PA103 - Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems Refactoring and Code Smells © Radek Ošlejšek Faculty of Informatics PA103: Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems IS © R. Ošlejšek, FI MU 2Spring 2016 Literature  Refactoring – Improving the Design of Existing Code  Authors: M. Fowler, K. Beck, J. Brant, W. Opdyke, D. Roberts  Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional  Copyright: 1999 (Kindle Edition 2012)  PA103: Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems IS © R. Ošlejšek, FI MU 3Spring 2016 Refactoring  Refactoring (noun): a change made to the internal structure of software to make it easier to understand and cheaper to modify without changing its observable behavior.  Refactor (verb): to restructure software by applying a series of refactorings. PA103: Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems IS © R. Ošlejšek, FI MU 4Spring 2016 Refactoring Principles Why do we refactor?Why do we refactor? To improve the design of software To make software easier to understand To help you find bugs To make your program faster When should we refactor?When should we refactor? – Refactor when you add functionality – Refactor when you need to fix a bug – Refactor as you do code reviews – Refactoring is very common in iterative/incremental development (integration of a new code usually require refactoring of existing parts of the system) – Refactor when the code starts to smellRefactor when the code starts to smell. – Don't refactor if a “stench” is the feature of applied design pattern!Don't refactor if a “stench” is the feature of applied design pattern! What about performance?What about performance? Worry about performance only when you have identified a performance problem PA103: Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems IS © R. Ošlejšek, FI MU 5Spring 2016 Refactoring and Development Process  Traditional software engineering is modeled after traditional engineering practices (= design first, then code)  The desired end product can be determined in advance  Workers of a given type are interchangeable  Agile software engineering is based on different assumptions:  Requirements (and therefore design) change as users become acquainted with the software  Programmers are professionals with varying skills and knowledge  Programmers are in the best position for making design decisions  Refactoring is fundamental to agile programming  Refactoring is often necessary even in a traditional iterative/incremental development  Code modification during the iterative process  Integration of new increments  Refactoring environment and tools:  Continuous integration, Change Management, ... PA103: Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems IS © R. Ošlejšek, FI MU 6Spring 2016 Lecture 4 / Part 1: Bad Smells In Code (Examples in Detail) PA103: Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems IS © R. Ošlejšek, FI MU 7Spring 2016 Bad Smells in Code If it stinks, change it. --Grandma Beck, discussing child-rearing philosophy Code Smells:  Duplicated Code  Long Method  Large Class  Long Parameter List  Divergent Change  Shotgun Surgery  Feature Envy  Data Clumps  Primitive Obsession  Switch Statements  Parallel Inheritance Hierarchies  Lazy Class  Speculative Generality  Temporary Field  Message Chains  Middle Man  Inappropriate Intimacy  Alternative Classes with Different Interfaces  Incomplete Library Class  Data Class  Comments  Refused Bequest Catalog of Refactorings:  Rename method, Move method, Extract method, Extract class, Hide delegates, Inline class ... PA103: Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems IS © R. Ošlejšek, FI MU 8Spring 2016 Smell: Duplicated Code If the same code structure is repeated. Extract Method - gather duplicated code Pull Up Field - move to a common parent Form Template Method - gather similar parts, leaving holes Substitute Algorithm - choose the clearer algorithm Extract class - for unrelated classes, create a new class with functionality PA103: Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems IS © R. Ošlejšek, FI MU 9Spring 2016 Refactoring: Extract Method  Sometimes we have methods that do too much. The more code in a single method, the harder it is to understand and get right. It also means that logic embedded in that method cannot be reused elsewhere.  