Logo Business ecosystem © Leonard Walletzký 2016 Logo Logo Strategic alliances •specialization of each of the partners + exploit their strengths • add missing capabilities * = Greater flexibility and quicker response to development * Logo Environmental concept of innovation •The success of innovation reaches only organization with the support of partners - members of the strategic alliance. • •As well as the individual components of biological ecosystem are also individual cells of the business ecosystem mutually dependent • •= • •change in individual development raises the need for changes in the development of the entire ecosystem Logo Why ecosystem? * he company can not exist by itself - for its existence must be a reason * The company must be in an ecosystem helpful * For customers: * They must solve their problem for which they are willing to pay * For suppliers: * Must be stable and trustworthy partner * For employees * stable income * for investors * Delivering profit * For ????? Logo What constitutes the elements of the ecosystem? * Not only the standard chain and financial relations * The company builds relationships with other major groups * stakeholders * All those whom the firm affects or is affected by them * Logo Example http://image.slidesharecdn.com/business-20ecosystem-20design-130831085446-phpapp01/95/business-ecos ystem-design-21-638.jpg?cb=1379181577 Logo Entrepreneurial ecosystem * Competitive competition shifts from mutual combat various entities in mutual rivalry individual ecosystems (parts) * •??? * * Possibility of use of force combined resources to implement otherwise impossible to realize an innovative project * Loss of independence when deciding to implement their own innovative projects * The need for a conflict-free functioning of the entire business ecosystem * The division of revenues from the successful implementation Logo Approaches * INTEGRATION: * The creator of innovation ensures its forces management of all steps (including partners) necessary for the successful commercialization of innovative ideas. * CONDUCTOR: * Creator of innovations is coordinated use of all resources alliances, which are involved in the commercialization of innovative solutions to the processing itself contributes only partially. * LICENSE: * Creator of innovative ideas to share in the proceeds of its commercialization, which provides other organizations; himself on the idea no part. Logo Why is the basis for ecosystem service provision? * Services can not be provided separately * At the inlet and outlet need to combine a number of resources for the successful completion of the service * The level of this combination is also a fundamental source of success and competitive advantage * Without the active cooperation of all members ecosystem can not be reached for further development * Entry of any monopoly into service causes stagnation services or their pseudo development (eg., UPC, Skylink) Logo Founding principles of own ecosystem •Inner * Mastering internal processes * Communication within the company * Stable management of financial resources * Detailed analysis of networks of stakeholders •Outer * Consistent behaviour * Clear declaration goals * Sharing common values