SYSTEM TRANSITION TOSYSTEM TRANSITION TO CLOUDCLOUD TOMÁŠ DOŠEKTOMÁŠ DOŠEK Product Manager - Customer Experience and Enablement CONTENTCONTENT CONDITIONS FOR MIGRATION TO CLOUDCONDITIONS FOR MIGRATION TO CLOUD PHYSICAL TO VIRTUALPHYSICAL TO VIRTUAL VIRTUAL TO VIRTUALVIRTUAL TO VIRTUAL HYBRID CLOUDHYBRID CLOUD BEFORE TRANSITIONBEFORE TRANSITION BEGINSBEGINS IT'S NECESSARY THINK OFIT'S NECESSARY THINK OF Does the IT environment really need to transition to cloud? Market analysis IT analysis Cost analysis Including maintenance resources and distinct vendor offerings Risk analysis Transition plan MARKET ANALYSISMARKET ANALYSIS WHAT WILL THE TRANSITION BRINGWHAT WILL THE TRANSITION BRING IT ANALYSISIT ANALYSIS TRANSITION FROM IT'S PERSPECTIVETRANSITION FROM IT'S PERSPECTIVE Will serve as a base for defining rules for tendering process Should include current IT inventory Functional analysis of deployed applications Libraries and their versions Functional requirements of existing applications (for instance smartcard support) The same for projected applications that are to be run in cloud Performance requirements Certain cloud implementations provide power-per-vm performance worse than baremetal hardware COST ANALYSISCOST ANALYSIS HOW MUCHHOW MUCH Based on IT assesment various vendors whose product match the needs are picked Predefined cost mentioned on web pages, etc. is not fixed and many times can be dealt to much lower HW cost Maintenance cost Someone has to maintain HW and software, updates, outages, SLA RISK ANALYSISRISK ANALYSIS WHEN SOMETHING GOES WRONGWHEN SOMETHING GOES WRONG HW Estimate risk of fault for cloud components Example: Hard drive has a projected fault rate of 2% ( depends on vendor: ), if your cloud consists of 40 TB of disk space in 512 MB drives (~80 drives) you'll annually lose almost 2 drives SW Each upgrade poses risk Enterprise applications show risk charts based on codebase changes Includes projected steps to minimize risks, or inventory of accepted risk factors PC World HDD study RISK ANALYSISRISK ANALYSIS SIMPLIFIEDSIMPLIFIED TRANSITION PLANTRANSITION PLAN PLAN OF THE BATTLEPLAN OF THE BATTLE What migrates first, what is installed first What SLAs we need to keep Maintenance windows definition PHYSICAL TO VIRTUALPHYSICAL TO VIRTUAL BAREMETAL TO CLOUDBAREMETAL TO CLOUD Complete image of the disk is made Necessary changes are done to the image Image gets uploaded to cloud Tooling can make your life easy Virt P2V VIRTUAL TO VIRTUALVIRTUAL TO VIRTUAL WHEN YOU ALREADY RUN DATACENTER VIRTUALIZATIONWHEN YOU ALREADY RUN DATACENTER VIRTUALIZATION Datacenter Virtualization (sometimes mistakenly called private cloud) Complete image of configuration for VM is transitioned Disk conversion happens in case of migration between hypervisor types Tooling can make your life easy Virt V2V HYBRID CLOUDHYBRID CLOUD WHEN YOU NEED TO SMOOTHLY TRANSITION BETWEEN PRIVATE/PUBLIC CLOUDWHEN YOU NEED TO SMOOTHLY TRANSITION BETWEEN PRIVATE/PUBLIC CLOUD normal text QUESTIONS ?QUESTIONS ?