The Extract Method refactoring is one of the most useful for reducing the amount of duplication in code. public class Person { public int foo() { … int score = a*b+c; score = score * 0.8 / Math.PI; score *= factor; ... return score; } } public class Person { public int foo() { … return compteScore(a,b,c,factor); } public int computeScore(int a, int b, int c, float factor) { int score = a*b+c; score = score * 0.8 / Math.PI; score *= factor; } } PA103: Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems IS © R. Ošlejšek, FI MU 10Spring 2016 Refactoring: Form Template Method  If you find two methods in subclasses that perform the same steps, but do different things in each step, create methods for those steps with the same signature and move the original method into the base class public class Person extends Party { private String firstName; private String lastName; private Date dob; private String nationality; public void printNameAndDetails() { System.out.println("Name: " + firstName + " " + lastName); System.out.println("DOB: " + dob.toString() + ", Nationality: " + nationality); } } public abstract class Party { } public class Company extends Party { private String name; private String companyType; private Date incorporated; public void printNameAndDetails() { System.out.println("Name: " + name + " " + companyType); System.out.println("Incorporated: " + incorporated.toString()); } } PA103: Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems IS © R. Ošlejšek, FI MU 11Spring 2016 Refactoring: Form Template Method (After) public class Person extends Party { private String firstName; private String lastName; private Date dob; private String nationality; public void printDetails() { System.out.println("DOB: " + dob.toString() + ", Nationality: " + nationality); } public void printName() { System.out.println("Name: " + firstName + " " + lastName); } } public abstract class Party { public void printNameAndDetails() { printName(); printDetails(); } public abstract void printName(); public abstract void printDetails(); } public class Company extends Party { private String name; private String companyType; private Date incorporated; public void printDetails() { System.out.println("Incorporated: " + incorporated.toString()); } public void printName() { System.out.println("Name: " + name + " " + companyType); } } Did you recognize GoF design pattern?Did you recognize GoF design pattern? PA103: Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems IS © R. Ošlejšek, FI MU 12Spring 2016 Refactoring: Extract Class  Break one class into two. public class Customer { private String name; private String workPhoneAreaCode; private String workPhoneNumber; private String homePhoneAreaCode; private String homePhoneNumber; } public class Customer { private String name; private Phone workPhone; private Phone homePhone; } public class Phone { private String areaCode; private String number; } PA103: Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems IS © R. Ošlejšek, FI MU 13Spring 2016 Refactoring: Substitute Algorithm  Choose the clearer algorithm. Next code prints items separated by comma (no comma is printed after the last item). for (int i = 0; i < items.length-1; i++) { System.out.println(items[i] + ”,”); } System.out.println(items[items.length-1]); for (int i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { System.out.println(items[i]); if (i < items.length-1) System.out.println(“,”); } PA103: Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems IS © R. Ošlejšek, FI MU 14Spring 2016 Smell: Long Method If the body of a method is over a page (choose your page size) Extract Method - extract related behavior Replace Temp with Query - remove temporaries when they obscure meaning Introduce Parameter Object - slim down parameter lists by making them into objects Replace Method with Method Object - still too many parameters Decompose Conditionals - conditional and loops can be moved to their own methods PA103: Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems IS © R. Ošlejšek, FI MU 15Spring 2016 Refactoring: Replace Temp with Query  You are using a temporary variable to hold the result of an expression. Extract the expression into a method. Replace all references to the temp with the expression. The new method can then be used in other methods and allows for other refactorings. double basePrice = quantity * itemPrice; if (basePrice > 1000) return basePrice * 0.95; else return basePrice * 0.98; { ... if (basePrice() > 1000) return basePrice() * 0.95; else return basePrice() * 0.98; … } double basePrice() { return quantity * itemPrice; } PA103: Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems IS © R. Ošlejšek, FI MU 16Spring 2016 Refactoring: Introduce Parameter Object  Slim down parameter lists by making them into objects (e.g. via nested class). public void handleEmployee(String name, String address, double salary, String evaluation) { ... } public void handleEmployeee(EmployeeParams params) { params.getName(); ... } public class EmployeeParams { private String name; private String address; private double salary; private String evaluation; public String getName() { return name; } ... } PA103: Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems IS © R. Ošlejšek, FI MU 17Spring 2016 Refact.: Replace Method with Method Object  You have a long method that uses local variables in such a way that you cannot apply Extract Method => Turn the method into its own object so that all the local variables become fields on that object. You can then decompose the method into other methods on the same