO Summar OO Examples OOOOOO DPRPO: Poster HowTo Technical Viewpoint Petr Sojka Masaryk University, Faculty of Informatics, Brno, Czech Republic Masaryk University, Spring 2016, Fl MU Brno % Petr Sojka: DPRPO-Poster Tech HowTo Intro/Specifics Design Typesetting PDF Printing Presentation Summary Examples oo oo ooooo oo ooo oooo oo oooooo Outline and two take-home messages O Poster Preparation Specifics © Content and Design © Typesetting the Beast © Prepress, PDF Preparation 0 Printing © Transport, Posting and Presentation © Summary © Examples, Q&A Petr Sojka: DPRPO—Poster Tech HowTo Masaryk University, Faculty of Informatics, Brno, Spring 2016 Intro/Specifics Design OO OO Typesetting PDF Printing OOOOO OO ooo Presentation oooo Summary OO Lean Development with Reader-Centric Iterations E = mc2 J Examples OOOOOO Značkování Návrh Sazba r ■> Korektury Předloha Tisk r "\ Distribuce Markup Design • Typesetting Proofreading Preprint Print Distribution Petr Sojka: DPRPO—Poster Tech HowTo Masaryk University, Faculty of Informatics, Brno, Spring 2016 Intro/Specifics Design Typesetting PDF Printing Presentation Summary Examples oo oo ooooo oo ooo oooo oo oooooo Take care! "God is in the details." (Mies van der Rohe) Petr Sojka: DPRPO-Poster Tech HowTo Masaryk University, Faculty of Informatics, Brno, Spring 2016 Intro/Specifics Design Typesetting PDF Printing Presentation Summary Examples •o oo ooooo oo ooo oooo oo oooooo How to DIY? Some thoughts first! © Waterfall or Lean-Agile? • Try the whole workflow ASAP! • Put yourself in the reader's place and iterate! Poster as standalone scientific paper or puff add/cheat sheet for you? • Proportion of text and graphics, references, acknowledgements? • Conservative or not? • Attentive reading or not? Batch or Interactive preparation? • Extremes suck (long iteration vs. inconsistencies, no precision). • Try several workflow possibilities on examples, choose what suits best. Petr Sojka: DPRPO—Poster Tech HowTo Masaryk University, Faculty of Informatics, Brno, Spring 2016 Intro/Specifics Design Typesetting PDF Printing Presentation Summary Examples 09 oo ooooo oo ooo oooo oo oooooo From idea to the poster on paper © Content (Marked) - What? • Text, data, graphics (?accepted paper) Form (Design) - How? • How to visualize, present content? • Size (travel), time or money (?color) constraints. • Attentive reading or not? Typesetting (application of design on marked content) batch/algorithmic vs. WYSIWYG? ® Print (paper size and type). Delivery and presentation to the Reader(s). Petr Sojka: DPRPO—Poster Tech HowTo Masaryk University, Faculty of Informatics, Brno, Spring 2016 Intro/Specifics Design Typesetting PDF Printing Presentation Summary Examples OO 90 ooooo oo ooo oooo oo oooooo Design thinker Petr Sojka: DPRPO-Poster Tech HowTo Masaryk University, Faculty of Informatics, Brno, Spring 2016 Intro/Specifics Design Typesetting PDF Printing Presentation Summary Examples OO 09 ooooo oo ooo oooo oo oooooo Content and Design © "No, Watson, this was not done by accident, but by design.11 — Sherlock Holmes © Having what, how? © Not to be absent! ® Has to serve to convey message. © Some typography and design rules has been covered in the previous lecture by Malíková. Petr Sojka: DPRPO-Poster Tech HowTo Intro/Specifics Design OO OO Typesetting Printing •oooo OO ooo Presentation OOOO Summary Examples OO oooooo Typesetting — different engines niniHftllBBI Petr Sojka: DPRPO-Poster Tech HowTo Intro/Specifics Design Typesetting Printing Presentation Summary Examples oo oo o»ooo oo ooo oooo oo oooooo Typesetting engine © programmable graphics: PostScript, APIs, ® T[=X et al., with frontends: Lyx, ® 3B2, InDesign ® Inkscape, Scribus (D QuarkXpress, CorelDraw ® [PowerPoint, Word] ® Engine comparison, pros and cons (layout, text, math, graphics, level of control) Petr Sojka: DPRPO-Poster Tech HowTo Intro/Specifics Design OO OO Typesetting PDF Printing oo»oo OO ooo Presentation oooo Summary OO The Engine makes the difference 4 i'o Hi 3 53 "§"-y S g' S3 Q 1 LAG lOl 11- g SO (o 3a Examples OOOOOO Petr Sojka: DPRPO-Poster Tech HowTo Masaryk University, Faculty of Informatics, Brno, Spring 2016 Intro/Specifics Design Typesetting Printing Presentation Summary Examples oo oo ooo»o oo ooo oooo oo oooooo The T^X way, with front ends or directly ©, Lyx, AucTeX, TeXlive , A3 (A4) printing to test readability. Petr Sojka: DPRPO-Poster Tech HowTo Intro/Specifics Design Typesetting PDF Printing Presentation Summary Examples oo OO OOOOO 90 OOO OOOO OO oooooo Petr Sojka: DPRPO-Poster Tech HowTo Masaryk University, Faculty of Informatics, Brno, Spring 2016 Intro/Specifics Design Typesetting PDF Printing Presentation Summary Examples OO OO OOOOO 09 