object. public class Order { ... double price() { double primaryBasePrice; double secondaryBasePrice; double tertiaryBasePrice; // long computation; ... } PA103: Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems IS © R. Ošlejšek, FI MU 18Spring 2016 Refactoring: Decompose Conditionals  You have a complicated conditional (if-then-else) statement => Extract methods from the condition, then part, and else parts. if (date.before (SUMMER_START) || date.after(SUMMER_END)) { charge = quantity * _winterRate + _winterServiceCharge; } else { charge = quantity * _summerRate; } if (notSummer(date)) { charge = winterCharge(quantity); } else { charge = summerCharge (quantity); } PA103: Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems IS © R. Ošlejšek, FI MU 19Spring 2016 Smell: Long Parameter List A method does not need many parameter, only enough to be able to retrieve what it needs Replace Parameter with Method - turn a parameter into a message Introduce Parameter Object - turn several parameters into an object PA103: Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems IS © R. Ošlejšek, FI MU 20Spring 2016 Refactoring: Replace Parameter with Method  An object invokes a method, then passes the result as a parameter for a method. The receiver can also invoke this method => Remove the parameter and let the receiver invoke the method. int basePrice = quantity * itemPrice; discountLevel = getDiscountLevel(); double finalPrice = discountedPrice(basePrice, discountLevel); int basePrice = quantity * itemPrice; double finalPrice = discountedPrice (basePrice); PA103: Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems IS © R. Ošlejšek, FI MU 21Spring 2016 Smell: Shotgun Surgery If you find yourself making a lot of small changes for each desired change Move Method/Field – pull all the changes into single class Inline Class – group a bunch of behavior together PA103: Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems IS © R. Ošlejšek, FI MU 22Spring 2016 Refactoring: Move Method/Field  A method is, or will be, using or used by more features of another class than the class on which it is defined => Create a new method with a similar body in the class it uses most. Either turn the old method into a simple delegation, or remove it altogether.  A field is, or will be, used by another class more than the class on which it is defined => Create a new field in the target class, and change all its users. << PA103: Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems IS © R. Ošlejšek, FI MU 23Spring 2016 Refactoring: Inline Class  A class isn't doing very much => Move all its features into another class and delete it. PA103: Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems IS © R. Ošlejšek, FI MU 24Spring 2016 Smell: Speculative Generality If a class has features that are only used in test cases, remove them. Collapse Hierarchy - for useless abstract classes Inline Class - for useless delegation Rename Method - methods with odd abstract names should be brought down to earth PA103: Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems IS © R. Ošlejšek, FI MU 25Spring 2016 Refactoring: Collapse Hierarchy  A superclass and subclass are not very different => Merge them together. PA103: Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems IS © R. Ošlejšek, FI MU 26Spring 2016 Refactoring: Rename Method  The name of a method does not reveal its purpose => Change the name of the method. PA103: Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems IS © R. Ošlejšek, FI MU 27Spring 2016 Smell: Middle Man An intermediary object is used too often to get at encapsulated values Remove Middle Man - to talk directly to the target Replace Delegation with Inheritance - turns the middle man into a subclass of the real object PA103: Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems IS © R. Ošlejšek, FI MU 28Spring 2016 Refactoring: Remove Middle Man  A class is doing too much simple delegation => Get the client to call the delegate directly. PA103: Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems IS © R. Ošlejšek, FI MU 29Spring 2016 Refact.: Replace Delegation with Inheritance  You're using delegation and are often writing many simple delegations for the entire interface => Make the delegating class a subclass of the delegate. PA103: Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems IS © R. Ošlejšek, FI MU 30Spring 2016 Smell: Inappropriate Intimacy Classes are too intimate and spend too much time delving in each other’s private parts Move Method/Field - to separate pieces in order to reduce intimacy Extract Class - make a common class of shared behavior/data Replace Inheritance with Delegation - when a subclass is getting too cozy PA103: Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems IS © R. Ošlejšek, FI MU 31Spring 2016 Refact.: Replace Inheritance with Delegation  A subclass uses only part of a superclasses interface or does not want to inherit data => Create a field for the superclass, adjust methods to delegate to the superclass, and remove the subclassing. PA103: Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems IS © R. Ošlejšek, FI MU 32Spring 2016 Smell: Message Chain Long chains of messages to get to a value are brittle as any change in the intermittent structure will break the code Hide Delegate - remove one link in a chain Extract Method - change the behavior to avoid chains PA103: Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems IS © R. Ošlejšek, FI MU 33Spring 2016 Refactoring: Hide Delegate  A client is calling a delegate class of an object => Create methods on the server to hide the delegate. PA103: Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems IS © R. Ošlejšek, FI MU 34Spring 2016 Smell: Switch Statements Switch statements lead to duplication and inhibit change Extract method - to remove the switch Move method - to get the method where polymorphism can apply Replace Type Code with State/Strategy - set up inheritance Replace Conditional with Polymorphism - get rid of the switch PA103: Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems IS © R. Ošlejšek, FI MU 35Spring 2016 Ref.: Replace Conditional with Polymorphism  You have a conditional that chooses different behavior depending on the type of an object => Move each leg of the conditional to an overriding method in a subclass. Make the original method abstract. double getSpeed() { switch (type) { case EUROPEAN: return getBaseSpeed(); case AFRICAN: return getBaseSpeed() - getLoadFactor() * numberOfCoconuts; case NORWEGIAN_BLUE: return (isNailed) ? 0 : getBaseSpeed(voltage); } throw new RuntimeException ("Should be unreachable"); } PA103: Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems IS © R. Ošlejšek, FI MU 36Spring 2016 Refact.: Replace Type Code with State/Strategy  You have a type code that affects the behavior of a class, but you cannot use subclassing => Replace the type code with a state object. PA103: Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems IS © R. Ošlejšek, FI MU 37Spring 2016 Lecture 4 / Part 2: Bad Smells In Code (Overview of Another Bed Smells) PA103: Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems IS © R. Ošlejšek, FI MU 38Spring 2016 Bad Smells in Code Large Class (stench 7) If a class has either too many variables or too many methods Extract Class - to bundle variables/methods PA103: Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems IS © R. Ošlejšek, FI MU 39Spring 2016 Bad Smells in Code Divergent Change (stench 5) If you find yourself repeatedly changing the same class then there is probably something wrong with it Extract Class - group functionality commonly changed into a class PA103: Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems IS © R. Ošlejšek, FI MU 40Spring 2016 Bad Smells in Code Feature Envy (stench 6) If a method seems more interested in a class other than the class it actually is in Move Method - move the method to the desired class Extract Method - if only part of the method shows the symptoms PA103: Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems IS © R. Ošlejšek, FI MU 41Spring 2016 Bad Smells in Code Data Clumps (stench 4) Data items that are frequently together in method signatures and classes belong to a class of their own Extract Class - turn related fields into a class Introduce Parameter Object - for method signatures PA103: Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems IS © R. Ošlejšek, FI MU 42Spring 2016 Bad Smells in Code Primitive Obsession (stench 3) Primitive types inhibit change Replace Data Value with Object - on individual data values Move Method/Field - pull all the changes into a single class Introduce Parameter Object - for signatures Replace Array with Object - to get rid of arrays PA103: Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems IS © R. Ošlejšek, FI MU 43Spring 2016 Bad Smells in Code Parallel Inheritance Hierarchies (stench 6) If when ever you make a subclass in one corner of the hierarchy, you must create another subclass in another corner Move Method/Field - get one hierarchy to refer to the other PA103: Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems IS © R. Ošlejšek, FI MU 44Spring 2016 Bad Smells in Code Lazy Class (stench 4) If a class (e.g. after refactoring) does not do much, eliminate it. Collapse Hierarchy- for subclasses Inline Class - remove a single class PA103: Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems IS © R. Ošlejšek, FI MU 45Spring 2016 Bad Smells in Code Temporary Field (stench 3) If a class has fields that are only set in special cases, extract them Extract Class - for the special fields PA103: Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems IS © R. Ošlejšek, FI MU 46Spring 2016 Bad Smells in Code Comments (stench 2) Comments are often a sign of unclear code... consider refactoring PA103: Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems IS © R. Ošlejšek, FI MU 47Spring 2016 Questions?