ooo oooo oo oooooo Prepress © PostScript vs. PDF (language vs. format). PostScript PDF — Distiller's joboptions, ghostscript's ps2pdf. PDF —> PostScript — acroread -toPostScript plus psutils. ® PDF/X, PDF/X3. Preflight (Adobe Acrobat Pro XI (Eur 82 in Level-3 discount), Distiller profiles). If everything fails: very high resolution JPEG as fallback. Petr Sojka: DPRPO—Poster Tech HowTo Masaryk University, Faculty of Informatics, Brno, Spring 2016 Intro/Specifics Design OO OO Typesetting OOOOO PDF OO Printing •OO Presentation OOOO Summary Examples OO oooooo Printing - good services Petr Sojka: DPRPO-Poster Tech HowTo Intro/Specifics Design OO OO Typesetting PDF ooooo oo Printing omo Presentation oooo Summary Printing - on the spot services oo Examples OOOOOO T f, SITE SERVICES_ RESTROOMS, SINKS, TEMPORARY FENCE, PORTABLE STORAGE and MORE 1-800-TOILETS VťV.V.VV.V 'Vi! J*.' »Mi»!'-''' 1é Petr Sojka: DPRPO-Poster Tech HowTo Masaryk University, Faculty of Informatics, Brno, Spring 2016 Intro/Specifics Design Typesetting PDF Printing Presentation Summary Examples oo oo ooooo oo oom oooo oo oooooo Printing © Paper types (plain, glossy) and weight considerations. ® Laser printers up to A3 (copy5c, Ij5b,...). Tip: print a few A3 'poster as paper' copies as gift to interested parties. ® PlottersOFI: loc:C4 (AGDAMM, AOplus) bought from [my] FRVS grant, controlled access and printing secured for free. ® or loc:B204 (NLP, AO). PlottersOUVT: locClll (), wide range of papers, cost pre-calculation by Inet. Print by organizers not recommended (possible surprise on the spot). Petr Sojka: DPRPO—Poster Tech HowTo Masaryk University, Faculty of Informatics, Brno, Spring 2016 Intro/Specifics Design OO OO Typesetting OOOOO PDF OO Printing OOO Presentation •OOO Summary Examples OO OOOOOO Possibilites on the spot Petr Sojka: DPRPO-Poster Tech HowTo Masaryk University, Faculty of Informatics, Brno, Spring 2016 Intro/Specifics Design Typesetting PDF Printing Presentation Summary Examples OO OO OOOOO OO OOO 0900 oo oooooo Transport, Posting © Tube transport by airplane, check with airlines. © Size check in advance, A4/A3 sheets as fallback. © Digital delivery not recommended. ® Hint: Posting poster PDF on the web with hypertext DOI of original papers. © Hint: Prepare electronic poster version as standalone with PDF metadata properly set up (cf. this PDF in Acrobat, File Properties) Petr Sojka: DPRPO-Poster Tech HowTo Intro/Specifics Design OO OO Typesetting PDF Printing ooooo OO ooo Presentation oo«o Summary OO Examples OOOOOO Joy of understanding Petr Sojka: DPRPO-Poster Tech HowTo Masaryk University, Faculty of Informatics, Brno, Spring 2016 Intro/Specifics Design Typesetting PDF Printing Presentation Summary Examples oo oo ooooo oo ooo ooo» oo oooooo Finale: presentation © approved libreto? © PC demo? © A3/A4 to go? Leaflets? ® Eye contact. © ... © mission completed! Petr Sojka: DPRPO-Poster Tech HowTo Intro/Specifics Design OO OO Typesetting PDF Printing OOOOO OO ooo Presentation oooo Summary •O Lean Development with Reader-Centric Iterations E = mc2 J Examples OOOOOO Značkování Návrh Sazba r ■> Korektury Předloha Tisk r "\ Distribuce Markup Design • Typesetting Proofreading Preprint Print Distribution Petr Sojka: DPRPO—Poster Tech HowTo Masaryk University, Faculty of Informatics, Brno, Spring 2016 Intro/Specifics Design Typesetting PDF Printing Presentation Summary Examples OO OO OOOOO OO OOO OOOO 09 oooooo Take care! "God is in the details." (Mies van der Rohe) Petr Sojka: DPRPO-Poster Tech HowTo Masaryk University, Faculty of Informatics, Brno, Spring 2016 Intro/Specifics Design Typesetting PDF Printing Presentation Summary Examples OO OO OOOOO OO OOO OOOO OO »00000 Commented examples posted Questions? © Examples from discussion group and IS. General Q&A session — all you wanted to know about poster preparation but was afraid to ask. Good or bad? Petr Sojka: DPRPO-Poster Tech HowTo Intro/Specifics OO Good way Design Typesetting PDF Printing OO OOOOO OO ooo Presentation oooo Summary Examples oo o»oooo Petr Sojka: DPRPO-Poster Tech HowTo Intro/Specifics Design OO OO Bad examples Typesetting PDF Printing ooooo OO ooo Presentation oooo Summary OO WRONG WAY Examples oo»ooo Petr Sojka: DPRPO-Poster Tech HowTo Masaryk University, Faculty of Informatics, Brno, Spring 2016 Intro/Specifics Soika: DPRpo-i °ster Tech HowT, zsaryk Universh :aculty '"fermatics, Brno, Spri 2016 Intro/Specifics Design OO OO Typesetting OOOOO PDF OO Printing OOO Presentation OOOO Summary OO Examples OOOOO» Examples ® Suchomel, pros and cons ® Nevěřilová, pros and cons ® others??? ® ... ® The Art of Math Information Retrieval ... ® winner example: Růžička ® ... Petr Soika: DPRPO-Poster Tech HowTo